True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever) (8 page)

BOOK: True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever)
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“Thank you Beth for stepping in on short notice. I just need to speak with you for a second.” Alex turned towards Eve and kissed her cheek, “Go and mingle. I will be in shortly to introduce you to some of my friends.” She nodded and smiled as she walked into the side room.

“What can I help you with, sir?”

“Becca contacted me today. Under no circumstances is she allowed
anywhere near this venue. Not tonight, not ever. If she tries to contact you, I want you to call me immediately. Is that understood?”

“Of course, Mr. Smith but she hasn’t made any attempt to contact us since this morning. So, maybe she has moved on and accepted the consequences.”

Alex nodded but knew the truth that she hadn’t. “Please notify me if anything comes about, I’m going to go and enjoy the show.”

Beth nodded and went to greet the next batch of visitors. Alex entered the room and found Eve talking with a local reporter about her pieces. He smiled as he grabbed a glass of champagne from the server. He took a sip as he continued his gaze.
Eve looked up and locked eyes with him. He felt his body stir with electricity. He wanted her and he was trying to control every fiber of his being that wanted to run over to her and push her up against the wall.

Eve started to approach him and put her hands on his chest. “Why are you staring at me like that, Alex?”

He smirked. “Because when you are in the room, there is no one else.”

Eve smiled. “Nice answer.”

“Thank you.” Alex grabbed her hand and led her over to Henry. “Henry, I would like for you to met Eve Matthews, the star of the evening.”

“Ms. Matthews, it’s an honor to met you. Your pieces are exquisite.”

“Thank you, Henry. I’m so happy that you enjoy them.”

Alex stepped into the conversation. “Eve, this is Henry’s beautiful wife, Barbara. They own the gallery down the road and are happily retiring.”

Barbara blushed and patted Alex on the arm. “You are a charmer, Alex. Always have been, I’m going to miss that.”

“It’s a pleasure meeting you as well, Barbara
,” Eve said.

“How’s your family, Alex?” Barbara asked.

“My mother is doing well and my sister should be here shortly.”

Eve smiled at him. “Steve is trying to flag me down. I should go speak with him.”

Alex reached for her waist and leaned down to whisper. “Don’t run away for too long, you are mine tonight.”

Eve gasped and looked into his eyes. She softly purred, “Oh Mr. Smith, you have opened a door and there is no going back now.”

“I’m not planning on going anywhere.”

Eve walked away from him as he watched her long legs move smoothly in her stilettos. He could picture her wearing nothing but those later in the evening. His attention went back to Henry.

“Any word on the break in from earlier, Alex?” he asked.

“Yes, the main problem was my assistant. I have a horrible track record so my sister has hired the next one so I pray he will work out.”

Barbara nodded. “I heard that you were able to see Emily yesterday.”

Alex nodded. “It’s always wonderful to see her. She will always have a spot in my heart. I’m trying to convince her to show her pieces here since you are retiring.”

“I think that would be wonderful. You know how she works, you are familiar with her situation, it sounds like a perfect combination,” Henry explained.

“I agree but Eric doesn’t see it that way so we will see how it all plays out,” Alex said as he spotted Steve with his hand on Eve’
s lower back, the jealously raced throughout his body as he excused himself and proceeded across the room to Eve.

“Excuse me for a second. I just need to see Ms. Matthews about one of the displays in the other room,” Alex smiled as he grabbed Eve’s hand and pulled her across the hallway and into a vacant room.

“Alex, there is nothing in here.”

“I know,” Alex said as he twirled her around and pinned her against the
closed door. “I couldn’t take his hands on you anymore.”

“I told you that we are just friends.”

Alex groaned softly as he pushed tighter against her. “I’m about to lose control with you, Eve and I’m trying my best to remain a gentleman.”

“We only have a couple more hours of professionalism to get through and then you can have your way with me, Mr. Smith.”

Alex smirked as he covered her lips with hers. She parted them immediately for his access. He felt her nails trace over his dress shirt and underneath his suit jacket. He bit her lower lip as he pulled away.

Eve winked at him as she stepped away and entered the hallway. Alex introduced her to a few more
of his friends and saw his sister as she entered the main room with her fiancé, Dan.

nice to see you again,” Dan said as he shook his hand. “We need to get together for a round of golf.”

Alex nodded. “Agreed, it’s been a little bit crazy around here lately but we will schedule something. Hey
Patty, thanks for coming.”

“I’m always here to support you,”
she said as she hugged him. “And this must be Eve.”

Eve nodded as she shook hands with Patty and Dan. “I am, thank you for coming tonight. It’s so nice to meet some of Alex’s family.”

“It’s great to meet you. I’ve been worried about him lately. He can’t seem to find anyone that makes him happy and I sense that he may have finally found someone.”

Alex frowned at Patty. “You need to leave now.”

Patty laughed and playfully hit his arm. “You love me. Come on Dan. Let’s go see how talented Eve is.”

Alex laughed as he nervously looked at Eve. She smiled back at him. “Looks like you have been talking about me?”

“Just a little bit, don’t let it go to your head.”

Eve chuckled as
she reached for his hand and pulled him into the exhibit room. “I’m really happy with my exhibit tonight. The turnout has been wonderful and everyone seems really into my work. I would love to have some things on permanent display here.”

Alex smiled and looked at her. “Absolutely, we would love that.”

“I will have Steve work out the details with you.”

“Oh good,
Steve,” Alex said unenthused.

Eve chuckled. “You have nothing to worry about, Alex.”

Alex mumbled. “We will see about that.”

Beth ran into the room and lightly grabbed Alex’s arm. “I need to speak with you, Mr. Smith.”

“Of course Beth, excuse me, Eve. I will be right back.”

Alex walked behind Beth into the front lobby. She pointed towards the parking lot and
he saw Becca pacing back and forth behind his car. “How long has she been here?”

“About five minutes. She came to the door but I wouldn’t allow her in, she lost it and now has been pacing.”

Alex looked at Beth. “Thank you, I will go see if I can talk some sense into her and allow her to leave before we call the cops.”

He stepped out the front doors and
slowly walked down the front pathway. Becca spotted him and stopped pacing. “Alex.”

“Becca, I clearly told you that were fired and weren’t allowed anywhere near this building. I will ask you calmly to leave. I don’t want to call the police.”

“Alex, please listen to me. I can’t stop thinking about you. I loved this job. I never wanted to hurt you. I did everything for you and you always complimented me. I made a mistake but that doesn’t mean this has to end.”

Alex sighed. “Becca, our relationship was purely professional. You never went over any
lines. I just don’t understand your obsession.”

“I told you, I tried to keep it to myself. I wanted to earn your trust and then your heart.”

“Becca, you are wasting your energy on me. You are a beautiful girl but there is no future for us.”

“That’s because of
, isn’t it?” Becca shouted. “You are so in love with Emily. She’s married, Alex! When are you going to accept that fact and move on?”

Alex approached her slowly and noticed her right arm behind her back.
He glanced around her back and gasped. “Becca, do you have a gun? Have you lost your mind?”

“Apparently so, that’s what the police have said and my parents were supposed to be watching me until my hearing but I don’t see
any problem. I’m just in love with you, Alex.”

Alex looked behind him as he heard the front door open and close. He yelled back towards the building. “Get back inside and lock the door. Call the police!”

The guests ran back inside and Alex turned his attention back to Becca. “You are smarter than this, Becca. Put the gun down and just take a deep breath.”

“Just when I thought that maybe you had moved on from Emily, I saw her enter the gallery and kiss you. All my hard work of getting your attention was destroyed.”

“Becca, I don’t want to see you get hurt. Please drop the gun and we will talk all night long, if you want?”

“No we won’t, why? Because you meet someone else and it’s my fault. I found Eve Matthews and brought her here. I was trying to show you how I could find top of the line exhibits to help your gallery and I find your next girlfriend.”

Alex noticed the bushes behind Becca move as a policeman slowly approached her. He tried to keep her attention on him as they did their job. “Becca, I’m sorry that everything has happened this way. I thought we had a great working relationship.”

At that moment, the officer took the chance to bring Becca down to the pavement and kick the gun away from her. Alex took a deep breath as the cops took over. He turned around and Eve stood at the front door looking at him.
He quickly walked up the pathway and opened the door. He wrapped his hand around her neck and kissed her passionately.

He didn’t care who watched or what was being said. He needed her at that moment and she allowed him the opportunity.









As the police cleared the scene and left with Becca in custody, Alex finished signing the police report and headed back inside of the exhibit room. Eve stood with Steve and his sister as he approached the group.

“Alex, are you sure that you are ok?” Patty asked.

He nodded slowly. “I just wish that I could have helped her.”

Eve nodded. “I was so worried about you.
I watched her from the door and saw the gun, my heart was racing, Alex.” She wrapped her arm around his back and placed her head against his chest.

He lightly kissed the top of her head. “I was scared too but I figured if I kept talking
to her it would allow the police to take control of the situation.”

Patty hugged him. “I love you, Alex. We are going home, too much excitement for me.”
“Thank you for coming,” Eve said. “I hope you had a nice time.”

Dan smiled at her. “Your paintings are beautiful, Eve.”

She smiled as they said good bye. She turned towards to Steve. “Well, looks like the evening is over. I hope tomorrow night will be less exciting.”

Alex chuckled. “I agree. Did you want to go grab a drink?”

Eve nodded. “You have no idea how good that sounds to me. Steve, would you like to join us?”

He looked at Alex and frowned. “No, that’s ok. I’m going back to the hotel for the evening. I will touch base with you
in the morning.”

Eve nodded and gave him a quick hug. Alex tensed slightly
but tried to keep a clear head. He reached for Eve’s hand and locked the door behind them. He entered the main lobby and found Beth sitting at reception.

“Beth, thank you for tonight, you ran the show perfectly. I hope you will do the same thing tomorrow night for us.”

“Of course but I’m ready to head home to my husband now.”

Alex laughed. “Please, go. We are all set here; I will see you tomorrow night.”

She left as he escorted Eve from the building and set the alarm. “Where would you like to go? After tonight, I definitely need a drink.”

She smiled. “Do you dance? I would love to share a dance with you.”

Alex smirked. “I know just the place.” He opened the car door for her and they headed into the city. He pulled in front of a renovated hotel that hosted a nightclub for an older crowd. Alex didn’t want to think of himself as old but he couldn’t handle the young clubs anymore.

“This place is beautiful. I love the older feel of the building.” Eve said as she looked around the lobby.

“It was the place to be in the late fifty’s. The train station was only a few blocks away and Buffalo was a great city. But along with everything else in this city, the hotel closed and just fell to pieces. A few years ago a local developer came in and spent millions to bring it back to life. It’s a full hotel again with a great bar and dance club.”

Eve smiled. “Show me the way.”

BOOK: True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever)
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