02_The Hero Next Door (18 page)

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Authors: Irene Hannon

BOOK: 02_The Hero Next Door
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Dear Reader,

Welcome back to LIGHTHOUSE LANE!

When I envisioned this series, I knew The Devon Rose would play a prominent role in one of the books. What I didn’t envision was a romance between genteel Heather, who inhabits the rarified world of high tea, and J.C., a street-savvy undercover cop who’s used to the gritty side of life. But as these two characters came alive for me, I discovered they were perfect for each other. I hope you enjoy watching them make that discovery, too!

To learn more about my books, I invite you to visit my Web site at www.irenehannon.com. Watch for Marci’s story, coming next in my LIGHTHOUSE LANE series.

In the meantime, I wish all of you a wonderful summer!

  1. J.C. believes he’s failed to keep the promise he made to his mother to take care of his two siblings. Do you think he should feel guilty about this? Why or why not? Have you ever made a promise that you weren’t able to keep? How did you deal with that?
  3. When her parents separate, Heather cuts all contact with her father, blaming him for the destruction of their family. In this story, however, she learns new information that makes her regret that decision. Have you ever followed a course of action out of anger or stubbornness and later regretted it? How did that affect your life? What does the Bible teach us on this subject?
  5. J.C. blames himself for the death of his colleagues, assuming he made a mistake that cost them their lives. What advice would you give him to help him cope with his guilt? Have you ever made a mistake that had negative repercussions? How did you deal with it? What role did your faith play?
  7. Order, predictability and control were important to Heather. Why? Was this healthy? Why or why not?
  9. Infidelity has affected all of the Anderson women. Talk about this problem and how it impacts relationships. Why is it one of the hardest mistakes to forgive? Can trust be rebuilt in a relationship after a partner cheats? If so, what would it take to get a relationship back on track?
  11. When J.C. arrives on Nantucket, Heather wants no part of him. Identify some of the things he does that convince her he’s a man worth loving and trusting.
  13. After his parents’ break up, Heather’s nephew is angry and he starts down a dangerous path. Discuss some of the destructive behavior he exhibits. Have you ever had to deal with destructive behavior in a teen? How did you address it?
  15. When Heather’s father is diagnosed with a brain tumor, he pays her an unannounced visit, setting a reunion in motion. Why does it often take a life-threatening emergency for people to rethink long-held positions? What lessons do such situations teach us that we should apply to our normal, everyday lives?
  17. The news that the drug bust ambush was the result of information provided by his brother disheartens J.C. Yet he doesn’t want to believe he was deliberately set up because he still holds out hope of a reconciliation. Have you ever persevered in loving someone despite rejection? Why?
  19. After he learns about the repercussions of the information he provided, Nathan tries to take his life. Talk about suicide, and the reasons people consider it. What is the best way to deal with someone who has lost hope?
  21. When J.C. arrives at the prison, he is presented with the dog-eared, much-read letters he’d sent to Nathan. What does this say about the power of love? Share some examples of redemptive or transforming love from your own life.
  23. Near the end of the story, J.C. tells Heather about his Nantucket job offer and asks her if she wants him to stay. Do you think she was wise to be cautious? Why or why not?
  25. At the beginning of the book, Heather and J.C. seem like an unlikely couple. How do they each change during the course of the story in ways that open the door to a relationship? Talk about a change, growth experience or insight you’ve had in your life that set you on a new path.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3845-3


Copyright © 2009 by Irene Hannon

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