Two Point Conversion (2 page)

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Authors: Mercy Celeste

BOOK: Two Point Conversion
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Chapter Three


“If you get right down to it, we’re the oldest kids in the school. Or at least a couple of the oldest.” Kevin set his laptop down on the table across from Kyle. They were doing a current events paper for History class. Kevin had stumbled upon a story about an eighteen year old girl in the central part of the state being arrested for having sex with her sixteen year old girlfriend. They were both still in high school, yet the law didn’t take that into accord. “We should have started two years before we did. Mom held us back because we were tiny. Remember?”

“Sure. How
could I forget that? There was some talk that we couldn’t play this year way back in middle school. The coaches had to pull out the handbook to verify our eligibility. But some old man kept ranting that there should be a law against nineteen year olds playing in high school.” Kyle finished typing his paper and closed the file out. It was nearing midnight and his head hurt from another late night. “I’m hungry.”

“There’s canned pasta or cereal. Or you could cook something.” Kevin pecked away at his computer. “Based on this
, there isn’t a person in the whole school either one of us could fuck without some parent yelling statutory rape.”

“I know a couple of MILFs who’d do us both. Wait
, not MILF. I’m not interested in…What would you call someone’s mom who wants to get in
pants?” Kyle powered down and went to the pantry. Then the freezer. He pulled a frozen pepperoni pizza out and put it in the oven on the rack.

“Delusional.” Kevin snorted. “Is there enough for me?” Kyle went to the freezer and took out the last pizza. He wasn’t in the mood to share. “Thanks, Ky.”

“You let me have Steak and Shake over your fave. Least I could do.” Kyle poured a glass of water from the cooler and went back to the table. “So no cougar dating for you.”

“Ugh. I mean
, seriously. Have you seen me? Because you look just like me, and since you’re hot as hell, I’m only assuming I am too.” Kevin wrinkled his nose up in disdain.

Kyle felt a peculiar shivery sensation on his skin
at Kevin's words. He drained his water in a long gulp trying not to think about the shower. Or the bus from the other night. He’d tried all weekend not to think about Kevin giving him head. And failed. And jacked off thinking about it every time he failed.


“Yeah, what? I was just…tired. I’m tired. But, yeah. What did you want to ask?” He stumbled over to the oven to take a peek. The ice crystals on the pepperoni hadn’t even melted yet. This was going to be a long wait.

“I, ah, just wanted to ask if you were seeing someone. I mean really, you know,
someone.” His brother sounded hesitant. Almost…shy.

He looked up to find his brother tapping his highlighter pen on the table top. “If I was
, wouldn’t you know about it?”

“I don’t know, would I? I mean, we don’t exactly hang around each other once we’re out of here. You could be married with three kids for all I know.”

“Gotta be having sex for that to happen.” He snorted trying not to wonder why this conversation was getting so personal.

“You mean, you haven’t
? I mean, with a girl…all the way?” His brother stammered, his face growing very red.

“Have you? How many girls have you fucked? I know you turned down Heather Barnett. But…”

“None.” Kevin sounded so far away. His voice broke and he cleared his throat. “I, uh, I like guys, Ky. I try to avoid the girls. It’s getting harder to do with girls like Heather wanting to add my jock to her collection. So, they’re starting to say I’m gay. So…I uh, it’s true. I just wanted you to know. Okay. And—"

“Second base
. Maybe third. I’ve never actually fucked anyone.” Kyle cut him off. He tried to wrap his head around Kevin's confession. “I’ve…Just oral. I didn’t want to take any chances so uh, I’d just finger whatever girl gave me head…I haven’t actually even uh, yeah, this is…Why are we having this conversation again?”

He went back to check on the pizza
. The cheese was just beginning to wither, not quite to melty looking. He rubbed his neck as the air conditioner clicked on and chilled him. He suddenly felt under dressed and overheated. Maybe he was coming down with something.

Kevin just sat at the table
, calmly watching him pace in front of the stove. Kyle couldn’t take the weight of the gaze that followed him, so he left the kitchen for the den. He settled in the old beat up rocker recliner that had one arm falling off. They'd been responsible for the arm falling off back in eighth grade, so they got stuck with it in their game room.

“I turned off the oven.”

Kevin stood beside him. He was still mostly dressed. He even wore his running shoes. Kyle was down to just gym shorts. Kyle sucked in his breath when Kevin threw one hard-muscled, hairy leg over his and straddled him. He sat still, trying not to freak out.

“I’m not…I’m not…”
But his words and his hands were busy ignoring each other. He ran his fingers through the crisp hair on Kevin’s powerful thighs. “You’re my brother. This is incest.”

“Yeah,” Kevin whispered, leaning over until their noses touched. “If we fuck.”

“But Friday night…What was Friday night?”

“You needed relief. I helped you out. I really do give good head.” Yes
, he did.
Oh fuck

“On the bus? Who?”
Why did he even care if Kevin had been with any of their friends on the bus or anywhere else for that matter?

“Just you. I keep it away from the school. I don’t want people knowing I like…”
He shook his head, the motion making the chair rock.

Kyle leaned back, suddenly very warm
. Sweat trickled from under one arm.

“Where do you go?”

“There are places in town that I can get in. It’s no big deal.”

a big deal. You’re going downtown, having sex with strangers.”

“I’m not having sex. I...
It’s mostly just…We jack each other off and kiss some. Or…”

“You blow some guy you don’t know. For what? If there’s no sex?”
Kyle didn’t understand. He was trying but he didn’t.

“Why do you finger some girl? All you have to do is use a condom.”
Kevin seemed to be just as confused as Kyle.

“Because she can say the condom broke. I don’t want to be stuck here, with a kid on the way. And I need…”
Always seemed to be the best explanation, but this time it sounded lame.

“I do too…
Need. I need someone who at least pretends to like me. Jacking off in the shower gets really old. And you won’t…” Kevin’s eyes went very round. When he sat up on his knees, Kyle couldn’t help noticing the tented area Kevin tried to hide.

“I won’t what? Let you fuck me? We’re close, Kev, but that’s too close.” He realized he was still stroking Kevin’s thighs
, edging his fingers under the hem, and stopped.

“Then why is your dick hard? Why did you touch me in the shower? Why did you let me kiss you Friday night?
” Kevin paused, drawing a deep breath as he looked away. “—I want you Ky.”

Shock stabbed him in the heart. He couldn’t think. The admission was going to tear them apart. They’d drifted so much the last couple of years. As much as brothers who shared the same house, school, car, and
almost everything else could drift apart.

“You want me for what? Someone to—

Kevin’s mouth on his shut him up. His lips were so soft. Kyle rested his hands on Kev’s thighs,
and gripped hard. Hair and muscle under his palms. Kev kissed him again. Softly, barely grazing his lips, just enough for Kyle to feel his warmth.

“I don’t know, Ky
. Maybe so that I don’t feel so alone. Or as if my whole world isn’t falling apart around me. We used to be almost one person. Remember? Why did you drift away from me?” Kevin cupped his face with his long fingers, his touch barely a whisper upon Kyle’s skin.

“I’m still here. Where am I going to go?” Kyle gasped at the touch of
Kevin’s tongue. Just a lick over his parted lips. He licked back on the return pass. Kev’s answering gasp sent tingles all over his body.

“College. This is our last year
together. We’ve committed to different universities. I’m afraid of losing you.” Kevin tasted salty, his mouth opened over Kyle’s. Lips sealed together. Kyle coaxed his brother’s tongue into his mouth.

Kevin shifted in his lap, moving closer to him. Kyle reached over the arm of the chair and pulled the lever that would lean them back.

“This is insane.” He whispered against, Kevin’s mouth. “You kiss…Mmm.”

Kevin smiled against his mouth and went back to soft
, lips-only kisses. Just a taste and a nip of teeth to his bottom lip. Kyle shifted beneath him moving back into the seat until it lay almost flat.

“So do you. Kiss good
, I mean.” Kevin lowered his full weight onto Kyle’s chest. And Kyle couldn’t resist the urge to run his hands over the hard back above him.


“Yeah, Kev?” He found skin and pulled the shirt up that kept him from the velvet over steel feel of his brother’s back.

“I’m going to…”
He didn’t tell, he showed—arching his hips into Kyle’s, groins meeting, hard, swollen shaft to hard, swollen shaft. The chair began to rock beneath him. He ran his hand down Kevin’s leg which had dropped to the floor, kneeing the broken arm out of the way until it bowed. The rocking moved their bodies together in a way Kyle didn’t know could be done, groins just grazing, sliding against the other under the nylon shorts they both wore.

Felt so damned good.

Kevin watched him, his face just inches from Kyle’s, his chocolate brown eyes so intent. Kyle could get lost in his eyes.

He had no idea what he wanted to say, just that he felt compelled to say something.

“Yeah?” Kevin’s eyes dilated as he watched
, his breath growing rapid, raspy.

“Take your shirt off.” He’d lost his mind. That was the only

“Yeah,” Kevin sighed, reaching over his shoulder he grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled it over his head. “Is this better?”

“Yes,” Kyle whispered, letting his hips rock counter to the chair. His hands seemed to have a mind of their own, slipping and sliding and rubbing all over the hard plane of his brother’s back. He stopped rubbing when he reached Kevin’s waistband.

“Go inside, grab my ass.” Kevin slicked his lips with his tongue, the pink tip teasing Kyle
, making him want more of the slow kissing from earlier.

“Only if you kiss me again.” He was playing with fire. He knew it. He didn’t know how to stop it. He didn’t know if he wanted to stop it.

“I can do that.” Kevin closed his lips over Kyle’s again. This time Kyle opened for him. Slow flicks of his tongue into Kyle’s mouth, over his teeth, to touch his tongue. Oh God, Kyle couldn’t breathe.

“Your turn.” Kevin broke the kiss, dragging in a deep breath. Instead of waiting for Kyle to shove his hand under his shorts, Kevin pushed his shorts down, leaning up long enough to free his dick. He reached for the waistband of Kyle’s and hesitated. “Can I?”

Lost in the deep chocolate gaze, Kyle could only nod. He lifted his hips to allow the material to slip past his ass to his thighs. Kevin was back on him, the heat of his bare dick against Kyle’s nearly unbearable. The silken wet that coated them made movement easier.

“This feels so good,” he whispered
, reaching down with both hands to grip Kevin’s ass. He bucked his hips to get him closer. The broken chair was not really the best place for this.

“It does.” Kevin closed his eyes and moaned softly. “Your dick inside me would feel so much better.”

At the mere suggestion of fucking Kevin, electricity started in Kyle's spine and shot through his balls, pulling them up tight to his body. He arched into his brother, his fingers digging into Kevin's ass, as cum jetted up his shaft to coat their stomachs.

“Fuck, Kyle. You’re so hot when you come.” Kevin buried his face in Kyle’s neck and rocked hard against him, driving his steel rod into Kyle’s now sensitive groin. “Love you so damned much.”

Kyle held him tight while he pounded his own orgasm into Kyle’s belly. The words
I love you
drifting ghostlike in his subconscious over and over until he actually believed he’d heard them.


Chapter Four


The alarm went off too damned early, just like it did every damned day of the week. Kevin was used to it after four years. Up before the sun to get in a morning practice. Then school. Then after school practice. Late nights doing homework to keep his GPA up. Because no matter what football meant to him, his education was never to be second. That was his mother’s rule. One he understood, except at five o’clock in the morning when the other kids got to sleep another couple of hours. He groaned and reached for the clock.

he body between him and the nightstand gave an identical groan.

“What time is it? Do we have practice this morning?” Kyle rolled into him and tucked his face into Kevin’s neck. He’d done that when they were kids and shared a bed. They didn’t even share a room now. With a sound of impatient disgust
, he reached over and hit the clock, effectively shutting it up.

“No. Not this week.” He let Kyle snuggle against him, afraid to move
. Afraid that Kyle would wake up and remember to be a prude.

“Then why is your clock going off at five in the morning?” Kyle’s mouth moved against his neck, which awakened Kevin’s dick. He waited for Kyle to ask why they were
both in his bed. He didn’t really have an answer to that. After they’d eaten the half cooked pizzas like men who'd been lost in the wilderness for days, they’d somehow just ended up here, shorts and dried cum between them.

“I like to get into the shower first,” he said when Kyle remained silent
, his breathing not quite even. Kevin shifted until he was able to get his arm out from beneath his brother, and wrapped it around him, letting his hand rest on Kyle’s ribcage. Kyle flinched.

—Kyle was ticklish. He remembered the epic battles that even when they were younger that had ended with him sporting pre-pubescent wood.

“And that’s why there’s never any hot water for me. Your
showers. Tell me, brother mine, who do you think about when you jack off every morning?” Kyle laughed moving closer to him as if seeking warmth or protection, or…Kevin stopped breathing when his brother’s hand snaked across his belly.

“You,” he answered breathlessly. Why lie
? After last night, why even pretend? He was, and always had been sexually attracted to just one person. His other half. His better half. “I jack off thinking about you. Touching you. Kissing you. Loving you. Wanting you.”

He closed his eyes and held his breath waiting for the anger and disgust and whatever Kyle chose to do after the admission.
He nearly swallowed his tongue when Kyle’s hand drifted lower over his belly to glide down his nylon covered erection.

“And I jacked off in a sock listening to you moan in the shower.”

This time Kyle kissed him first. His mouth opened on Kevin’s neck, his tongue slid across his pulse, followed by teeth. Kyle nipped him, careful not to leave a mark, his hand moving excruciatingly slowly over Kevin’s belly. One finger dipped into his navel, sending a shock through to the tip of his dick.

“Does this turn you on?”
Kyle whispered.

“Mmmmm.” Kevin couldn’t form real words. Hot fingers eased into his shorts to play with the tip of his dick.

“Yeah, this turns you on.” Kyle twirled his finger in the puddle of pre-cum just below Kevin’s navel, tangling with the line of hair. “I did this to you?”

“Yeah,” Kevin managed to whisper, his voice caught in his throat. “You’ve always done this to me.”

Kyle went still and silent for a long moment. He sighed against Kevin’s neck before pushing himself up to loom over him. The rising sun brightened the room enough for Kevin to make out his features.

“Why me?”

“Because I love you. I never thought it was strange. Mom moved us into separate rooms after I told her about the strange things going on in my pants when we wrestled. I thought maybe you might have complained or…” He really didn’t want to know if Kyle thought he was a pervert. “Okay, this is a mistake. I’m sorry.”

He made to roll off the bed on the other side
, but Kyle gripped his dick. Hard. Kevin had to struggle to not choke.

“Oh, no
. You’re not starting something like this, and just walking away when it gets rough.” Kyle stroked him under his shorts, leaning over him, the pale light of morning slowly bringing his face into focus. The intensity he saw in Kyle’s eyes scared him. “Am I hurting you?”

“No,” Kevin said moving into
the touch, now that the shock was over. “I…No.”

“Good.” Kyle leaned over further, his face just above Kevin’s
now. The heat pressed against Kevin’s hip telling him Kyle was in the same condition.

“Yeah, good. Kyle?” He had nothing else to say,
just his brother's name. He reached behind Kyle’s head, threading his fingers into his sleep-matted brown hair. He pulled him down until their mouths met. Kyle sighed, his lips parting to let Kevin in. He wanted more of last night. He wanted to pull Kyle on top of him and rub against him until they were both gasping and…

“I want you to suck me
," Kyle panted against his mouth. "Like you did Friday night. I couldn’t stop thinking about that. All weekend, Kev. I wanted to know if that was just an accident. I jerked off thinking about your mouth on me. Oh, God, this is…” He looked away quickly, his cheeks turning red.

Kevin caught his face and gently turned him back to face him. “Take off your shorts. Let me see you.” He couldn’t explain Friday night. Not even if he tried.

“Okay.” Kyle let him go to wiggle his shorts down his hips, while Kevin did the same. When they were both naked he pulled Kyle on top of him and brought his mouth down for one more kiss.

“Get on your knees. I want you to sit on my face.” He smiled at the look of alarm in Kyle’s eyes. “I want to watch you while you come.”

Kyle hesitated for a second, but slowly moved onto his knees climbing up Kevin’s chest until he was straddling him. Kevin hooked his arms under his thighs and pulled him closer.

“Like this?” Kyle laid his hands on his thighs and waited.

“Just like this.” Kevin stroked Kyle’s thighs, going over his hands and up his sides. “You are so beautiful in this light.”

Kyle flushed again, and ducked his head, this time though, a smile quirked his lips. “So are you,” he said breathlessly. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

Kevin caressed his way to Kyle’s chest, brushing lightly over his flat nipples with his palms.

“We don’t have to. I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything.” The flesh beneath his hands pebbled and Kyle gripped his wrists holding him there.

“I don’t feel pressured. I feel horny as hell. Maybe hornier than I’ve ever been before.” Kyle pumped his hips, sliding his ball sack and his spread cheeks over Kevin’s chest, the tip of his dick jutting into Kevin’s chin. “Pinch my nipples.”

Kevin did, and tilting his head, caught Kyle’s rutting dick between his lips and sucked him deep inside. Pre-cum
trailed from his chest over his lips. The spurt of salty liquid in his mouth had him so fucking hard he couldn’t think straight. Kyle leaned forward, pressing his dick deeper into Kevin’s mouth, fucking into him as if he’d done this before. He held Kevin’s wrists as much to keep his balance as to keep Kevin’s fingers where they were.

“Oh, fuck, Kev
. This is…Mmmmm…Better than masturbating in a sock.”

Kevin watched as pleasure replaced embarrassment
. Kyle's jaw relaxed, his eyes softened, his whole body changed. He slid his hands down Kevin’s arms slowly, caressing him as he thrust into Kevin’s mouth. His gaze riveted to Kevin’s mouth and his dick sliding in and out.

“So fucking hot. You feel so fucking good.” Kyle’s whispers became gasps
, became moans as he rose up on his knees and fucked deeper into Kevin’s throat, and Kevin took him. All of him. His own dick was twitching hard enough that he was sure he’d cum without either of them touching him. 

The trilling sound of his phone ringing threw off the rhythm. Startled
, Kyle slammed deep into his throat, making him choke.

“Fuck, sorry Kev
. Who the hell is calling you this early?”

Kevin pulled off and looked over to his nightstand.

“I don’t know, look and see.” There was no way he was moving from this spot to answer the Goddamned phone, not even for the President.

Kyle nodded and reached for the phone. Kevin settled his hands back on Kyle’s thighs and sought out his dick.

“It’s Mom,” he said as Kevin eased his lips around the flared head of his dick. “How can I talk to Mom with you…Don’t stop. Oh, don’t stop that feels so good.”

Kevin smiled around the prize in his mouth
. He had no intention of stopping. Not if his mouth gave his brother that much pleasure. He never wanted to stop. He sucked hard on the head, flicking his tongue inside the slit just to watch Kyle’s eyes roll in ecstasy.

He pulled off again letting Kyle catch his breath.
“Better answer it, in case you know…”

“Yeah, in case,” Kyle groaned, his hips flexing
as he slid his throbbing dick across Kevin’s lips. And then, sounding incredibly breathless—and guilty, he answered.

“Mom?” Kevin licked the underside of his dick just to see how he’d handle it. A small gasp was all the sound he made. “Uh, he’s in the shower…..I heard his phone and ran to answer….I guess mine must be dead I didn’t hear it….
Yeah, okay, so she’s….Sure, we’re fine here for a few more days…Okay, okay…Text me the number, or Kev. Or both of us. Yeah, love you too. Give Gram our love…Yes, Mom, I’ll tell him. Okay. Bye.” He tossed the phone back on the night stand after he hung up.

“How’s Gran?” Kevin licked the pre-cum from his lips.
Just the taste of Kyle was almost enough to make him nut.

“Mom said she’s stable
. Half her face is paralyzed, but she’s alive.” His erection began to soften, and Kevin licked him again to take his mind off his guilt. “She said they’re staying through the week. And that there’s a bank card in her desk drawer. She’s going to text us the pin number for food and necessities.”

“Good to know.” Kevin wasn’t interested in food at that precise moment. He traced his hands back up Kyle’s body, lingering over the chiseled abs and the delicious hair trail around his naval. He pinched
Kyle's nipples again. “We’ll find it later.”

Kyle closed his eyes
and covered Kevin’s hands with his own as Kevin explored his body.

“Okay. Yeah. Later. I want to taste you. This feels so good. I want you to feel it
, too.”

Kevin froze. He wondered if maybe
wasn’t the one having a stroke, or hearing things.

“Turn around. We’ll sixty nine. Because I’m not finished here.” He released Kyle’s dick long enough for his brother to present his fine ass to Kevin’s mouth. Kevin groaned. His dick throbbed. Hard. Kyle must have seen because he groaned too.

“Reach in the drawer. I have a little bottle of oil. Don’t get the muscle rub by mistake.”

Kyle leaned over and Kevin heard the drawer scrape open. His attention
was captured by the spread of Kyle’s ass, the tight pink skin normally hidden, open for him to see. His brain short-circuited. All he could think about was tasting. He’d never rimmed anyone before, he'd never even thought to. Now that’s
he could think about. Kyle leaned back with the small bottle of baby oil. The position put him in the exact right spot for Kevin to lick.

He leaned his head up just a fraction and swiped his tongue over the area. Kyle gasped and became perfectly still, his ass cheeks spread wide
. His hole opened at Kevin’s touch. Kevin didn't know what he'd expected, but he just tasted like Kyle. Clean, maybe a little sweaty but certainly nothing strange.

“I can’t believe you just did that.” Kyle still didn’t move
. He barely breathed as far as Kevin could tell.

“I can’t believe I did
, either. Did you like it?”

God he was so fucking hard. He’d never been this damned hard in his life. He wanted Kyle’s mouth on him, but he wanted
more. He licked Kyle again, this time staying right over the puckered area, circling it with his tongue. Kyle moaned and pressed down onto his mouth.

Yeah, he liked it.

Kevin took that as permission to try something he’d seen in videos. He stiffened his tongue and stabbed at the hole. Surprised by how easily Kyle opened for him, he licked deeper, drawing long, keening moans from his brother.

“Oh, fuck, oh fuck
, ohfuckohfuck. I think I might…Kevin, I’m going to come.”

Kyle cried out
. He whimpered with each stab of Kevin’s tongue inside him. Kevin could feel his ball sack pull tight where it lay over his chin, the heat there incredible. Pre-cum leaked onto his neck and chest. He’d never been with anyone like this.

“Not until you’re in my mouth
,” he muttered.

He swiped his tongue over
the softened hole one last time. He’d tasted his brother’s spunk, and he wanted more. He licked his way over his brother’s taint, his balls and then up his shaft. He gripped Kyle’s thighs and forced him back until he had his dick in his mouth. Kyle collapsed onto his stomach, his hand digging into Kevin’s hips. His soft moans became louder as Kevin sucked him into his mouth. His brother’s dick pulsed in his throat—he only had a second or two before hot cum gushed forcing him to swallow. Oh fuck, was right. He swallowed, choking, but he wouldn’t let Kyle go. Not for anything. He wanted this. He

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