To Right a Wrong (15 page)

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Authors: Abby Wood

Tags: #werewolf, #Werewolves, #werewolf romance, #Paranormal Shape-shifter

BOOK: To Right a Wrong
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Dani took it and held on.
“Thank you. I
would never have survived the last couple months
without you.”

“Carolyn? It’s me, Mary.” She raised her arm and stepped forward. “I’ve brought someone with me.”

Mary’s words echoed against the rocks. Dani held her breath and waited to hear if there was an answer.

“I’m going to come back there. It’s safe. No one is here to hurt you.” Mary motioned for them to follow.

The tunnel narrowed, and Dani let go of Ethan so they could walk single file. Darkness enveloped them, and the cold stone walls brushed her arms, allowing her to trace the path ahead.

“There’s a small opening, little one. You’ll
have to crawl in. Be careful you don’t bump your

She felt around in front of her searching for the gap. Her heartbeat accelerated. Crouching, she found the crack in the rock. She never thought of herself as claustrophobic, but she’d never experienced such closed quarters like this in her life. Thankful for her ability to see in the dark, she crawled five or six feet through the narrow passage before she saw Ethan standing.

Climbing to her feet, she heard the soft giggles of a child.
“Ethan! Listen!”
The laughter sounded so close, but she’d yet to catch sight of Jordan.

“Caro? I’ve brought you a candy bar and another baggy of those little fish crackers that Jimmy loves so much.” Mary reached inside her jacket pocket and removed the items. “We just want to talk. You can feed Jimmy.”

Dani wanted to shout for her to bring Jordan out, but she held her tongue. She hid behind Ethan. His size would shield her from Mary’s view.

“Carolyn? This is Ethan Tolene. I’m the new alpha of the Drover Pack.” Ethan spoke softly.

“I’ve come with some news. Mary thought you’d like to hear it from me.” He paused. “You won’t have to worry about Greggoire any longer. He’s dead.”

As if celebrating the news, a child’s shriek of happiness echoed in the alcove. Dani cried out.

She covered her mouth as her body folded and lowered her chin to her chest. She had to stay silent. If she’d messed up their plans, she’d never forgive herself.

“Use your wolf, little one.”

She dug deep into her soul and called her wolf. The confidence that she’d bring her brother home buoyed her. She straightened, and her body stopped trembling. The tears dried. The sensation of a growl tickled through her chest.

“Are you sure he’s dead?”

Dani smiled.
“Keep talking, Ethan. Let her
know what you did. She deserves to know
vengeance was done.”

“Yes. I killed him myself.” Ethan spoke louder. “It’s not right for a werewolf to play with his gifts. It makes wolves mean and violent. He needed to be killed.”

A shuffling sound came. Dani froze. Unable to deny herself a glimpse of her brother, she leaned a little to her left to peek between Ethan’s arm and his body.

“Here, Caro.” Mary approached the woman and handed over the snacks.

Dani recognized the woman from the dead alpha’s house. She carried a large bundle in front of her body wrapped head to toe in a blanket. Little sneakered feet kicked out happily from the bottom.

“Can I hold Jimmy while you eat?” Mary held out her hands and cooed at the child.

“No!” Carolyn turned her body to shield Jordan.

“Remember, I told you that you’re safe now.

Jimmy’s safe. No one will ever hurt him.” Mary stroked Carolyn’s arm. “You’ve done a great job protecting him, but Greggoire’s gone. You can let him go.”

“No.” Carolyn shook her head violently back and forth, emitting a loud whine.

Jordan began to cry.

“Carolyn, thank you.” Dani stepped out from behind Ethan. She crept closer to her brother, but Carolyn cried out. “I’m not coming any closer. Mary has told me what a wonderful mother you have been to my brother. I know how important that is, because I lost my mother and father when Greggoire killed them.”

“Y-you’ll want to take him away from me.” Carolyn swayed side to side in an effort to settle Jordan down. Her hold on him remained strong and secure. “I raised him! Not you.”

“I know you did.” Dani smiled. “I would love to have you in our life. J-Jimmy needs lots of love from everyone.”

“Carolyn, why don’t you let Dani hold the child and you can come outside with me. It’s nice out. The sun is shining.” Mary stroked Jordan’s back. “Won’t that feel nice, the warmth on your shoulders and face?”

“Dani…go closer.”

She stepped in another foot. “We had a beautiful walk this morning. It won’t be long until all the leaves will be changing colors.” Dani moved again. “I bet Jimmy would have a lovely time rolling in a pile of leaves, wouldn’t he?” She continued to inch her way to Carolyn’s side.

“You must be feeding him well. He’s got so big.” Carolyn gazed at the boy. “He eats like a piggy. Don’t you, chub cheeks? Oh, yes you do…you do. You eat everything I feed you.” Jordan giggled and kicked.

“Carolyn, I want you to trust me.” Dani reached out and laid her hand on the blanket.

Her fingers shuddered against the tiny curve of Jordan’s back. It took all her power to restrain herself from grabbing her brother from his kidnapper. “See? I’m not going to take him from you. I really am thankful for all you’ve done.”

“W-why are you here? Y-you want to steal him from me.” Tears pooled in Carolyn’s eyes.

“He’s mine.”

“Yes, he’s yours. You can see him whenever you want.” Dani dropped her hand and gazed into Carolyn’s face. “You need someone who’ll take care of you. Protect you from things that hurt. Wouldn’t you like to feel better?”

“I’m scared.” Her voice was laden with real fear.

“Oh sweetie, I know you are.” She glanced back at Ethan. “I swear on my life, that the big guy over there will always protect you. He’s real good at that.”

Carolyn sniffed. “He looks like you.”


“No.” Carolyn lowered the blanket revealing a head full of wavy dark brown hair. “Jimmy.” The air whooshed out of her body. A face with a pert little nose, big brown eyes, and the sweetest smile with drool dripping from his lip looked back at her. She crossed her arms to keep from reaching out and pulling Jordan to her chest. She swallowed. She didn’t want to frighten him, so she concentrated on keeping it together. Later, she’d lie down in bed and cry for all the pain and suffering she’d endured through the last two years. But not right now. She needed to have Carolyn hand over her brother.

Chapter Twenty

Childish giggles filled the room. Dani lay on the living room floor propping her head up on her hand. Ethan, in his wolf form, jumped in front of Jordan growling, which set off a new round of laughter.

Her little brother loved seeing Dani and Ethan turn into their wolves, and the show had become a nightly ritual. Dani reached out and tickled his side. “You getting tired yet, Jordy?” Jordan shook his head, almost toppling over.


“When will he learn a new word? I think he’s
overused that one.”

“Guess what, Jordy? Ethan wants you to learn a new word.” She pulled Jordan over next to her. “Say Dani.”

“No!” He turned to Ethan and flapped his arms.

“How about you ride Ethan’s wolf to the bedroom, and let him slobber all over you before you go to sleep?” She pushed up off the floor, groaning, and scooped up Jordan. “Gah. Your sister feels old. This time be nice. Nice wolfy.

You don’t want to pull his fur.”

Dani sat Jordan on Ethan’s shoulders and kept a good hold on the baby’s waist. Walking beside the wolf, she smiled. Jordan had his hands dug deep in Ethan’s fur. She was sure his squeal of delight pierced every werewolf’s ears within a mile.

“Okay, here you go, big boy.” She set Jordan on his feet. “Tell Ethan night-night.” Jordan threw himself at the wolf, wrapped his chubby arms around Ethan’s neck, and babbled nonsense. Dani sighed. Jordan had been out of her life two years, three months and four days, yet he’d integrated into their household as though he’d always lived with them.

“Come, give me some love.” She squatted and held out her arms.

He ran to her and threw himself into her embrace. She laughed. “You are so strong.” She swept him up in the air, smooching his cheek the whole way to the changing table. “Let’s get your diaper changed and then I’ll find Wolfy. I think Wolfy is sleepy.”

“No!” Jordan giggled.

“Oh yes, he is.” She briskly dealt with a soiled diaper, replacing it with a clean one.

Ethan brushed her leg. She glanced down. In his mouth was Jordan’s favorite stuffed animal.

“Here we go.” She handed Wolfy to Jordan and carried them both over to the crib.

She kissed his forehead. “I love you. Sleep tight, my brother,” she whispered, smoothing the hair off his forehead. She backed out of the room to wordless babble as Jordan talked to his Wolfy. Once he was down, he’d sleep all night, giving her seven blessed hours of quiet.

Closing the door halfway, she turned, reaching for her mate’s thick fur. That Ethan went out of his way to spend so much time with her and Jordan always amazed her. She plopped down on the couch and raised her legs to the coffee table.

Ethan shifted and sat down beside her.

Pulling her into his arms, he stroked her side.

“You’re overdressed.”

She snuggled down and closed her eyes.

“Who knew taking care of a two year old would be so exhausting? I don’t remember being this tired in my life.”

“Hmm.” He slipped his hand under the hem of her shirt and caressed her stomach. “It’s not chasing after Jordan that is making you so tired, little one.”

She sniffled a yawn. “What do you think it is?” “You’re pregnant.”

Dani shot off his lap. “I’m what? I couldn’t be. It takes werewolves longer to conceive.” She stared at Ethan, but he just sat there smiling.


“Pregnant.” He nodded.

She counted. Not trusting herself, she then tapped the number out with her fingers. “Oh, my God. That’s why I’ve been crying, eating, sleeping, and generally acting lazy. I thought I was recouping from all the stress I’ve been under. I remember my mom acting the same way when she was pregnant with Jordy.”

Ethan stood up. “Come, little one.”

“What are we doing?” She let him lead her down the hall.

He gave her a wink, then peeked into Jordan’s room and smiled. “He’s asleep.” He led her to their bedroom and helped her remove her clothes. She yawned again before getting into bed. Lying on her back, she stretched and sighed. Ethan climbed between her legs. She let her arms fall to the sides and closed her eyes. Using his tongue, Ethan gently licked her lower lips. She wiggled as her legs widened and the delightful sensations inside her multiplied.

Ethan worked his way up to her clit, flicking the bundle of nerves. She gyrated her hips in time with his mouth. Delicious warmth flushed the surface of her skin. She reached down and buried her fingers in his hair. “God, that feels wonderful.”


She moaned and gave his hair a little tug.

“Come here. I want you inside of me.” He lifted his head. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” She smiled. “I can stay awake a little longer.”

Ethan crawled up her body, placing small kisses along her stomach, her breasts, her neck.

Finally capturing her mouth, he entered her pussy. She arched against him. Slowly, he slid in and out, rebuilding the fire he’d started with his lips.

The house was quiet. There was no rush in their lovemaking. They had all the time in the world. Just the two of them together, the way it’s supposed to be when werewolves mate.

A different kind of tension coiled in her soul as she skimmed her lips against his mouth. So loving, so tender. Her fierce alpha not only protected, fought, and sheltered her, but stood by her side and supported her. He gave her completeness.

The wave of pleasure snuck up on her, and she shuddered underneath him. Her inner muscles squeezed his cock. He groaned and plunged balls deep inside of her. His eyelids involuntarily lowered, his hips trembled between her legs, and an almost pained look came across his features before pleasure consumed him. She watched all the emotions play out on his face.

Ethan remained connected to her until he lost all strength and his limbs shook. Rolling off of her, he pulled her close and covered them both with a blanket.

She sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too, little one.” He kissed her.

“Rest. Morning comes soon enough.”


~ About the Author ~

Abby Wood loves to surround herself with family, critters, and laughter. A huge animal lover, she's often found discussing story plots with the animals while mucking the barn in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. In between chores and raising a family, she enjoys trying out new recipes and adding more boots to her closet. She loves to write stories that allow readers to escape into a brand new world.

You can find out more about Abby at:

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  • ~ Dedication ~

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