Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)
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Chapter Eleven

Holy fuck. That wasn’t supposed to happen! I know I told her I was going to fuck her, but I didn’t know it was going to be like that. Every time I touch her, I want to own her.

Fuck. I wait for her to slide down my body. As soon as she gets close to my dick, it automatically jerks in reaction. My plan of fucking her and getting rid of her just blew up in my face. My body is craving another release and it wants to be inside her when it happens.

I pull up my jeans and lead Henley into the master bedroom, then drag her into my bathroom. I pick her up to set her on the counter. She doesn’t look me in the eyes, and I don’t know how to judge this situation. On one hand, I want to fuck her again; on the other, I need to get away. I refuse to let myself get close to someone who could be ripped out of my life like Avie was. I can’t go through that heartbreak again.

I grab a washcloth from the cabinet and wet it with warm water. Henley is looking everywhere but at me. Part of me wants it this way, but the other part wants to force her to look at me like she did earlier today. I wipe my come off her body, then do the same for myself. I can’t believe I forgot a condom. It’s been years since I went bare, and I still can’t believe I did it without thinking about it.

Avie was the last girl I slept with without protection. I
use protection with Selena, but I later found out she poked holes in the condoms so she would get pregnant.

When I found that out, I wanted to murder that stupid bitch. Only one good thing came from that relationship and it was my little girl. She wouldn’t be here otherwise and I am grateful for that.

“Cason, I need to tell you something,” she whispers, and I pause. This can’t be good. I just hope she isn’t going to tell me about being in love with me or something. I wait for her to continue as I run through all the possible scenarios in my mind.

“When I was leaving the courthouse, a guy came to my car and told me to lose your case.” She stops talking, looking into my eyes. “Please know I would never do that. I won’t let a little thug try and scare me.”

“Who was it?” I growl. I’m pissed that someone would even try and talk to her. I don’t know where this possessiveness is coming from, but I want to snap his fucking neck.

She shakes her head. “I have no idea, but he took off on a bike and was wearing a leather vest. Kinda like the one you wear.” She looks at me with a determination I usually only see in my men. I love it and I have to force myself to keep from attacking her again.

“What else did he tell you?” She looks hesitant. I watch her rub her arms, so I go into the bedroom and grab one of my shirts for her to wear.

Handing it to her, I watch her tits move as she pulls it over her head. Her body is so fucking perfect, I want to spend the rest of the night memorizing every inch of it. Instead, I grab my phone and dial Nick.

“Yeah?” he says on the third ring.

“Hey, brother. Henley got a visit from another club earlier. They want her to throw the case.” As I wait for his reply, I pull her to my chest and hear her take a deep breath. She’s scared, but she is keeping a strong front for me. I feel her breath on my chest and it automatically gets a rise out of my dick.

“Cason, how do you want to play this? I know you like this girl, so tell me what you need me to do.”

Dammit, he can read me like a book. Hell, he’s always been able to see right through me, which is probably why we’ve been best friends for so long.

"Figure out who it was and take care of the threat. I won't stand for those fuckers coming anywhere near her or the club."

I hear Nick throwing out a few orders to the men and I instantly feel a little better about the situation. We say our goodbyes and I turn my attention back to Henley.

"Hen, come on. Let’s go to bed. I have plenty more things I want to do to your body." Her cheeks turn a rosy color.

I lift her off the counter and walk to my bed. It's been a long time since I shared a bed with a woman, but I can't help telling her to stay.

"Cason, I don't know about this. We have to work together, and this is nothing more than a one-time thing. I should probably go."

She gets up off my bed and tries to walk past me. Grabbing her arm, I spin her around and lean her over the bed.

"You sure you want to leave, angel? I really want you to stay tonight." I feel her breathing change as I kneel down behind her.

I spread her pussy lips and run my tongue along her. I hear her moan as I spear my tongue into her core. Fuck, she tastes so good. I could feast on her all night. I feel her pushing back on me and I know I've got her right where I want her. I nibble on her clit and I hear her gasping for air. I'm fucking hard as a rock and I need to get inside her again.

When I release her clit from my mouth, I kiss my way up her body and push her even further into the mattress. As I slam into her needy core, I can't help but groan.

"So tight," I moan. After she gets used to my size again, she starts to thrust in time with me, and I can feel her body tightening up. I pull out and she huffs in frustration.

"Cason…,” she growls.

I can’t help but smirk. "No, Henley. You don't want to listen, so I won't finish you off.” I watch her huff for a few minutes before she tries to get up and leave.

Holding her down, I whisper in her, “Angel, I’ll give you what you want if you stay with me tonight.” Reaching a hand down her ass to her sweet pussy, I run my fingers along her slit and slowly sink a finger into her hot core. “The choice is yours.” I swirl my fingers in her pussy before removing them and placing them in my mouth. “Mmm,” I moan, sucking her juices off each of my fingers.

She turns and looks at me, a smug look on her face. I cock my head to the side and watch her. She reaches her hand down to her pussy and begins to finger herself.
Oh fuck
. My hand instantly goes to my dick. I can’t help but jack off to the sight of her playing with herself. Her moans fill the room and I move her hand out of the way. There is no way she is going to be coming on anything other than my cock but, damn, that was a fucking sight to see.

I close the distance between us and thrust my cock into her willing pussy.

“Oh god,” she whimpers. I continue to thrust into her until I feel her walls clamp down like a vise. Once she rides out her orgasm, I pound into her even harder until I release inside her.

“Fuck!” I shout out. This girl's pussy is fucking addicting and I can’t seem to let her leave. As we are coming down from our orgasms, I whisper in her ear, “You're staying tonight.”

“Cason,” she says. I kiss right behind her ear, making her moan. “I don’t want to be your two-dollar whore. I can't be that girl.” Shit. I don’t want her to be my whore. I want to own her mind, body, and soul.

We get under the covers and I pull her body to mine. I want to make her feel protected. She rests her head on my chest and I run my hand through her curly hair.

“Henley, I don’t want you to be a whore. Be the person you are and don’t let me or anyone else change you.” I feel her sigh and she relaxes. Her body molds to mine like we were meant to be together like this.

Closing my eyes, I decide that I need to let her go. She will always think I want her to be my whore, and she already thinks my lifestyle is something that isn't good enough for her.




Chapter Twelve

The next morning, I wake up before Cason. I hurry up and get dressed, sneaking out before he stirs. I don’t even bother with a note or anything. He only wants a whore, but that is not who I am. I make my way home so I can get ready for work. Once I get to my place, I strip out of my clothes as I walk to the shower.

Once I wash Cason’s smell and dry come off me, I turn off the shower, wrapping myself and my hair in a towel, making my way to my bedroom. After picking out my outfit, I put on some fresh panties and a bra, then pull on my tight skirt and button-up shirt. All the while, I can’t help but remember the way Cason’s hands ran along my skin as he stripped me naked. I get chills just thinking about it. Shit. I need to stop. It was just sex. Sex! That is all it will ever be between us.

I finish getting ready and make my way to work. When I walk in the door, Nikki stops me, wanting all the details. I have no plans of revisiting the night, especially in detail.

“Henley!” she screeches as I keep walking to my office, ignoring her. “Tell me! Did you and the sexy MC President knock boots?”

I turn towards her. “Knock boots? Are you serious?” I ask, flabbergasted.

“Yeah. You know, he’s a ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ type of man,” she says with a devious smile. She is up to something, but I’m not exactly sure what.

Just as I’m about to say something to her, Sutter comes walking by. “Ladies,” he says, nodding his head to both of us. We both say good morning, then Nikki elbows me. “How is the Saints’ case going?”

I hear Nikki snort and I want to punch her. “I’m sure Henley knows how
is doing,” she says with a scowl.

Is she jealous? I watch Sutter frown, then his expression turns angry. What the hell is going on? I don’t have time to mess with this.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.” I make my way to my office.

Once I close my door, I sit down and pull out the file for the case. I scour over it until I can prove they are innocent backwards and forwards. When I get a text, I pull myself away from my paperwork.

Part of me is nervous to check it. What if it is Cason? I’m not sure how I am going to be able to represent the club or look at Cason now, but I am still going to do justice for the guys who are on trial. It's my job and I take it seriously. Before I can check the message, my phone starts to ring.

Looking at my screen, I see a number I don’t recognize. “Henley Reid speaking.”

A weird, robotic voice comes over the line and I almost drop it. “You
lose the Wayward Saints case or suffer the consequences. We will not warn you again.”

I start to shake. Should I call the cops? Should I call Cason? He will probably want to know. I pick up my phone and look for Cason’s number. Hitting CALL, I wait for him to answer.

“Well, well. You want to make nice after you left without a word this morning?” I deserve that.

“Cason, I left before I could
left. Don’t blame me for that. You have a reputation and I, for one, don’t want to be another notch on your bedpost.”

His chuckle makes me want to punch him in the mouth. “Darling, if that helps you sleep at night.”

He is seriously making me want to scream! “Cason, I didn’t call to talk about this. I called because I just got a call from a robotic voice saying that I need to lose your case. What do I do? Should I call the cops?” I don’t know what to do and I am scared…not that I’ll admit it to him.

He is quiet for a few minutes. “Don’t go anywhere, Hen. I’ll be there soon.” He hangs up before I can say anything else.

Setting my phone on my desk, I look around the room. What am I going to do?

Twenty minutes later, I hear a commotion outside my door. I hear someone yell before something slams against my door. Holy hell. What is going on out there? When my door flies open, Cason is standing in the doorway, looking ten shades of pissed off.

“Don’t fuck with me, Sutter. I will fucking end you.” I stare at him in shock. What the hell is going on?

He walks over to me and pulls me into his arms. His hand caresses my jaw and he forces me to look at him. “You okay, angel?” I start to answer him, but the clearing of a throat causes me to turn my attention to the doorway again.

“Prez, what do you need me to do?” the stranger in the Saints’ cut asks.

Cason looks around the room, then back at me. “Angel, where’s your phone?” I point over to my desk and he releases me, walks over and grabs it, then tosses it over to the other guy, who starts to press buttons.

I don't want him going through my phone, so I march over to him and grab it out of his hand. Cason is crazy if he thinks I'm going to let him control any part of my life.

"You are
going to go through my phone,” I state, pointing my finger at the scary-looking biker in the doorway. I turn to face Cason. "And you," I state, pointing my finger at him, “are
going to come in here and threaten my boss."

Cason just shakes his head at me. I can tell by the look on his face that he isn't very happy. He walks up to me and runs his hands along my face, then grips the back of my head. Our lips are less than an inch apart. I can feel his breath on my face and I want to devour him. I stare into his blue eyes.

He leans into my ear and whispers, "Angel, don't ever disrespect me in front of my men again. My guy
look at your phone. He's the best shot I have at figuring out who is coming after you. As our lawyer, you are under our protection. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."

He can't be serious, can he?

He releases me and grabs the phone from my hand, tossing it back to his guy. I stomp back to my desk. Screw him. We sit in silence for a few minutes before I hear his guy say something, "Prez, I got the number. I'll run it through and let you know in a second.” He pulls out a tablet and starts typing stuff. Who knew bikers could be electronic savvy?

I hear a few more taps and I turn to Cason. He is walking around my office, looking at all my pictures and awards. I cringe when I see him looking at the picture of me at my graduation from law school. I was twenty-six and a size four. Now, well… Most girls make fun of my weight. I don't mind the extra pounds. Hell, I think I look great. I always thought I was too skinny before, but I feel great about myself now.

His eyebrows furrow and he looks back at me. I steel myself for the verbal assault I know is about to happen. His lips curve into a small smile and he stalks towards me. I back up until I have nowhere else to go. He boxes me in and I can't help but panic.

"Angel, I’ve got to say, I'm not a fan of the anorexic-looking you. I love all the curves you possess, and I want to memorize every inch of you." I can feel his hard-on, making me want him to bend me over my desk and fuck me hard, but now is surely not the time.

I push him away and walk back over to my desk. I need to get him out of here.

"Prez, I got it." Thank god.

Cason takes one last look at me. “I’ve got to go. We’ll talk later.” I watch them both walk out the door.

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