You'll Say Yes (22 page)

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Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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I looked over at the blond nurse. I didn't have to be a psychic to know that she has a crush with Joshua too. That didn't surprise me. All women did. Should I mention Camila and my boss? Sometimes I found myself asking if I was normal. Looks like I was the only one who was immune to his charm.

Well, for now anyway...

"Thank you for the dinner, Ms. McCoy, but I think Ms. Bennett needs time for eating all of her food."

Both the nurse and I looked over the door to see a man with brown hair and blue eyes standing at the door frame. My eyes widened and looked over the man in disbelief.


William smiled and the nurse excused herself. He came into my room and flipped my chart over. He pursued his lips and then smiled again to me. "So, how are you, Abby?"

I blew out a breath. "Trust me. I've been better."

He chuckled and sat in Joshua's spot next to my bed. He was wearing a blue sweater and trousers. He didn't look like a man that has an adult son.

I looked over his shoulder to find Farah, but I didn't see her. "Where's Farah?"

"She had a meeting with her client in New York. I came here alone."

I raised my eyebrows.

"It's nice to see you awake. Joshua called me when your neighbor brought you here. He seemed panic and I promised him I'd visit you."

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat. That explained everything.

"Is everything all right, Abby?"

I swallowed my food and sipped my drink. I looked to his face. "Yeah, I think."

He smiled grimly. "I apologize if my son is the cause of your illness. I've already told him I'd let you move from your apartment and lived apart if he still acted that way."

I just nodded and tried to finish my food. It tasted bad, but I really didn't have any choice now.

"What about you, Abby? Do you still want to live with him?"

I froze.

Well, that was a good question from my in-law. Did I? Sometimes I felt awful about his reactions, but I didn't think I could stay away from him now. I'd always wanted to be with him.

"Abby, I've told you before, my wife and I will not punish you nor will your parents. We already gave Joshua a chance, but apparently it hasn't gone too well. If you want to back out, I could talk to my son."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

"Abby, are you all right?"

I opened my eyes to see William checking my pulse. He raised his face to look at me making sure I was all right. I smiled grimly. "I like him, William."

William stared at me and sighed.

I sighed too and held his hand. "I want to give him another chance."

William looked at me. "All right. But, if something like this happens again, I'll ask you to live apart. Even if he agrees or not."

I nodded. No need to argue when the parents have already made their decision. This was a compromise, I could tell.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I smiled. I could see where Joshua gotten his habit. "Have you seen Joshua?" I asked him.

"Not yet. I just called him to let him know that I was here. He'll be here soon."

I put the tray on the desk and played with the hem of my hospital gown. I looked over to William. "Has Joshua always reacted this way?"

He smiled. "Not always. I assumed it was because he was an only child and he was grown up with the wrong friend," He paused. I wondered which friend he was talking about. "He still managed to learn how to maintain a relationship," He continued.

"Do you ever...think...about...having another child?" I asked him carefully. It was a sensitive question, though. I could imagine a brown haired woman or another red hair man with William's eyes standing next to Joshua.

William's eyes turned sad and I felt bad immediately for asking the question. "I'm sorry if I offended you. You don't have to answer my question," I told him nervously.

He shook his head. "No, it's okay." He sighed again. "Actually, my wife was pregnant with our second child when Joshua was 10 years old. But, she had a miscarriage and during that, it also made her unable to have another child."

My eyes widened. What? "I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's all right, Abby," He interjected. "We’re already passed that."

I looked at William sadly. "Did Joshua know?" I couldn't imagine Farah or Joshua getting through something like that.

He nodded glumly. "Yes. And he felt sad too."

I sighed and leaned back onto my pillow. I couldn't imagine how that feels. The excitement of having a sibling, but then have it all disappeared because of a miscarriage.

"I'm really sorry."

William smiled and kissed my forehead. "Don't be sorry. We already considered you as our daughter. You're the only one who can make my son happy. Thank you, Abby."

I smiled and nodded.

Three knocks from my door and both William and I turned around to see Joshua standing in my doorframe. He grimaced when he saw his dad.

"Hi, Dad."

William nodded. "Joshua."

Suddenly, the atmosphere was thick with tension. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please...I'm fine. You both are father and son, for God's sake."

I was shocked when I heard they both chuckled.



After another day of torturous of staying in the hospital, William and Joshua allowed me to go home. It was nice to have two personal doctors taking care of you. William went back to Long Beach after making sure I was all right. He reminded Joshua to treat me well this time. Joshua took me home and when we arrived at the parking lot I was surprised to see little Joshua standing in front of our apartment building holding a bouquet of lilies. I looked over to Joshua, but he just smirked.

Little Joshua smiled widely when he saw me and started running to approach me. He handed me the bouquet and I gladly took it from him.

"Hi, Abby. It's really nice to see you again. Joshua told me you're sick, but he said I couldn't visit you in the hospital, so I decided to see you when you got home," Little Joshua said.

I chuckled. "Thank you, Joshua." It was strange knowing I was surrounded by two Joshuas. I kissed his cheek. "You're so sweet."

He blushed and ran back to his building.

I looked over to my Joshua and I saw him narrow his eyes. I raised my eyebrows. "What?"

"So, little Joshua got a kiss when I don't?"

I burst out laughing. His expression was funny to see. I approached him and gave him a chaste kiss. Joshua smiled on my lips. "Well, that's better."

I rolled my eyes while he chuckled and we walked together to our apartment. Joshua gave me one more day to stay home from the office. I intended to recover myself and hopefully I could talk with him about William's compromise.

I took a shower and changed my clothes while Joshua made me a real meal. I curled up on the couch and flipped through the television channels. Nothing interested me, so I turned off the TV. I got up from my couch and pressed the play button on the stereo's remote. Classical music was heard from the speaker and I returned to my spot on the couch. Joshua appeared in the living room with my meal. I ate the while he just sat next to me playing with my hair. He also told me to take my medication. Ugh! I hate being sick.

I leaned back on the couch after finishing my food and swallowed my pills. Joshua pulled me to him and I rested on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and we sat there in silence, enjoying the soft music.

"Thank you for taking care of me," I said to him.

"Anytime, Abby."

I played with his fingers absent-mindedly. "Did you tell my parents?"

He sighed. "I just told your dad, if I told Bianca she probably would have had a heart attack."

I smiled and continued playing with his fingers. "William told me about Farah's miscarriage," I blurted out and then I regretted it instantly.

He froze, but then relaxed. He kissed my hair and laid his head to the couch. "It was a long time ago."

"Do you still feel sad?"

He smiled grimly and looked at me. "Sometimes. But I know there's nothing my dad and I could have done."

I looked at him sadly and lowered my head to play with his fingers again. And then I felt him lifted my chin to look at him. Our gaze met and I got lost staring to his green eyes. He leaned down and kissed me. It was gentle at first, but when I knotted my fingers into his hair, our kiss became more passionate. We continued to kiss until I felt Joshua laid me back to the couch. He never broke the kiss and I could feel the fire in my body. We were both breathing hard and I could feel he was starting to play with the hem of my T-shirt. Normally I would push him back but I couldn't.

I needed him.

I wanted him.

Our bodies molded to each other. I could feel his warm body pressed into mine. His lips moved to my neck and my collarbone. My breathing became shallow and my heart pounded heavily. "Abby," He murmured.

His voice snapped me back to reality. As much as I wanted this, I needed to make sure where my feelings are first. We also hadn't talk about our problems yet.

I broke the kiss and put my hands on his chest. "No," I said softly.

Joshua raised his head and looked at me. His eyes were dark with lust. "No?"

I shook my head and tried to control my breathing. "We need to talk, Joshua."

He closed his eyes and got up from his position. He pinched the bridge of his nose and I could tell he was trying to control his breathing.

I got up slowly and also trying to control my breathing. "I'm sorry," I said weakly.

He opened his eyes and smiled. "I've told you before, you're so desirable. I'm sorry if I pushed you earlier."

I nodded slowly playing with my fingers.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked me.

"Did your dad mention something to you about our condition?"

He sighed. "I suppose. He said he'll force us to live apart if this thing happened again."

I looked at him. "He said the same thing to me as well."

Joshua rubbed his temples. "If you want to move out, I won't force you, Abby."



He looked back at me. "I will not keep you here if you don't want to be. It was selfish of me to force you live with me. You have every right to leave, but I've already decided this matter for you. I shouldn't have forced you, I'm sorry."

I looked at him in disbelief. My heart rate picked up. "No, I will not move out."

He rolled his eyes and stood from the couch. He took steps away from the couch and turned to look at me. "Don't do this for me, Abby. I just want to make you happy. If staying with me makes you unhappy, then I will not force you."

I opened my mouth to speak and closed it again. This was ridiculous. He said he wanted to give me a choice and yet he did it again. He already made a one sided decision. I was not having that. I rose from the couch and looked at him. "Who said I wasn't happy staying here with you?"

He smiled grimly. "You got sick, Abby. It was my fault."

"No," I said stubbornly. "It was my fault too, because I was too scared to talk to you." I sighed and my head started to spin again. I staggered back and Joshua caught me.

"Abby?" He said worriedly.

I waved my hand. "I'm all right."

He exhaled and sat me back at the couch. He pulled my body to his chest again. "Please, dear, you still need to rest. I'll stay here with you."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Just promise me you'll never say that again. You'll never say I must live apart from you."

I could feel he nods. "I promise."

"And please, promise me we can talk like two adults if we have problems," I said to him.

He kissed the top of my head. "I promise too, Abby. Now, time to rest. I love you." He said softly.

I nodded and closed my eyes. I didn't want to think about my work or Ryan for the moment. I just wanted to stay here in Joshua's arm as his fiancée.

Joshua hummed me the same melody from the hospital and I drifted to a deep sleep.





































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