Trust Me (Finding my way) (4 page)

BOOK: Trust Me (Finding my way)
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We woke up…in a bush…outside the house…two hours ago,” Sophie stutters, embarrassed.

Tucker bursts out laughing and Matt gives Sophie the best disapproving look I
’ve even seen. I’m surprised when she doesn’t cower away like I would have.

Why didn’t you invite me?” Tucker asks when his laughter is slightly under control, but not completely.

You wouldn’t have liked it,” I tell him, but Sophie snorts.

If we’re going to be doing this friends thing, Brooke, you need to invite me to things like this. You can’t leave me out,” he pouts at me, then glares over my shoulder.

You didn’t look like this when I left you last night,” Jason notes, slipping into the seat next to me, cutting off my reply to Tucker.

I went out after,” I tell him, smiling at seeing him again so soon.

What? You didn’t enjoy yourself enough with me?” he asks, pretending to look wounded.

No, I had a great time,” I assure him when he puts his arm around the back of my chair.


* * *


Over the next three weeks, I see Jason every night and it is going well, apart from all the gossip about Tucker and me having an affair. I have no idea where the rumours are coming from because I
’ve hardly seen him, apart from at lunch and the few times he’s spent time in our room with Matt and Sophie.

I heard your boyfriend stayed over Megan’s last night.”

I look over at Cassie who
’s sitting behind me. I heard the rumour as well and Jason hasn’t turned up to any classes today, so I haven’t had his reassurances about it.

Good for them.” I shrug, not showing how it bothers me.

You’re going to let him get away with it?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

I open my mouth to reply, but she cuts me off,
“Oh yeah, that’s right, you’re playing away too,” she smirks.

I see Tucker out of the corner of my eye as he sits in Jason
’s empty seat. “What’re you talking about?” He asks me, looking back at Cassie.

All the mind blowing, sweaty, wild sex that you and I have every night.” I make a point of sighing loudly and turn to face him. “We should really try and keep it a secret.” I roll my eyes when I hear Cassie gasp.

Want me to move?” he asks, starting to stand up from the seat next to me.

Don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure we can keep our hands off each other for a whole hour.”

Brooke…” He shakes his head at me, letting me know that he isn’t going to play my game. 

Okay, so maybe I get a little carried away when the rumours are brought to my attention; but considering no one has any proof of what
’s supposedly happening behind closed doors, they are all quick to believe it.

They’re going to say it as long as we are in the same room anyway; we don’t even have to be seated next to each other, Tucker,” I grumble.

Lovers tiff?” Cassie asks and we both turn to look at her “Is it the ‘did you come’ argument?” she smirks at Tucker.

Honey, if a guy has to ask ‘did you come?’ after sex, you should be worried. First of all, you obviously didn’t fake it good enough if you couldn’t fool him; and second of all, what the hell were you thinking, getting it on with him in the first place, he clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing?” 

She narrows her eyes at me, and Tucker snorts; but I turn my attention back to the front of the class as the lecture starts, wondering if the rumours about Jason are true or not.


Once the lecture has ended, Tucker walks by my side as we make our way to the coffee stand; it is our ritual after English.

“Are you busy tonight?”

I look at him from the corner of my eye, he seems nervous.
“I don’t have any plans, why?”

Come out with me?”

I order my coffee before replying.
“Where to?”

It’s a surprise”


Later in my room, I’m trying to decide on what to wear when Sophie walks in with Matt.

What are you doing?” she asks, staring at my bed that is overflowing with clothes.

I’m going out with Tucker, but he won’t tell me where we’re going so I have no idea what to wear.” I flop down on the bed, making all the clothes bounce.

What about Jason?”

I lift my head to see Sophie frowning at me.

“What about him? I haven’t heard from him all day.”

So, he doesn’t speak to you for a day and you’re going to go out with someone else?”

It’s not like that,” I frown at her. “Tucker’s my friend, that’s all.”

He’s probably taking you to a bar,” Matt advises.

I narrow my eyes at him,
know where he’s taking me?”

Nope. Just dress for a bar,” he smiles.


By the time I
’ve selected my outfit and I’m ready, Tucker texts me an address. I reply that I’m on my way and leave Sophie and Matt in my room, laughing over some reality show.

Matt was right, Tucker has sent me to a bar.

As I make my way through the crowds to the bar, I keep an eye out for Tucker, but I can’t see him anywhere. I hand over my fake ID as I order a beer and take a seat at the bar, wondering what the hell I’m doing here.

The place is packed; it seems to be full of students, none of whom
I recognise.


I turn to look at my new companion. He
’s tall, blonde, and covered in tattoos. I’ve definitely never seen him before.

Hi,” I smile back.

What’s a beautiful girl like you doing up here all alone?”

I’m waiting for someone.”

I don’t doubt it,” he grins at me “Are you from around here?”

I go to Uni here, you?”

Yeah, I’ve lived here all my life, I don’t go to uni though,” he smirks.

I look at his art covered arms
“No? What do you do then?” I cock an eyebrow at him.

Hey, Max, leave my girl alone!” Tucker wraps an arm around my shoulders.

She one of yours Tuck?” Max asks, looking between us both.

She’s taken,” is all he replies.


What are we doing here?” I ask Tucker, looking up at him.

We’re playing.”


Just watch,” he grins then leaves me at the bar alone once again.

A few minutes later, he and
Max join two other men on the small stage at the back of the bar.

I watch amazed as the crowd goes wild for them and soon they are in full band mode.

Max is playing bass, but Tucker…Tucker’s singing. I had no idea he was in a band, let alone their lead singer. He’s engaging with his audience and completely in the zone. His voice is strong and smooth and when his eyes lock with mine, my whole body shivers.

’ve never had to struggle with being attracted to Tucker before; but seeing him up there, on stage singing like a total rock star, I have to admit that he’s hard to resist. 



I stop dead at the sight of Jason sitting on my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I frown at him and send Sophie a questioning look.

I’ll just be going...” She stands from her own bed and leaves us alone.

Where have you been?” Jason asks, when the door shuts behind her.

I went out.”

With who?” he demands.

I sigh loudly,
“Tucker. What difference does it make?”

Tucker? You know what people are saying about the two of you!”

I don’t care what people are saying about me!” I shout back.

You’re making me look like an idiot, Brooke!” He stands and takes a step towards me.

No, I looked like an idiot today with people telling me that you spent the night with Megan last night, and you weren’t anywhere to be seen!”

It’s not true,” he runs his hands through his hair.

I didn’t say I believed it,” I point out. “You should know Tucker and I are only friends; I don’t question any of the friendships you have with girls.”

I know but ... he’s Tucker Lloyd, Brooke.”

I’m aware of his name, Jason.”

He’s just playing you. He’s trying to get into your panties Brooke, but you’re too naive to see it!”

I think you should leave.” I gesture to the door with my arm.

Just then, the door swings open and Tucker is standing there.

“What a coincidence,” Jason laughs humourlessly.

Uh...Matt sent me over here, I can go though,” he says looking only at me.

No, Jason was just leaving,” I send Jason a pointed look.

Oh, this is just great” he shakes his head.

Goodbye, Jason.”

Fine,” he walks past me with a glare, “but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

What was that all about?” Tucker asks when we’re finally alone.

I flop myself down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.
“Everything,” I sigh, but turn my head to smile at him. “You were great tonight. I didn’t know you were in a band. How come you never told me?”

You never asked,” he shrugs.

Okay…so from now on, when I meet someone, the first thing I’m going to do is ask is if they’re in a band,” I smirk at him.

He rolls his eyes at me before he strips down to his boxer shorts.
“That’s not what I meant. Seriously though, I didn’t interrupt anything just now, did I?”

Only an argument.”

You were arguing?”

I lift myself up onto my elbow to watch him move all of Sophie
’s extra pillows and blankets. “Same old argument, nothing special.”


No further comment is made, so as Tucker settles himself into Sophie
’s newly arranged, but almost bare bed, I take a quick shower and settle myself into my own bed.

Night, Tuck.”

G’night Brooke.”

I flip off the lamp, sending us into darkness.

Sleep doesn’t come easily, but eventually the sound of Tucker’s even breathing settles over me and I feel my eyelids drooping.

Brooke?” Tucker whispers after a few minutes.


Does Jason treat you right?”

I frown into the darkness,
“Uh ... yeah, I guess, why?”

Just curious, you’d tell me otherwise, right?”


Are you happy with him?”

I roll over so I
’m facing him, even though I can’t see him. “What’s this about Tuck?”

Nothing,” he sighs.

We say no more as we both find sleep.





What do you want?” Tucker groans when he finally answers his door.

Come on. Get dressed!” I push passed him and turn the coffee machine on to make up two cups to take with us.

Hey Matt,” I grin at him when he walks out from the bathroom in just a towel.

Good morning,” he sings back to me just as cheerful.

Don’t talk to her, she’s evil.” We both turn to see Tucker pulling a pillow over his head, back in his bed.

I walk over and pull the blankets off him
“Get up!”

Why?” he moans back pathetically.

We’re going out.” I go back into the kitchen area and fill the two travel mugs, plus a normal mug for Matt.

I hate you,” comes from the bed

Well then, I guess I’ll just take Matt instead.” I wink at Matt and he grins at me.

Where are we going, Brooke?” he asks playing along. Of course he already knows the plan because when I told Sophie I had the tickets, she convinced me to take Tucker.

It was supposed to be a surprise…I’d invite both of you, but I only have two tickets. I thought with Tucker being such a fan, he would enjoy it more…but if he wants to stay in bed instead of going to see
Heaven’s Devil’s,
then I guess you can take his place.” 

At the sound of Tuckers favourite band being mentioned, he flies across the room and pushes Matt out of the way to grab both my arms looking me straight in the eyes.

“Tell me now. Are you lying?” he demands.

I shake my head and gesture with my head to the table where I put the two tickets when I came in.

“Oh shit. Brooke, I think I love you!” he shouts, making me wince and then he kisses me.

I take it you want to come with me?” I ask smiling.

Definitely,” he grins.

Only if you promise not to do that again.”

Are you serious? I could fuck you ten times over for this,” he says seriously.

Umm…Matt? Are you sure Sophie doesn’t want to come with me? It’s not too late for her to change her mind,” I ask him pleadingly.

You were going to take Sophie instead of me?” Tucker asks, looking offended.

Of course, she’s my best friend and I didn’t even know you liked the band. She’s the one who convinced me to take you. It took some doing by the way…but she said you would kill me if I took her and not you.” I roll my eyes at how dramatic it all was.

Damn straight I would have!”

Tell him the rest,” Matt smirks at me, obviously enjoying Tucker’s reaction.

I’m not sure,” I say nervously, trying to get out of Tucker’s grip that has just tightened.

What else?” he asks looking back and forth between me and Matt.

The concert is tonight. We’re staying in a hotel and then Sophie and Matt are joining us tomorrow.” I try again to get out of his grip.

Why? What’s happening tomorrow?” he asks narrowing his eyes at me.

Ummm…well I know the drummers fiancé and they are having a joint hen/stag night tomorrow. I got the three of you invited with me.” I close my eyes tightly when I say it, but to my surprise Tucker lets me go.

Tuck…” Matt frowns, watching him walk around the room.

Are you okay? Do you not want to go?” I ask him nervously.

I’m thinking,” he waves a hand dismissively at us, so we both sit down at the table. I pour myself a coffee to drink while I wait.

I told you this was a bad idea,” I tell Matt.

He’ll be fine. Just give him a minute,” he assures me. “Do you know what we’ll be doing tomorrow night?”

I’m not sure, there’s a few clubs we’ll be going to, but most likely we’ll end up at a house party to be honest. That’s what has happened when Sophie and I have gone in the past.”

You’ve been out with them before?” Matt asks me surprised.

Yeah I…” My phone ringing cuts me off.


How’d he take it?” Sophie asks excitedly.

He’s pacing,” I answer, watching Tucker still silently walking around the room.

Have you told him where you are taking him after the concert?” she asks laughing.

Not yet, no. I’m thinking that’s not such a good idea,” I say quietly so he won’t hear me.

You have to, just don’t mention it until you get there. Can I speak to Matt please?” she asks still laughing. I hand the phone over to Matt and stand up to sort Tucker out.

We really have to leave if you’re coming,” I stop him with my hand on his arm. He just nods at me and starts getting ready. “Is he ever going to talk again?” I ask Matt once he’s hung up the phone; he just shrugs at me smiling.


Half an hour later, I finally get Tucker into my car, but he still hasn’t said a word to me. I settle in for a silent journey, really wishing I had just surprised Sophie instead of telling her so she wouldn’t have had time to change my plans.

Does Jason know?” he finally breaks the silence an hour later.

I look over at him, but he
’s looking out the window, “Does Jason know what?” I ask frowning.

That you’re going with me?” he turns to me expectantly.

Uhm, no. He thinks a few of us are just going out of town for the weekend,” I tell him honestly.

So you lied to him?” he asks, turning back to the window.

No, Sophie did. I was going to tell him, but she said not to; what with all the rumours and everything already, she said it would just make it worse.”

Sorry. I don’t want to put you in an awkward position.”

You’re not. He shouldn’t believe the rumours anyway; it’s not as if he doesn’t expect me not to listen to the rumours about him. Why should it be one rule for him and another for me?”

What do you mean?” he asks turning back to me again.

Some people have been saying that he’s sleeping with a few girls behind my back; he denies it”

I heard about that,” Tucker admits, sighing. “Don’t think that I’m not grateful because I am, more than you know. I just don’t want to make it harder for you around the school.”

Forget about them. Let’s just have a good time, okay?” I pat his leg to reassure him; and he seems to accept it because he grabs my hand and doesn’t let it go for the rest of the drive.


* * *


If I ever doubted my decision to bring anyone but Tucker this weekend; I take it back now. He’s been the best company. He walked around sightseeing with me all afternoon, we checked into the hotel – separate rooms – and we had a lovely dinner together in a quiet pub before hitting the show. During the show he was energetic; laughing and cheering with the crowd, singing along, and even lifted me onto his shoulders at one point.

When I took him backstage to meet the band, he was polite and funny; they all loved him. He waited while I caught up with the girlfriends that I
’ve known since I can remember; and then even suggested an early night, but didn’t complain when I told him I had plans.

First, we went to a pub that Sophie and I had been to before and we got a little drunk. When I took him to the club that Sophie and I stumbled upon accidentally the last time we were here, he really started to enjoy himself.

“Are you kidding me?” he asks, letting his eyes take in everything around him. I shake my head at him and watch the entertainment from the doorway before we make our way to the bar. There are girls in nothing but tiny thongs and g-strings dancing in various places around the club; some on the bar, a few on random tables, and one in each corner of the room up by the ceiling on a platform.

I only stay for an hour and when Tucker looks settled surrounded by women. I tell him I
’m heading back to the hotel, but that he should stay. He’s reluctant at first, but I convince him to enjoy himself. I head back happy that he’s enjoyed himself as much as Sophie and Matt told me he would.



* * *


Someone knocking on my hotel room door wakes me up early the next morning.

“Good morning,” Sophie sings happily, pushing past me into the room.

Morning,” I rasp. I guess I lost my voice last night.

How was it?” she asks excitedly bouncing on my bed.

She’s a little excited,” Matt notes with a smile as he enters the room.

It went fine,” I nod at her and collapse back on the bed “God, I’m knackered. What’s the time?”

Eleven. Where’s Tucker?” she asks, getting up from the bed and gathering some clothes for me.

I left him at the club last night. What are you doing?” I lift myself up onto one elbow and watch as she starts flinging clothes at me.

Get dressed; we’re taking you to breakfast.”

Fine.” I drag myself into the bathroom to get dressed.


“I’ll text Tucker. If he wants to join us he can; but if not, he can stay asleep,” Matt says as we make our way down to a pub on the beachfront.

I didn’t get in until two, so I have no idea how long I’m going to last tonight,” I tell them, ordering my coffee and a big breakfast.

Well, you better make sure you’re going to last because I want to have the best night ever tonight!” Sophie says, squealing a little.

Oh and uh…we saw Jason before we left this morning. We tried ducking him, but he caught us loading the car,” Matt tells me, looking sympathetic.

I better ring him them.” I sigh and walk out the back dreading the phone call.

Hi,” I say softly into the phone once he’s answered.

Having fun?” I can’t detect his mood; he’s controlling his voice perfectly.

Yeah, it’s been fun so far.”

So. I bumped into Matt and Sophie this morning,” straight to the point.

Yeah, they came down this morning. We’re going to a hen/stag tonight.”

So it was just you and Tucker last night?”


Did you sleep with him?”

I stare at my phone for a second.

“What? No, of course not! I didn’t even go back to the hotel the same time as him.”

I think we need to have a talk when you get back, Brooke.” I can hear him sigh into the phone and wonder if he’s going to break up with me when I get back.

Okay.” I bite my lip, not sure if I should be worried or not. I do like him, but he’s been pressuring me lately and believing the rumours over me. I know this weekend probably hasn’t helped, but I should be able to go out with my friends. He hangs up on me without saying goodbye; so I scroll through my messages, but I don’t have anything important that needs replying to.

Can I have an orange juice please?” I look around the bar and watch as people come in, obviously hung over as they all settle into the tables laughing and talking about the night before.

What did he say?” Sophie asks sliding up next to me at the bar.

He asked if I slept with Tucker last night.”

Again?” she sounds just as bored as I am with this whole thing.

Yup. He also said we need a talk when I get back tomorrow. I can just imagine all the rumours that are going around already. It’s killing me Soph, I can’t do anything anymore. It was so much easier when no one noticed me.”

Don’t let them get you down,” she rubs my arm.

I’ve been trying not to, but now, I just think I need a break from it all. Being here and not knowing anyone; not having to hear my name being whispered when I walk past someone…it’s like heaven.”

Come on, let’s go join the boys. Tucker came back while you were outside.”

We walk back to the table just as our food is being served.

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