Read Woodcutter Werebear (Saw Bears Book 2) Online

Authors: T. S. Joyce

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Werebear, #Shifter

Woodcutter Werebear (Saw Bears Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Woodcutter Werebear (Saw Bears Book 2)
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Skyler inhaled deeply and lifted her voice in soft, longing notes in rhythm with Brighton’s chords.

“He said I was better off without him

But he don’t see what I do

He’s the biggest part about me

After all that we’ve been through.

Broken heart…”

“Broken heart,” Denison trailed, stronger.

Skyler lifted her voice.

“Broken time

Nothing left

He took what’s mine

We’re ash and dust

We’re made the same

Pack my suitcase

Board that train

Damn the weather

Damn the rain

Gonna go and leave my baby.”

They sang a new part for Denison, stronger, with more emotion, and Kellen couldn’t take his eyes away from Skyler. She closed her eyes and swayed to the music as that beautiful sound came from her. And when the final chorus was almost through, she opened her eyes and smiled in the easiest expression he’d seen on her face since he’d met her. She was stunning. The roaring in his ears died to nothing as she held one last, perfect note, then leaned back and clapped along with everyone else. She laughed, strong and free, and pulled her clasped hands up to the side of her blushing cheeks, as if she was embarrassed by the applause.

Brighton stood and gave her a hug, and Denison stepped around the fire and did the same, murmuring something in her ear that made her look so proud. Kellen was enamored into silence, watching her interact with his people like she’d always been a part of them. She was magnificent. She was commanding every attention he possessed.

She was everything.

Her eyes danced to him, and her smile faded, as if she waited for his opinion, and it mattered. As if this would all be ruined if he didn’t approve. Damn Roger for doing that little number to her.

Reservations out the window, he tugged her onto his lap and hugged her tight, nuzzling her neck. “I’m so damned proud of you, I could die of it,” he whispered against her ear.

She giggled and slid her arms around her neck. “That was so scary,” she admitted.

“You were perfect. Your voice is beautiful, Skyler. You’re beautiful.” He cupped her face and searched her striking eyes. His reflection met him in the green color, hopeful looking and open. He smiled just before his lips brushed hers, floored that his bear had stayed settled and quiet all night. That never happened. He didn’t have any doubt in his mind it was because of her. She settled him, made him happy and calm.

He eased back after a tender kiss and hugged her waist closer as he relaxed into the chair.

The others settled into easy banter as Brighton strummed a new song.

Skyler rested her back against his chest and took the last sip of his warm beer. “You want another?”

“No,” he said, stroking his fingers across her stomach. He loved that she was small compared to him. Not fragile or overly thin, but strong and the perfect height to rest his chin on the top of her head. “I have a one beer limit.”

She frowned. “Why?”

“You don’t want to know.”

Twisting in his lap, she rested her hand on his chest and said, “I want to know everything about you.”

Kellen sighed, flattered that she cared, but terrified she’d want to draw him into a conversation he wasn’t ready for. “My old man was a boozer. I’ve never had more than a beer at a time as a precaution.”

“Oh,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I hardly remember him,” he lied.

Her eyebrows quirked, as if she could hear the fib. Maybe she could. He didn’t know what her senses were capable of.

Tagan came to warm his hands by the fire while his mate talked to Bruiser. Skyler wiggled out of Kellen’s lap and stood next to his alpha. “Can I talk to you?” she asked.

“Shoot,” Tagan said in a clipped tone.

Skyler looked around, then stepped closer to him. Kellen didn’t want to eavesdrop. It wasn’t his way, but he was trapped behind them in the chair, too close to get up without it being obvious, and his hearing was impeccable.

“Brooke told me what happened to Conner. I’m sorry for your loss and for what you had to do, but I was wondering if his job was available.”

Tagan jerked his gaze to hers, his face highlighted by the flickering orange glow of the firelight. “You want work as a lumberjack?”

“I’m not picky about the job. Kellen said I need to earn my own way so I can feel independent again, and I agree with him. When I earned my own income before Roger chose me, I felt stronger. It would make it easier to leave him if I wasn’t dependent on him.”

“I thought you were planning on leaving tomorrow,” Tagan said low.

“Well, that’s part of what I wanted to discuss with you. I know this is a risk to you and your people, me being here. If it’s too much, I’ll gladly leave. But if you have an opening on your crew and are fine with me here, I’d work real hard. I’m a fast learner, too, and stronger than I look.”

“Stronger than you look,” Tagan said, narrowing his eyes. “Because this job isn’t some easy come, easy pay job. It’s hard work from sun up until sundown. It’s physical and dangerous, and the crew depends on each other. One weak link could get my men hurt, or worse. I can’t hire a weak link, you understand?”

“I understand.” Her voice was soft and defeated as she stared at her shoes.

Tagan inhaled noisily. A muscle in his jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth. “Prove you are strong, and I’ll consider a probation period.”

Skyler’s eyes opened wide, and she lifted her chin until she met Tagan’s cool gaze. She pursed her lips in a thin line of determination. “What do I have to do?”

Chapter Seven

Tagan didn’t answer Skyler’s question. Instead, he whistled a shrill sound behind his teeth and jerked his head toward the trailer on the end of Asheford Drive. The Ashe crew grew immediately quiet and stood as one.

“Why are you doing this,” Kellen asked, standing with his friends. “Why are you testing her?”

“Kellen,” Tagan barked. “That’s enough. If you want her, that’s your choice. It’s my choice who I pick for my crew. If she can’t prove herself, I’ll find someone else to replace Connor. Someone who has half a shot at not getting one of you killed.”

A soft rumble emanated from Kellen, but one withering look from his alpha quieted him down.

Skyler was scared. Hands shaking, palms sweating, pulse pounding through her like a war drum.

Tagan led them around the back of the trailer. It was dark away from the bonfire, but Drew disappeared, and moments later, strings of holiday lights illuminated an oversize and dilapidated metal roof that protected gym equipment and work-out machines from Mother Nature. Tagan’s gaze roved over the dumbbells and a row machine. He took his time choosing, and the more he thought, the more nervous Skyler became. This was so much worse than Denison putting her on the spot and making her sing. This was a job interview. Her freedom could be made or broken here tonight.

Brooke stood behind her mate but watched Skyler with her lips pursed in a thin line.

“I think we’ll keep it simple.” Tagan pointed to Bruiser, the biggest of the bear shifters. He was taller than a Sasquatch with arms swollen with muscle. “Plank position.”

Bruiser dropped down on his hands and tiptoes without question and waited for the next command.

“You ever done a pushup before?” Tagan asked.

Skyler’s stomach clenched, and she nodded miserably. If she’d had any question about whether Tagan wanted her in his crew before now, it would’ve been squashed with this impossible task he was setting her to. Bruiser looked unbeatable. “I used to instruct skydivers. I had to be physically fit to work my job.”

Tagan lifted his chin and looked down at her. “Good. Plank position.”

She dropped down and gritted her teeth, focusing on the corner of the metal cage that housed a squat rack.

“You’ll go against Bruiser here, pushup for pushup, and if you fall first, you leave tomorrow like you planned.”

The snarl was back in Kellen’s throat, and he took a stumbling step forward, as if he couldn’t help himself. His eyes reflected oddly in the dim light, and he smelled like fur.

“Kellen,” Skyler warned as he took a second step toward Tagan.

“If you outlast him,” Tagan continued, ignoring his Second, “then you can come to work tomorrow. After a week, I’ll decide whether you are fit for my crew or not. But first, you have to beat old Bruiser over there. Do you still think you want to do this?”

“Yes,” she rushed. “I’m going to do this.” She sounded much more confident than she felt, thank the stars.

Tagan crossed his arms over his chest, his triceps flexing. If it was for intimidation, it worked. She wished he would get on with it already because her arms and shoulders were already starting to burn. And old Bruiser looked as comfortable as could be.

“Drew,” Tagan said, then nodded his chin toward Bruiser.

Slowly, Drew settled onto Bruiser’s back.

Relief flooded Skyler, dumping adrenaline into her veins. The task was still utterly impossible, but at least she felt better with Bruiser’s added weight. The yeti’s arms began to shake, and she gave him a slow, challenging smile.

“Begin,” Tagan said in a bored voice.

Skyler lowered herself down.

“One,” the Ashe crew counted as she and Bruiser straightened their arms.




Kellen crouched in front of her with a curious smile on his face. “Good,” he said. “You can do this.”

And suddenly, she felt like she could. Or at least she could give this all she had and be proud of her effort. Tagan was trying to push her off and weed her out, but she didn’t have to make it easy for him.

The crew counted, “Five.”


Tagan was crouching now. “All the way down. Good girl. Bruiser, you too.”



A slow smile was creeping over Tagan’s face, one that matched Kellen’s. If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve called it pride that she saw there.

“Come on, Skyler,” Brooke said as she hit fifteen.

When she and Bruiser hit twenty, the rest of the crew began chanting her name, softly at first, then louder with clapping. Brooke dropped down beside her and began to do pushups, too. Skyler’s adrenaline surged again with the urge to please Brooke. Arms shaking, muscles burning, Skyler gritted her teeth and struggled to push herself up. She was slowing now, unable to keep up with Bruiser. He watched her carefully and slowed, too.

“Brighton,” Tagan said.

Brighton sat next to Drew on Bruiser’s back, and the giant man grunted. A drop of sweat dripped down his nose as they hit thirty.

“Don’t give up now, Beautiful. You’re damned inspiring to watch,” Kellen said, eyes intense as he watched her push up on trembling arms.

Her body was on fire. Abs working, body tight, shoulders straining. She couldn’t do this.

“You can,” Kellen murmured, as if he could see the defeat on her face and read her quitter thoughts.

Bruiser was struggling, and Tagan gestured Denison onto his back, bless that man.

“Fucking do this,” Brooke said, lowering herself down beside Skyler for another rep. “Prove him wrong.”

“Tagan?” she rasped.

“No,” Brooke said, panting. “Prove Roger wrong.”

Roger. That was enough to get her blood boiling. He didn’t believe she was capable of anything. When she sang, he told her to “cut that shit out.” When she cooked, he called it disgusting. He had thrown a full plate at her once! He’d never said a single nice thing to her since the day she met him.

Skyler didn’t know why Tagan was testing her limits, but as she grunted and pushed herself up again, she knew it was for a reason. And not some domineering test to embarrass her in front of everyone. He was challenging her to be better than she thought she could be.

Bruiser’s arms strained and twitched, and he cursed as he lowered himself again. Except this time he pitched forward and landed with his hands on either side of his massive chest.

Panting, she lifted her steady gaze to Kellen’s proud face, then to Tagan’s, and with the last bit of strength she had left in her body, she pushed herself up one last time and fell over.

The crew erupted into cheers, and Brooke massaged Skyler’s cramping arms, then pulled her upward. She settled her in front of Tagan.

The alpha’s eyes sparked with something she couldn’t understand. “Be ready by six in the morning,” he said. “Probation starts now.”

As she watched him walk away, she wanted to please him. Not because she needed his blessing to stay here, but for Kellen, who’d been in trouble with his alpha since she’d arrived. She wanted life to be easier for him, and if she could win his alpha’s approval, Kellen could be happier.

Kellen wrapped her up in a hug. “You did so good,” he whispered against her ear before passing her to Denison for a ridiculously rough hug.

Bruiser patted her on the back hard enough to rattle her ribs, and Drew squeezed her shoulder so hard that she winced, but she felt good and happy receiving their congratulations. These stranger bears were proud of her for winning a simple pushup contest that was obviously swayed in her favor. They seemed to care if she was inducted into the crew. Seemed to care that she was here. All her life, she’d been treated like an object, but here, amongst these cussing, spitting, beer-guzzling, dominant as hell, shirt-stripping, muscle-bound titans, she was welcome.

As she looked at Kellen, watching her from the outskirts of the circle, she suddenly wanted things.

Wanted a life and friends…and Kellen.

She wanted this feeling to last more than a day or a week.

She wanted to take care of these people who had unknowingly given her one of the most influential and important nights of her life.

She wanted to be part of the Ashe crew.

BOOK: Woodcutter Werebear (Saw Bears Book 2)
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