The Wrong Billionaire's Bed (14 page)

BOOK: The Wrong Billionaire's Bed
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“Mmm,” he told her, and she looked up to see his eyes closed for a moment in ecstasy. “I have to admit, I never imagined that prim, proper little Audrey would be so good with my cock.”

She slid a hand to the base of his cock and gave him a little pump as she slicked her tongue over the head again. “What, did you think I was a sweet little virgin?”

He chuckled, his fingers tight in her hair. Not pushing, just holding her there. “The thought did cross my mind.”

“Not virginal in the slightest,” she told him softly. “Maybe I just like making a man work for it.” She licked the underside of the crown. “And then I make it worth his while.”

“Goddamn, you sure do.”

She grinned and then took him deep again, sucking deep and sliding her mouth down until she met the hand clenched around his base, then slid back, then took him deep again, feeling him butt against the back of her throat. She loosened her jaw and began to work him deeper.

“Ah, fuck. That feels amazing.” He began to work her head, just a little. “Definitely not virginal. Definitely not.”

She let him lead her, sucking him deep with each small thrust of his hips, riding the pressure of his hand. His arousal was turning her on all over again, his pure enjoyment of her working him so intensely pleasurable. Most men just expected a blow job, but Reese made it seem like she was blowing his mind along with his cock.

Well, she definitely knew her way around a good blow job. And she had another trick up her sleeve. She slid back and wrapped both hands around his cock, as if she were holding a baseball bat, and ignored the pressure he put on the back of her head for her to return to deep throating him. Instead, she took the head of him and sucked, running her tongue along him.

And then she began to hum.

She felt him jerk in surprise, but she held on to him and kept humming. Not a song, just a low, wordless tune that made her throat vibrate. She increased the intensity of her humming, rolling the head of him on her tongue.

“Oh, fuck. That's . . . God, that's good.” His hand clenched her hair tight. “Just like that. Keep humming.”

So she did. Louder and harder. Her hands pumped the base of him in time to her humming.

“Damn,” he bit out, and then he began to buck his hips in response, then stilled. “Audrey, I'm going to come if you don't stop—”

She hummed louder and pumped him again.

“Ah, damn.” Reese thrust into her mouth again, taking control. She tried to keep humming but he began to thrust into her mouth, and then he stiffened. Her mouth flooded with his cum, the tangy burst of him filling her mouth. She swallowed as he pulled out of her mouth, shuddering, and leaned back, wiping at her lips as he leaned against the woodpile, breathing hard.

When he was able to catch his breath, he looked back over at her and that cocky grin slid across his face. “Damn. I need you out here every morning when I'm chopping wood. That'd make this a lot less monotonous.”

Audrey got to her feet and delicately wiped the corners of her mouth. “You're welcome,” she said in a prim voice.

He smirked at her, then moved forward and grabbed her by the back of her head again. To her surprise, he leaned in and gave her a hard, rough kiss. “Thank you.”

And she was already turned on again. Giving him a blow job and then kissing him? Wasn't exactly killing her libido. If anything, it felt more ramped up than ever. “So,” she breathed. “Tonight?”

His gaze was hot on her face. “Name the time and place.”

“Midnight,” she told him. “We'll meet at the dock and head out into the woods. Bring condoms.”

“You bring a blanket,” he told her. “I'll bring the wood.”

She groaned. “That was a terrible joke.”

“Yeah, I get corny after sex. Sorry about that.” He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose in a surprisingly tender gesture. “Now you know my big secret.”

“I promise to blackmail you with it at every opportunity,” she told him lightly, then ran her fingers through her hair, trying to comb it into a semblance of normalcy.

He stopped her hand. “Leave it down for me. I like it a bit mussed and wild.”

Heat bloomed in her cheeks again, but she dropped her hand. “Down it is.”

“Down tonight, too.”

She nodded, and that butterfly in her belly went wild at the thought.

It was going to be a very long day.


The day passed with excruciating slowness for Audrey. She did her best to stay calm, cool, and collected. All the while, her thoughts raged like an inferno.

She was going to have sex. With Reese. Tonight. In the woods. Secret, dirty sex with a man who used women like they were Kleenex. And she was excited as hell.

Still, she had to act like nothing was going on, or Cade and Daphne would figure out that something was up. So she cleaned house, since she knew that wouldn't strike Daphne as out of the ordinary. Audrey loved things in their neat, orderly place, and her apartment was always spotless. So she organized the cabin to keep her mind busy, knowing that Daphne certainly wouldn't volunteer. She scrubbed the kitchen and mopped the floors. She straightened up the room she shared with messy Daphne. She cleaned the bathrooms and did laundry, since the cabin also boasted a tiny washing machine and dryer.

She folded clothes and dusted, all the while Daphne and Cade played cards in the living room while Reese napped on one of the couches. She made sure to saunter past Reese's couch and gave it a nice kick just to wake him up. She had to make it seem like he irritated her, of course.

In truth, her faux irritation at him was quickly turning into a turn on. She couldn't stop thinking about their interlude in the woodpile. The way he'd gripped her tangled hair and drove into her mouth while she clenched her hands against his tight ass. The way his lips had grazed over her own as his fingers stroked up and down the slippery wetness between her thighs, moving over her clit and driving her wild.

No wonder Reese was so popular—he was a rather attentive lover. He seemed to be fascinated with what would turn her on as well as getting his own. She liked that. She'd had a fair amount of lovers in the past, and only a few had been truly interested in driving her crazy. Most men were more interested in what they could do to get into her panties and, once there, didn't care all that much about if she came. So she'd learned to be a bit more aggressive in bed because she knew that was the only way she'd get what she wanted out of things. It worked well for her, most times. Reese seemed to like it, too.

When she was out of laundry to wash, she did the sheets and blankets next, stripping each bed and keeping herself busy. Daphne rolled her eyes at Audrey's industriousness, a cigarette hanging from her lips as she studied her cards.

She could have sworn that Reese was smiling to himself when she passed by with a blanket, though, and had to hurry out of the room before that blush threatened to turn her face cherry red. She was so freaking obvious sometimes.

After the laundry was done, she made sandwiches for dinner (since she was still having to pretend that she was the master chef in their little domicile) and then headed upstairs for a long, leisurely shower. She wanted to smell clean and delicious for their meeting tonight. Audrey borrowed Daphne's expensive soaps and shampoos, and then took her time shaving. She considered the mound of her pubic hair for a moment. Would she shock Reese by going bare? She stared at her razor, thinking, then changed her mind. She wasn't going to change who she was to impress a man. So she simply tidied things up and then headed into the room she shared with Daphne, lounging on the bed as she read one of her romance novels and painted her toenails and fingernails a pale nude.

The blanket she'd promised to bring that night? Audrey stashed it under the bed in preparation, and then dressed in her matching bra and underwear, wishing she'd brought something sexy. Heck, that she
something sexy.

Eventually, day passed into night and everyone retired sometime around ten. Daphne chatted with Audrey as they readied for bed, her twin seemingly more animated than she had been in days. The horrible shakes were going away, as was the constant vomiting. She was pale but no longer that sickly seeming greenish shade that had worried Audrey. And if she smoked like a chimney? Well, that was all right. Smoking was a bit easier to quit than coke and Xanax, after all. She was down to a half a pill a night, thanks to Cade's careful planning and repeated consultations with his on-call doctor, and soon she'd be off the Xanax for sure. Her progress made Audrey happy, though she was concerned that Daphne would backslide as soon as they turned around. What would happen when she returned to LA and the fast-paced lifestyle she was accustomed to? Her twin didn't seem like a changed person.

But she couldn't worry about that right now.

They went to bed and Audrey lay next to her sister, trying to make her breathing seem slow and regular. In reality, her pulse was racing, her mind wide awake. She was going to have sex with Reese Durham. That thought alone was enough to keep her body wound up to a fever pitch of anticipation. Hell, she was pretty sure she was wet simply thinking about how the evening would go. She'd mentally pictured it at least a dozen times already that day. Reese pushing her up against a tree and fucking her. Reese laying her down on the blanket and making exquisitely slow love to her. Reese flipping her over for doggy-style sex. Laying atop of Reese for sixty-nine.

Okay, this wasn't helping her pulse slow down any. Audrey locked her fingers over her chest and pretended to sleep, exquisitely aware of her twin in bed next to her. It took seemingly forever for Daphne's breathing to slow down and become even, small snores escaping her throat. She lay there, still, waiting for her to slide into deep slumber. And all the while, she'd peek over and glance at the alarm clock, waiting for midnight.

Ten thirty.


Eleven fifteen.

Eleven twenty.

Good Lord. Audrey was practically fidgeting as she stared at the clock. Time seemed to slow, and then speed up again.

Eleven fifty-five.

Eleven fifty-nine.


It was twelve. Time to go. She swallowed hard, suddenly nervous, and turned to glance at sleeping Daphne. Her twin was huddled on the edge of the bed, wrapped in the blankets, clutching her pillow. Her sleep was peaceful, her breathing regular. Good.

With exquisite slowness, Audrey slid out from under the covers, and then carefully rolled out of bed, one twitching, screaming muscle at a time. Then, she carefully pulled out the quilt she'd put aside for that night and zipped up a hoodie over her pajamas. Blanket in hand, she tiptoed out of the room, feeling very much like a naughty teenager on her way to sneak out and meet her boyfriend for illicit sex.

Except she'd never done that as a teenager. She'd always covered for Daphne.

This wasn't naughtiness, she assured herself as she shut the door to their shared room and then crept down the stairs. No one was awake or in the living room, so she headed outside, carefully shutting the door behind her like she was an old pro at sneaking out to meet men. Audrey headed down to the dock, the evening quiet and brisk around her. It was still. Almost too still. And that meant her thoughts were loud in her own head.

Not naughtiness, she told herself again. It was more like . . . scratching an itch. No one would ever know that she'd had sex with Reese, she'd get him out of her system, and then she'd go back to her sad, endless crush on Cade.

Strange how she hadn't given that much thought while she'd been here at the cabin with him. She frowned, smoothing a hand over the blanket. She was just too distracted, she decided. First by the fact that her twin was here and in trouble, and then with Reese constantly flirting and challenging her. She didn't have as much time to spend with Cade as she'd hoped. Still, this was a reunion of sorts, and she imagined they'd be closer than they were before when everyone returned to their regular lives. That would be a good thing.

Except at that point, she'd have slept with his best friend. And he'd caught them skinny-dipping together. He wasn't likely to forget that. A sick pit formed in her stomach. Was her fling with Reese going to torpedo her chances with Cade for forevermore? Did she want to do this? She hesitated, glancing around the silent, dark living room as she waited for Reese. The playboy. The user of women. The one who was totally and completely wrong for her in every way that Cade was so very right for her.

Maybe this was a mistake after all. She should turn right around and head back up to bed. Leave him hanging and pretend like this never happened.

She had almost made her mind up to do exactly that when one of the boards creaked behind her, and then a warm back pressed against her own. One hand circled around to her front, cupping one of her heavy breasts, his thumb stroking over the nipple through the fabric. “Hello, sexy,” Reese murmured in her ear, and then his tongue lightly traced the shell of it as his thumb rubbed a circle over her now-hard nipple. “Am I glad to see you.”

And there went her resolve. Audrey weakened, leaning against him, a tiny whimper escaping her throat as heat flooded her body. God, he knew just how to touch her to make all of her bones turn to mush. She turned to look at him, noticed he was wearing the same thing he always did—a cheesy workout T-shirt and a pair of sleep pants. Didn't Cade have anything decent in this house he could borrow?

“Let's get out of here,” he whispered against her hair, lips brushing her ear, “and find somewhere private, shall we?”

She nodded, all thoughts of his wardrobe disappearing from her mind, and his hand went to the small of her back as he lead her down the dock. She was going to do this. She was really going to do this. Damn the consequences. She needed this night with Reese to get him out of her system. He was like a burr under her skin, always there, an itch she couldn't scratch. Driving her mad and distracting her. This would take care of it.

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