TYCE (37 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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still mourning the loss of my child and I wasn’t capable of taking good care of you at the time. I ummm…was an emotional wreck. But understand Tyce that I never completely left you, I was always near, and now when you

need me the most, I’m here for you.”

I digested what Pamela said and I knew she was being honest and sincere with me. I respected her

for that.

“Times almost up Adkins.” Cecil bellowed from across the room.

I turned to look at him then I turned back to Pamela, “Thank you for comin’…and thank you for answering my questions.”

“You're welcome.”

“I’d like to talk to you again sometime if that’s ok?”

“I’d very much like that.” She said as we both stood up.

I now really looked at the woman that saved my life; she was a short woman probably about 5.3. She had to be about 50 but she didn’t look a day over 35. She was dressed in a dark blue pantsuit with a cream blouse underneath. Her eyes were an ocean blue and her face expressed kindness and warmth.

“Thanks again for lookin’ out for me….mom.”

“You're welcome...son.”

I walked over toward Cecil with some new pep in my step.

“That’s my moms.” I told Cecil proudly.

“Yeah I heard.” He tried not to show it but he

was happy for me. “You’ll get to see her in

eight days but for now I gotta get you back to your cell.”

I turned around, “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll see you later Tyce…keep your head up you only have a week left.” She smiled and waved goodbye.




You’re Fired



Wha tha fuck you meen yu cuudnt charg hem?
” Diego asked Walsh.

“I mean…th th the case fell apart…it it wasn’t my fault…the D.A…”

I dun gif a fuck about tha D A. I tol you to mek sur he was locked up an you cudnt even du that simpul theeng!”
Diego walked over to Walsh and punched him in the face.

Walsh stumbled back and fell on the couch in Diego’s office, “
Ged the fuck outta my face!

Detective Walsh fumbled out of Diego’s down town real estate office and jumped in his unmarked cruiser. He didn’t bother to wipe away the blood that was running down his lips; he just sped off from the parking lot. The fact that he was a cop offered little protection from Diego…he was now in fear of his life…and he had good reason to be.




I Can’t Wait Til You Come Home



The seventh day was a good day for me. I was finally getting released tomorrow and I couldn’t wait. I spent the last week reading and talking on the phone to everyone. I talked to Bree and found out she was back in school working on her bachelor’s degree. She was doing better emotionally and getting her life back on track. Sway moved down the street from my home and he and Renae were planning to open a day care center in the inner city. He’d hung up his gloves for good but he still was involved in the fight game…he had his hands in a few upcoming fights. He and Ranae were doing quite well these days and both of them slept like babies in their newly bought beach wood bed.

      I was looking kinda rough so I paid for a haircut out of my commissary money in preparation for my visit with Angelique. Even though I was also with Dallas, they still gave each other space when it came to spending time with me. They both would be there to pick me up tomorrow but today I was spending time with Angelique. Once again, Cecil led the way to the

visiting room and I followed. I was looking as good as I could considering the jail house cut I was sporting; Angelique on the other hand was looking scrumptious. My mouth actually watered when I seen her sitting there. I didn’t want to jeopardize my upcoming release so I restrained myself from taking a bite outta her like a juicy peach.

“Hey baby, how you doin’?” She greeted me warmly. “You lookin’ like the old Tyce…
.” She teased.

“Yeah I jus’ got a cut…it aint that bad is it?” I rubbed my head a little.

“Naw, I’m jus’ messin' with you…you look good.”

“Thanks, how’s Dallas?”

“She’s good…we goin’ shoppin' after this. She wanna get a new outfit to pick you up in tomorrow.” She snitched.

We sat down in our designated spots and continued our short visit.

      “Guess what?” I baited.

“What?” She asked putting on raspberry lip-gloss.

I paused for affect, “I met the woman who pulled me out of the dumpster when I was a


? What did she say?” She cocked her

head and opened her mouth in awe.

“It was crazy…I mean I was expecting to see you and Dallas but she was sitting in here. She told me she’s always been around keeping an eye on me; then she told me she was the one responsible for getting the charges dismissed.”

Get tha fuck outta here
!” She slapped the table. “How did she do that?”

“Apparently she’s a private investigator and she had found out that the punk ass detective that arrested me was fuckin’ with little boys.”

“What do you mean fuckin’ with little boys?”

I lowered my head, “I mean he was gay and was
little boys.”

“DAMN, aint that some shit!” She gasped, “That dirty bastard!”

“Yeah that’s what I said.”

We tried to cram a week’s worth of conversation into ten minutes. We talked about me and her, her and Dallas and me and my mom. As usual, the time flew by at warp speed. She ended the visit with a bombshell,

“Me and Dallas were talkin’ and we wanted to run this past you.” She licked her lips.

“Run what passed me?” I asked watching her

tongue hit the corners or her mouth.

“What do you think about all of us living together?”

“Wow…that would be a big step…ya’ll think ya’ll ready for that?” I shot back.

“Yes we can handle it…the question
can you?”

I thought about what she just asked me. I was taking this relationship seriously and I didn’t want to fuck it up. The one good thing about jail is that you have plenty of time to think shit out and plan your life. During my time in here I came to realize two things: one was that I never wanted to come back here again, and two was that I wanted to spend as much time with the women I loved as possible, that included Angelique, Dallas and now Pamela. I looked at Angelique who was staring at me waiting for my response,

“I’m gonna fuck the shit outta you when you get home and I’m sure Dallas is gonna do the same…are you sure you can handle all that in house pussy?”

I laughed a little, “Yeah I’m sure
can handle it.” I looked down at my lap and smiled.

Cecil once again ruined the fun I was having by announcing the end of the visit. I reluctantly said bye to Angelique and she blew me a kiss as I walked away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow baby.” She said excitedly.

“Ya’ll need to start packin' your stuff.” I

pointed my finger at her.

“Oh don’t worry we will.” She laughed.

I went my way and Angelique went hers. I made the familiar trip to my cell while she made the long journey to the parking lot. The moon was beaming down on her as she bounced to her car feeling good about her life and her situation. She took the key ring out of her purse and pressed the unlock button. Just as she opened the door it was violently kicked closed, she spun around quickly to see who was behind her. Angelique turned around and found herself staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. She’d left her gun at home…she never brought it with her to the prison anyway but now she wished to God she had.

      “I know you didn’t forget about me.”

She looked passed the barrel of the gun and focused her eyes on the man that was holding it. She recognized Marcus from the pool house.

“FUCK YOU!” Angelique spat back.

“Naw bitch…fuck you. You thought you could carve me up like a fuckin’ turkey and get away with it. I told you I’d make you pay for that shit…nobody does that shit to me and lives;

especially a bitch like you!”

Angelique held her breath and wondered how the hell she was gonna get outta this one. Her man was locked up, she was alone without her gun, and she was playing one on one with a man that was drunk with revenge.


Damn life was a trip.                       













ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!! Let’s do it, I’m sittin with four pillows behind my back and a glass of grape kool-aid by my side. First of all I wanna give a gigantic one up to Allah for giving me the strength, determination and patience to complete my 2
book. Big shout out to my parents Rose & Willie for all the love and support. Thank you Thank you! Much love to my siblings Jameelah, Ayesha, Wali & Ameenah. Ameenah, you were there when I first talked about TYCE & you helped me with the story line. GRACIAS. I gotta give a special shout out to my girl Melanie for telling me I should be writing when I wasn’t…and for loving me and for being the sexiest nurse I ever had. lol To my good friend and partner in crime Angela: thanks for being a tough proof reader…I needed that, your positivity never stops, it jus keeps going and going and going….

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