Touch of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Ellen Wolf

BOOK: Touch of Love
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‘I don’t need a babysitter
.’ She turned to Adam. ‘Jake might think I need to be sheltered from your family, but I am perfectly capable of handling myself in public.’

’m sure that’s true.’ He flashed his white teeth. ‘And that’s not what he meant. He just figured that since we aren’t complete strangers, you might find me easier to talk to than, let’s say… Aunt Laura.’ With a wicked smile, he gestured toward the large french door leading to the patio. ‘Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. She interrogated me for a while, and I’d bet my bottom dollar you’re next on her list.’

‘Probably,’ she grumbled, annoyed to
admit he was right. She hated being a charity case. Maybe her plan to hide with Jake was not such a great idea after all? Here she was, alone with this… jaded, disillusioned man, and Jake was gone on some wild goose chase from which she had no idea when he would be back.
If he comes back at all…
Maybe he went to see another woman?
He had looked anxious enough to make it a plausible explanation. Some girl he liked might’ve changed her mind at the last moment. Maybe he would bring her to the party. For all Elly knew, Jake and this woman might have been discussing it right then, wondering how to get rid of her.

‘Hey, don’t look so gloomy
.’ Adam’s voice interrupted her dark thoughts, and she looked up, bracing herself against his charm. It didn’t work at all. He was still the most handsome man she had ever seen.

can be fun too, you know.’ He gestured toward the garden, where mauve-colored shadows gathered slowly in the approach of the night. ‘Not that you had a chance to see that side of me. It’s there, I promise. How about we go for a walk to the lower gardens? You’d like them for sure.’

‘I’m sure you’re a riot
.’ Elly struggled to suppress a smile and failed miserably. ‘I’m just not in a mood for company, really. I mean, I’m grateful to Jake for bringing me here with him, but otherwise, this hasn’t been a good day for me.’

‘And that’s exactly why you shouldn’t be alone

he really think he’s one to hand out advice?
Only her inborn tact prevented her from asking exactly that.

‘I know you’re

, what a genius.
His serious expression brought back the misery she had managed to push aside for so long.
Damn him and his amateur psychology.

You need a distraction from what happened, Elly.’ Adam was obviously unaware of her resentment, because he kept going, a stubborn line on his forehead deepening. ‘Not to wallow in your misery, rethinking every second that led to this very moment.’

‘Like you did when you slept in the park?’
She couldn’t help herself. She watched him, waiting for some sign of annoyance, but to her relief, he seemed perfectly fine.

Yeah, something like that.’ He smiled again. ‘I was kind of dramatic, wasn’t I? “Total Eclipse of the Heart” comes to mind. Still, I can share with you my very fresh wisdom, Elly. Things do fall apart for a reason. It hurts like hell, but it’s still better than what could have been. Just imagine what could happen if you caught him in two, three months? Wouldn’t it be worse?’

Okay, Dr. Phil, I will remind myself of that when I send back all the gifts that have already arrived and answer the questions about what went wrong.’ She dreaded it already. She could feel goose bumps forming on her arms as she imagined her sister’s hysterical phone call. Amelia, who was ten years her senior, would certainly find a way to blame the breakup on Elly. She could almost hear Amelia’s voice, calling her a spoiled brat who ruined everything for their parents—and the rest of the family, of course. She had booked their flight from Amsterdam for next weekend. Amelia had probably planned the whole seven days they were to spend in Chicago, down to the last detail.

‘Screw them all
.’ His enthusiasm made her smile, against her better judgment. He was right. She didn’t owe an explanation to anyone. Her life and her choices were hers and hers alone. Her parents might have been in love with the idea of her wedding, but they would have to accept the fact that it wasn’t going to happen.

‘You know, you’re right
.’ She nodded pensively. ‘No, I’m not being sarcastic. Screw the whole marriage thing, Adam. Who says I can’t be single, have a great life and friends instead of one fiancé that can’t keep his pants on?’

‘That’s more like it
.’ His approving grin should have warned her, but she was still riding on the unexpected wave of adrenaline.

had been such a long time since she’d had a chance to just be herself. Being with Brad made her just half of a whole, constantly linked to the other part. It was great, but with him gone, she could just do as she pleased.

‘Can I ask you something?’
She glanced at Adam, and he nodded.
Good, I need someone honest in my life for a change.

. What is it?’

He might have
expected her to ask for more of his advice on life in general and dumping in particular. Well, she didn’t really want to hear any more. Instead, she needed to find her own way to deal with the facts, her mind already racing a hundred miles a second.

‘Does Jake have a girlfriend?’

He was surprised, she noticed. His dark eyes veiled in an instant.

Why? It wasn’t such an inappropriate question, was it?

‘I mean, you know him well and all…’ she continued, her cheeks heating as she sensed his discomfort. ‘I can’t really ask him straight out if there is someone special in his life. He told me about his contract and the whole mess with being single for the show’s sake. It doesn’t have to mean he isn’t interested in some girl anyway, right?’

‘Why? Do you plan to use him as a replacement for your flighty fiancé?’
She thought she caught a note of reproach in his voice.

wave of anger rose in her chest, replacing any embarrassment. She didn’t need his permission to date his stepbrother if she felt like it. Jake liked her, and he would be a perfect candidate for a fling. She didn’t want anything with strings attached, of course—just a few days of fun. Just enough to make her feel like a human again, wanted, and needed by someone else who actually liked her as a person. She would explain it to Jake and reassure him that she wouldn’t turn into a needy, love-craving nightmare that expected more than he was willing to give.

.’ She shrugged, trying very hard to look blasé. ‘What’s wrong with that?’

‘Well, apart from the fact I wouldn’t lik
e to see him hurt, regardless if he is involved with someone else or not, there are plenty of reasons it’s a terrible idea.’ Adam wasn’t buying it; she could tell. She had a horrible suspicion that he could read her like an open book. She imagined he could tell that underneath the thin layer of confidence and nonchalance, she was bleeding, her wounds too deep and too fresh to be dressed.

‘Wow, it must be nice to have a guardian like that
.’ Her voice dripped with irony. ‘You’re a very protective type, aren’t you?’

‘With people I care about
, yes. I guess you could say that.’ He nodded seriously.

‘You still didn’t answer my questi
on. Is Jake seeing someone?’

‘It’s complicated
.’ To her surprise, Adam didn’t seem to fight her any longer. ‘I really think you should ask him, if you’re so eager to know.’

‘That would be just splendid
.’ A wave of disappointment washed over her and swept away all the feistiness. If Jake was truly single, Adam would say so. Complicated meant a relationship. ‘I might be ready for doing something crazy, but clinging to a guy who is involved with someone else isn’t my thing. Never was, and never will be.’

.’ His cool expression warmed up just a degree, which was dangerous. The small flames flickering in the depths of his onyx eyes were frighteningly appealing. ‘I have a much better idea, if you are into getting crazy, Elly.’

She didn’t like the way he said her name.
Soft and smooth, the syllables rolled off his tongue with ease that should have been reserved for someone close to her, not a virtual stranger.

‘Like what? Going out there again and pour
ing some of the wine on your Aunt Laura’s head?’ Again, she hid behind her sarcasm.

‘Nope, nothing that drastic.’ He laughed
, then his lips stretched into a smile. In the semidarkness that was quickly swallowing the remaining daylight, she was suddenly aware of the fact that they were totally alone in the big house, with the rest of the family outside, too far away to hear them. Twilight had always been her favorite part of the day, but just then, she craved the blinding brilliance of the midday with its heat, brightness, and absolute lack of shadows.

am single and available.’

he must have looked pretty silly with her mouth open, but he had stunned her by offering her his company as a stand-in for Jake’s.

‘That’s fantastic,’ she grumbled, making sure he could hear her lack of enthusiasm. The last thing she needed was for him to realize that she was actually tempted, even though it lasted less than a second. ‘Don’t forget to put your profile online
. I’m sure you’ll get some hits in no time.’

’m not into Internet dating.’ He walked over to the window and looked outside, his profile outlined against the mauve sky. ‘I am not into any kind of dating, to be honest. Not after what happened with Bianca.’

His fiancée. Of course, he
’s still hurting.
Elly watched his mouth press together, lines deepening on both sides of his sensuous lips. Behind this façade of steel hid a man whose heart had been broken only a fortnight ago.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy casual sex. As long as my partner knows what to expect, of course.’

So much for his sensitive, hurting self.
She could have kicked herself in her shin, she was so vividly angry with her naïvety. There she was, spinning her romantic tale about a let-down lover, bleeding from a wound that was still painful. The reality was that Adam had managed to move on, and judging by his self-satisfied smile, he felt pretty good about the world in general and himself in particular. He stepped back to her, his eyes on her face.
Is that an invitation to a guilt-free romp?

Sounds lovely.’ She didn’t know how to respond to a revelation like that. ‘Well, good luck with that, Adam. I’m sure there are plenty of fish out there for you. For now, we could go and see those gardens you raved about earlier.’ She turned to go and was surprised when he stopped her, his hand coming down to her shoulder.

.’ More of a purr than a command, his voice stopped her in her tracks. She felt the pressure of his warm fingers on her skin, the contact waking up something primal deep inside her—something she didn’t really even know she possessed.

‘Wait,’ he repeated
, and she turned to him obediently, like a puppet with strings pulled by the hand of her master.

‘How can you dismiss something without giving it a try?’
He smiled down into her wide-open eyes. She should have been offended, or at least annoyed. And she would have been if it weren’t for the electric current that coursed between his palm still resting on her shoulder and the rest of her body, which was stunned into submission.

‘Stop it, Adam
.’ Her voice sounded all wrong, weak and croaky, belying the message she was trying to convey.

‘Just an experiment,
Elly.’ His face was closer, even though she hadn’t seen him move. She could see the fire burning slowly in the depths of his eyes. It sent shivers down her spine, and her whole body tightened in a helpless response. Everything else ceased to exist, save for this man who held her captive, without even trying.

His lips brushed the corner of her mouth, the touch as delicate as a whisper of a balmy breeze ruffling the surface of
calm water. Gentle and infinitely patient, his mouth lingered there for a few seconds, before the tip of his tongue traced along the seam of her lips, asking for permission to enter. Her flesh betrayed her, and her mouth opened instinctively before she had a chance to decide what to do. Adam tasted like… freedom. Exhilarating and daring, his kiss kidnapped her into another dimension, where shattered dreams and flighty lovers faded into oblivion, burned by the white-hot blaze of his desire.

is hands encircled her waist, pulling her closer and pressing her body against his hard frame. He felt warm and solid, like a rock amidst the swirling whirlpool of darkness that had threatened to swallow her up ever since she had set foot in her apartment earlier that day. She didn’t want to let go. Her palms reached around his neck to get even closer, until there was not an inch of space between their bodies. Bone to bone and muscle to muscle, they were one.

‘Oops, sorry
.’ An amused voice brought her back to earth, and she pushed Adam away. He obeyed, stepping back immediately. She felt cold, despite the heat that singed her cheeks. As insane as it sounded, she missed the warmth of his broad chest and the security of his arms already.

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