Thirteen Reasons Why (26 page)

BOOK: Thirteen Reasons Why
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I don't know how many songs went by with my face buried in those jackets. The beats kept sliding from one song into another. After a while, my throat felt so scratched. So raw and burning. Had I been screaming?
With my knees on the floor, I felt vibrations whenever anyone walked down the hall. And when footsteps fell within the room—several songs after he entered the room—I pressed my back against the closet wall . . . waiting. Waiting for the closet doors to be torn open. To be yanked out of my hiding place.
And then? What would he do to me then?
Tony's car pulls over. The front tire scrapes the curb. I don't know how we got here, but the house is right outside my window now. The same front door where I entered the party. The same front porch where I left. And to the left of the porch, a window. Behind that window, a bedroom and a closet with accordion doors where Hannah, on the night I kissed her, disappeared.
But light from the hallway seeped into the room, into the closet, and his footsteps walked away. It was over.
After all, he couldn't be late for work, could he?
So what happened next? Well, I ran out of the room and straight down the hall. And that's where I saw you. Sitting in a room all by yourself. The person this whole tape revolves around . . . Justin Foley.
My stomach lurches and I fling open the car door.
Sitting on the edge of a bed, with the lights turned off, there you were.
Sitting there, staring at nothing. While I stood in the hallway, frozen, staring at you.
We'd come a long way, Justin. From the first time I watched you slip on Kat's lawn. To my first kiss at the bottom of the slide. To now.
First, you started a chain of events that ruined my life. Now, you were working on hers.
Outside that very same house, I throw up.
I keep my body hunched over, my head hanging over the gutter.
Eventually, you turned my way. The color in your face . . . gone. Your expression . . . blank. And your eyes looked so exhausted.
Or was it pain I saw there?
“Stay there as long as you want,” Tony says.
Don't worry, I think. I won't puke in your car.
Justin, baby, I'm not blaming you entirely. We're in this one together. We both could have stopped it. Either one of us. We could have saved her. And I'm admitting this to you. To all of you. That girl had two chances. And both of us let her down.
The breeze feels good on my face, cooling the sweat on my forehead and neck.
So why is this tape about Justin? What about the other guy? Isn't what he did worse?
Yes. Absolutely yes. But the tapes need to be passed on. And if I sent them to him, they would stop. Think about it. He raped a girl and would leave town in a second if he knew . . . well . . . if he knew that we knew.
Still hunched over, I breathe in as fully as possible. Then I hold it.
And release.
Breathe. Then hold.
I sit upright in the seat, keeping the door open just in case. “Why you?” I ask. “Why do you have these tapes? What did you do?”
A car drives by and we both watch it turn left two blocks away. It's another minute before Tony answers.
“Nothing,” he says. “And that's the truth.” For the first time since approaching me at Rosie's, Tony addresses me eye to eye. And in his eyes, catching the light from a lamppost half a block away, I see tears. “Finish this tape, Clay, and I'll explain everything.”
I don't answer.
“Finish it. You're almost done,” he says.
So what do you think of him now, Justin? Do you hate him? Your friend that raped her, is he still your friend?
Yes, but why?
It must be denial. It has to be. Sure, he's always had a temper. Sure, he goes through girls like used underwear. But he's always been a good friend to you. And the more you hang out with him, the more he seems like the same old guy from before, right? And if he acts like the same guy, then he couldn't possibly have done anything wrong. Which means that you didn't do anything wrong, either.
Great! That's great news, Justin. Because if he didn't do anything wrong, and you didn't do anything wrong, then I didn't do anything wrong. And you have no idea how much I wish I didn't ruin that girl's life.
But I did.
At the very least, I helped. And so did you.
No, you're right, you didn't rape her. And I didn't rape her. He did. But you . . . and I . . . we let it happen.
It's our fault.
“Full story,” I say. “What happened?”
I pull the sixth tape from my pocket and swap it with the one inside the Walkman.
Tony takes his keys out of the ignition. Something to hold on to while he talks. “I've been trying to figure out how to say this the whole time we've been driving. The whole time we've been sitting here. Even when you were puking your guts out.”
“You noticed I didn't puke in your car.”
“I did.” He smiles, looking down at his keys. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”
I close the car door. My stomach is settling.
“She came over to my house,” Tony says. “Hannah. And that was my chance.”
“For what?”
“Clay, the signs were all there,” he says.
“I had my chance, too,” I tell him. I take off the headphones and hang them on my knee. “At the party. She was freaking out when we kissed and I didn't know why. That was my chance.”
Inside the car, it's dark. And quiet. With the windows rolled up the outside world seems deep asleep.
“We're all to blame,” he says. “At least a little.”
“So she came over to your house,” I say.
“With her bike. The one she always rode to school.”
“The blue one,” I say. “Let me guess. You were working on your car.”
He laughs. “Who would've thought, right? But she never came over to my house before, so I was a little surprised. You know, we were friendly at school, so I didn't think too much of it. What was weird, though, was why she came over.”
He looks out the side window, and his chest fills with air. “She came over to give me her bike.”
The words sit there, undisturbed, for an uncomfortably long time.
“She wanted me to have it,” he says. “She was done with it. When I asked for a reason, she just shrugged. She didn't have one. But it was a sign. And I missed it.”
I summarize a bullet point from the handout at school. “Giving away possessions.”
Tony nods. “She said I was the only one she could think of who might need it. I drive the oldest car at school, she said, and she thought if it ever broke down I might need a backup.”
“But this baby never breaks down,” I say.
“This thing always breaks down,” he says. “I'm just always around to fix it. So I told her that I couldn't take her bike. Not without giving her something in return.”
“What did you give her?”
“I'll never forget this,” he says, and he turns to look at me. “Her eyes, Clay, they never looked away. She just kept looking, straight into my eyes, and started crying. She just stared at me and tears began streaming down her face.”
He wipes away tears from his own eyes and then wipes a hand across his upper lip. “I should have done something.”
The signs were all there, all over, for anyone willing to notice.
“What did she ask for?”
“She asked me how I made my tapes, the ones I play in my car.” He leans his head back and takes a deep breath. “So I told her about my dad's old tape recorder.” He pauses. “Then she asked if I had anything to record voices.”
“Like a handheld recorder or something. Something you didn't have to plug in but could walk around with. And I didn't ask why. I told her to wait right there and I'd get one.”
“And you gave it to her?”
He turns to me, his face hard. “I didn't know what she was going to do with it, Clay.”
“Wait, I'm not accusing you, Tony. But she didn't say anything about why she wanted it?”
“If I had asked, do you think she would have told me?”
No. By the time she went to Tony's house, her mind was made up. If she wanted someone to stop her, to rescue her from herself, I was there. At the party. And she knew it.
I shake my head. “She wouldn't have told you.”
“A few days later,” he says, “when I get home from school, there's a package sitting on my porch. I take it up to my room and start listening to the tapes. But it doesn't make any sense.”
“Did she leave you a note or anything?”
“No. Just the tapes. But it didn't make any sense because Hannah and I have third period together and she was at school that day.”
“So when I got home and started listening to the tapes, I went through them so fast. Fast-forwarding to find out if I was on them. But I wasn't. And that's when I knew that she'd given me the second set of tapes. So I looked her up and called her house, but no one answered. So I called her parents' store. I asked if Hannah was there, and they asked if everything was all right because I'm sure I sounded crazy.”
“What did you say?”
“I told them that something was wrong and they needed to find her. But I couldn't make myself tell them why.” He takes in a thin, jagged breath of air. “And the next day at school, she wasn't there.”
I want to tell him I'm sorry, that I can't imagine what that must've been like. But then I think of tomorrow, at school, and realize I'll find out soon enough. Seeing the other people on the tapes for the first time.
“I went home early that day,” he says, “pretending I was sick. And I've got to admit, it took me a few days to pull myself together. But when I returned, Justin Foley looked like hell. Then Alex. And I thought, okay, most of these people deserve it, so I'm going to do what she asked and make sure you all hear what she has to say.”
“But how are you keeping track?” I ask. “How did you know I had the tapes?”
“You were easy,” he says. “You stole my Walkman, Clay.”
We both laugh. And it feels good. A release. Like laughing at a funeral. Maybe inappropriate, but definitely needed.
“But everyone else, they were a little trickier,” he says. “I'd run to my car after the last bell and drive as close to the front lawn of the school as possible. When I saw whoever was next, a couple days after I knew the last person had heard the tapes, I'd call out his name and wave him over. Or her. I'd wave her over.”

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