When Love Calls (2 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: When Love Calls
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 I looked down at my watch and saw it was now 6:20. I was just contemplating cancelling my date altogether when the handsome strangers said, “There, you’re all set,” and stepped aside as he opened the door.

 “Thank you…  What’s your name? You know since you aren’t wearing your work shirt and all.” This time when he smiled his right cheek dimpled.

 “My name is Michael Larza, but I go by Mike…and you’re
Porter.” That took me aback for a minute; then I realized he had my information on the invoice.
“So, Mrs. Porter, you’re all set. You’ll get a call about the services received today. I hope you’ll let them know how pleased you were with my work.” 

And who said I was pleased?” I asked, giving him an eyebrow raise.

 Mike closed the distance between us and asked, “Are you dissatisfied?” 
Dear God, this man, is too sexy!!
 His close proximity made me nervous and aroused. Our electricity was palpable, and it took everything in me to ignore the urge to lick his full lips and get back to business.

 I decided to try and flip the tables a bit. I gave him my best seductive gaze and purred, “I guess my satisfaction depends on how this service call ends.”  I bit my lip, still eyeing him intently before I made my request. “Why don’t you give me your card in case I have any
maintenance issues? I’d like to contact you personally.” Mike smiled politely as he pulled a business card from his back pocket. He leaned on the roof of the car and jotted down his information. 
Surely a man this fine knows when he’s being hit on. 
I was staggered by his nonchalance at my advance. I involuntarily shifted my weight from one foot to the other as I waited impatiently for his response.
I searched his face for any indication he might be catching on. He didn’t so much as take a sideward glance in my direction.

“Please feel free to call me if you need any additional services. I do a bit of independent work on the side and I wrote my personal contact number on the back,” he said handing me the card. I snatched it from him and shoved it in the side-pocket of my Coach bag.  I can’t lie; I was pissed. I. Do. Not. Get rejected. Obviously, Magic Mike hadn’t gotten the memo so I let my agitation be known as I proceeded to try to burn a hole in him with my eyes. His response? A slight shrug of indifference before he returned his attention to the clipboard and gathered my member information.
Now I was tapping my foot in agitation as I rattled off my account number.

Mike glanced up briefly before he turned to leave. “Thanks. Have a good evening!” was the last thing he said to me.

I stood there fuming—trying to figure out how to assuage my bruised ego. Had that man honestly just ignored my advances and left me standing in the parking lot?
Oh hell no!
I was contemplating calling him just to let him know how absolutely clueless he was when I flipped the card over and read:

You come on a little strong, but I still think you’re as sexy as hell! Be sure to call me when if you have any other maintenance issues.

My face spread into a cheesy grin as I turned the key in the ignition.
Hell yeah. I will definitely need some additional services. Soon.
The clock on my dashboard now read 6:30. It was going to be a challenge to get home and dressed in time to meet Josh. Again I thought about cancelling our plans but instead I followed my instincts and peeled out of the parking lot.
Maybe I can still salvage this evening.
I thought as I braved the after-work traffic. Although the day had been pretty crappy until now, it had definitely perked up toward the end.
Mike Larza.
His name swirled around in my head along with images of his impeccable body and dazzling smile. I felt a familiar ache brewing in the pit of my stomach, but I knew I wasn’t hungry—at least not for anything that food could satisfy.

I pulled into the driveway a little after 7 and darted toward the front door.  I was in such a hurry I nearly breezed by the bouquet of flowers on the porch.
Tulips. Sweet.
I grabbed the vase and headed toward the stairs as I opened the door. I was clearing the last step when my phone buzzed somewhere in the bottom of my purse. Again I was rifling through my oversized handbag. I’d been meaning to downscale, but it wasn’t high on my list of priorities. Thank God for the light on the phone or I may have never found it. I clicked talk only to find that I’d missed the call.
It was Josh. Since I was going to see him in a few minutes anyway, I figured we could talk then.
It couldn’t have been that urgent. He didn’t leave a message.

I stripped down, hopped in the shower and lathered my slender frame, washing my hair wasn’t in my plans, and I didn’t really have time for it, but thanks to standing for an hour in heat the that felt like the inside of a brick oven, I was left with no choice. I shampooed my wavy locks and saturated them with leave-in conditioner hoping to stave off frizz at least until the date was over. Five minutes into raking through my hair with a comb I conceded to the fact that there wasn’t possibly enough time for me to tame the mangled mess.
Ok, messy bun it is.
I grabbed my ponytail holder off the sink, brushed my hair up into a neat ponytail and wrapped the loose ends until they formed what actually turned out to be a decent twist on top of my head. The stray ringlets that framed my face and caressed the nape of my neck dressed the style up a bit.
I smiled in the mirror.
Now it looks like this dishevelment was supposed to happen.

Deep breaths-- inhaling the scent of vanilla served as brief aroma therapy while I rubbed lotion into my tanned skin. A glass of wine was what I really needed to take the edge off. Between Mr. AAA and the after-work traffic, I was feeling pretty tense. Yep, sexual frustration and bumper-to-bumper traffic had made me one uptight girl. Since I’d already told myself I wasn’t going to be sleeping with Josh, I knew cocktails would definitely be in order, but they’d have to wait since I was already running behind.

I slid on my black lace boy shorts and a little black Donna Karan dress I’d been dying to wear. The sheer side panels and hemline made it revealing in all the right places. The haltered, sleeveless dress left some things to the imagination but hugged my curves in a way that threatened to reveal all my secrets.
I assessed in my full-length mirror. A quick glance at my phone told me I needed to pick up the pace. It was 7:50 and I still hadn’t put on any make-up, jewelry or shoes. I grabbed an onyx earring and necklace set and headed to my closet. I managed to clasp the necklace and hook the earrings before I heard the faint sound of the doorbell. I ran to my vanity, dabbed on cherry-tinted gloss and lined both my eyes.
Thank God, I don’t need a lot of make-up.
With my Michael Kors clutch and black platform sling-back Louboutin’s in one hand and the bouquet of flowers in the other. I dashed toward the stairs as the bell chimed again. I slipped on the shoes and took a deep breath as I smoothed my hands over my dress. When I opened the door, Josh was prepped to ring the bell for the third time. “You’re not anxious are you?” I flashed him a flirtatious grin.

“Well, if you were me, wouldn’t you be eager to see
?” Josh took a full surveillance of my body, and I was happy to let him. His gaze lingered at the curves beneath the thin fabric of my dress before meeting my gaze. “You look incredible!” Josh nodded his approval as he drank in every detail of my frame again.

 “Thanks. You look amazing too.” It wasn’t a lie. He looked delicious actually, but that would probably have been inappropriate to say out loud. I took proper pause and perused his frame and felt my pouty lips curl into a seductive smile. Today he wore a crisp white button down, charcoal gray slacks and black Cole Haan shoes.
Mmm…sleek and sexy.
I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and allowed my mind to wander beneath those clothes into uncharted territory before I snapped myself back to reality. Even though the afternoon’s events had left me wanting, I was willing myself not to go there with Josh. After all, he was supposed to represent my first attempt at turning over a new leaf.
Do not give away your cookie tonight!!
  I fed myself a few words of encouragement.
Be strong.
I looked up to find Josh giving me an inquisitive gaze.
Sexy ass!
I resisted the urge to turn my nose up. He looked so good he made me make ugly faces.

“You okay?” he asked as he placed a hand on my bare shoulder.
Soft, strong hands.
I shook the thoughts from my head again before responding.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for the flowers by the way.” I nodded toward the bouquet I still held in my hand.

“Oh good, you got them. I called earlier, but I didn’t get an answer. We should probably get going” Josh said glancing down at his watch.

I placed the flowers on the table next to the door and followed him to his Silver Nissan 370Z Coupe.
And he drives a sports car? Erin do not give away your cookie, do not give away your cookie, do NOT…

Hours later I slid from the bed of mangled sheets in search of my underwear.  I’d gone against my own advice and let the cookie crumble. I had no regrets. Josh had lulled Miss Kitty’s roar to a purr, and it had been just what I needed. Sex with Josh was nothing like I’d expected. He was slow and gentle and I hadn’t been seduced in years, so I took full advantage. His style felt intimate and personal. There had been delicate caresses, and I could still feel the sensation of the slow exploration of his fingers across my flesh. It all felt new and unsettling, but one thing was certain, even now, as I recalled his tender touch and sweet kisses from my navel to my parted sea, a swell and ache was creeping between my thighs.

I continued to grope in the dark as I ran my fingers through the lush carpet in search of my missing underwear. “Mmmm . . . now that’s a sight I could get used to,” Josh said with the rasp of sleep still in his voice. I looked back slowly and gave him a smirk as I watched him make his way across the bed in my direction. I feigned disinterest as I pretended to look for my panties. I heard him rip open a condom and put it on. Calling to him with the curves of my supple silhouette, I stretched and arched. I swept my hair over my shoulder and took a peek to see if he was taking the bait. He was. Both Josh and his very present erection were now pressed against my ass. A soft moan escaped my lips as I felt the moisture condensing at my core. Josh grabbed my waist in his massive hands and spun me toward the bed with ease. My body met the mattress, and I gasped as I received the full brunt of his entry. My hands grasped for the sheets as he pressed deeper into my middle causing my body to jar forward. This wasn’t the same slow, seductive approach from earlier. This time his stroke was insistent and deliberate.  I pulled up onto my elbows to gain some leverage as I matched his rhythm. He thrust forward and. I pushed back, grinding hard against his pelvis. I could feel the tingling sensation of climax as it grew closer, and now I was chasing it. Every pulse caused mounting pleasure. When I couldn’t take anymore, a hot spring erupted within me. My body went limp as I quaked quietly from within. I crawled back into bed and curled up under the sheets.
Who needs panties?!



Chapter One



“So tell me about the date!” Amber had been waiting patiently as I rambled on about work and patients and a bunch of other things I knew she cared nothing about.

“The date was... nice,” I said unsuccessfully stifling a grin. “We went to Quay and he arranged for us to have a private dining area. We had great conversation, which was a welcome change from most of the other guys I’ve dated. Then again, I don’t really care to hear them speak. Anyway, he is
smart and articulate. I think that turned me on more than the fact that he’s incredibly gorgeous! He was a true gentleman, opening doors, pulling out chairs and even standing when I got up to leave the table. I didn’t think guys did that anymore and truthfully, it felt a little corny to me but I
his corny! After dinner, we went walking on Navy Pier and listened to a live jazz band out by the water. Girl, he held me close and serenaded me softly in my ear. He was… sweet”

 I didn’t bother looking up. I could see Amber shaking her head in my peripheral, so I braced myself for what I knew was coming next.  “This guy sounds decent, but maybe if you stopped playing with boys and dated more
you’d find a lot of them actually are smart, articulate, gentlemen. Anyway, so you went to Navy Pier, listened to jazz AND...” Amber goaded.  “Did you let him give you a ‘ride home?” Amber burst into laughter at her pitiful joke.  I looked up long enough to roll my eyes then returned my attention to the papers on the desk but when I felt the heat of Amber’s gaze blazing a hole in my head I blurted out, “Yes!! Are you happy now?” 

“The question is, are
happy now?” Amber retorted.  “Why is it that you can never seem to keep your panties on long enough to get through the first date? You are something else!” She said shaking her head.

If looks could kill, I swear she’d be dead
. “See, that’s why I don’t tell you things Amber! You go straight into judgment mode.”  Now I was the one shaking my head. What difference did it make to her what I did with my sex life?

Amber sighed as she leaned in to reach for my hand. I resisted the urge to snatch it away and fixed my gaze on a blue jay perched outside my window.  My fingers still tapped in annoyance beneath her palm. She gave my hand a gentle squeeze before saying, “Listen, I’m not judging. I just really wish you would pace yourself with these guys. We’re not in high school or college anymore.  I
you’re an adult and can sleep with whomever you like. I’d just really like to see you happy and in love or
at least
in a committed relationship. You keep saying that’s what you want, but your actions don’t match your words.”  I turned to see my friend looking at me in earnest. I knew she meant well even though she often went about things in all the wrong ways. We’d had this same conversation more times than I could count, and it always ended the same.

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