We Are the Children of the Stars (9 page)

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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Another great puzzle in Martian topography is the “canyonlands” bordering the Nix Olympica region in the planet's east.
“The canyonlands are a real puzzler,” reports Masursky. “They
seem to be a series of innumerable fissures, some of which may represent cracking of the crust by itself.” But, he goes on, “Something else has gone on there. What that something is, is the biggest mystery at the moment.”

The report goes on to give another hypothesis, that the precession cycle of the Martian poles might mean that alternately, every 50,000 years, one pole gains a greater ice cap than the other. “In between these periods, weather on Mars would be unstable, producing lots of rain.”

Interesting, indeed, for a planet supposedly as arid as a desert! Furthermore, “water may be trapped and frozen in the form of permafrost and released episodically into the atmosphere.”

A space scientist who has thoroughly studied the Mars-Mariner photos also states he believes that water-ice (as distinguished from frozen carbon dioxide) is present as tiny crystals in two other areas – in the clouds that appear in the afternoon, and in two higher layers of haze (thin clouds) over the planet.

Each report seems to find more evidence of water or ice or water vapor on the Red Planet.

Scientists are also baffled by the enormous system of rills (cracks) existing elsewhere on Mars. They are parallel fissures (many drawings of Martian canals show them as
two parallels!
) extending more than 1,800 kilometers and up to 1.6 kilometers wide. These too could be evidence of long-enduring action by one-time bodies of water in the ancient past of Mars.

Thus, even if our camera-eye space vehicles saw no canals, they did even
and showed that Mars was once well-watered and even today may exhibit actual small streams as the polar icecaps melt – when more and better photos are obtained. And the possibility of life on Mars has thus been enhanced a hundredfold, canals or no canals.

Scientists who disbelieved in Martian life have become very quiet.

Fossil Clues

S SOME WIT in anthropology has said – down from the trees but not out of the woods, bipedal mankind must go back to his prehistoric ancestors for knowledge about his origins.

Anthropology is the study of mankind from ancient, extinct species into the present day, and much of it is based on fossil finds of early men, overlapping somewhat with paleontology, the search for fossilized bones of any and all creatures. In fact
is the combination of the two that deals with manlike fossils.

Anthropology is one of the most fascinating fields into which the human mind is today making inquiries. Some of the finest contemporary work is being performed within this science discipline, and some of the most talented men available to science are attracted to the field. No one reading through the great number of excellent publications in this field can help but admire the ingenious means by which these researchers have managed to wrest information from the silent and buried records of the past.

If, in the following pages, we seem to be severely critical and sometimes outspoken against orthodox views, it is not the anthropologists personally we are jumping on, but their
. And then only if the theory
castigation for being speculative, misleading, or downright unscientific.

This means no lack of respect for the fossil-hunters themselves, nor for their hard and often dedicated work; but we reserve the right to analyze and, if necessary, reject or even tear apart any concept or theory that is patently untenable. There will probably
be a few hardnoses with arrogance and inflexibly orthodox attitudes, who will react only with scorn and even rage at our criticisms of so-called established facts in the field.

But the “facts” of one generation often, in the light of new knowledge, are the discards of the next.

And who can set himself up as a
of such facts, which are often tentative and short-lived?

Let us remind the anthropologists in general that their greatest authorities for some forty years proclaimed the Piltdown Man's fossil bones as being unquestionably authentic before the blatant hoax was exposed. Anybody can be wrong – anybody. There are few absolutes in anthropology, and all is subject to change, review, reinterpretation.

Perhaps it might be considered impertinent for laymen like the authors to cast doubt on the theories and testimonies of the experts and authorities, but we do so only with honest intent to point out fallacies, inconsistencies, and below-par postulates, insofar as they can be reinterpreted as supporting a totally new theory – namely, the one we champion in this book.

And if we are “amateurs,” we must reiterate that Darwin himself was a “rank amateur.”

If the gentlemen of anthropology will be unbiased and examine our suggestions on merit alone, without prejudgment or partiality or condemnation out of hand, we feel that perhaps a whole new avenue of research into Man's origin can be revealed, to their own eventual benefit. We ask only for a fair hearing.

We, the authors, are not anthropological “authorities,” but we do quote and present the comments of very authoritative experts whenever possible. We submit that even the amateur can have sufficient discrimination and common intelligence to point out errors and misdirections that crop up in any area of scientific endeavor. The important thing is for the authorities not to isolate themselves haughtily as unassailable, thereby protecting false premises and sterile concepts as well as the body of valid material.

Although anthropologists on the whole probably cannot readily accept the quite radical theory proposed in this book, it
will undoubtedly have some impact on the field in ways unforeseen as yet. We do not claim
our ideas are correct, any more than all presently accepted anthropological data are correct, but only that some ideas may hit the truth and thereby earn
respect for our new theory.

Certainly, we do not expect and cannot accept a blanket denial or wholesale rejection of our entire work.

We feel that the same respect we have toward the anthropological experts should in all fairness be reciprocated and extended to the two nonexperts who have compiled this book and its – admittedly – blockbuster theory.

One thing we would like to emphasize should give pause to any reader, authority or not, before our theory is “laughed off” the stage.

If Man,
unknown to himself
, is a colony of hybrids of men from the stars, then it naturally follows that the anthropologists (who are part of the same colony) would be just as unaware
of this fact as anyone else
. No special or divine knowledge of theirs allows them to state categorically that no such colonization of Earth has happened.

They will have to examine all the anomalies we have listed, which do not fit the general anthropological milieu and, indeed, throw it out of kilter, and prove that those anomalies do not exist. It would be quite unscientific of them, and crassly arbitrary, to try to ignore all the unexplained and baffling mysteries of Man's origin, in order to hang onto their pet theories and consign ours to the scrap heap.

That is our measured and respectful challenge, in the interests of truth.

Now, if Earth is
a colony of starmen, there may have been acts committed in the dim and distant past expressly designed to prevent our present-day anthropologists from guessing the truth.

To be more precise, these acts were presumably done to prevent Man from proving, or knowing, that he is a hybrid, for reasons we will discuss in the last chapter.

If Man's ancestral race from the stars ever spent any great length of time on Earth, members of the expedition could have perished here from natural causes. Their remains may have been carefully carried off to their home planet for burial, to prevent future discovery of the bones by Earth scientists.

A contemporary anthropologist would be staggered to find an ultramodern skeleton with a 3,000 cubic centimeter brain-case, twice the human capacity and more. It would create havoc to try to fit this creature into what is known about Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man, and all early submen. This would be especially true if the remains of this superman were found in earth strata of an era prior to the earliest advent of Hominids on the earth scene.

A modern anthropologist would be in dire straits if he attempted to integrate such a find into the presently held picture of Man's pattern of Evolution. One thing stands out. When CroMagnon Man appeared upon the scene, Neanderthal Man was a cave tenant of long tenure but already dying out.

Cro-Magnon Man appeared with mysteriously improved skeletal characteristics and with a cranial capacity that is amazingly in excess by 100 cubic centimeters of that of modern Man.

We will briefly digress here to point out that there are various estimates of those cranial capacities that are different from the figures we are using. For example, in one anthropological work, brain sizes are given as 1,500 cubic centimeters for modern humans, about 1,590 cubic centimeters for Cro-Magnon Man, and from 1,400 cubic centimeters to 1,600 cubic centimeters for Neanderthal Man.
The latter had a variable brain size because his skull changed noticeably during an evolutionary period of 75,000 years of existence on Earth.

Whether we use one set of figures or the other, the main point is they both show that brain sizes were definitely larger in two species of prehistoric men than in present-day humans, surprising as that fact is. For simplicity, we will use the first set of figures – about 1,400 cubic centimeters for Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon, and 1,300 cubic centimeters for
Homo sapiens
of today.

Regardless of those different ratios of brain size, it is necessary to question where the oversized prehistoric skulls came from, and whether the concept of natural mutations by Evolution only can explain the mystery. A similarly large degree of brain expansion occurred in absolutely no other species on Earth in all the ages of the past, nor has any genus shown evidence of brain mutation of a comparable magnitude since antiquity.

If the above surmise about the starmen's “secrecy code” is true, however, then such a Starman skull of 3,000 cubic centimeters may never be found. Since all evidence may have been removed to maintain deliberate ignorance among humans, the anthropologists cannot help but assume that Cro-Magnon Man arose from
sources rather than being a cross between starmen and dawn men.

But the Hybrid Man theory does encourage speculation on the difference of Cro-Magnon's 1,400 cubic-centimeter skull capacity and modern Man's lesser 1,300 cubic-centimeters. It could explain why no intermediate skeletal remains were found in the Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon time period that trace any gradual cranial Evolution of one species into the other, which did not happen, according to authorities.

This is only one example of how our Hybrid Man theory can be used to explain a mystery of anthropology. There are many other areas in the field to which it can be applied, and they are treated elsewhere in this book.

It is important to stress here that the modern anthropologist should carefully follow imminent discoveries in space exploration. His interest should exceed that of the simply intelligent citizen, for fossil-hunters most likely will find that they have a deep professional interest in the results of space pioneering on other planets.

The presence of intelligence on Mars in either past or present, whether indigenous or not, may soon be confirmed. This would instantly put pressure on anthropologists to determine, as a matter of intellectual duty, whether among the myriad artifacts and skeletal remains here on Earth, some evidence may be found of past visits by outer-space creatures.

If one specimen or a series of strange specimens (in spite of our previous “secrecy” surmise) were found among femurs and tibias that could not be fitted into the accepted evolutionary picture, the discovery might represent a stage of mankind we have not yet reached. These would be the bones of the starmen.

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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