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Forever Ours by Cassia Leo
Retribution by Lea Griffith
The Devil's Beating His Wife by Siobhán Béabhar
Holier Than Thou by Buzo, Laura
Deception by Sharon Cullen
Tension by R. L. Griffin
Melting Ms Frost by Black, Kat
Groucho y yo by Groucho Marx
When Dreams are Calling by Carol Vorvain
Lust by Anthony, T. C.
Five on Finniston Farm by Enid Blyton
Recalled by Hebert, Cambria
When the Wind Blows by Saul, John
Serendipity by Cathy Marie Hake
Alaskan Fire by Sara King
Southpaw by Rich Wallace
A Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George
The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason