Untamed: An Alpha's Promise (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Untamed: An Alpha's Promise (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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This is the part I hate
, Parker thought, listening to Charmaine’s voice on the other end of the phone as she laughed and sobbed through her announcement. She sounded a million miles away and full of doubts, and he wanted her beside him so he could talk it all through with her and encourage her to see that she deserved it. He’d never met a woman who did things with more heart than Charmaine. It was all part of why he loved her, even beyond the undeniable physical pull of their Mating.


He liked to think he would have loved her even if they were two regular humans who had met in a store or at a friend’s party instead of in the emergency room after a brawl between their respective pack members. He thought back to that night: Charmaine dressed in black like some sexy cat burglar, so fiercely protective of Scottie that he thought she would shift and rip his head off right in the hospital. She’d held her ground and despite the circumstances he’d felt a pull to her, something familiar in her fiery blue gaze that beckoned him before he ever touched her. He knew there was something special about her even before he realized she was the woman from his dreams, his Mate, the woman he was fated to spend his life with.


He recalled the days when he only knew her clean, floral scent from his dreams, when he’d spent days after each fantasy encounter longing for night to come, begging for sleep to take him so he could bury his face in her dark locks and lose himself in her exquisite heat. Now she was his, in the flesh, but he still didn’t have her, not completely. Not the way he wanted.


He hated their fragmented lives. Her family had tolerated his presence when César’s life had hung in the balance, but now it was clear they wanted her to make a choice, and he had a suspicion
choice was Scott Tyndall. His parents, to their credit, were supportive - though they worried for him, naturally, and had asked on more than one occasion if he was really sure they were Mates. He’d grown resentful of trying to explain it to them without rehashing the intimate dreams--visions, really--that he had of her, or trying to describe that jolt in the hospital when he’d pulled her out of harm’s way and
her, just like that.


It wasn’t just a physical response, and he’d never experienced anything like it with any other woman. He’d been with his share of partners and had felt the pull toward countless others he hadn’t dared touch, but never had he experienced such all-consuming desire as he had with Charmaine.


Knowing he was the only man she’d ever loved was an incredible rush; she was no virgin when he met her, but her experience was limited to say the least. Every time he watched her in the throes of ecstasy he knew he was seeing her face as no one else ever had, and he came harder because of it, marking her as his own each time he spent himself. He’d never considered himself a jealous man, and what he experienced wasn’t that exactly; it was more a feeling of complete oneness with her, a sense of both belonging to her and claiming ownership of her all at once.


He had never been as sure of anything in his life as he was about his decision to marry her and to make her his wife in the official Mating Ceremony that would bind them together in ancient Lycan tradition. The treaty between their packs forbade their union, but he and Charmaine believed they’d find a way to get the treaty renegotiated to allow their relationship. If not, they’d simply have to keep their love a secret until after their Mating Ceremony, since the treaty also included language about honoring a union once a couple was already officially Mated.


Or once a child was born.


Parker thickened as he thought about Charmaine carrying his child, her body lush and heavy with new life. He envisioned her face with that beautiful glow of expectant mothers, her blue eyes serene, and her breasts full and pendulous. He imagined what it would be like to know they had created new life together and to witness his child growing inside her. Images of a chubby toddler with Charmaine’s smile and soft curls tottering across the floor of his kitchen flashed before his eyes. Lately he’d been dreaming of a son, dreams so real they seemed like visions, and once or twice he’d almost told Charmaine, but he didn’t want to freak her out.


He shook his head, clearing the fantasies away.
One thing at a time
, he thought.
baby? Jesus, we’ve been together for a month. We’re not even officially Mated yet! One thing at a time.


But he was more certain of her, of them, than he was about anything in his life. And though she hadn’t even agreed to move in with him yet and he had to argue to get her to leave more than a toothbrush at his place, he knew it was just a matter of time. They were Mates, after all.


He grinned to himself as he realized the one benefit of Charmaine not living with him yet.
No way will she accidentally find the ring I bought her.
Now it just came down to finding the right time to have that conversation with his future wife.








As it turned out, working with Scottie was less stressful than Charmaine had originally thought. In the couple of weeks he’d been there, he crunched numbers in his office all day and she went out on a lot of sales calls, so their time in the office together was limited. True to his word, Scottie didn’t push her for more than friendship or remind her of his unexpected proposal or her awkward rejection. He seemed satisfied with their relationship returning to the platonic bond they’d had before she met Parker. It was a relief not to have to worry about it, frankly, especially when there were other more pressing issues, such as getting her father alone to discuss the treaty. These days, he was always with Christopher - and the last thing she wanted was his involvement.


She was just about to head to lunch with Scottie when his cell phone rang. “Hey, Mom,” he greeted cheerfully. Charmaine could hear Shannon’s frantic, high-pitched voice all the way across the office. His eyebrows knitted together as he listened. “She’s right here, why?” There was more excited talking through the phone, and Scottie’s face went pale. “Shit. Okay.” He closed his eyes and she raced to him.


“What’s wrong? Scottie, what is it?” she pleaded. “What did your mom say?”


“It’s your dad.” Scottie’s face was pained, his eyes red. “He’s had a stroke, Char.”


“Oh, God!” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Is he— Did he—”


He shook his head. “He’s alive, but he’s unconscious. Our moms are at the hospital, and doctors are hoping to stabilize him overnight, but he’s in bad shape. We better go over there right away.”


She couldn’t stop trembling. “I can’t— Parker isn’t—” She couldn’t form the words, and her legs felt like jelly.


“Give me your phone,” he commanded, and she handed it to him as if in a daze. “You sit. I’ll call Parker, okay? You just sit right here. We’ll head up there as soon as we can. I’m right here. I’ve got you. It’s going to be okay.” He took the phone from her, scrolled through the numbers, and pressed the call button. She gripped his free hand as if it were a lifeline. “Yeah, Parker, hi… This is Scott Tyndall. Listen, I’m with Charmaine, and I wanted you to know that her dad had a stroke. We just found out, and she’s pretty shaken up. I’m gonna drive her over to the hospital and stay with her until we have a better handle on what’s going on. Call when you can.”


The tears that had fallen so freely just moments ago suddenly wouldn’t come. Her eyelids were like sandpaper, and her throat felt like she was being strangled from the inside.  “His heart…” she whispered. “He’s got a bad heart… He’s not going to make it…”


Scottie pulled her gently to her feet and held her coat out for her. She put her arms in like an obedient child and stood frozen to the floor, overwhelmed.  “You’re in shock.” His voice was gentle as he buttoned her coat and wrapped his arm around her. “Let’s just go.” She nodded and followed him, clutching to his hand as he led her out to his truck and bundled her onto the cold, slippery seat.


“Sorry, it’ll heat up fast.” He rubbed his hands together in front of the vent as the engine roared awake and air blasted against them. “Shit. Here--” He reached behind the seat and pulled out a heavy blanket, tucking it over her huddled form. “This will help.”


Her teeth chattered in response, and he yanked the gear shift and pealed out of the parking lot, concentrating on the road as he sped away. The hospital wasn’t far, but it felt like an eternity to Charmaine as she stared at the yellow lines and said a silent prayer for her father.
Of all the days for Parker to be gone
, she thought. No doubt he was with Dominic, which meant she might not hear from him for hours.


When they arrived at the hospital, Crystal was collapsed in Shannon’s arms, her face blotchy and her makeup smeared. Crystal shook her head when Scottie asked if they’d received an update about César. “Nothing yet. It’s going to be a long night, I think.”


“Did anyone call my brothers?”


Shannon squeezed Charmaine’s hand. “I called Casey and Corey and sent Christopher a text. I thought maybe Scottie could call Caleb and answer the phones if anyone calls back.”


Scottie nodded and took Shannon’s phone as well as Crystal’s. He lined them up on the end table next to him along with Charmaine’s phone and his own. “I’ve got all the phones covered.”


Crystal finally registered that Charmaine was there. “Honey, I’m so glad you came,” she croaked, rubbing her face and staring at Charmaine with a glazed expression.


“I gave her some valium,” Crystal explained. “She needed to calm down.”


Charmaine nodded.


“I’ve got more.” Crystal raised her eyebrows at Scottie and flicked her eyes toward Charmaine. “In case anyone else needs them.”


“I’m okay, thank you,” Charmaine demurred.


“You just need to sit quietly for a bit,” Scottie said, ignoring his mother’s offer of drugs. “Maybe take off your coat and get comfortable.”


“Okay,” she agreed automatically, but he still helped her out of her coat as carefully as he’d helped her into it before drawing her against his shoulder and taking her hands in his. She managed a weak smile at Shannon before collapsing into the chair.


They waited hours, with only occasional updates from hospital staff. César had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. The doctors believed he’d likely hidden the fact that he’d been feeling poorly from Crystal, since his body showed signs of prior distress. He’d been in his study that morning and she’d been cleaning out her closet. When she came in with his soup he was mumbling incoherently, and she called the ambulance just before he collapsed. Until he showed signs of confusion, she hadn’t known a thing was wrong.


Around four o’clock, a new doctor came out to update them. César was still unconscious, and they were having difficulty stabilizing his blood pressure. Charmaine’s brothers had called, all but Christopher, who was en route to New York, and Scottie had patiently repeated the same story to each of them while Crystal faded in and out of lucidity.


Charmaine wanted Parker with her so badly that her bones ached. The sterile corridors made her pine for his warmth, and her mind wandered back to their first meeting outside Scottie’s room. She pulled her phone out of the pile beside Scottie and touched his shoulder. “I’ll be back.”


When he answered it was all she could do not to burst into relieved tears.  He told her he had just been listening to the message when she buzzed in, that he was sorry about her dad, and that he would be there as soon as he could. He asked if Scottie was staying with her, and she said he was. “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he vowed. “I love you.”


“I love you, too, Parker.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Scottie wince.


“Just hang tight and let Scottie take care of you. Let me talk to him, please.”


She handed the phone to Scottie and watched as he spoke, his face stormy. “Yep. Mmhmm. Sure thing.” His eyes met hers. “I’m taking perfect care of her,” Scottie said between gritted teeth before he hung up the phone and handed it back to Charmaine.







Parker struggled against the lump in his throat as the oncologist droned on. He’d heard all he needed to:
no significant effect
stopping treatment
maybe three months
. Though he’d been groomed to expect the unexpected and to rise to the occasion if he had to take leadership of the pack, those had always been abstract plans. The reality was he wasn’t ready. He wanted his dad by his side for the big events - his wedding and Mating Ceremony with Charmaine, the birth of his first child - and there was no way that was going to happen. Not with that prognosis. His first impulse was to tear the entire office to shreds, to howl his frustrations until the walls shook. But he knew this was no time for irrational, emotional behavior. His father needed him to be calm.


It was Dominic himself who’d decided to stop the treatment, which had ravaged his body with no effect on the cancer. In the car ride on the way to the appointment, he told Parker about his decision. He explained that he wished to slip away naturally and in peace, which Parker railed against at first. “Dad, come on, you’re a fighter!” he urged. “Didn’t you always tell me not to give up? Not to let the enemy defeat you?”


“Son…” Dominic sighed, covering Parker’s firm, strong hand with his frail one. “‘When defeat is inevitable—’”


“‘—it’s wisest to yield.’ Yeah, I know. I just never thought it would ever be you doing the yielding.” He swallowed the hot lump down and threw the car into gear, his insides twisting.


Now, sitting in the sterile office, a sharp pain throbbing above his right eye, he recalled Charmaine’s grief when she thought she had lost her father and couldn’t imagine that pain. It was unfathomable.
Maybe three months
. He knew full well that with cancer it could be twice that time or half that time. When was anyone’s guess.


His sister Madison was only twelve, just a baby. She’d always been very close with their dad, maybe even closer than he was. Although she knew Dominic was sick and was aware that there was no recovery, he didn’t think she really understood how little time was left. He could barely get his head around it himself. He thought of all the moments in Maddie’s life his father would miss: her first day of high school, her driver’s license, her prom, her graduation. College, babies, marriage. By the time his sister was his age she’d have lived more years without a father than she’d lived with one. He wasn’t ready to fill the big shoes his father was leaving behind, not where his baby sister was concerned.


He was completely numb as he shook the doctor’s hand and managed a reassuring smile at his dad. He didn’t even remember getting in the car or driving his father home. But he was aware of his father climbing slowly out of the passenger seat and shuffling into his house, refusing his son’s help, telling him he wanted to do it on his own for as long as he could. Parker thought for the first time in his life as he watched his once-vibrant father slip through the door, a shadow of his former self,
That could be the last time I ever see my dad alive



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