Wishing on the Water (Water Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Wishing on the Water (Water Series Book 1)
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I walked into the bedroom to see the giant king sized bed, with white sheets and comforter that helped contrast the blue and white on the wall and the blue carpet. I was starting to think about painting my home in California this color blue. The toilet sat in the middle of the bathroom and there was a tub to my right and a glass shower to my left. They were even nice enough to leave me a remote controlled radio for my long relaxing baths.

They left me a list on the bed of services and amenities. I called immediately and scheduled a spa appointment. Andrew had said whatever I wanted was on the company's dime. I wanted a massage bad enough to let them pay for it. After I hung up with the spa, I stared at the room. The living room was bigger than my entire house in California and I suddenly felt overwhelmed.

I grabbed my suitcase and changed into a pair of skinny jeans, my black calf-high Uggs, and a gray and white geometric sweater. I fixed my makeup, then grabbed my A-line black coat to go outside and get some New York air. Once I was ready to go, I thought about asking Andrew to come since I was familiar with the area and he wasn’t, but I needed to clear my head. The words Helen had said made me think that maybe I was a sitting duck: that I was only floating on the water because no one had come to be my life raft.

I usually let words roll off of me, but those words had me thinking about them. They even had me thinking about how her story would make a great book. I could write her story, but that was part of my life with Chase and anti-virus sales are my life now.

I set out on Lexington Avenue and was just going to walk a few blocks and soak up the city I loved. I could still smell the hot dog vendor’s cart that sits on the corner during the day. I could imagine the horns honking as cabs waited in traffic that never moved. I stuck out my arms and spun myself as the snow began to fall.

I smiled when I came to a stop sign, then started walking. I saw the Bull & Bear when I rounded the corner and decided a drink would be wonderful. I walked inside and took a seat at the bar.

Black Russian, please.” I called to the bartender.

Do I know you?” a strange man spoke with a slurred voice.

No, I don’t think you do.” I replied sweetly, as the bartender brought me my drink.

Yes, I do. You were Chase Matson’s fiancé.” He spoke with slurred words. “I am sorry for your loss; he was a great man.” Chills rolled down my spine. I downed my drink and ordered another.

Sir, I just want to enjoy a drink and not talk about anything with anyone.” I whispered, and he nodded. He slowly got up and whipped out his cell phone as I downed another drink of numbing juice. I looked over and saw him on the phone with someone, with a new drink in his hand.

I tried to place him as I ordered another shot. I stared at his demeanor and knew he had been on the force, but couldn’t place him; maybe because I had had three drinks by then and was feeling no pain. The room had moments of fuzziness, but I wasn’t drunk, merely tipsy. I ordered another drink and the bartender advised me to eat or slow down. I was reluctant, but ordered a burger, since the bartender seemed serious about cutting me off if I kept going.

The burger and fries were delicious. They didn’t have food like this in California. I promised myself that I would eat at every place I had been missing before I went home. My phone lit up and I saw a message from an unknown number and instantly felt a twinge of guilt. It had to be Jax. I just knew it had to be him because I had called him. I wasn’t going to check the message, so I cleared it and placed my phone back down.

The drunk man returned to his seat near me and smiled every few minutes, but had left me alone. I was grateful. I couldn’t take any more people telling me how sorry they were, or how great of a guy Chase was. I know it was the polite thing for people to do and say, but I had heard it enough.

I ordered another drink as my phone lit up again. The same thing as before, just a message and nothing else. Maybe he was finally telling me off. My voice-mail only holds sixty second messages. I downed my drink and ordered another when a voice behind me told the bartender to cash me out.

It took a few minutes in my alcohol riddled brain to realize I was not going to get my drink. I spun on my stool and came face to face with a detective with his badge around his neck.

Why are you cut me off?” I slurred, in my drunken state while the room spun.

Miss Carson, I think we should get some water into you.” The young, black haired, blue-eyed detective said, as he cloned himself in my vision.

You don’t drunk me,” I spoke with my finger aimed at one of him.

Miss Carson, I am Detective Mark Stone. You may not remember me. I worked with Chase on a few cases before he passed away.”

I know you, but I don’t want to talk about Chase,” I slurred.

I am not here to talk about it, but I am here to help you sober up and get you home.”

Did the drunk guy call you?” I stated pointing at an empty bar stool. When did that guy leave? My brain was foggy and I couldn’t make sense of anything much.

Something like that. May I join you?” Mark asked, as I spun and nearly fell off my stool. We then talked for about two hours, as the fog cleared from my head. He seemed like a good guy. He didn’t bring up Chase again or try to get in my pants, so he was A+ in my book.

I was as sober as I was going to get, and my words were coming together better as exhaustion tore through me. Jet lag and alcohol are not a good mix when you have a meeting at 7a.m.

I need to get going. Thank you for the water and conversation.” I muttered, as I tried to put my coat on. I watched as he texted something on his phone, then he stood and helped me into my coat.

Can I walk you somewhere, or get you a cab?” Mark asked.

You’re sweet, but I can manage,” I replied, and walked toward the door.

Miss Carson, if you need anything while you are here, please don’t hesitate to call,” Mark stated, as he handed me his card. I took it and smiled at him. I didn’t know if he was just being nice, or if this was the code: that the brothers in blue took care of the wives and families after an officer was killed. I didn’t want to know, because I didn’t want to think about it.

I stepped out to see that there was a snow and rain mix falling from the sky. I stepped out into it and, for one fleeting moment, I was home. I stood out and looked up at the night sky as the rain snow mix fell down on my face. I closed my eyes and made a wish on the water: that I would have the courage and strength to love, and recognize love, when and if I ever found it again. I didn’t want to wind up alone pining for a man who was in Heaven.

When I opened my eyes again, I started toward the hotel. I must have missed the curb as I slipped and fell. Mark was behind me in a moment, helping me stand back up.

Thank you,” I whispered, turning crimson from embarrassment.

Don’t thank me yet. I was merely doing a favor for someone.” Mark nodded above my head.

What are you talking about?” I asked, wondering just how drunk I still was.

Hello, Candy.” A familiar voice called from behind me and shivers went down my spine. My stomach clenched and my body betrayed me as his voice reverberated through me. I turned around and faced the music of the song I had chosen to write.

Hello, Jaxson.”




My voice was barely a whisper as I spoke his name. He looked delectable in a pair of jeans and his black and red tri-climate jacket. He was showing a five o’clock shadow, but there was nothing else different about him. I looked into his eyes, the same ones that could tear a secret from your soul, as I acknowledged he was there.

He didn’t look pissed, but that could be because my belly was warm and fuzzy with the remnants of the alcohol I had downed in the bar. Then I remembered there was still a man behind me. I turned and glared at Mark.

Your job is done now.” I angrily whispered in Mark’s direction.

Sorry, but it’s part of the code between men,” Mark stated, as he shook hands with Jax and then walked off.

The awkwardness had descended down and blanketed me with a thick layer of not knowing what to say or think. I wondered if I ran, would he follow.

I am going back to my hotel now,” I stated a little too loudly. “Thanks for the babysitter.”

I started walking, and used the glass on the buildings to see that Jax was following me. I turned the corner and walked into the hotel. He followed me there, too. I climbed into the elevator and he stood across from me, looking like a dream while we climbed the floors.

As I exited the elevator and arrived at my door, I took out my key card and waved it. The lock wouldn’t work. I tried waving it again, but nothing. Jax took it from my hand and slowly waved it over the door across the way and it opened.

I suddenly felt like a moron; I was trying to get into Andrews room. Jax opened the door and I walked inside. I took off my coat and dumped it on the chairs by the table and went to the phone. I ordered up a bottle of vodka and a variety platter with fruits and veggies.

Do you really think you need more alcohol?” Jax asked from the blue couch he had made himself at home on.

If you are going to be here, then yes,” I replied and smirked.
Why was I so angry with him?
Every emotion I had seemed to amplify a thousand times whenever Jax was near.

If I leave, how do I know you won’t drink yourself into oblivion?” Jax asked and I rolled my eyes.

I have a daddy, I don’t need another.”

Jax stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I fought to get free. The warmth he carried overpowered me and I melted into him. I was torn between wanting to sigh in relief and cry in frustration. When he let me go I walked over to the window.

How did you find me?” I whispered.

Your dad told me you were coming. Did you think I wouldn’t come and find you?” Jax asked and I closed my eyes. Jax walked up behind me and whispered into my ear.

Candice six months ago I came out to California to bring you home, but you seemed so happy without me in your new life.”

Guilt invaded my core. I had no right to be angry or bitter with him, but I was. I had no reason to feel ashamed for my actions because I was just trying to survive, but I felt like I was the gum on the bottom of his shoes. My guilt festered into anger as his warmth invaded me and I realized just how much I had truly lost.

Don’t you have a girlfriend you should be tucking into bed? Isn’t it past her bedtime?”

I immediately wanted to call back my words. My alcohol fused brain didn’t put a filter on my lips. Now he will know I am stalking him online, and I didn’t want him to know. I didn’t even want to see him.

She knows where I am.” Jax replied.

Does she know you have had your penis in me? Some girls get mad about that kind of thing.” I retorted.

Jax didn’t reply; he merely went back and sat on the couch. He picked up his phone and called someone.

Hey babe,” Jax said into the phone. “I know it’s late, but wanted you to know I am going to stay with Candice tonight.”

I stared at him. I never asked him to stay and I was not going to let him. There was no way any woman in her right mind would let a catch as great at Jax stay with me overnight any way.

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