We Are the Children of the Stars (3 page)

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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The “laws” of Evolution, it seems, have fallen down right at the inception of all Earthly life. We will later give a daring
explanation for the missing fossils and the abrupt emergence of highly developed species of marine life.

Why is it that an analysis of the six spreading movements of primitive Man indicates that three of these spreading movements have come from Asia Minor?

Why are there Men with white, yellow, brown, red, and black skin? Why is mankind a mixture of breeds, in his outward form, almost as diverse as the breeds of dogs, whereas all wildlife is relatively uniform within its own species?

Unexplained greater size of brain of prehistoric Man, compared to Modern Man.

The race (Aurignacian or Cro-Magnon Man) that possibly swept away Neanderthal Man approximately 35,000 years ago in Europe had a larger brain-case by 100 cubic centimeters than modern Man. Yet there is nothing whatsoever to indicate that Aurignacian Man (Cro-Magnon) had more intelligence than modern Man. And where, in the first place, did this huge braincase, three times the volume of a gorilla's, come from?

Lack of explanation for Man's greater intelligence arising out of strict Evolution.

All of the lesser animals – the dog, cat, horse, elephant, and others – had the same number of years in which to develop – by Evolution's natural selection or mutations, or both – the surpassing intelligence possessed by Man. Yet Man alone achieved this.

Why? How? The evolutionists don't know.

An illustration of this dilemma, taken from current literature, follows:

And two great mysteries of Evolution remain. The first involves the origin of Man – the unique, tempestuous, rational, passionate, esthetic, irascible, proud, anxious, toolmaking, troublemaking animal that has dominated the planet for the last half million years. To the anthropologist, the evolutionary line of descent leading from Man's dark beginnings down to
homo sapiens
seems physically continuous,
held together here only by a segment of skull, there by a crumbling jawbone. Yet the point of Man's emergence as a human being, the threshold he crossed to enter the realm of self-awareness, the moment of his attainment of personality and spirit – these are still shrouded in the shadows of the prehistoric past.

Lack of explanation for Man's greater brain weight compared to other animals

Although all the other warm-blooded inhabitants of Earth have been evolving as long as we humans, not one of them has a brain that is over a hundredth (1/100) the total weight of his body. The sole exceptions are the hummingbird, one-twentyninth (1:29), and the chimp, one-seventy-fifth (1:75). Man's brain on the other hand is one-thirtieth (1:30) of his total weight. Where did this great discrepancy come from?

Why is it that Man is unique in so many ways among all primates that roam the world?

Man possesses relatively no body hair, nothing compared to the thick pelts of gorillas, chimps, and monkeys. This is not the result of wearing apparel, for aboriginal tribes such as the Australian bushmen, who have existed for geological eras, wear virtually no clothing and yet are as hairless as modern Man.

In turn, why does Man alone have a topnotch of hair that is never exhibited by the great apes?

Also, why is Man, alone of all Earthly creatures, able to shed copious tears?

Why can only he speak words?

Why is the human female, unlike all anthropoids as well as other animals, “in heat” uninterruptedly?

Why can humans alone smile?

Why does only our species of naked ape have no diastemata (spaces between teeth)?

And why does Man display 312 distinctive physical traits that set him utterly apart from his so-called primate cousins?

The tool riddle.

Why were shaped tools invented and used solely by all species of early ape-men (Hominids) but never by any other animals, including the Pongids (true apes)?

The civilization mystery.

Why did the homo branches of both Neanderthal Man and Cro-Magnon, who had brain-cases larger than modern Man, never, through a period of 60,000 years, create civilization, living instead as brutes?

The intelligence enigma.

Why did civilization spring up with an abruptness, in Sumeria ca. 10,000 B.C., that makes all archeologists and anthropologists gasp to this day? How could mankind change from a neolithic savage who was a nomadic hunter to a social being with villages and agriculture? Overnight, so to speak?

What can explain the skilled map-making art prior to Columbus, exemplified by the astonishing Piri Reis map that shows accurate detail of South America and of Antarctica? Of Antarctica, mind you,
the last Ice Age some 10,000 years ago?

Where did the ancients, as long as 2,000 years ago, learn an advanced form of mathematics that allowed calculations of the Earth's size, and pinpoint the eclipses of the sun and moon?

What accounts for the fact that the Mayan calendar of 1,000 years ago is the most accurate ever known, even more precise than our present calendar?

How could machineless mankind in B.C. and early A.D. times perform incredible engineering feats, such as building the pyramids and other stone structures so huge they would tax even modern machinery to duplicate?

Mental phenomena in Man.

Why is it that no ape brain, according to exhaustive tests, displays the fantastic higher qualities of Man's brain, such as genius, imagination, scientific inspiration, and less flatteringly, schizophrenia?

The thinking puzzle.

Why do human beings alone, apart from any animal, have religion? The exploratory instinct sparked by curiosity alone? The sense of high destiny? The feeling that life has a meaning?

Mythological enigma.

And now, perhaps the most important ancient puzzle about mankind – why does the mythology of
every one of Earth's cultures
in the past tell the same general tale, that the human race either came from the stars, or that “gods” visited Earth and helped us launch civilization?

Now that we have briefly examined twelve major unanswered mysteries of Evolution, biology, anthropology, archeology, anatomy, and such, we are ready to answer the big question: Can we develop a mutually compatible and single overall solution to these frustrating mysteries? A solution that takes into account many new discoveries of science? In short, a solution that is a new leap forward in evolutionary theory, a leap as monumental as was Darwin's?

In this book we offer such a theory, which will be treated and discussed as a mutually dependent two-part theory.

However, we must stress at this point that the reader will be shocked and perhaps angered by the boldness and seeming irreverence toward religion and orthodox science inherent in this theory. Fortunately, this irreverence will, by the end of the book, be revealed as nothing more than a mirage.

Briefly, this new theory proposes that mankind is a hybrid between early men on Earth and men from another world.

And, second, that Man and much of life on Earth may comprise a colony, an intentional colony, put here and nurtured by persons unknown, who came from outer space.

The amount, variety, mutual compatibility, and persuasiveness of the evidence in support of this theory, we believe, is nothing short of startling as we apply it point by point.

Can Man be such a star-crossed Hybrid? If so, what sense is he a Hybrid?

The first precept of this theory is that Man is somewhat like a cross between a buffalo and a cow (a cattalo), or a turkey and a chicken (a turken). In the case of Man, it is proposed that modern humans are descended from a crossbreeding or several crossbreedings that occurred many thousands or millions of years ago, between superintelligent travelers from outer space and early men.

We have a strong clue in the Bible itself (Genesis 6:2):

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

Who were the
“sons of God”?

One meaning instantly lifts universal mythology and religious writings of the past from mere legend and superstition to stunning historical truth – that starmen visited Earth and mated with early females (perhaps Hominids) to sire the modern human race of
Homo sapiens

The moment we provisionally accept this proposal, we at once have solutions for topic headings from numbers 3 through 12. Several mysteries of Man's anatomical developments, three anthropological riddles, three archeological puzzles, and various psychological and philosophical enigmas, are logically cleared up.

Surely, a theory that can answer so many major riddles of the past simultaneously deserves closer examination.

Here's how, for example, this theory explains the question raised under topic heading 3. Many anatomists agree that Man, in evolving from the present day onward, will probably have a larger and larger head and brain in the future. Presumably, 500,000 years from now, we could have 1,800 cubic-centimeter brain-cases instead of our current 1,300 cubic centimeters.

Stars and Men
, by Dr. Harlow Shapley, explains how perhaps half of the inhabitants of the universe have been civilized and more completely evolved than we, by millions of years. The assumption is that space travelers, successfully crossbreeding with
early Homo or Hominid species (by virtue of medical knowledge a million years ahead of ours), would bring to Earth larger heads and brains, plus the potential for the development of a relatively vast intellect.

Further, this explains why Man's brain is much larger in weight ratio to the rest of his body, as compared to the brain-tobody weight ratio of the lower animals – the latter but not the former conforming to the classic pattern of Evolution.

At this point in the unfolding of our new theory, it seems wise to indicate that nothing now known about Man or his history
his arriving at his present state of intellectual and physical development via the
route, as compared to the currently accepted evolutionary route. In fact, we know of nothing in genetics that can produce so many sudden, rapid, and tremendous changes (mutations) in a species as have occurred in Man – except enforced

It may be instructive now to review Darwin's Theory of Evolution and see where it fails to cover the many anomalies that block the way in discovering the origin of Man on Earth. We believe the failure hinges on Man's development alone, and that it is possible to show that, in the past 500,000 years or more, Man continually gave strong evidence of being a hybrid rather than a strict evolutionary product.

Man has been the only animal on Earth that showed dramatic biological and evolutionary development in the last halfmillion years, even in the past 50,000 years. It is strange that this occurred
to Man.

Couldn't it far more logically have been hybridization instead of normal evolutionary development?

Let us go back to the time when Charles Darwin was at last ready to publish his revolutionary
Theory of Evolution
. It was the year 1858.

He received a letter from his friend Alfred R. Wallace, who was in the East Indies.
This letter must have been a devastating blow to Darwin. In it, Wallace stated that he had developed, after
long thought and observation, a Theory of Evolution that had the concept of
natural selection
as its central theme.

By himself, Wallace had discovered the grand concept that Darwin felt was his own singular contribution to science.

In deference to Wallace, Darwin concluded that the only proper thing to do was to withdraw his own paper, so that Wallace would get credit for the original discovery. Darwin apparently had an essentially sterling character.

His friends were upset at what they considered to be a selfimposed miscarriage of justice, and they prevailed upon Darwin to change his mind. The problem was finally solved by having Darwin and Wallace present their papers at the same meeting of the Linnaean Society of London. They were then published together in the society's
for 1858. But subsequently and gradually, for various reasons, Darwin was credited as the “father” of Evolution.

Darwin and Wallace remained good friends throughout their lives. Wallace conceived of the great theory independently of Darwin and denied any claim upon it simply out of regard for his friend.

There is one aspect of this strange tale of the friendship between these two gifted men that bears directly upon our argument that Man may be a hybrid. Darwin believed that Man, like all other animals, was a product of natural Evolution.

Wallace, however, finally concluded that Man was an exception to the orderly operation of biological laws.

The principle of natural selection or its corollary, survival of the fittest, did not fit mankind.

These words have thunderous implications now. Here were two intellectual giants who simultaneously developed one of the greatest theories in scientific history. Yet, one of these two men believed that human beings were an
to the rule that all living things developed by means of natural selection (survival of the fittest) from lower forms of life.

How did Wallace conceive that Man was an exception to the rules of Evolution, and did his arguments leave room for the concept advanced within this book, that Man may be an Earthman/starman hybrid?

Very definitely! For one of Wallace's explosive statements was “that some intelligent power has guided or determined the development of Man.”

Either he meant God and his divine power, or he was thinking of an unknown force – which leaves it wide open that something influenced mankind's Evolution. And that
could very well be the starmen.

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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