Yes to Everything (21 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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He thrust again, “But they’re too late, Jeanette. Do you understand?” She nodded again. “I’m staking claim to you until we have time to explore this further. If you decide being with me isn’t what you want, I’ll respect that. But not without the full chance, more than one night, to convince you why you’re going to want to be with me.”

Her fingers stroked over his face, “I can’t imagine why you aren’t taken, Mack.”

Tightening his body around her and feeling himself go fully hard inside her, he growled, “Because I’ve never made demands on a woman like I’m doing with you, Jeanette. When other women have left my bed, I really didn’t care where they went. With you, I care. I can’t seem to help it. I want time with you that I’ve never wanted with anyone before. Will you give me that, Jeanette?”

“God, yes, of course.” Her body was beginning to tighten as she asked breathlessly, “Why me, Mack? I’m kind of mousy.”

Mack’s laugh filled the quiet house, “Jeanette, there is nothing mousy about you. You’re like a panther. Sleek with a ‘nothing ruffles me’ attitude. That is, until you’re put in certain situations. I can sense your secret teeth and claws, baby, and I want the chance to bring them out, again and again. You’re intelligent, beautiful, and sexual. I want to show you everything you’ve been missing.”

He pulled out and stripped the condom away, reaching behind him to get another one. As he rolled it on, his eyes met hers and he could see she didn’t believe he wanted her more than in this moment. She’d led a strange life that had built up her confidence in her intelligence and torn down her confidence in her womanhood. He was so going to enjoy watching her blossom.

Crouching, Mack slipped into her carefully. When he was fully seated, he lifted her and put her back on the couch. “Sit up, put your hands on the couch behind you, baby.” She did and he moved his elbows under her knees. “I know you don’t believe everything I’m telling you right now, Jeanette. That’s okay. I don’t mind proving it to you. The pleasure will be all mine.”

He pulled back and thrust into her slowly. “I wouldn’t ask you to do anything I’m not willing to do, baby.” Her eyes went to his in surprise. “Ah, you thought I’d ask you to abstain and still do whatever I wanted. I can see why you might think that, so many men have no respect, but no.” He pulled out further and surged forward forcefully.

“Until you decide otherwise, this pussy is mine, Jeanette. The fact that no one touched you before only makes this more serious for me.” Thrusting into her again, her eyes closed for a moment before fluttering open and staring at him. “You have the same claim on my cock, Jeanette. No one will touch me but you.” He powered into her again and watched the flush build up her body.

“Watch me. Look, baby, watch me take you.” Jeanette’s eyes went to where they were joined and she sucked air through her teeth. “Beautiful, isn’t it? Watching my cock slide into you? That is your cock, baby, only yours, just as this pussy is mine and only mine. Come for me, baby, watch me fucking this perfect pussy and come for me Jeanette.”

His hips drove firmly into her and she arched forward as the orgasm hit her fiercely. He leaned over and took a puckered nipple in his mouth. She moaned his name and her pussy clamped around his cock like a vice, making him force his way into her and out again. “Yes, oh yes, Mack, please don’t stop. You feel so good.” Leaning on one hand, she brought the other up to his head. As she came down slowly, she whispered, “Harder…”

Mack’s eyes widened. Then he smiled and pumped his hips with more strength, driving into her body. “Put your fingers on your clit, Jeanette. Don’t be shy. Nothing we do together should make you feel embarrassed.”

He let go of one knee and licked the tips of two of his fingers, placing them over her clit and watching her body spasm. He played with her for a bit, watching how it affected her. Then he licked them, tasting her with a moan before picking up her hand and sucking the tips of her fingers, setting them over the tight bundle of nerves. She moved shyly at first, self-conscious about touching her body while he watched. “Yes, baby. Oh my god, you’re so beautiful, Jeanette.”

He picked up her other hand, laying her flat on the couch. He placed her hand over one breast while he took possession of the other one. Rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he saw when she started to imitate the movements.

Suddenly she was coming with his name on her lips and he grasped her knee again, powering into her hard and shoving her forcefully through it as her hands worked on her clit and nipple. When her body began to relax, he leaned over and sucked the other nipple to the roof of his mouth. She put her hand in his hair and pulled him to the other breast, he groaned in pleasure as he suckled her.

Then she lifted his face and kissed him aggressively, sucking his tongue into her mouth. Moving back, she said, “Fuck me hard, Mack.” His hands tightened on the tops of her thighs and he began slamming into her body, watching her face as he rocked himself hard against her, their bodies impacting with force. “Yes, oh god, yes, Mack!”

Her upper body locked as her knees tried to close around him. He moved faster, listening to her scream his name as she dug her nails into his sides. He delivered three more brutal strokes and came with her, not slowing until she went limp and he had nothing left.

Collapsing, his cheek resting in the valley of her breasts, he felt the aftershocks wracking her body and stroked his hands over her. “Baby, I’m going to love watching you learn what you like, to take what you want.”

Jeanette was stroking her hands through his hair, raking her nails over his scalp as she finger-combed it back from his forehead. The repetitive motion was so relaxing he could have fallen asleep. “Mack, I can tell you I look forward to you teaching me what I like, and how to take what I want. You’re incredible. I had no idea I was even capable of feeling this good and boneless.”

He chuckled and tightened his arms around her. “I love how petite you are, how pale, how silky smooth. I’m the opposite. I’m big, dark, and hard. I’ve never felt like pounding my chest before but you make me want to look around for my club.”

She laughed and he lifted his head to stare at her. “As beautiful as you are when you’re all composed, you are positively extraordinary when you laugh.” He went up on his elbows and played with her hair as they talked. He was shocked to learn all the things she’d never experienced. “What do you mean you’ve never been to an amusement park?”

“Honey, my parents thought fun for a kid was a tour of the new research facility that opened up in the town next to ours. I love them but they really don’t know what that means. How they ever managed to conceive me, I have no idea. They are completely unemotional. I’ve never seen them hold hands, not once in all my life.” She shrugged her shoulders delicately, “It’s one of the things I like most about Brooke and her siblings. They hug constantly. I think Becca gave me my first true joy-filled hug the night we watched her big sister perform in concert for the first time. It was amazing. I would do anything for that family. They saved me.”

Mack stared hard at her for a long time. “The loneliness had gotten bad, hadn’t it?” She nodded and her eyes filled with tears. He didn’t say anything else, just held her and stroked her hair back from her face and planted small kisses on her temples.

“I’m not a dramatic person, Mack. I’m unable to be outgoing without a catalyst, someone pushing me. I don’t whine and I despise self-pity. But I’d gotten to the point where I just truly didn’t see the point of getting up every morning. I live in a furnished apartment I rent by the week. I rent a car when I’m home. Everything I owned literally fit into four boxes because other than a bunch of documents, I had no evidence of a life. I had papers. I had degrees. I had articles. No photos, no stuffed animals, no dresses from prom, no Halloween costumes.”

She closed her eyes for a moment and whispered, “When I go to Brooke’s place in Oklahoma, I’m in shock by how much stuff even little Becca has. Not possessions but memories. There are photos and drawings all over their house, trophies. Becca’s room is filled with stuffed animals given to her at birthday parties and Christmas, others she won at fairs. She can tell you where every single one came from, Mack.”

Clearing her throat, she said, “My family celebrated nothing. I spent few birthdays at home because I traveled constantly. They still can’t remember my exact birthday. I have never participated in a sport in my life. The week before I met Brooke, I realized my entire life was paper. It was all grades and tests. I saw so clearly for the first time that I had nothing and it overwhelmed me. I saw the label’s ad and wondered. I finally decided one more try couldn’t hurt.”

Mack watched her swallow carefully, “Travis interviewed me, said there was someone coming in a few days, really young with so much on her plate. That I was so level, I had a history with kids. He told me about Brooke losing her parents and working so hard to provide for her instant family. She has a GED. She dropped out of high school to care for those kids. I wondered if she would find me stuffy. I mean, you’ve seen her.”

A faraway look crossed her face and her voice was softly happy, “The day I met her, she hugged me before she said anything. Her exact words were, ‘You must be Jeanette. I’ve heard how smart you are so I hope you can help me because I’m scared to death. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing. You’re so put together. I hope you’ll want to be my friend but I know I’m a mess. By the way, I’m Brooke.’ Then she introduced me to those kids and they were so affectionate, so bubbly.” Jeanette gave a little laugh and smiled at Mack.

“The first month, I kept waiting for the catch but there wasn’t one. They needed me and I needed them. My space in the tour bus is filled with drawings given to me by Becca, photos Molly takes of all of us constantly, funny bumper stickers and postcards Jackson seems to find me all the time. Brooke bought me this ring, the only piece of jewelry other than a watch I’ve ever had.” She took it off, a platinum band with small diamonds inset, and turned it so Mack could read the inscription…thank you for saving me. “Can you believe that? She thinks I saved her.”

He put the ring back on her finger and kissed her for a long time as he held her to him, “You’re going to have the most wonderful life, Jeanette. I’m going to be part of it and get to watch you enjoy all the things you’ve never gotten to be part of. It’s amazing to me how things fell together for me to meet you. Right now, I’m going to let you rest because you’re going to be so sore…I shouldn’t have taken you a second time, baby.” He kissed her gently and went to pull back but her legs stayed locked around him. The look on her face was primal. “Jeanette…”

“Mack, I’m okay with being sore. It will help me realize this wasn’t some dream or hallucination when I’m sitting on the bus tomorrow. It will be like I can still feel you. I think I’m going to need that. Please…”

He nodded and pulled out long enough to get another condom, thrusting to her womb in one stroke and loving the way her entire body pulled him to her. Mack loved her slow and easy, whispering about all the things he wanted to share with her, to show her. When he finally allowed himself to come a very long time later, both of them held back. Neither did…but they wanted to use the word love.

Chapter Seventeen

Sidney, Zane, and Boyd…

Zane wove in and out of traffic, heading through the still-hopping bar district in Chicago. Sidney kept her arms around him, her body pressed tight to his back. It didn’t seem to bother him that her hands roamed over his chest and abs constantly. She laughed when he evaded the news van who’d been gaining on them. Boyd rode alongside, keeping pace with Zane’s tight maneuvers.

When they’d driven around for almost an hour, they stopped at a light and two news crews squealed to a stop beside them with their cameras out. Sidney took off her helmet. “Sorry, boys, wrong choice. This was fun though, like a high-speed shell game.” The reporters were cursing as they made a U-turn headed back the way they’d come.

Both men took off their helmets and the three of them were laughing like idiots. Looping back to the bar, several of the bikes were back. Inside they were cheered and Sidney bowed. They gave the helmets to the bar owner and told him his plan worked perfectly.

Headed out the door John waved at them from the stage and winked at Sidney. She gave him a thumbs up. He started playing Crazy Bitch, and she turned back. “Oh my god, we have to dance. I did my entry performance to this song. This is what got me into school.”

Zane and Boyd’s eyes were huge. “Please…please feel free to demonstrate.” She took off her heels went to the middle of the dance floor. She started with ballet, moving wickedly around the room to the grinding beat. During the heavier beats, she did chain jumps around the room as people stared at her with their mouths hanging open.

She bent backwards to the floor and kicked a split, her body in a perfect ‘T’, lowering her front leg between her outstretched arms. Then she was up and all stripper, working the floor and coming up with her hands sliding over her thighs. Her jumps were high and controlled, and her landings tight.

Sidney danced to the door, turned and took three steps, flipping three times and landing in pushup position, knocking out five one-handed before rolling to her back and coming up in a martial arts stance, both men almost came. On the last note, she came out of a jump and landed on her knees with her arms behind her.

Coming to her feet, she gave an adorable little curtsy as the place went crazy. Zane and Boyd approached and she watched them with a smile. They said at the same time, “Sidney baby, time to go.” She stepped into her shoes.

Walking to the stage, she thanked John and he knelt to kiss her hand. “I don’t know how this group of lucky sons o’ bitches landed you and your friends but it’s obvious I need to hang out with them more. It was a great pleasure watching you shake your ass, honey. Come back and see us.” With a smile, she turned to the men behind her and put her hands around their biceps, squeezing happily.

Outside, Boyd said, “You had her with you for an hour. Don’t even think about it, Zane.” He guided her to his bike and she climbed on behind him. They ripped away from the bar, fast and loud with Zane no more than two feet to their side.

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