Read Two Point Conversion Online

Authors: Mercy Celeste

Two Point Conversion (7 page)

BOOK: Two Point Conversion
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“That’s what you get for thinking.” Cody grabbed the leg and took a bite. Kevin just went for a new one. “No man, I sort of failed fourth grade long before I moved here. I keep it quiet. I don’t like people thinking I’m stupid.”

“And you both know my dad was military. We never stayed in one place long enough for me to settle in. I missed an entire year when I got sick. We were in Germany then. Mom moved us home after that. I had a lot of catching up to do. So, no, you are not the only ones behind a grade. It happens.” Lucas tore apart a thigh, practically inhaling the meat. “I had mono. I got it from my first boyfriend.”

The only sound in the room was the ice maker releasing new ice into the bucket. Kyle looked at both Cody and Lucas wondering if this was news to anyone but him. Cody looked up meeting his gaze as he took Lucas’s hand.

“We talked after you left the locker room this afternoon. We haven’t told anyone. Ever. Well, Lucas’s family knows but mine doesn’t. When Kevin said he was gay. We thought… Okay this is awkward.”

Kevin shifted on his feet, Kyle saw his brother’s hands twitch at his sides. He dropped his gaze to the floor
, because he had the urge to reach over the short distance and take Kevin’s hand just like Cody had. Lucas cleared his throat catching Kyle’s attention. He and Cody moved away from each other. They looked embarrassed.

“No. Don’t. We’re okay with it. It’s just…
Shocked. Okay, you
me. I was trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t sound stupid.” Kyle gave a nervous laugh and moved across the kitchen, putting distance between him and Kevin before he did something that wasn’t as simple as two of their best friends coming out. He and Kevin were brothers. They could never be anything else to each other in public. Anywhere.

“I, ah, yeah
. What Kyle said.” Kevin leaned against the refrigerator the chicken leg seemingly all but forgotten. “I guess I don’t have gaydar. I didn’t…Okay, so how long have you two been dating?”

“A couple of years. Middle of tenth grade.” Lucas spoke this time
. He pulled Cody to him and curled around him from behind. “We’ve hidden this from everyone. I guess we didn’t know who to trust.”

Cody leaned back against Lucas and rested his head on the taller man’s shoulder. “We wouldn’t have told you tonight
, except…” He paused, his gaze darting from Kyle back to Kevin as he chewed his bottom lip. The hairs on the back of Kyle’s neck stood up.

“I saw you last night. In your kitchen.” Lucas picked up the dropped subject. Kyle couldn’t look him in the eye. Or Kevin. He started to ease toward
the door. To safety. There was no use denying anything. He could tell Lucas wasn’t just grasping at straws to force them to reveal something.
He knew

“Don’t go, Kyle. Okay.” Cody moved faster than Kyle had ever seen him move, he blocked his way to the garage door. And Lucas went for Kevin who was closer. Kevin pushed him away. “Just listen. Okay. This afternoon at the pep rally…I’ve never seen Kyle act like that. Like he was dying of shame. And Lucas saw you kiss. We’ve wondered, you know
. Maybe it was just the idea of the super-hot twins, and what-if type shit, but it’s true isn’t it?”

“No. It’s not true.” Kevin finally pushed past Lucas but Kyle was frozen. His body and his brain had ceased to function as a unit. Much like this afternoon. But worse.

“You’re safe here.” Cody shouted over the sound of Kevin and Lucas arguing. Kyle tuned in just as their voices rose and Kevin shoved Lucas. “Kevin, listen to me. You and Kyle are safe here. Lucas and I will keep your secret.
what we’re trying to tell you.”

“We don’t have a secret to keep.” Kevin shouted back, his voice strained with fear. “We aren’t—

“We are,” Kyle said
, his hands strangely steady. “We are.”


Chapter Eight


Kevin stopped dead in his tracks, his hand motionless on the door. He leaned against the window, his breath coming heavy. Their friends didn’t move or say anything. The room was eerily quiet. Not even the ice maker dared to make a sound.

Kyle made up his mind. He closed the distance between himself and Kevin and laid his hand over his brother’s where it rested on the knob. He pried Kevin’s fingers free and stood holding his hand.

“We…This is new for us. Okay. Very new for me. I’ve never kissed, never even
thought about
kissing a boy…man…whatever we are. And we’re—"

“Terrified.” Kevin finished for him. He finally turned away from the door and
, much like Lucas had done with Cody, Kyle did now, pressing himself against Kevin’s back as Kevin squeezed their linked hands to his chest.

Cody gravitated to Lucas and the two of them stood there with identical looks of…
Probably the same look they’d seen on Kyle’s face just a few moments ago. A small smile curled at the corners of Lucas’s mouth. His eyes took on a sparkle that wasn’t there before.

“See now, I
someone was getting a blow job on the bus last week.”

God, speaking of blow job, you owe me one,” Cody shoved his boyfriend—oh, God, they were a couple, and Kyle had missed that—against the island counter and reached past him for a piece of cold chicken. “Pay up.”

Lucas just grinned, and while both Kyle and Kevin stood rooted to the spot, he dropped to his knees and pulled Cody’s shorts down to his knees.

“Not in front of us. Are you crazy?” Kevin screeched, but Kyle could feel Kevin’s heart beat rev up at the sight of Cody’s dick being swallowed by…Just, oh, God.

“Why not? You did Kyle while we watched last night.” Cody’s smirk became an open mouthed moan.

“Oh fuck, Kev. I thought you said they couldn’t see us?” Kyle couldn’t take his eyes off the scene before him. The only reason he wasn’t reacting in horror, was that his dick was now standing at attention against Kevin’s back. Cody just laughed and let his head fall back as he fucked Lucas’s mouth. “Oh, God, this is…Can’t watch this…I, uh, I'm going out to the pool to cool off.”

Kyle dragged Kevin away before this went somewhere neither of them were prepared for. Like Kyle dropping to his knees to duplicate the experience, right there in Lucas’s mother’s kitchen.

“Grab the chicken, Kevin.”

“Yeah, sure
. Not sure I can eat it now, though. I think I’m scarred for life.” Kevin followed him loudly from the house and out to the darkened pool. Kyle went to the pool house and the control box for the lights and stereo system and turned everything on. They used the pool all the time. But never once had either Cody or Lucas let on that there was more going on with them than just being best friends.

Looking over his shoulder, Kyle could still see the two in the kitchen through the sliding glass doors. Cody’s mouth
falling open, Lucas’s head bobbing up and down, his hand moving in his shorts as he sucked Cody off.

“I don’t believe they’re doing that right in front of us
,” Kyle muttered.

“I don’t believe they’re doing each other at all.” Kevin perched on the diving board with his piece of chicken and let his feet dangle over the edge into the water.

“Yeah, that either.” Kyle didn’t know what to do with himself. He didn’t want chicken and he couldn’t stop watching his friends…come. Cody finished and slumped to the floor with Lucas, kissing him before putting his mouth where Lucas’ hand had been.

“Did you mean what you said?” Kevin’s voice seemed a long way away
, instead of just a few feet. “Just a few minutes ago. About us. Being together.”

A chill raced over Kyle
. Autumn was coming, he could feel it in the air. Autumn always made him sad. It always felt like an ending. Cold weather meant the end of summer, the end of football, the end of…innocence. He wrapped his arms around himself, trying not to think about what this year meant.

Their last football season together. Their last school year together. Next year they would be at different schools on different teams. Teams that would meet each other as
enemies. A second set of arms wrapped around him from behind. Warm breath on his neck made him shiver all the harder.

“I meant it.” He turned in Kevin’s
embrace and circled his brother’s waist with his to pull him closer. “I want to be with you. Whatever happens.”

“And that scares you.” Kevin place
d small kisses along his jawline.

“Doesn’t it scare you? We’re on the verge of…sex. With each other. I’ve never wanted to give everything to anyone before. And now it’s all I can think about. With you. Your mouth on me, your kisses
. I can’t remember a girl that made me feel this way.” Kyle closed his eyes and moved with Kevin to the ballad playing on the oldies station. A panty dropper from the eighties. He’d drop his in a heartbeat, for Kevin.

“I’m scared to death.”
Kevin admitted and closed his mouth over Kyle’s, dragging a moan from deep in Kyle’s chest. He held on tight as Kevin pulled him into his arms. He parted his lips to take the kiss to the next level. This was what he'd wanted when he rushed them from the field house. He'd wanted to get laid. Standing on a pool deck, reeking of sweat and grass and lust on a Friday night, this is where he wanted to be so badly he ached.

“I love you, Kyle.”

“I know.” Kyle wanted to return the words. One week ago tonight they’d just been brothers. Now they were lovers. Kevin'd had a lifetime to figure things out. Kyle couldn’t give his heart in just a week. “I want you so much.”

He tugged at Kevin’s shirt trying to pull it off without letting him go. Couldn’t be done. Kevin pulled away long enough for both of them to shuck their shirts then his arms were back, pulling Kyle closer than he was before.

“I want to make love with you. Not just fuck. I don’t want to hurt you.” Kevin whispered as he ran his hands down Kyle’s back ever so slowly. Their lips just barely touched. Kyle whimpered. The look in Kevin’s eyes was filled with love and heat.
Making love.
That’s what they were doing. And, God, it felt so damned good.

The music changed to something fast. A shout and a splash should have warned them they weren’t alone but Kyle didn’t care. He was with Kevin. The world didn’t matter.

“Oh fuck that’s hot. You two—get a room.” Someone shouted from the pool.

Kyle stepped away from his brother. Looking down into the pool he found both Cody and Lucas floating on the edge watching them
, their asses bare to the world.

Dizzy didn’t really cover what he felt as he moved over to the chaise beside the table where Kevin had left the food. He took a long pull from the beer and set it back down. He didn’t really like beer. He needed sugar and food and a shower. He grabbed a piece of chicken and tore into it as if he were starving
, just as another splash landed around him. Kevin had left his shorts and jock on the deck and dove in. Naked. With their naked friends. Who were lovers.

Lucas and Cody were both gay. Kevin was gay. They were all naked in the pool together. Dizzy turned to something else entirely. Another swig of beer and a stomach full of chicken gave him the courage to strip down and
dive into the pool.

“Glad you could join us.” Cody and Lucas were in a corner wrapped around each other
, Cody the one holding them afloat.

Kevin surfaced not far from him and smiled as he wiped water from his eyes. Kyle couldn’t help it, he gasped softly
at the sight and swam to be nearer Kevin. All the while his stomach was doing this twisting turning thing.

“They’re just ragging us. And we
hot together.” Kevin floated into Kyle’s arms and together they gravitated to the corner opposite their friends. “I’m going to kiss you. I don’t care if they watch.” Kevin nudged his hip with his hard dick. “It’s kind of turning me on. Knowing they’re watching us and getting off on it.”

Kyle couldn’t deny the stiffness that even the cool water wasn’t defeating. “Your hard dick is turning me on
. I don’t believe I just said that.”

“You did, I heard you. Kyle likes dick. You said so.” Kevin gripped his ass pulling him tight to him and with the water’s help Kyle wrapped his legs around his brother
, so there would be no mistaking exactly what they were doing.

“I like
dick. I’m not sure that holds for any other dicks. Just yours.” He loved how Kevin’s eyes went darker brown, how his nostrils flared, his tongue darted out to lick Kyle’s lips. Kyle moaned at the touch and opened his mouth to bring the kiss to life.

They moved in the water, floating together in the shallow end with just Kevin keeping them from going under
, exploring each other as if they were alone. Kyle gasped as Kevin’s finger pressed gently inside him. He relaxed letting his head fall back into the water as the finger went deeper. Kevin took advantage of his exposed neck to lick his way to the base of Kyle’s throat.

“Deeper…Kev.” He’d forgotten all about their friends. He didn’t care. It was just him and Kevin and… “
Deeper. Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah.”

He heard
a groan that didn’t come from Kevin. And forgot all about it when a Styrofoam float nudged him. He reached back and curled his arms over the noodle, going limp in Kevin’s grip, his head falling back into the water letting the noodle hold him afloat. Kevin lifted his hips out of the water and held on, anchoring him on top of the water. One finger still moved inside him. Heat engulfed his dick as Kevin’s mouth opened around him. He licked him, taking his time to ease all the way to the root. Kyle wanted more. Thrusting into Kevin’s mouth made him gag, but he didn't pull away, he opened his mouth and took him deeper.

Kyle opened his eyes to stare up into the night sky. Pleasure wrapped around him. Floating
, liquid pleasure, and he wanted this night to go on forever. The urge to come growing stronger told him it wouldn’t last much longer.

“I want to come in your mouth.”

It wasn’t Kevin’s voice that answered him. Lucas made a loud, almost guttural groan that startled Kyle. He’d forgotten, totally forgotten, that they were being watched. Shyness swept over him and he kicked away from his brother. Lucas and Cody, pressed tight against each other, couldn’t seem to take their eyes off him. Panic clawed at him. He couldn’t breathe. What the hell were they doing? Fucking each other in front of their friends. Oh, God.

Cody pushed away from Lucas and tugged him across the pool toward the stairs. “We’re going to go to Lucas’s room now.” He swam
to the side and climbed out with Lucas following. They both were hard. Because of what he and Kevin had been doing to each other.

“If you want to stay over, the guest room is right beside my room. There’s no one here but us. Just turn off everything and lock the doors when you come up.” Lucas said
, holding Cody back. He nodded at Kevin before giving in to the pull toward the house.

“Do you think they are…
?” Kyle didn’t want to finish the thought.

“Going upstairs to fuck? Oh
, yeah. Lucas was doing Cody the same as I was you. He’s more than ready.” Kevin swam to the stairs and climbed out of the pool. He stood watching Kyle. “Are you okay?” There was concern on his face, but Kyle couldn’t concentrate on that when Kevin’s dick stood out proud and stiff. “That was so beautiful, the way you completely let go like that.”

If Lucas hadn’t reminded him that they weren’t alone
, he’d have come by now. Maybe someone somewhere was trying to tell them something. That this was wrong. That they really were going to hell if they continued. The stars overhead seemed so cold and judgmental now that sanity and reason had set in.

Kevin didn’t wait for him. Instead he walked over to the chaise where they’d left their clothes and picked up his shorts. He fiddled with the material, his hands were clumsy and he kept dropping
them. But he didn’t put them on. Water glistened on his broad tanned shoulders and Kyle couldn’t stop the thoughts running through his head.
Lick him. Lick him
. God, he wanted to lick the water from his brother’s body. His whole body.

He was out of the pool and
on the chaise behind Kevin before he knew what he was doing. He slicked his hands down his brother’s arms starting at his shoulders. He gave in to the urge to lick, starting at Kevin’s nape, just below his hairline. He tasted of pool water and sweat.

“You don’t know what that does to me
,” Kevin moaned holding perfectly still.

Kyle reached around to stroke the proof of what this did to his brother.

“Makes you hard.” He massaged the slick dripping from Kevin’s slit along the crown and down the shaft. Kevin moved in his hand, rocking his hips as he moaned Kyle’s name.

“Yeah, that, but…I love when you touch me. It makes my stomach do this crazy flutter. I can’t catch my breath. Your hands on me. Your mouth. You make me weak, Kyle. It’s not just sex. Not for me,” he said
, as Kyle wrapped around him from behind legs and arms, he pulled Kevin back until he leaned against him. “I love you so much.”

BOOK: Two Point Conversion
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