Read Torn from You Online

Authors: Nashoda Rose

Tags: #na, #new adult, #dark contemporary

Torn from You (13 page)

BOOK: Torn from You
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He gripped my
chin. “Look at me.”

I did.

“Tell me.”


“Tell me you
want me inside you.”

That’s what he
wanted. My permission. My complete submission. And I gave it to
him. “Yes.”

“Tell me.”

“I want you
inside me Lo—” I stopped abruptly.

He waited.

“I want you
inside me ... Master.”

baby.” I cringed when he called me that. It tore me apart. It
he said it,
his tone tender, as if he cared about me. “I want you to look at me
when I put my cock inside your tight pussy.”

I parted my
legs wider as I stared up at him; then he entered me, and I moaned
as his cock filled me completely. It was like the world became a
safe place the moment he was inside me. As if he was mine and I was
his and nothing around us existed anymore.

I hooked my
legs around his waist and arched my back wanting him deeper,
closer, needing him encased into me as he pumped madly. Our bodies
slapped together as if he was spanking me, the sound vibrating
through the room. I kept my arms above my head, but it was hard not
to run my hands the length of him.

Suddenly he
grabbed me around the waist and flipped me over. “Cheek to the
pillow. One hand on the headboard.”

My breath

“Ass in the
air. I’m going to fuck you from behind, Emily.”

I raised my
ass and felt his hands grab hold of my hips. Oh God, it felt sweet
and hot, and I wanted him back inside me. I knew I was going to
come fast with him taking me like this.

He didn’t
enter me right away, instead his finger slid down my ass crevice
then, slowly, further down into my pussy then back up again as he
dragged the wetness up to my ass.

I tensed as he
circled the tight opening.

“Relax.” His
voice was soft and sweet. “You need to relax and push out.”

It was
embarrassing, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted his finger in that
forbidden place. But it was also making me hotter.

His finger
pushed, and I tensed.

“No, Eme.
Don’t fight it. I promise it’ll feel good, but it can’t be if you
won’t relax.”

I took several
deep breaths, then moaned, as he pushed his finger inside my tight
ass at the same time.

“Oh God.” It
felt full and weird and ... fuck, it felt illicit and amazing too.
Then when he started pushing his finger in and out like he was
fucking my ass while he continued to play with my clit, I nearly

“I’m going to
fuck your ass one day. So tight and sweet, and you’ll love having
me balls-deep inside you.” God, why was I so turned on by that?
“Now, I’m going to fuck your pussy, and you’re going to

He placed
himself at my entrance then pushed hard and deep. His hand was on
the small of my back pressing me down while his other grabbed my
hip, fingers digging into my flesh. His balls slapped against me as
he thrust over and over again.

I was panting
and arching my back while I pushed back against him.

“Come, Eme.
Touch yourself.”

I did, and I
within seconds I was coming and crying out as he continued to slam
into me. Both hands were now holding my hips as he yanked me back
into him with a fierceness that sent my orgasm into a long,
drawn-out high.

“Fuck.” He
suddenly stopped moving, the tips of his fingers digging into my
skin as I felt his cock jerk inside me. “Jesus.”

When he
slipped out of me, the syrupy warmth of Logan came with him and ran
down the insides of my thighs. I was about to lie down, spent, and
fully sated when he stroked my head then down my back to my ass
where he caressed my ass cheeks.


The mattress
dipped as he lay down beside me and stared at me with my ass in the
air, arched and body heated. After several minutes, he hooked his
arm around my waist and pulled me down beside him then kissed my
temple. “Your pussy is made for my cock.”

Yeah, it was.
The problem was despite what we shared sexually, I knew I’d leave
him without a second of hesitation if given the opportunity to
escape. Maybe I had this secret hope that we’d leave together, but
it was small, a fleck of dust in a tornado.

I was falling
asleep, wrapped in his embrace when I definitely heard the words,
“Dream sweet, Emily.”



Day 11

It was
morning, and Logan left me alone like he usually did when he went
to train. I lay in bed, lost in my thoughts of last night when the
door suddenly opened. I scrambled off the mattress and knelt on the
floor my heat thumping erratically at his unexpected early

Logan shut the

The lock

Then he came
toward me. I stared at the floor, hands resting on my thighs,
although resting was not a word I should associate to how I was
feeling—more like reeling with uncertainty. Had I done something
wrong? Why was he back earlier? My mind went over in reverse
everything that happened last night. Had I called him Logan? Did I
not do everything he asked?


I stood.


I walked to
the washroom, and he snagged my hand before I had the chance to
pull off the nightgown. It was flimsy and see-through, but it was
the only clothing I was allowed, so I wore it.


I looked up at
him, and I saw the darkness mixed with lust swirling in his eyes.
Hesitantly, I put my hands on the edge of his T-shirt then pulled
it up over his head.

“Drop it.”

I let the
shirt slip from my fingers.

He waited. I
was staring at his muscles that were tight and flexed. Logan didn’t
have a six pack; he had an eight pack and each one was

“Emily.” His
low, warning tone had me reaching for his shorts. My fingers
gripped the material at his hips. “Slowly.”

I moved
downward, taking his shorts with me, his cock springing free and my
mouth inches away from it. I licked my lips. He watched.


My breath
hitched, my eyes meeting his. There was no more anger just pure
unadulterated lust, and his lust was for me which turned me on
more. I figured I knew what he wanted and took his cock in my

I heard him
inhale sharply, and he twitched in my grasp.

I went to take
him in my mouth when he clutched my shoulders and shook his head.
“Not now. In the shower.” He pulled me to my feet then turned on
the taps and brought me in close. “Wear the nightgown.”

I stepped
under the spray, the white material sticking to my skin the moment
it got wet. It felt odd, like I should be taking it off, but the
moment I saw Logan’s eyes, I knew it turned him on big time.

He stepped in
the shower then pushed me up against the tiles, his hands grabbing
my wrists and locking them in his one hand above my head. It was
heated and rough and a hint of fear shot through me as I realized
that he could do anything he wanted to me right now.

His mouth took
mine with such force and possession that it felt like I was
breathing under water. There was something more in his kiss today,
as if he was starving for me. Crazed with his need and

It left me
weak and trembling.

His mouth
broke away, and he bent down suckling my nipples through the
material then biting—hard. I moaned, arching against the wall, my
muscles stiffening from the pain and then relaxing into the
sweetness afterward.

His body
slammed into me; his hand in my soaking wet hair then roaming down
the front of me as he continued to kiss me. “No other.”

He let me go
then pressed on my shoulders, and I went down until I was kneeling
in front of him, the spray pounding into the back of my head,
dripping down my face like rain on a window pane.

He gripped his
cock in his hand. “Suck me.”

As soon as I
placed the tip into my mouth, his hands gripped my hair, and he

I slowly
teased him with my mouth, suckling the tip, sliding down then back
up again. I slipped my hand around the base and tightened at the
same time as I took him to the back of my throat and sucked

“Jesus. Fuck.”
His hips began to move, and I relaxed the back of my throat as I
took him deeper.

I pulled
firmly on him with my mouth, and he shoved his hips forward as he
groaned. I gagged, but didn’t stop. Neither did he as he pumped
into my mouth until I felt him stiffen and stop—his cock at the
back of my throat, a loud growl escaping him as he said my

thick liquid squirted down the back of my throat, and I swallowed
as it kept coming and coming. His cum slipped from the sides of my
mouth, and the water washed it away.

His cock
twitched for several seconds then went still. I went to pull back,
but Logan held me in place, my mouth wrapped around him, sunk


My jaw was
sore, but I did what he wanted, my tongue slowly stroking the hot,
wet surface of his cock.

“Your mouth
around me ... never been so sweet.” His hands smoothed back my hair
as he looked down at me, my mouth still around him as his cock
slowly subsided. “Get me hard again, Eme, then I’ll fuck your pussy
against the wall.”

I was so
turned on; it would only take him entering me to get me off.
Knowing Logan, he’d make it last until I was begging him for

I started
suckling his cock, the softness soon becoming hard and swelling
deep in my throat. He picked me up, placed me against the wall, and
then ordered me to wrap my legs around his waist. I did.

He hesitated
and my body was begging for him to enter me. I saw his expression
harden and when he spoke it was without warmth. “Don’t ever think
you’re safe with me. I fuck you because I need release, that’s all
you can be to me.”

Then he pushed
inside me.



Day 15

routine was the same each day. He left me in the morning and
returned at night, and we had sex. Passionate sex that made me
forget, at least for a while, where we were and who he’d become.
But, since those words in the shower, it had changed. Now, I kept
my hope guarded. We had sex because it was what he desired and what
I needed to make certain I wasn’t sold.

I never called
him Logan, and he always had the control, but in a way I felt like
I had it too. I saw how much he wanted me, and it gave me power. Or
at least I imagined it did.

Despite that,
I still felt fear rush through me every time the lock in the door
turned. I was never certain if it was the girl bringing my meal or
Alfonzo or Raul coming to take me away. The threat of being sold
was a constant terror, and I was always on edge on whether Logan
was tired of me or had changed his mind about keeping me.

Today Logan
didn’t go work-out, and instead had breakfast with me then took me
in the shower and washed every inch of me. I noticed the bruises on
his skin and each day he looked to be getting more of them. Was his
training not going well? Was there the possibility that the
fighters here were better than Logan? Or maybe ... maybe the
bruises were from something else? Was it possible that Logan wanted
to leave here?

We came out of
the shower and he picked me up, sat me on the counter and fucked me
long and slow. He kissed me everywhere as if memorizing each curve
and angle. It was sweet, and that smidgeon of hope rose again. I
tried to smother it, afraid he’d say something to hurt me again,
but it was hard to keep my emotions from reacting to his

I knew it was
dangerous thinking Logan would get us both out of here, but when he
was like this, I couldn’t help it. The constant fear was exhausting
and hope was all I had left. I think my mind gave me hope on
purpose to keep me sane. If I lost hope then I’d lose myself.

He left me for
several hours and returned at dusk with an outfit in hand. I knew
what it was for. Tonight was his fight. He’d told me he was
fighting against a guy who’d never been defeated. He also told me
there was a big dinner party planned afterward. One that would be
like the first time I’d entered Raul’s compound.

He laid
the outfit, or lack of, on the bed then held out his hand, a piece
of jewellery hanging from his fingers. It was just like what I’d
seen the other girls wear—a collar. “Come here, Emily.”

I rose and
walked toward him, my heart pounding as I stared at the silver

“Turn around.”
I did. “This will protect you from the other men. You belong to me.
They will know that.” He pushed my hair aside then reached around,
and I felt the coldness of the collar as it settled on my skin.
“There’s things you won’t want to see tonight.” I put my hand up
and touched the intricate silver links that weaved around my neck.
It was beautiful and yet ... this place and the meaning the collar
represented made it ugly. He turned me around and placed his hand
under my chin. “You must submit completely to me. If you do
anything ...” His hand dropped, and he strode away and began pacing
back and forth across the room, his hands shoved inside his front
pockets. It was rare Logan looked uneasy and perturbed. He was
always steady and certain of himself.

BOOK: Torn from You
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