TYCE (31 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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wanna do?”

Tyce turned around this time, “I’m goin’ over there to kill that nigga and pick them up.”

      “I’ma go with you.”

“Naw man…I gotta do this shit alone…this is personal.”

“What the fuck you want me to do…jus’ sit here, man I aint with that.” Sway protested.

“I can handle this shit Sway…jus’ take your money and go home to your wife and kids…if I need you I’ll call you.”

Sway reluctantly agreed with the solo plan,

“I don’t like it Tyce but I’ma let you go

alone; but if you need me I’ll be in the area.”

 Sway was also wondering how Tyce found out Biz had the girls so fast; and who was that on the phone?







It was dark in the room. Angelique was lying on the floor unconscious; blood was dripping slowly from a gash on her cheekbone. Dallas was slowly coming out of her slumber and her head was pounding with pain. She slowly raised her head and stared into the darkness. Her eyes adjusted to the blackness of the room and she saw Angelique stretched out next to her.

“Angelique, Angelique, baby wake up!” Dallas whispered loudly shaking her friend lightly.

Angelique didn’t move right away; so Dallas shook her harder this time. Angelique slowly rolled her head to the side and opened her eyes.

      “I thought you were dead girl!”

Dallas stood up and helped her friend get to her

feet. They had been locked in a room with no windows but they knew how they got there. Angelique adjusted her clothes and wiped her bloody cheek with the back of her hand. Dallas went over to the door and tried the doorknob; she jerked on the handle but it wouldn’t budge.

“Who the fuck were those niggas?” Dallas

turned around, “I was watching the bank door,

and all of a sudden I heard you screaming.”

“I don’t know what happened…I was looking at you and then the passenger door opened, the next thing I knew Bruce was jamming a gun in my face. I didn’t have time to react so I jus’ screamed to draw some attention.” Angelique explained.

“Who the fuck is Bruce?” Dallas asked confused.

“Bruce works for Biz.” Angelique said spitting out blood from her mouth.

Now Dallas understood…Bruce and some thugs grabbed Angelique for Biz. She’d gotten in the way when she tried to help and they snatched her up too. That was the same Biz that Simone was dating and the same Biz that was plotting to murder Tyce. Dallas was starting to realize the deep shit they were in, she remembered running toward the van when she heard Angelique scream; Dallas didn’t get to far because she got hit by a car and was slammed into the back of the van. Luckily, the car wasn’t going that fast but the blow was enough to knock her out.

“We gotta get outta here.” Angelique announced.

“You damn right.” Dallas said looking at her sincerely.

Dallas paced the room trying to figure a way out.

She quickly realized that there was no use trying to look because that door was the only way in and it was secured by three dead bolt locks. Angelique didn’t bother to look…she’d seen this room before; it was the room Biz used as a storage area. She knew there was no way out. Dallas sat on the floor in the middle of the room and just stared at the concrete floor. Her head was in her hands when she spoke,

“Angelique…I have somethin’ to tell you.” She said quietly.

“What is it?” Angelique walked over to her and sat down, “Girl we gon be alright; don’t worry, you know Tyce and Sway aint gonna leave us here.” She reassured her friend.

“I know I know…but…it’s not that…I” Dallas paused.

“You’re scaring me girl…what is it?” Angelique reached for Dallas’s hand and held it.

Dallas tried to make eye contact with Angelique in the dark room; she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “I’m in love with Tyce.”

The room was silent. Neither woman spoke for what seemed like ages. Dallas was waiting for Angelique to let go of her hand and slap the shit out of her or something; but Angelique was still

holding on to it.

Breaking the silence Dallas spoke, “I…I don’t know what happened…I jus’ allowed myself to fall for him…I mean at first we were jus’ business partners you know…and then I jus’…jus’ started to care about him more than I should.”

“I know you love him Dallas.” Angelique stared at her with watery eyes, “I’ve known for a while.”

“How did you know?”

“I can tell the way you look at him.”

It seemed easier to talk about this in the dark for Dallas; she felt guilty for loving Tyce, she felt guilty for fucking Tyce, but she couldn’t hide her feelings anymore, the least she could do was be honest with her friend.

Angelique sighed, “Tyce isn’t my man

technically…we never…I mean he never really asked me to be his woman or anything…he jus’ treated me well and cared for me, he was there for me when I needed him. Because of that, I allowed myself to fall into the routine of being his woman…it felt good to be cared about. I’m in love with him too and I’m not gonna let him go.”

Dallas licked her dry lips, “I can’t jus walk away and ignore my feelings either.”

“Did you fuck him?” Angelique asked bluntly.

“Yes, but we haven’t been fuckin’ the whole time tho…it only happened once.” Dallas said clearly.

“Dallas you’re my friend, I’m not gonna hate you for having good taste and wanting to be loved…shit I wanna be loved too. I respect the fact that you told me face to face. You risked your life today to try and save
black ass; and right now, we’re in this fake ass cell together. You’re my friend girl…and I love you.” A tear rolled down Angelique’s cheek. “It’s hard to be salty with someone who jus’ risked their life for you.”

“I love you too Angelique, I jus’ wanted to tell you in case we never make it out of here. I was gonna tell you after the bank job, I didn’t want nothin’ to mess that up.” Dallas said emotionally. “And now we might end up dead.”

“We’re in a fucked up situation…but we’re not fucked.” Angelique said standing up, “We gonna be alright.”




Long Time Comin’



I parked my jeep about a block away from Biz’s house. I got out and popped my trunk; I grabbed two 45-caliber glocks and a high powered shotgun. I put my new bulletproof vest on and jogged the distance to the mansion where my women were being held captive. The sun was high in the sky, it was broad daylight but Biz’s house was secluded, the nearest neighbor was miles away. That was good for me ‘cuz some serious shit was about to go down. I laid down in the manicured grass outside the tall black iron gate, I was hyped; my heart was beating in my chest like a bass drum. I wasn’t nervous, I was furious. I had to check my emotions like luggage at the airport ‘cuz emotions could get you killed in a situation like this. Biz had an electric gate around his entire property that could only be turned off if you drove in or out, so I couldn’t jump it. 

I took out my phone and dialed, it only rang once when she picked up,

“I’m outside the gate.”

“Ok…jus’ hold up a sec, I’ll be right there,” She whispered.

About five minutes later, a black
“Lexus ES 300”
slowly approached the gate; it opened up slowly and the car slid through, stopping right in front of me. The windows were tinted so I couldn’t see who was inside; just in case it wasn’t who I thought, I aimed the shot gun at the front windshield.

      The window rolled down, “It’s me Tyce.”

Bree was sitting in the driver’s seat alone so I lowered my gun, “You alright Bree?” I asked walking toward the car.

“Yeah I’m fine, listen; the girls are in the storage room, it’s around the back of the house down the stairs. He aint been down there yet but I heard him talkin’ to Bruce and he’s about to go down there with him.” Bree said almost losing her breath.

“Calm down…take a breath…everything’s gonna be alright, I’ma get them out. Is there anybody else in there?”

“No nobody.” She shook her head side to side.

“Thank you for your help Bree.” I touched her shoulder gently.

“No Tyce thank you. I was happy to help you get that motherfucker! He was the reason Flash was killed…I’ll never forget that shit…and now he’s gonna get his!” Bree began to cry, “It was hell being with him. I had to hide my sadness and pain for Flash and play the girlfriend role. I hate his ass Tyce; please kill that motherfucker…do it for Flash...do it for me.”

I wiped the tears from her eyes, “I’ma get his ass don’t worry. You better get out of here, I’ll call you later.”

Bree sniffed a little and smiled weakly, “Ok.”

She pulled off and headed down the long road to freedom feeling relieved as she looked at Tyce in the rearview mirror. As she drove, she remembered when Tyce asked her to get close to Biz. At first, she rejected the idea but when Tyce explained how he was the one that was responsible for Flash’s death she agreed. She knew Biz didn’t pull the trigger himself, but he’d sent the men that did and that was enough for her. She told Tyce that she wanted the men that shot Flash dead as well. Ever since that day she held her boyfriend’s lifeless body in her arms she was infected with a feeling of emptiness. She missed Flash terribly but on the other hand, her spirit was surging with anger. She wasn’t a forgive and forget type of woman…she wanted revenge. The night Tyce told her the hit men who shot Flash were dead, she poured two shots of Hennessey; one for Flash and one for her…she toasted to their painful deaths and drank them both. Next on the list was Biz…once he was dead, she planned to visit Flash’s gravesite and tell him the good news.

      I watched Bree’s “
roll down the street, I really admired her courage; she was in mourning, yet she still managed to handle herself around the man who killed the man she loved. In addition, thanks to her expert spying abilities, I knew every move Biz and Omar made. She kept me well informed of all the hidden plans between them, and I was planning on paying her handsomely for her efforts and loyalty. It was easy to see  why Lil’ Flash was so in love with her, Bree was a great woman. I snatched myself out of my thoughts and focused on the task at hand. The gate was closing quickly so I ran in; the property was laced with trees and high shrubs so I used them to hide behind as I moved to the back of the house. I ran quickly across the grass and posted up behind a thick bush. My ears cocked as I heard voices from the inside, it was Biz and Bruce. They were in the kitchen having a heated conversation,

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