To Right a Wrong (14 page)

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Authors: Abby Wood

Tags: #werewolf, #Werewolves, #werewolf romance, #Paranormal Shape-shifter

BOOK: To Right a Wrong
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“It is. Haven’t you explored the forest before?”

“No. Dad was pretty protective of me. I imagine it’s different for boys.” She cupped her hand against the side window and let her eyes adjust to the darkness to peer outside. “We’re really climbing.”

“Just wait. This is nothing yet.” He studied the road.

He drove the rest of the way in silence and finally came to a stop. Dani opened her door, but didn’t see anything special about this part of the forest.

Together, they strolled farther up the hill before Ethan pointed ahead of him. “Right there.

It’s even more spectacular in the daytime when you can see for miles and miles.”

She gasped. “
Oh Ethan…”

Standing at the edge of a cliff, she took in the view. Even in the darkness, she could make out the potpourri of trees splattered throughout the valley. The river forged a path dodging the trees.

Outside of the forest, homes lay in orderly rows: the town. Headlights moved slowly, lighting the streets.

She tried to find her house while Ethan moved in behind her and pressed her back onto his chest. “It’s peaceful up here,” he said.

“Yes.” Pointing, she asked, “Is that our neighborhood?”

“Yes.” He nibbled her neck.

“What are you doing?”

“Mmm…” Nipping her earlobe, he turned her around. “The view wasn’t the only thing I wanted to show you.”

“Oh yeah?” She slid her hands inside his shirt to his hard stomach. “I think I’d like to see whatever this
is you wanted to show me.” He slowly took her hand and pulled it to the front of his jeans. “You’re sure?” Ethan wiggled his brows and grinned.

She smiled. Instead of answering him, she undid the button at his waist and pulled down the zipper. His cock stood erect, hard and warm.

Planning to kneel, she bent her legs but Ethan held her up.

“Strip off your jeans, little one.” Slipping off her shoes and socks, she wiggled out of the rest of her clothes, baring her bottom half. Ethan led her to a big boulder, which sat overlooking the valley and urged her to bend over the rock. Viewing the height from the edge left her dizzy, but added the spice of danger, too.

The beauty of the land gave her goosebumps.

Ethan spread her legs and kissed the soft skin where buttock met the back of her thigh.

She arched, and he smoothed the backs of her legs. She closed her eyes as his fingers and lips traveled between her legs. Her pussy seemed to thump to the rhythm of her heartbeat.

He licked the edge of her lower lips. She opened her legs wider and lifted her ass to give him better access. Warmth coiled in her core.

She wanted more, to have his hardness fill her body and claim her.

Gentle pressure on her anus had her pushing back and moaning. Ethan stood and spread her lower lips wider while paying special attention to her clit and anus. The pleasures from the different sensations were instant. She pushed back and held onto the rock.

“More, Ethan. Please?” Little puffs of breath came from her mouth.

He entered her one slow inch at a time, letting her enjoy every delicious push on her inner muscles. She stretched, feeling her channel suck at his cock, drawing it farther inside of her. The reassuring thud of his heartbeat against her back comforted her, made her feel secure and loved while stealing her breath.

Rocking back and forth, she plunged down on his cock at the same time he thrust into her over and over. With his ball sac gently slapping her clit, she rose onto her toes and strained for release. She was so close.

Ethan circled his arm around her side and flicked her tiny nub with his finger. Electrifying jolts exploded from her core, and she bucked.

Oh, God.

She cried out. Her womb convulsed, and a tidal wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on all the joy she received.

Another slow deliberate thrust before Ethan held himself still against her ass. He shuddered through his release setting off more spasms deep in her cunt.

She laid her cheek on the rock’s surface. She sighed as the cool wind splashed over her heated body. “
That was amazing.”

Ethan pulled her into his embrace, lingered over a kiss, then whispered, “I love you, little one.”

Chapter Eighteen

Two months after coming back to Drover with Ethan, and they were no closer to finding Jordan. In fact, the situation was more depressing than ever.

Late one night, Dani set her hair brush in the drawer, then turned on the tap. She cupped her hands under the water, leaned forward, and patted her cheeks. Reaching for a towel, she dried her face and struggled to stay in control.

Would she ever stop crying?

The last few days, she’d found herself breaking out in tears over the littlest things. If Ethan gave her one of his soul-searching kisses, she’d cry. She’d stroll past the new playroom and she’d imagine Jordan pushing a toy truck on the floor without a worry in the world, and she’d find her face wet with tears. She wasn’t against crying—even Ethan explained that it was the body’s way of keeping you healthy—but she felt incredibly hopeless.

Shutting off the light, she walked through the bedroom and down the hall. She had to pull herself together. Ethan planned on driving her to Farmington today to search.

Soft voices from the living room became clearer. She pushed back her hair and turned the corner. One of Greggoire’s—Loren’s—women stood outside the front door glancing back and forth between Dani and Ethan.

Fear pierced her chest. Her wolf snarled, reminding her to be on guard.
“What is she
doing here?”

“Careful, Dani. She’s come to tell us
something. Don’t do anything to chase her away.”
Dani stepped beside Ethan and gazed at the woman, lit only by the porch light.

Dark blonde hair pulled back off her face, soiled clothing, and months, if not years, of hard stressful living were etched into her cheeks; she appeared older than she probably was. The woman tugged at the shirt she wore. Dani frowned. This person did not act like the raving killer she’d encountered the night she and Ethan broke into the former alpha’s house.

Nervous and scared, this woman seemed unsure if she should stay or run.

“Dani, this is Mary.” Ethan stepped back.

“Ask her to come in. Let’s see what brought her

“Please, come in, Mary,” Dani said, trying to sound hospitable. “Would you like a glass of water?”

“No…please.” Mary came inside and sat on the edge of the couch. She closed her eyes and inhaled a big breath before opening her eyes again. “I have to…I want to…I’m sorry. I know I’m not making any sense.”

Dani sat down on the fireplace hearth nearby. “It’s okay. Take your time.”
“Sit, big guy,
you’re scaring her.”

Choosing a big armchair, Ethan sat.

Not wanting to rush the woman, Dani gazed at her hands. She was shaking. Not wanting anyone to notice, she fiddled with a hangnail to keep busy.

“My biggest fear is you’ll ban me from Drover after I tell you what I know.” Mary lifted her chin. “I have no other home.”

“It depends on what you have to say.” He leaned back in his chair. “I’m a fair leader. I’ll listen.”

Mary nodded. “I’ve heard that about you.

Please, I ask that you hear me out, and I promise I’ll tell you everything.”

The damn tears welled up in Dani’s eyes again. She blinked the moisture away.
not now. Be strong
. “I will.” Blood pounded in her ears. This could be the lead she’d searched for since the day Jordan was kidnapped. Who better to know what happened than Loren’s lover?
Why hadn’t she thought of that? Ethan and she had both disregarded the obvious, thinking that if Loren didn’t know who had stolen Jordan from him, his women wouldn’t either.

“You’ve probably guessed that Greggoire used Jimmy to enhance his abilities.” Mary’s legs trembled and she rubbed her knees.

Dani sat up. “Jimmy?”

“Sorry.” Mary shook her head. “I don’t know his real name. Jimmy is the name Greggoire gave him. I know he was your brother though.

That I’m positive of.”

Dani kneeled beside the couch. “Was? What do you mean? He’s okay. Where is he? What did he do to him?”

“Let her speak, little one. We promised her
that. Don’t jump to conclusions.”
Dani caught a sob in her throat. “P-please…g-go on.”

“Carolyn and I were in charge of taking care of him.” A small smile lit up her face for an instant and then disappeared. “Carolyn was also Greggoire’s lover. I didn’t like it, but…later, I was just happy to have someone to talk with who knew what I had to go through. I stopped worrying if she was going to steal my man from me. I even came to accept that Greggoire brought a human into our home.”

Mary reached into her pants pocket and removed a tissue. She quietly blew her nose. “We loved that little boy as if he were our own. He’s such a good baby. But the more treatments Greggoire had, the meaner he became. Carolyn and I would take shifts watching over Jimmy.

We’d never let him get hurt. You have to believe that.” She gazed at Dani.

Dani nodded. Hope filled her. She bit her tongue to let the woman finish her story.

“Carolyn received the worst of Greggoire’s treatment. He’d rape her, and when he was finished, he’d treat her like a piece of garbage.

Several times, I knew she should have gone to the hospital, because she had no way to heal herself. I was afraid he’d kill her.” She wiped her cheeks. “Carolyn…she started to retreat from me, and instead became almost obsessed at never letting Jimmy out of her arms. She’d carry him around the house singing to him, playing imaginary games. Of course, Jimmy ate up the attention, but…I worried that Carolyn was losing touch with reality.”

Dani couldn’t stand it anymore. Desperate to share some of Ethan’s strength, she sat on the edge of his armchair. Mary was talking about her little brother. Hope had her heart singing with this current news about Jordan, but inside, hearing about the abuse going on in the home, she feared the worst.

“Greggoire told us one night that he was going to make sure he was the strongest wolf who had ever lived.” Mary raised her brows at Ethan. “We were to ready the boy for the next phase.”

Dani tensed. Ethan laid his hand on her back.

“Greggoire left the house. I was so upset. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and try to figure out what to do. When I came back downstairs, Carolyn and Jimmy were gone.

Greggoire was livid when he found out.”

“Greggoire never found them?” Dani bit down on her lip. A slight salty taste filled her mouth.

“No, he didn’t.” Mary blew out her breath and glanced at Ethan. “That night your mate killed him.”

“Do you know where my brother is now? Is he okay?”

“He’s fine.”

Ethan guided Dani off the chair and stood, approaching Mary. “You are safe in the Drover Pack. Under the circumstances, I think what you did was very brave. There is no need to banish you from your home. We would appreciate you telling us where we can find Dani’s brother, though. My mate has lived in hell the last two years not knowing. You do realize the boy belongs with Dani. She’s the only family he has.”

Mary nodded. “Thank you. I can show you where he is. I-I know it’s asking a lot, and you’ve already showed me much kindness, but could you help Carolyn? Maybe find someone, a doctor, who will help her recover. She didn’t deserve Greggoire’s treatment. I’m afraid it might be too late to undo the damage he’s caused.”

“I will do whatever’s in my power to find her help.” Ethan slipped his arm around Dani.

She clutched his shirt in her hands and let the tears fall. It was almost over. Soon she’d have Jordy back home with her.

Chapter Nineteen

Mary had informed them that Carolyn hid with Jordan in a secret cave, so Dani, Ethan, and Mary hiked deep into the forest, Mary in the lead. Loaded with a backpack of supplies, Dani paid no attention to what direction they headed.

The foliage grew thicker. Dani stepped over a fallen branch and stumbled. She caught herself on the back of Ethan’s jeans.

“You okay?”

“Yes.” She picked up her pace. She’d crawl through burning coals to find her brother. “How much farther do we have to travel?” Mary stopped and turned around. “About five minutes.” She wiped her forearm across her mouth. “Carolyn’s fragile. I know she wouldn’t do any harm to Jordan under normal

circumstances, but I have to warn you, she’s become more protective of that kid than any she-wolf I’ve run across. Go gently.” Nodding, Dani stepped around Ethan and told Mary, “Thank you so much.”

“I had to right the wrong. I wish I never was involved in the whole mess.” Mary pointed northeast. “It won’t take long.”

They arrived at the mouth of the cave not long after dawn, the rising sun lighting their way. Ethan helped Mary move the tree limbs Carolyn had used to hide the entrance. Dani set the backpack down. The toast and juice Ethan had forced her to nibble earlier tumbled around in her stomach.

Mary brushed off her hands. “Dani, I know it’ll be hard for you to see Jordan for the first time, but it’s important that Carolyn doesn’t feel attacked or threatened. I’m not sure how she’s going to react when she finds out you’ve come for the boy.”

My brother. I’ve come for my brother.
Dani swallowed. “Okay.”

“Why don’t you stay behind me, Dani?” Ethan slid his arm around her. “She knows the connection between you and Jordan. Let me talk to her, and I’ll try to distract her from you until we have figured out how to bring Jordan out of the cave.”

She nodded. “Yes. I’ll do anything.” Mary glanced back and forth between her and Ethan. “Okay, let’s go do it.”

Leading the way inside, Mary put her finger to her lips. A drop of moisture from the rock ceiling dripped on Dani’s neck and slid underneath the collar of her shirt. She shivered and touched Ethan’s back.
“It’s so cold in here.

Do you think Jordan is all right?”

“He’s fine. I imagine he is tough like his
He put his hand behind him.

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