True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever) (7 page)

BOOK: True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever)
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Eve looked up at him. “Did you want some wine on the patio? I was just about to have a glass.”

Alex nodded. “That would be great. I have a couple of things to discuss with you.”

Eve smiled as she poured their glasses. “What’s going on?”

Alex grabbed his glass from her and placed it on the small patio table
. He removed his suit jacket, tie and placed them on the chair behind him. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “Becca was the cause of all my problems. She was so upset when she caught us kissing last night that she went back to the gallery, disabled the alarm and started her mission of hurting our relationship.”

Eve pouted as she listened to him. “
What exactly did she do?”

Alex reached into his bag and pulled out his laptop. He slid it across the table and watched her. “Just open it up and the photos will start
to play.”

Eve looked worried as she did what he asked her to do. He watched as her eyes scan the screen and she gasped. “Alex!”

He didn’t say anything right away. “I only saw a few of them.”

“These were taken with my ex-boyfriend. Most of them are with the rock star one. I had no idea that some of these existed. I thought I had found the majority of them and had them destroyed but that scummy ass dick wad had more of them and leaked them to the tabloid sites.”

“Becca thought she could show these to me and I would run screaming for the hills.”

Eve looked up from the screen horrified at the images in front of her. “You’re not?”

Alex shook his head and waved at the screen. “This was before me. We all make stupid mistakes. You trusted him and obviously he took advantage of it.”

Eve started to cry. She shut his computer and covered her face with her hands. “I’m so embarrassed right now, Alex.

stood up and went around the table and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t be embarrassed. I told you that I really don’t care about them but if you are worried that there are more pictures out there, I will hire someone to find them.”

Eve looked up into his eyes. “You would do that for me?”

“Yes. I like you, Eve. I really want to continue to see you and if that happens, I need to know that I’m the only person looking at that beautiful body of yours.”

Eve lightly kissed his lips. “You are too good to be true.”

“I’m not but I look out for my friends. I will handle the situation, don’t worry about it.”

“What happened to Becca?”

“I pressed charges against her and fired her. I need people around me who support me not hinder me.”

“I hope everything is ok for my show tonight.”

Alex nodded. “I have a great staff, we are all set and waiting for the guest of honor to arrive.”

Eve smiled and grabbed her glass of wine. “Are we
still going to celebrate by going out tonight after the show ends?”

Alex grinned. “I would love t
hat. I have a great spot that I’m going to take you.”

looked up at him and smiled. He moved a piece of hair from her face and moved it behind her ear. He leaned down and gently kissed her.

quickly parted his lips and found her tongue. Alex lightly bit her lower lip as he pulled away. He placed his hand on the side of her face and traced her lips with his thumb. “I’m trying to be a gentleman, Eve.”

Eve smirked at him. “I appreciate that but I really don’t want you to be.”

Alex groaned softly and shut his eyes. When he opened them, he grabbed Eve’s waist and twirled her around and pressed her back against the wall. He covered her lips with his and immediately pressed tighter against her.

She moaned softly as he felt her fingers tighten in his hair. She pulled him closer as if she was convinced there was still space between them. Alex held onto her as he lifted her from the wall and walked into her hotel room.

She whispered against his lips. “The bedroom is over there.”

Alex tried to gather his thoughts. “Not yet. I plan on taking my time you, Ms. Matthews.”

She whimpered. “Alex, you are driving me crazy.”

That’s my intention, Eve.” He stated as he lowered her onto the couch in the middle of the room. His lips brushed over the tender spot on her neck as he lifted her shirt just enough to feel her bare skin. “Your skin drives me crazy. You are flawless.”

She responded by
sneaking her hand around his waist and down the back of his pants. He groaned as he braced himself above her. He felt uncomfortable. He never allowed himself to get this far with the few dates he had since Emily but he couldn't control himself around Eve. He felt her nails dig into his backside and he captured her lips again. Her hand moved around his waist and started to unzip his slacks.

He quickly came to his senses and reached for her hand. "Oh no, I told you I want to savor every moment with you and I can't do that right now. We have to get ready for your big opening."

Eve groaned and eventually nodded. "You are different from other guys in my life. I like different."

Alex laughed as he took a deep breath and smiled. He braced himself above Eve and gave her a slow lingering
heated kiss before he got on his feet and tried to compose himself.

Eve stood up and walked over to her glass of wine.
“Are you going to escort me tonight?”

Alex smiled. “I would love to, Eve. What time would you like me to return for you?”

“The show starts at seven, let’s say six thirty?”

“Sounds great, I will be back,” Alex said as he kissed her cheek and left her hotel room.

He had definitely fallen for her and hoped that his fears from previous relationships wouldn’t rear its ugly head.

He headed back to his estate and ran into Mrs. Bennett on the way out. “Alex, I’m glad to saw you before I left. I made you dinner and it’s in the oven. I know you have the show tonight but you need to eat something
now or you will forget.”

Alex leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, you are always thinking of me.”

“Yes, I am. How’s Eve?”

Alex smiled. “She’s wonderful. I’m sorry again for how you were introduced. But, please trust me when I say that she’s a wonderful person.”

“I believe in you, Alex. I just want you to be happy. I will get to know her over time, I hope.”

“I hope so too. I don’t know what will happen once her show shuts down.”

“I’m sure you will work something out.” She waved at him and headed towards her car.

Alex entered his house and headed into the kitchen to grab the dish that Mrs. Bennett
had prepared for him. He stopped when he saw the light on his house phone flashing. He never received landline calls and figured it was someone trying to sell him something. He pressed the button and heard Becca’s voice.

“I knew if I called your cell phone, you wouldn’t answer but I wanted you to know how sorry I am for everything. I understand why you pressed charges against me and why you fired me but I really wish you would give me a second chance. Please call me so we can work something out. I loved working for you, Alex.”

He stared at the phone. Was she serious? He now realized how delusional Becca was when it came to life. He took a bite of his chicken as his cell phone rang. “Smith,” he answered.

“Hey Alex.”

“Hey sis, how’s the job search?”

“I found you someone.
His name is George and he’s a graduate of the arts program at University of Buffalo. He knows who you are and loved the idea of working and learning from you.”

“Well, that sounds perfect. Thank you so much for helping me out.”

“You know that I would do anything for you, Alex. Have you talked to Mom lately?”

“Not lately, what’s wrong?”

“She’s complaining about being lonely. She has an admirer but feels she would be cheating on Dad.”

Alex sigh
ed. “He’s been gone for so long Patty, it’s ok for her to move on.”

“We know that but she’s having problems with it. Maybe you could stop over after your show closes and talk with her. She
would love to see you.”

“Sure, I will stop over this weekend. I have some good news in the meantime.”

“What’s going on?”

“I found someone, well I really wasn’t looking and
technically she found me.”

cheered. “What’s her name?”

“Her name is Eve and it’s her show that opens tonight. She has knocked me over,
Patty. Her charm, her attitude and she is absolutely stunning. She has a passion for the arts and has a side of her that I can’t describe yet.”

“Wow, I haven’t heard that tone in your voice since
…” she trailed off.

Alex smirked. “I know. I haven’t felt this way since her.”

“I hope it works out. I’m planning on coming by tonight so make sure you introduce us.”

“I will
. See you tonight.” Alex hung up and finished his dinner before heading upstairs to the shower.






Alex entered Eve’s hotels’ lobby around six thirty. He spotted her agent as he waited at the elevators. Steve waved at him. “I didn’t realize that your gallery gave a personal escort to the shows.”

Alex sensed a tone in his voice but ignored it since he didn’t know him very well. “I normally wouldn’t but Eve is a special

Steve nodded as the elevator doors opened and they stepped in. “How long have you been in business?”

“A few years now but it’s always been a dream of mine. I just needed to wait until the opportunity presented itself.”

He nodded. “I’ve been working with Eve for almost two years now. I saw her work in a local art show back in LA and I knew I could help her.”

“Do you have any other clients?”

“Not right now, I wanted to focus on Eve and then her career exploded within the last six months. I have galleries calling me from around the country. After we close at your shop, we will
drive to Pittsburgh for a few days.”

Alex frowned as the elevator arrived at Eve’s floor and they both walked down the hallway. Steve knocked on the door as Eve answered. Alex leaned against the wall behind him as Steve hugged her and talked to her.

She looked breathtaking in her black cocktail dress with her stiletto black heels that made her legs seem even longer. Her blond hair was pulled up into a french twist on the back of her head and her makeup was perfectly applied.

Steve entered her hotel room
as he gaze turned to Alex. Their eyes locked with each and the temperature rose. He stepped closer to her and leaned down to press his lips against her cheek. “You are stunning, Eve. I really wish we were alone right now.”

She smirked and whispered. “You can have your way with me later tonight.”

Alex groaned as he pulled away from her. “Are you ready to go?”

Eve nodded. “Steve, I should have mentioned to you earlier that Alex
would be driving me tonight. I could have met you there.”

Steve frowned as he looked at Alex. “It’s ok. I will follow you over there.”

Alex reached for Eve’s hand and headed down the hallway. He whispered, “Don’t get any funny ideas about the elevator ride.”

Eve smiled. “I don’t know. You are so handsome in that suit. I don’t know if I will be able to keep my hands off of you.”

Alex allowed her to step into the elevator and he leaned against the back wall as he stared at her. He noticed as her tongue licked her lower lip and bit gently on it. He groaned softly so that Steve wouldn’t hear him but he knew that Eve could.

They entered the lobby as everyone stared at Eve as she walked to the main doors. He smiled as he opened the door for her. The valet opened his car door for her as he hopped into the driver seat.

He headed out onto the highway as his hand found her bare knee. “Do you realize how beautiful you are? You had the attention of every man in that hotel lobby even your agent.”

Eve gasped. “Steve? No, he’s not interested.”

Alex looked at her as they stopped at a red light. “Just like Becca wasn’t interested in me, right?”

“You are crazy. He’s a good friend, that’s it.”

Alex nodded and started to drive towards the gallery. He ran his fingers up and down her smooth skin as they talked about the show and how things would go. “I heard that you are moving onto Pittsburgh.”

Eve nodded. “Steve told me earlier today. He was able to fit this show into the schedule. It’s the first time that I’m not happy about moving onto a different city.”

He nodded as they pulled into the parking lot. “Let’s show Buffalo what you have to offer, Eve.” He walked around the car and opened the door for her.

They walked into the main reception area and
Beth greeted them. “Good evening, Ms. Matthews, Mr. Smith. The guests have been trickling in and the room is a buzz. I believe you are in the great evening.”

BOOK: True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever)
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