Read Yes to Everything Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Yes to Everything (22 page)

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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Ten minutes later they pulled into the bottom floor of a converted warehouse and Boyd was grateful they’d finally made it since Sidney’s roaming hands were about to kill him.

She hopped off and waited between the Harleys looking innocent. Boyd asked, “You’re in league with the devil, aren’t you, Sidney?” She nodded with a sweet smile and both men laughed as they climbed off their bikes.

As they led her into the freight elevator, she said cheerfully, “I should warn you, my first boyfriend in high school broke up with me due to chafing…his…not mine. I’ve only had two boyfriends but I managed to use them up fairly quickly. Maybe I’ll have better luck with two men at once.” Zane actually tripped getting out of the elevator and Sidney laughed. “I’m blunt. It’s part of my charm.”

Boyd stopped and asked incredulously, “You’ve only had two boyfriends?”

She nodded. “I’m twenty-one, how many men should I have destroyed by now?” Both men snorted and she ran her fingers through her red curls. “I’ve tried women but they aren’t hard enough for me and I got annoyed. My second ‘boyfriend’, for lack of a better term, was one of my dance instructors. When caught, he blamed me and I ended up expelled. I think he was just pissed he couldn’t keep up with me when he’d talked such a big game. I put myself through cosmetology by stripping. I have no inhibitions and I don’t apologize for that but I’m selective, to the point that it’s been almost two years. It will likely be even longer after tonight.”

Giving them her winning smile, Zane whipped her over his shoulder carried her through the foyer in a huge open living space. She heard a noise and turned her head upside down to see Boyd dragging a king size mattress in front of a bank of windows.

He told her, “A regular bed is just not going to work with you, Sidney, I can tell that already.” It made her laugh and Zane went to a huge stereo system. Soon music pounded through the room. Sidney kept beat on his ass.

“I fucking love this place, I could do back flips forever.” Zane groaned. “Or you could put me down and I could give you a show. I made quite the name for myself as a stripper but I always wore a mask.” She was set on her feet in two seconds and gave him a smile as she stepped out of her heels. Going to his stereo, she flipped through songs until she found one she liked.

Raising her brows in surprise, “You have 50 Cent and Two Live Crew? Oh hell yes. You have to have good beat or it’s no fun.” Just a Lil Bit blasted through the speakers and the men stood with their hands on their hips to watch her, truly enjoying the descriptive song she’d chosen.

Sidney didn’t hold back, dancing around a small area of the room as she stripped for them. When she was down to an electric blue demi-cup bra and matching thong, she went to one of the support poles and worked it like neither of them had ever seen. Her strength and control were unreal as she climbed it and hung upside down using her legs and stroked over her body. Putting her palms flat on the floor, she did a walk-over and did several floor moves that had their mouths watering.

Getting back to her feet, she turned away and unhooked the front clasp on her bra. Holding out one side, then the other, before putting them back together like she was shy. They watched the muscles in her back and legs as she kept time, turning gracefully and dropping the bra to the floor and putting her fingers over her lips like it had been an accident.

Never before had one of them seen a pair of panties come off a body so slowly or provocatively. Lowering to her knees, she ran her hands over herself and as the last note hit, she winked.

“Sidney, we’re going to have to thank you for the best show we’ve ever seen. We’ll have to thank you for a long time, honey.” She grinned and got to her feet, walking toward them confidently. “You truly don’t have an ounce of shyness in you.”

She shook her head and her curls bounced happily around her face and shoulders, “I was born without that gene. It’s weird, right? You’d think I’d be a slut, or maybe a porn star or something. Nope, I do hair and makeup and love it. I’ve always been really girly like that.” She went to Boyd’s shirt and started undoing buttons. When it hung open, she moved to Zane and did the same.

“Now, in bed, I’m more like a man. Well, the way I think men should be. I like hard and fast much more than slow and gentle. There’s a time and place for slow and gentle, I guess, but I haven’t experienced it yet.” Kneeling on the floor, she unlaced Boyd’s boots then Zane’s, pulling them off and taking their socks. “I think you each are about ten inches taller than me, outweigh me by almost a hundred pounds, I bet you could throw me all over this place. That sounds wonderful.”

Boyd smiled hungrily as he picked her up and slammed her into the nearest wall, claiming her mouth. Her arms and legs wrapped around him like a vice and she met his aggression with her own. He worked her hard with his teeth and tongue.

Zane appeared beside them and she moved her eyes down his naked body. “My god, that’s more like it. There is nothing androgynous about your bodies. None of that metrosexual shit for you two.” Boyd was kissing down her neck and she told him. “I think it’s your turn, baby.” He handed her off to Zane.

“Sidney…you’re so flexible. We’re going to enjoy twisting your fine ass in a pretzel.”

“Not as much as I’m going to enjoy you doing it, Zane.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him hard. Glancing at Boyd’s now-naked form, she sighed, “Jesus, I must have finally done something right. You two are beautiful.” Tilting her head back, she said, “Kisses, please.”

Boyd stepped closer and took her mouth, his hands roaming over the front of her body. She sighed and gave him one more hard smack on the lips before turning back to Zane. “Condom…I can ride you like this.” Neither of them looked like they believed it but Boyd handed him a rubber and she waited patiently while he rolled it on. Bracing her knees at his waist, she used one hand to put him at the entrance of her pussy. Lowering carefully, moving back and forth until he was seated, she whispered, “You feel fantastic.”

“I’m very glad you’re happy, Sidney. You are so fucking wet and tight. I just realized we’ve completely neglected you, honey. Normally we’re not so selfish. You managed to distract us completely.”

She moved one leg to just above his ass and started to raise and lower herself using her hands on his shoulders and her leg strength. “I came behind each of you on the Harleys. I never knew how much I’d love motorcycles. Between having you guys to grope and the vibration of the bikes, dear god. And don’t think you’re being selfish, you’re letting me play. I like to play. I’m sure when you’re both ready to rock and roll, you’ll have ways of letting me know.”

Sidney moved easily on Zane and glanced at Boyd. “The two of you are huge all over. It’s like a being in a porno without the gross spitting and whatnot.”

Boyd chuckled as he raked his nails through her hair, “You watch porn?”

“Of course I do. Do I seem like the kind of person who enjoys two years without sex? No, so I have to handle things on my own. You two are bigger than my vibrator so life has taken a turn for ‘yay me’ territory.”

Zane stared at her, “I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman like you, Sidney. So balls to the wall and yet so…”

“Clean?” She offered helpfully and he stumbled to correct what he meant, “No worries, I know what you mean. You guys are used to bar skanks. Normally chicks who hand out a crazy fuck, you have to wonder where else she’s been. That isn’t me. I consider my body a temple I wish for men to pray at but that doesn’t mean I want every parishioner on their knees.”

Over her head, the two men shared a silent communication then Zane was carrying her to the mattress, his hands locked on her to keep her from moving. He lifted her off his cock and laid her on her back, following her down and lying on his stomach. Boyd appeared on her other side and she smiled. “Am I in trouble?”

“Nope,” Boyd told her. “I think Zane and I just realized something.”

She was laughing, “Do I guess? I’m very good at guessing.”

“Sidney, tell us about yourself. Not your sexual habits, something about you.”

“Why?” she asked, suddenly wary. “Guys don’t chat so why?”

“Because we say thank you very well. Tell us something about your childhood or your family.”

“Um, difficult. I had neither. Ask something else.” Her voice was still playful but they both saw the stress creeping over her expression and the tightening around her eyes and mouth.

“You don’t have any family?” Zane pressed.

She snorted derisively as she shook her head, “Family is totally overrated anyway. You should hear about the freakish robots Jeanette has for parents. Besides, now I have the girls and the kids, they’re more than enough family.”

Trying a different tack, Zane adjusted his position and took one of her nipples between his lips. Her hand went to the back of his head. Tugging the pebbled tip away from her body, he released it with a soft pop. “Where did you grow up, baby?”

“All over, but mainly California. Where did you grow up?”

Boyd said, “Zane and I grew up in Green Bay. We settled here in Chicago after the Marines because Rex and Mack grew up here. We like it.” He dropped his mouth over her other nipple and used his teeth to nibble it before laving it with his tongue. “Who did you live with as a kid?” His hand was stroking from her breast to her hip.

Less confidently, more breathlessly, “Lots of people after my mom took off with her boyfriend. Do you have family?”

Zane released her nipple and told her, “I have a sister. Boyd is an only child. We grew up on the same block, joined the Marines together. Now the other guys are our family. Mack has enough family for all four of us.” He kissed along the side of her breast and she shivered. “How did you get into dancing?”

“A foster mom had a dance studio. She had no clue what to do with me so she took me with her. I’d sit in her office and imitate the movements while I watched them through the glass. It was the same with gymnastics and martial arts. I pick up anything to do with body movement easily. I so couldn’t give two shits about book crap but I’m not dumb.”

“Hmm, we already know that about you.” Boyd hummed against her breast. “So how did you end up at a performing arts school?”

Sighing, she said, “Fine. I scoped out this guy for weeks. His family owned storage places. He was a senior, I was a junior. He was really big and dumb but nice enough, I guess. I would have him come get me from the foster place because the asshole husband wasn’t much bigger than me but was surprisingly strong for his size. I wanted him scared of my boyfriend. The kid didn’t have a mean bone in his body but I totally made him my bitch. I needed protection and he provided it. I needed a place to practice and he had that.”

She gasped as teeth closed carefully over her nipples. “I…I figured I had to give up the cherry eventually, I might as well make it on my terms and get things I needed out of the deal. I chewed him up and spit him out a couple of months later. Anyway, I researched the requirements and applied through this bullshit charity, got an audition and rocked it. They were shocked since I’d never had one class. They did not like my song selection. I thought it was quite fitting.”

They were smoothing over her body and she was thrumming under her skin. “And school, what happened there?”

She whispered, “Jesus…okay. I did well in my classes. This guy started chasing me hard. I thought he was a student, I don’t know kind of soft and young. Not my type. He was a little weird. I found out he was a professor there and a week later I got changed to his class. His choice, not mine. It started out with him telling me he had the power over my life and he didn’t want to have to do anything to mess up my time there but he needed things in return.”

A low groan as they stroked her outer thighs with very warm, very hard cocks. “I wasn’t a virgin anymore but man it pissed me the fuck off. So I made nice and bent my entire will to wrapping that little fucker around my finger until he snapped. By the end he was begging me, addicted and shaking like a crack whore. I walked away and he got me expelled which I’d been expecting since the day I found out he was a teacher. I got screwed but his career was ruined. Fucking junky stalked me for months.”

They were grinding in tandem against her hip and she gave a low whimper. “I moved to another city and took cosmetology. Started in a few low profile places, made a name for myself and kept going. Brooke picked me because of my age and I…I used the word fuck during our interview. She said I was ‘real’. I love that chick. I’m a demon, she’s an angel. We’re a good match.”

Zane’s hand was slipping over her inner thigh, “You’re fascinating, Sidney.”

“Yeah, I think there are plans for a movie of the week,” she said with absent-minded sarcasm.

Boyd chuckled, “I think you may be the strongest woman I’ve ever met.”

“Jesus Christ, you’re killing me. Do you two psychoanalyze everyone like this?” she was getting impatient.

Zane laughed, “First time, actually. You’re very unique.”

“Great…of all the bugs, this one has the most bizarre spots,” she couldn’t hide the self-deprecating snicker.

Boyd nuzzled her ear and said, “We aggravated you. We’ll make it better.” Slipping his hand along her neck, he pulled her face toward him and kissed her. She was annoyed and he worked to relax her again. Zane moved down the bed and settled between her thighs.

Boyd knew the moment his friend’s lips touched Sidney intimately because she gasped. He took the opportunity to lick into her mouth and she tried not to respond but failed after three seconds when he went after her hard.

Zane felt her tension and felt bad they’d had to push her so hard. She’d thank them in the end. The first taste of her was incredible. Her natural musk was delicious and it appeared she used some sort of honey dust on her skin. Her mound was completely bare, her skin had a hint of color to it but she’d never really tan. He took his time licking and nibbling her outer folds before trailing the flat of his tongue through her cleft, swirling over her taut little clit.

He sucked while he slipped two fingers inside her, stroking gently. He felt her tighten around him in a way he’d never felt before. “Oh, Sidney, baby, are you doing that?” Boyd broke the kiss and glanced down her body. “She can control every muscle, Boyd.”

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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