Thirteen Reasons Why

BOOK: Thirteen Reasons Why
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Thirteen Reasons Why
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Copyright © 2007 Jay Asher
ISBN : 978-1-101-53992-7
All rights reserved
Asher, Jay
Thirteen reasons why : a novel / by Jay Asher.
p. cm.
Summary: When high school student Clay Jenkins receives a box in the mail containing thirteen cassette tapes recorded by his classmate Hannah, who committed suicide, he spends a bewildering and heartbreaking night crisscrossing their town, listening to Hannah's voice recounting the events leading up to her death.
[Suicide--Fiction. 2.High schools--Fiction. 3.Schools--Fiction. 4.Interpersonal relations--Fiction.]
I. Title
PZ7.A8155 Th 2008
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For JoanMarie
Thirteen Reasons Why,
winner of
Association of Booksellers for Children's “Best Books”
American Library Association's “Best Books for Young Adults” and “Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers”
Heartland Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature
Florida Teens Read Award
California Book Award
Kentucky Bluegrass Award
Barnes & Noble's “Top 10 Best for Teens”
Book Sense Pick
International Reading Association's “Young Adults' Choices”
Borders Original Voices Finalist
Chicago Public Library's “Best of the Best Books”
Kansas State Reading Circle's “Recommended Reading List”
New York Public Library's “Book for the Teen Age”
16 State Award Master Lists
Praise for
Thirteen Reasons Why

Thirteen Reasons Why
is a mystery, eulogy, and ceremony. Twenty or thirty times, I snapped the book shut when a sentence, an image, or a line of dialogue was too beautiful and painful. But I, afraid and curious, would always return to this amazing book. I know, in years to come, I will often return to this book.”
—Sherman Alexie, author of
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
“Every once in awhile you come across a book that you can't get out of your mind, one you have to rush back to if you must put it down for some reason. Jay Asher's
Thirteen Reasons Why
is one of those books, and is at the very top of my personal Must-Read list.”
—Ellen Hopkins, bestselling author of
Tricks, Identical, Crank, Burned, Impulse,
“Very clever premise, strong voice, perfect suspense. This one will keep you reading. Jay Asher is a fine storyteller.”
—Chris Crutcher, author of
Staying Fate for Sarah Byrnes
Whale Talk
, and
“A spectacular first novel. Jay Asher tells his story with such honesty and simplicity that the tragedy feels shatteringly real.”
—Gordon Korman, author of
Son of the Mob
Jake, Reinvented
“It is a brilliant debut that will leave readers feeling a sense of remorse for Hannah, guilt for Clay, and hope for the lasting lesson of the story.”
“Readers of Jay Asher's debut novel for teens,
Thirteen Reasons Why
, should be forewarned—never has a page-turner been so difficult to read. This may sound like a criticism, but in fact it's a compliment, for this is the story of a suicide's aftermath, and Asher's ability to convey the anguish of someone who was left behind is truly remarkable.”
Book Page

Thirteen Reasons Why
, Jay Asher's first novel, is eerie, beautiful, and ultimately devastating.”
Chicago Tribune
“Wonderfully realistic in his writing, Asher offers teens and parents alike a great story on an important topic.”
Green Bay Press-Gazette
“[Hannah's] pain is gut-wrenchingly palpable, and the reader is thrust face-first into a world where everything is related, an intricate yet brutal tapestry of events, people and places. Asher has created an entrancing character study and a riveting look into the psyche of someone who would make this unfortunate choice. A brilliant and mesmerizing debut from a gifted new author.”
, starred review and Editor's Choice
“Heavy but compelling…Asher's novel asks us to look at how petty cruelty can deal crushing blows.”
Miami Herald
“An honest and frank book about a very sensitive subject, and one that deserves to find a wide readership.”
Montgomery Advertiser

Thirteen Reasons Why
will leave you with chills long after you have finished reading.”
“If you have the chance to only read one novel this year,
Thirteen Reasons Why
should be that book. It's sad, amazing, heartbreaking, and hopeful, all at the same time.”
—Teens Read Too (gold award), 5 stars
“Readers won't be able to pull themselves away. . . . The author gets all the characters right. . . . Asher knows how to entertain an audience; this book will leave readers eager to see what he does next.”
Publisher's Weekly
“The breakneck pace and dizzying emotion are the true source of this novel's irresistible readability at all levels.”
School Library Journal
“A stealthy hit with staying power . . . thrillerlike pacing.”
New York Times
“Compelling reading.”
What Readers Are Saying About
Thirteen Reasons Why
“This book is amazing. It really
spoke to my heart
and opened my mind.”
“This was
the best book
I have ever read. Thanks for making me a better person and for helping me understand the way I affect other people's lives.”
“The storyline is
. People ask me why I would want to read a book about suicide and I always answer “it's much more than that.”
“I think that more people should read this book. I read it during a time in my life where I felt totally helpless. It helped me to realize that I should speak out. Thanks, Jay Asher. I truly owe you!”
“This book is truly the best book I have read yet. It's suspenseful,
, and has
a hint of romance
thrown in there as well. Very good storyline.”
“The truth is that
this book saved my life
. It gave me the hope I needed to get where I am today. Thank you so much. For everything.”
“I have never read a book like this. Every single minute of this book is
“This book is truly amazing. My friends started passing a copy of this book around and after we read it, we signed our name at the front and wrote comments. I hope this book is passed on to young teens forever because it touched me and I know it will touch others.”
“I started reading this book in study hall and I
could not put it down
. It makes you realize that your actions really do affect people and that all someone really needs to do is care.”

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