Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)
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Chapter Sixteen

After our talk about kids, we spend a lazy rest of the day with sex, food, and movies. I don’t remember the last time I spent so much time with a man, let alone in bed with one. Cason is making me feel things I’ve never felt before. By the end of the day, I’m full and sated.

Cason tells me he wants me to stay the night, but I have to fight him on it. I have no clothes or paperwork for the office tomorrow, and I have a ton of work still to do before tomorrow morning.

He says he doesn’t want to sleep alone, and I am starting to feel the same way. Reluctantly, I get dressed and tell him I need to go home. Once I get to my apartment, I wish I would have stayed with Cason. There is a note taped to my door. Opening it, I see unfamiliar handwriting.



I tried to warn you, but you don’t seem to listen.

I will only tell you once more that Cason is mine.

He will see that you’re worthless and can’t please

him the way I can. Stay the fuck away from him.


I gasp. Oh, my god. They know where I live now? I start to panic and grab my phone. Hitting Cason’s contact info, I wait for him to answer.

“Hey, babe. You miss me already?” he says with a laugh. If I wasn’t freaking out, I would probably laugh, too.

I check the hall before I walk into my apartment and lock the door behind me.

“Cason…” I can’t get the words out. What if whoever wrote the note is in my apartment?

“Henley, what’s wrong?” By the tone in his voice, I can tell he’s starting to worry.

“There’s a note on my door. I’m scared. What do I do?”

I can’t believe someone is threatening me. Who the hell does that? I know Cason is damn good in bed, but to threaten someone over him is crazy, isn’t it?

“Henley, grab what you need for tomorrow and come over.”

I can hear Cason, but I’m not paying attention to anything he’s saying. Instead, I am looking around my apartment to make sure nothing is different.

“Henley!” he yells.

“Sorry. I was making sure nothing was moved around.” I make my way into my room and grab an overnight bag.

“Hen, I’m on my way.” He hangs up before I can say anything back to him.

I grab a few things I need for the morning, as well as some pajamas. Making my way back into the living room, I notice my photos are moved around. Just as I’m about to take a closer look at them, there is a knock at the door, causing me to jump.

Slowly walking over to the door, I look through the peephole. I see Cason standing at the door, a pissed off expression on his face. “You okay?” he asks, looking me over.

“Yeah, just a little shaken up. Who would put a threatening note on my door?” I ask, shaking my head. He pulls me into his chest, making me feel better.

“I don’t know, baby, but I’ll find out and make sure they never come near you again.” I wrap my arms around his waist. I can tell he’s scanning the room behind me.

“Anything moved or missing?” he asks.

I nod and point to the photos I have lining the top of my fireplace. “They are in a different order than I had them.”

“Did you pack like I asked?”

I nod and continue to look around my apartment. When Cason releases me, I grab my bag and my briefcase. “For how long will I be gone?” I ask him.

“Few days. You’re not coming back unless it’s safe. You can stay with me as long as you want,” he replies with a smirk.

I want to smack the smirk off of his face sometimes. I don’t want to have to depend on him, but I’m afraid to stay here alone right now. Someone was in my apartment. Who knows what else they’ve done?

I grab a few more things and tell him I’m ready to go. He takes my bag and tosses it over one shoulder, wraps his other arm around me, and leads me out the door.

Once we make it back to Cason’s, he immediately gets on his phone and makes a bunch of calls. I watch him pace the living room and cuss into the phone more times than I can count. He seems to be getting even more pissed as the calls continue.

When he finally sets his phone down, I see the tension in his shoulders. When he sits down next to me on the couch, I move and start to massage his shoulders.

“Holy fuck, babe. That feels amazing,” he groans as I knead my fingers into his muscles. I spend the next ten minutes working out all of his tightness. I can feel his body relax. I love knowing I did that for him.

“You ready for bed, angel?” he asks, running his fingers up and down my thigh. I lean down and kiss his neck in response. He moans and pulls me up and over his shoulder. He carries me to his bed and tosses me on it. I know exactly what comes next. My panties get wet just thinking about all the things he’s about to do to my body.

I watch him take off his jeans and boots first. God, I love staring at his body. His shirt hits the floor next, and I think I’m about to die of sexual frustration.

I watch the way his powerful body ripples with each movement he makes. He reaches for me and pulls me to the end of the bed, wasting no time peeling my jeans off. Grabbing my hands, he pulls me up, taking my shirt off with care. Reaching around, he unhooks my bra and slowly slides it down my arms.

For a biker, I am amazed at how gentle he is.

When I am naked, he roams his eyes over my body. I can feel my pussy tingle with the thought of what comes next. When he smirks, I know I’m going to love every minute of our night together.




Chapter Seventeen

I wake up the next morning to an alarm blaring in my ear and Cason’s hard-on against my ass. Looking at my phone, I gasp and sit up. 7:45 am.
Holy shit, I’m going to be late for work
! I jump out of bed and almost trip over our clothes in a pile on the floor.

As fast as I can, I shower and brush my teeth. I can’t believe I woke up late. Cason wore me out last night. We made love for hours and still couldn’t get enough of each other. We stayed up way too late, but it was worth it.

Once I get dressed and manage to get my hair looking somewhat decent, I see Cason lying on one arm, the sheets barely covering him, watching me with interest.

“Sorry for making so much noise,” I say. I didn’t mean to wake him up this early.

I can see his cock starting to strain against the sheets. As much as I would love to do that again, I know I need to get to work.

“Naw, babe, you didn’t wake me up. I was just admiring you while you got ready. I’ve never seen a woman get ready as fast as you just did,” he chuckles.

He motions for me to come to him and I walk over. He kisses me on the lips. I want nothing more than to get back in bed with him, but I break the kiss and pull away. He grabs my wrist before I can get away.

“Hen, be careful. Call me if you need anything.”

I nod. “Will I see you in court later?” I ask, grabbing the rest of my stuff.

“Yeah, babe. I’ll be there.”

We say our goodbyes and I make my way to my car. Shit, my body hurts in places I never knew possible. I can’t keep the smile off my face as I get in and drive away.

As soon as I pull up to the building, I grab my stuff and make my way inside. Not paying attention, I almost run into Sarah. I don’t know what it is about her that makes me want to punch her, but she always seems to be trying to outdo me in some weird competition. I don’t have the slightest idea why she thinks we are trying to compete. Word around the office is she is trying to be Sutter’s go-to lawyer, but she loses more cases than she wins. She just plain sucks at her job.

Right now, I have the best non-conviction rate at the firm. It’s not because I am competing, but I also don’t take my job lightly. I am hired to win and I will do what it takes to ensure my client stays out of jail.

“Hey, Henley!” she says as sweetly as she can muster. I bet that was hard for her.

“Good morning, Sarah,” I coldly reply. I really don’t care if she likes me or not. Personally, I just hope she stops talking to me.

“You’re late this morning. Who would have thought that the golden girl would show up late? Did you have a late night getting plowed by the bikers?” she spits out.

“Plowed by bikers?” I ask with a fake surprised expression. She really thinks she got me with her elementary school insult.

She just smirks and doesn’t say anything else. This girl is something else. I smile to myself and shock her with my next statement.

“Well, I
get plowed by one biker last night. Let me tell you. He really knows how to make a girl curse the Lord’s name in vain. My god, he gave me so many orgasms, I lost count after five.” That isn’t a lie. Cason really knows how to work me over.

I watch her mouth drop open as she tries to think of something to say, but I just smile and walk right past her.

When I get to my office, Nikki is waiting for me. Great. Just what I need first thing this morning.

“Henley!” she says in a way too excited voice for this early in the morning. I haven’t had coffee yet and I can barely function without it. I say hello to her and make my way into the kitchen to grab a cup.

As soon as I turn around, Nikki is standing right there, a smile on her face. “So, I stopped by your place last night and you weren’t there. Were you with a certain MC President?”

“Yes, I was,” I say, trying not to let anything else out.

Her actions and facial features don’t match up. She is acting happy, but I can tell by the look on her face that she is anything but.

By the end of the morning, Nikki and I have talked about Cason in such detail, I can't help but blush. Once Nikki gets all the details she wants, I watch as she makes her way back to her office.

I spend the next hour going over the case files again for the Wayward Saints’ case. Cason is counting on me to get the guys off for this bogus crime and I definitely don't want to disappoint him.

About an hour before I have to be in court, I get a text message.

My dick is hard as a rock thinking about you.

;) I'm sure you'll be fine.

Fuck no, I won't. I need you now.

I can't help the blush that creeps up my neck and face at his message. Just as I'm about to text him back with something sexy of my own, the door to my office swings open. Looking up, I see a sinfully sexy Cason stalking towards me like he's dying of thirst and I'm a tall glass of water.

Leaning over my desk, he pulls my face to his and devours my lips. Hell, I don't even care that the door to my office is wide open and people are probably gawking at us. He kisses me with such passion, every logical thought I've ever had flies out the door.

When we finally break apart, I hear someone clear his throat behind us. When I look at Cason, he has a grin on his handsome face. Looking over his shoulder, I see Sutter standing there with a pissed off expression. He looks ready to murder and I have no idea why. I tuck my face into the crook of Cason's neck and I can feel his body vibrate with silent laughter.

"Cason,” I hear from the doorway.

"Yeah, Sutter?" he replies without even looking at him.

"Can we talk for a second?"

Cason looks down at me for a second before whispering against my hair, "When I come back, I'm fucking you on your desk."

He licks my ear, then pulls away and follows Sutter out of the room.

Oh, my god. I try to reign in my emotions, but my panties are soaked and I am horny as hell. I can't wait for Cason to come back into my office.

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