Read You'll Say Yes Online

Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

You'll Say Yes (23 page)

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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Chapter 15
The Bed Talk and the Date

After returning home from the hospital, Joshua monitored my recovery. I was staying in my bed for another day; under my fiancé’s supervision. Actually, it was not a serious illness. It was all because of lack of sleep and I didn't eat properly. I remembered editing one of the stories from one of my authors about someone who was emotionally wounded. It took all of her life to heal the wound. I guessed I understand what that means. I was thinking hard about my strain relationship and it affected all the aspects of my life.

I began to work for two days after I went home from the hospital. Mr. Smith, my other boss, asked me to take everything slow. He already is handing over some of the editing process to Camila. Instantly, I knew it was not a good sign. I guessed right. I received a phone call from my author and she begged me to work again with her. She was not pleased with Camila's work. I've told her to talk to Mr. Smith and in the end; my boss gave the editing process to me again. I don't care what Camila thinks. She already caused enough damage. She appears to be enjoying her relationship with Ryan. I didn't see him much, because I always got out from my office every lunch time.

Not only had I needed to recover my health, but also to recover my relationship with Joshua. I knew he felt guilty for the cause of my illness, but he did the best he can to gain my trust and to fix everything. He couldn't escape from his shift in the hospital, but he always reminded me to take my medicine and to have my meal. And shockingly, Joshua spent his night in my bed and I was getting used waking up next to him in the morning. I've never felt shocked every time woke up next to him. Somehow I felt I couldn't stay away from him and my bed felt empty if he had to spend the night in the hospital. We never mentioned Ryan anymore, although I've told him I've seen Ryan in my office during lunch time. Joshua just made me promise to tell him if Ryan was beginning to take piss me off. Stella and my parents also called, asking how I've been. I assured them that I was all right, but I didn't mention I fell sick because of Joshua, although perhaps my parents already knew. Thomas and Jennifer also visited me a week after my arrival from the hospital. They were a busy couple too; I was lucky Thomas was helping me that day.

And today, apparently it was not my lucky day. I caught up with my work so I was still in my office 'till lunch time. I just realized what time it was when I opened a text message from Joshua which reminding me to eat lunch. I groaned while taking off my glasses. I was stretching my legs and my arms and grabbed my purse when a husky voice greeted me.

"Good day, Ms. Bennett."

I froze and clutched my purse. I sneaked a glance to Camila's office.


Where the hell was she?

I turned around slowly and saw Ryan standing in my office.

He grinned while I narrowed my eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" I demanded

He shrugged. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to have lunch with me."

I raised my eyebrows. "Don't you want to go with Camila?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "She's sick right now," He paused and let out another throaty laugh. "She was right. You are too absorbed with your work."

I clenched my jaw. "So, you're asking me to lunch when she's sick? Well, it's very nice of you, but no, thanks."

I grabbed my purse and begun to walk past him when suddenly he grabbed my elbow. I gasped and he turned me around.

He was staring at me with his dark eyes. "I'm just being nice to you. Why are you so rude?"

I jerked my arm away from his hold. "First, I am engaged. Second, this is my office, Mr. Adams. I suggest you don't do anything stupid," I hissed.

He smirked and raised his hands, feigning defeat. "All right. But, let me just take you to lunch. That's all and I will never disturb you again."

I sighed and walked out from my office; followed by the grinning Ryan.

I walked into my favorite Italian restaurant. I was thinking of some precautions, of course. I was sure Ryan wouldn't do anything foolish inside a restaurant. I chose the table at the center of the room and Ryan sat across from me. A waitress approached our table and handed our menu. I ordered pasta and coke while Ryan repeated the same order as mine. I stared at him after the waitress left.

He smiled and I huffed in my seat.

"So, you're engaged?" He asked me.


He nodded thoughtfully. "He didn't force you with this engagement, did he?"

I went rigid.

Ryan smirked.

Damn! My lack of lying ability was not good for this moment.

He raised his eyebrows. "He really forced you?"

I narrowed my eyes. "No, he didn't force me." Force was not the right term. It was more like justified, but I wouldn't talk about that.

Ryan chuckled and shook his head. "I don't believe you, Abby. You had a lot of chance to be with a better guy, but instead you got stuck with him."

I gave him a shaky laugh. "He's better than anyone I know," I said and narrowed my eyes. "Especially from you."

He titled his head and grinned. "What did he tell you about me?"

I took several deep breaths to calm myself. I've already faced lots of guys like him. This shouldn't be hard.

"He told me everything what you did in your dorm."

He caught me off guard when suddenly he laughed so hard. Several guests looked at us. I tried hard not to blush, but I failed miserably.

Ryan shook his head again. "I can't believe this. He just told you that part? What about the good side of me?"


"You have a good side?" I asked him skeptically.

Ryan looked surprise and put one of his hands to his chest, feigning hurt. "He didn't tell you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just spill it!"

Our conversation was halted by the arrival of our lunch. Ryan sipped his drink after the waitress left while I was waiting patiently for his answer.

"So?" I encouraged him.

He smiled and playing with the glass in his hand. "I was graduated from Harvard in English Literature magna cum laude. I work for a publishing company in New York," He paused and raised his glass, "The same company as yours."

My eyes widened and my body went colder than the coke I ordered. "What?"

He grinned. "Actually, we're working in the same place, Ms. Bennett, although maybe in a different division. I came here to assist your bosses to select the candidate for our new offices."

Suddenly everything made sense; our meeting at the coffee shop, our encounter on the bookstore and most of all, how often I've seen him in my office during lunch time. I shuddered internally. This was worse than the one in a million chances that Joshua was talking about.

My face turned pale.

This was not good at all. I lowered my head and stared blankly at the table. How on earth will I tell Joshua about this? He would turn into his panic mode. Wait! Did Joshua already know about this too? From my peripheral vision, I could see Ryan playing his pasta with a fork.

"I know you don't expect to become one of the candidates, but I must inform you, Mr. Smith is so pleased with your work. You're one of the candidates, Ms. Bennett," He told me.

Suddenly, I didn't feel hungry anymore.

I went home in a daze. It was a surprise that I didn't hit anything on my way home. I parked on the side of the parking lot and I was expecting to see Joshua's car. He told me that he'll come home early to spend the afternoon with me. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes. I promised to tell him about Ryan and I knew I that I would have to tell him sooner or later. It was better if he knew it from me rather than from anybody else.

I walked slowly into my room and unlocked my door. I opened the door to see Joshua was sitting in the living room. He smiled when he saw me and rose from the couch. He wore a grey T-shirt and cotton pants. I smiled back to him. He kissed my forehead and took my bag. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw my expression.

"What's wrong, dear? Are you having a hard day at work?"

Well, hard day was an understatement. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair; a habit I was learned from him. "I'll tell you later."

He studied my face, but then nodded slowly. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked to my room. I took a deep breath and sat on my bed. I replayed again half of the conversation at lunch with Ryan.


I looked over at the restaurant table. I didn't touch my food while from the corner of my eyes, I could see Ryan was eating his lunch hungrily. I almost rolled my eyes. That guy was ridiculous.

"Hungry?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows.

He sipped his coke and nodded, continuing to eat his pasta. "The food is good." And then he stopped and realized I didn't eat at all. "Aren't you hungry?"

Truthfully, watching him eat already made me full. I smiled grimly. "No, I'm not hungry anymore."

Ryan titled his head and grinned.

I frowned. "What?"

"Joshua was right. You are lovely."

I scoffed. "Thanks," I answered rudely.

He tapped his chin and looked at me thoughtfully. "What do you think his reaction will be if I send you to New York?"

My breath stopped and shivered ran through my body. My eyes widened.

Ryan smirked when he saw my expression. He played with his fork. "I still can't believe he really loves you. He could have all the girls he wants, and yet he chooses you." His tone was firm and there was no trace of insult.

Well, actually that was what I thought too.

"But, I can see why you're different," He looked at me with his dark eyes. "You are special."

I gulped and began to grab my purse. I pulled out some cash and slipped the money on the table. I stood from my chair, "Thank you, but I'm leaving."

I walked out from the restaurant without looking back.

*End of Flashback*




"Abby? Dear? Are you all right?"

A soft voice brought me back to reality. I blinked several times to bring me back from my trance and looked up to see Joshua pop his head from my door. He furrowed his eyebrows and got in into my room. I followed his movements with my eyes until he sat next to me in my bed. He stroked my hair and looked at me worriedly.

"What's wrong? You seem a little bit distracted."

I didn't answer him.

I just stared at him.

His hazel eyes, his beautiful face, his strong cheekbones and jaw, his warm lips...What would happened if I left him here? Will we be able to see each other again? Will his love survive for the second time in our separation? Suddenly I felt a tug in my chest and my eyes welled with tears. I didn't want to lose him.

"Abby!" He said in an alarmed tone.

I still looked at him. I didn't care when I felt tears were leaking from my eyes and through my cheeks.

"Abby, please, say something," He said frantically while wiping my tears away.

In one swift movement, I hugged him tightly. He seemed startled, but he returned my hug. I sobbed on his shoulder. Joshua kissed my hair and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Sweetheart, is there something wrong?" He asked again in smooth voice.

"Just...hold me...please," I managed to say between my sobs.

He tightened his hug and whispered in my ear, "Forever."

I sobbed freely, letting out my frustration and my warm feelings for Joshua. I didn't know if he knew, but I realized something now.

I fell in love with Joshua Walsh.


Joshua let me take my shower after the little incident. He didn't ask me about it again; I was sure he knew that he couldn't make me talk if I didn't want to. I ate my dinner in silence, taking more portion of food than the normal. I was sure Joshua could see it, but again, he didn't say anything.

"Do you want to sleep now?" He asked me after I finished washing the dishes.

I stifled a yawn and looked over the clock. It's already 10 pm.

"Come on. You need to sleep," He said to me and carried me bridal style to my room before I could protest.

I slumped to his shoulder and he kissed my forehead briefly while carrying me to my room. I tightened my hold on his neck; somehow I felt I wanted to savor this moment with him. I wanted to spend my time in his room. I wanted to sleep in his arms and inhale his wonderful scent. He wouldn't refuse, would he?

"Wait," I said weakly.

He stopped in front of my bedroom door.

"What is it, dear?"

I gulped and I could my cheeks flushed.

He raised his eyebrows. "You're blushing?"

Oh, great!

He chuckled. "You can tell me now, Abby."

"Um..." I stuttered while playing with his shirt. "Can I...can I...sleep in your room?" I bit my lip.

Joshua looked at me in shock and his eyes seemed unfocused. I really wished I could just disappear at the moment. I buried my face to his shoulder, to cover my embarrassment.

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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