When Love Calls (5 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: When Love Calls
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Chapter Two



Oh. My. God!!
I winced in pain as my pupils adjusted to the overbearing sun rays bursting through my window.  As I rolled over to avoid the shards of light slicing through my irises into my skull, the watery taste of bile filled my mouth. I bounded across the hardwood floor and onto the cool linoleum with my hand clamped tightly over my mouth. No sooner than my knees hit the floor, the contents of my stomach met the bowl. The tequila was definitely not as good the second time. My throat burned and my eyes watered with each involuntary, abdominal jerk. Spent, I leaned my head against the cold; porcelain bowl panting and sweating as I waited to see if anything else wanted to make a repeat appearance. Once the churning subsided I slowly stumbled to my feet and drug myself back in the direction of the bed. The last thing I remembered was taking shots with Angie and Feliz at the bar.
How the hell did I get home?
I walked over to the window and braved the sun’s rays to peek down at the driveway. The car was there.
There’s no way I drove home last night.
I picked up my phone and called Angie.

“Morning Killer!” Angie answered knowingly.

“Good morning.” I groaned.

“How’re you feeling? My guess would be hung over.”  This time her voice was laced with sarcasm.

“C’mon Ang. Not today. I just called to ask you to fill in some gaps about last night. You already know I’m hung over so don’t give me any shit about it.” My words were meant to sound commanding, but there was pleading in my voice.

“Eww! Somebody’s an angry drunk! What do you want to know exactly?”

“How’d I get home last night? How many shots did I have and more importantly, why did you let me take so many?”

“Oh, I didn’t know I was selected to be your guardian last night. I’m not in the business of telling grown folks what to do, but for the record, I did mention to you that maybe you should slow down but you slurred something about ‘drowning men in tequila’ and something else about ‘fuck Mike Larza’ and then took another shot. When you went for your second trip to the bathroom and didn’t return, we came in after you. You were passed out on the toilet, so Amber paid your tab, and I drove you home. Feliz followed me and took me back to get my car. You really should find a better hiding place for your spare key, under the flower pot is just too obvious. Anyway, how are you feeling, really?  I don’t mean the hangover; I mean personally? What’s up with you?”

“I’m good Ang. I’m just trying to sort some things out in my head and my heart. Here lately I’ve been feeling stuck in a rut. Something is missing, and I don’t know what it is. I know going on a drinking binge isn’t the way to figure it all out but I’m not sure I’m ready to take the steps toward change. My life right now is comfortable; you know? I control when and how things go. What if I start changing things, and everything falls apart?”

“I hear you I, but what if you make changes and things finally start falling into place? What if everything you thought you ever wanted, but were so scared to chase finally came falling right into your lap? How awesome would that be?!”

It was times like these that I was reminded why Angie was my very best friend. She knew me the way no one else had and maybe better than anyone ever would. “You’re so right Ange! I’m going on another date with Josh today. I’m really going to give it a solid effort. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and maybe he’ll be just what I need to help coax me toward making some other changes. We’ll see.” The clock on my nightstand read 11:15. “I guess I’d better get off this phone and get ready for my date. Thanks for bringing me home and for everything else too.”

“You’re welcome. Call me later and let me know how your date goes and eat some bread to coat your stomach before you go. Bye.”

“Bye Mother Hen.” I hung up before she could fire back with something smart.

I’d been struggling to decide what to wear on my date with Josh since he refused to tell me where we were going. I scrolled through my contacts and dialed his number. He picked up on what seemed like the first ring. “Hey beautiful,” he said.

 “Hey. I was wondering what we would be doing today? I’m just trying to figure out whether I should dress up or down or what?”

“Hmm,” Josh replied thoughtfully. “I suppose you should dress comfortably and maybe bring a dress for the evening… nothing too fancy. Shoot, depending on how the night goes, you may not even need the dress” The flirtation in his voice grabbed my attention. I would definitely not be opposed to curling up with him again. We didn’t even have to have sex. I just really liked the way it felt when he held me.

“Ok, so I’ll go with a sundress. That should cover all the bases.”

“Sounds good sweetheart. I’ll see you soon,” he replied.

As much as I hated surprises, I had to admit I was a little excited to see what Josh had planned. I tossed the phone on the bed, laid my dress across the bed and hopped in the shower.

Though I thought I’d allowed myself plenty of time to get ready, I was shocked when I reentered the room, and the clock showed it was already noon. We’d planned to meet downtown at 1:30. 
Why am I always running late for dates with this man?
I combed out my hair and braided it into a thick fishtail. Thankfully I looked better than I felt in my cream linen sundress. I clipped on my mother of pearl, Hawaiian orchid-shaped earrings and matching necklace, slid my coral-colored toes into my cream crocheted wedges and laced the straps around each ankle before heading to the vanity. I applied brown liner to my eyes and swiped a faintly gold shimmering shadow on each lid. My summer-glow look was finished off with a few brushes of bronzer on my cheeks and a gold-flecked gloss on my lips. When I surveyed my reflection, I was less than blown away.
I guess this is as good as it gets.
I trailed downstairs and, heeding Angie’s advice, grabbed half a bagel to gnaw on during my drive. I shoved it between my teeth, grabbed my purse and keys then proceeded out the door.





Josh had asked me to meet him downtown. The streets were packed with tourists and people covered in red, white and blue. It wasn’t until that moment I realized today was the 4
of July. Between stupors and feeling stupid, I’d lost track of my days. It had been several days since I’d gone to bed without the help of alcohol, and I wasn’t too fond of the idea of that. Besides the side effects each day that followed left me feeling more and more drained.
Tonight I will get some real sleep without alcohol.
I promised myself. The way my body felt, I knew by the time the evening was over, I probably would have very little choice.  All this dating nonsense had me feeling out of sorts.
Hump and Dump is so much easier.
As long as it was on my terms. The fact that Mike left the other night and still hadn’t sent so much as a text of apology or even a cordial “hello” had gotten under my skin. I wasn’t used to men walking away from me without my request, and it was bugging the hell out of me that he had done it. This was a feeling I’d only had twice before in my life and until now I had worked hard to make sure I never felt this way again. A part of me felt like we still had unfinished business, and I was still holding a glimmer of hope that I’d hear from him.
It’s only been two days.
I reminded myself. I tucked all thoughts of Mike away and redirected my focus to my current situation.  Today I was going on a date with Josh, and that was where my focus needed to be. The last thing I wanted to do was snap on Josh because I was agitated with Mike.  

From the entrance of the parking deck, I could see Josh standing near the Harry Carey restaurant where we agreed to meet.  I dashed across the street in his direction. “Will this do?” I asked as did a slow spin. Josh’s face lit up with a boyish grin that curled into a mouth of mischief as he bit his bottom lip and sucked in a deep breath.  He consumed me with his eyes from my braided tresses to my coral-painted toes.

“Yes. That will do quite nicely, but come here. You have something on your face.”

I began wiping my face vigorously. “Where?”

Josh shook his head. “Come here. Let me get it for you.” He grabbed my hand, pulled me in close and kissed me slow and deep. “Yeah, you had something on your mouth, but don’t worry, I got it off for you.” He said as he wiped the shimmering gloss from his lips. 

“What, you didn’t like my lip gloss?” I pretended to be offended.

“Oh no, I thought it was delicious. It had just the right mix of your lips and moisture.” I burst out laughing. He still had me pulled in tightly to his frame and looked as though he was contemplating kissing me again, and I was happy to let him. Instead, he locked his fingers in mine and said, “Come on, let’s go. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

I turned to walk into the restaurant. “Ok, let’s go. I’m starved.”

“Erin, wait! This wasn’t where I planned to take you. I bet you’re used to taking the lead on things, huh? Well, not today. Today you have no idea what’s in store, so you’ll have to follow my lead.” Josh looked beyond pleased with the fact that he had me bending to his will.
Well, I guess I signed up for this so I may as well go along with it.

“Your chariot awaits.” Josh stretched out his hand in the direction of the black limousine parked across the street.

“Well, this is a nice surprise!” I followed his lead across the street where the driver stood with the back door open. Josh waited as I slid in first then he climbed in beside me.

“We’ll need to put up that dividing window sir.” Josh yelled up to the driver.

“This is a pretty fancy car to go parking in.” I teased.

“Who said we have to park? I say we should see just how much trouble we can get into between here and our destination.” I smirked as I watched Josh make his way across the seat. I laid back as he placed his left leg between my thighs. He’d already removed my lip gloss and apparently with good reason. He kissed me
softly. Slow and gentle. It felt… innocent. Despite his flirty words, Josh clearly wasn’t looking to seduce me or have a quickie in the back of the limo. That would have been a typical man’s fantasy, but this man sincerely just wanted to
me. He let his lips linger against mine, and I could feel my pulse quickening. Something so simple felt erotic to me when he did it. I felt a trace of sadness when his lips departed from mine and reluctantly opened my eyes to find him inches away, his gaze fixed on me. “I guess we should get out since the car has stopped.”
Damn it!
I was completely unaware that the car had stopped. Maybe it was because Josh had me floating blissfully with his kisses. He hadn’t laid a finger on me, but my body was on fire. Squeezing my thighs together, I snuff out the fire brewing below and resist the urge to tell the driver to lap the block a couple more times.

“Ok,” I said with obvious disappointment.

“I promise there will be plenty of time for this later. Right now I want to show you your surprise, and you’re distracting me.” He flashed me a sexy grin.
Keep smiling like that and I’ll give you the distraction of your life.
Josh reached for my hand and helped me out of the limo. Again his fingers were interlocked with mine. I looked up from smoothing down my sundress to read the letters plastered across the huge building. Museum of Science and Industry.

I hadn’t been there since I was a teenager, and I couldn’t contain my excitement. “Are we going in there?” I could feel the ache in my cheeks from smiling so hard.

 “Yes, we are!” Josh’s enthusiasm matched mine. I was completely giddy, and it took everything in me not to skip through the door as he held it open. I scanned the atrium, and there they were, right next to the gift shop like I remembered.

 I pulled Josh by the hand and headed toward the fish tank. “I love seahorses!” I squealed. I could have stood there for hours watching them float effortlessly in the water and probably would have if Josh hadn’t been standing there staring at me. “What?” My eyes were still wide with excitement.

“Nothing, I’m just enjoying the view.” He gave my hand a squeeze. I’m sure I should have been flattered or found it endearing that he was watching me, but I felt like he’d caught me being vulnerable and exposed. Heat crept up my neck, turning my face red and melting away my smile.

I shifted my attention to a stand filled with maps of the museum and headed toward it. “Come on. Let’s go see what exhibits they have. I haven’t been here in years.”

Josh gave a hesitant glance but said, “Ok,” as he trailed behind me. I could feel his eyes were still on me, but I didn’t look back. I studied the stand intently, until I felt less like a museum exhibit, and more like a patron. 
Don’t start acting weird. All the man did was look at you.
I admonished silently. He didn’t say a word or ask what the hell was wrong with me. He just slid his hand beneath mine and grabbed hold. “You lead the way—for now, but I do actually have a couple of other surprises for you if you don’t mind.” There was no trace of sarcasm in his voice or on his face. He was genuinely trying to make sure I was comfortable and here I was acting like an ass.

We spent the next few minutes in awkward silence looking at exhibits since I couldn’t seem to come up with anything to say that would explain my nutty behavior. I was still racking my brain when Josh turned to me and asked tentatively, “Did I make you uncomfortable earlier? I didn’t mean to stare. I was just thinking about how much I enjoy seeing you happy and making you smile. I was glad to be the one who put that smile on your face.” He gazed at me in earnest, and I softened some.  “I know I’ve said it a dozen times since we met, but I think you’re truly beautiful! The way you lit up when you saw the seahorses. It was a different side of you… A side I want to know better if you’ll let me.” His brown eyes met mine, and I felt a crack in the wall around my heart.  I knew he wanted me to trust him, but I wasn’t sure if, or when, I could give him what he was asking for. I barely knew him, but he was already causing emotions to stir up in me, and I could feel my anxiety level rising. The dull ache in my chest hadn’t been there in years, and I’d made a point of keeping it at bay. Now here Josh was awakening the feeling again. Even now as a glaze of tears dampened my eyes, Josh didn’t let go of my hand. I couldn’t believe it because I felt like a complete lunatic.
Who the hell bursts into tears because someone wants to make them happy?
Despite my mental reproach, every fiber of my being still wanted to break away. I wanted to run out and never come back, but instead I pushed those feelings aside and forced down what felt like an imminent panic attack. I gave Josh’s hand a squeeze and found the words to spark up a lighter conversation.

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