The Wrong Billionaire's Bed (13 page)

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She needed someone like Reese to unlock the passion inside her.

It'd just be wasted on nice, polite Cade. She needed a bastard like Reese. Someone who'd push her until she lashed back.

He grinned, rubbing his shoulder. And he had the marks to prove it.

“Why do you say that?” Cade asked, interrupting Reese's thoughts.

“Huh?” He'd forgotten what they were talking about, lost in thoughts of Audrey underneath him, scratching up his back, demanding more.

“You said I don't have to worry too much. Why is that?”

“Oh.” Reese thought for a minute, then walked over and handed Cade his empty coffee mug. “Because I don't plan on breaking her heart. Trust me when I say she's got it well guarded.”


“Something's bothering you.”

Audrey looked up from her bowl of oatmeal at Daphne and her face automatically colored bright red. “I don't know what you mean.”

Daphne rolled her eyes and stabbed her spoon into the bowl repeatedly. “It's just the two of us. You don't have to pretend with me.”

She was right, Audrey had to acknowledge. The two men were out getting firewood and had left them alone for breakfast. There had been coffee made and oatmeal on the stove, though Daphne had claimed to not be hungry. Audrey'd fixed her a bowl anyhow, since her too-thin twin needed to eat rather desperately.

And now Daphne was staring at her like she'd grown another head. “So you're not going to tell me?”

“Tell you what?” Audrey said innocently. “You should eat, you know. I worked hard on making breakfast.”

Daphne snorted and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “I know you didn't make the food, Aud. I've tasted your cooking before, remember? I don't know why we're all keeping up the charade, but you can't fool me.”

As Daphne lit a cigarette and took a long drag, Audrey wrinkled her nose. “Do you have to smoke that right here? It stinks.”

“It does, doesn't it?” Daphne glanced down at the cigarette between her bony fingers. “I don't even like the taste, really.”

“Then why smoke it?”

“Because you took away my crack pipe,” Daphne said with a coy grin. When Audrey didn't smile, she sighed. “That was a joke, sis.”

“Not funny.”

Daphne took another pull on the cigarette and then flicked the ashes in her oatmeal bowl. “So, you going to tell me what's going on or am I going to have to guess?” When Audrey hesitated again, a hurt look crossed Daphne's face. “You don't ever talk to me anymore, you know. I wish you would.”

A burst of longing swelled in Audrey's chest. Back before Daphne had gone to LA to pursue her career in music, the twins had been incredibly close. Ever since they'd parted, though, Audrey felt as if she'd lost her other half. It hurt, and she desperately wanted her sister back. But that would take effort on both sides, she supposed. So she sighed and stirred her oatmeal, not really eating it, either. “I'm just a little mixed up at the moment.”

“Oh?” Daphne's black-dyed brows went up. “Man trouble?”

Audrey blushed.

“Man trouble,” Daphne agreed without a word being said from Audrey. “So tell me the scoop. Is it the big hunk?”

“Big hunk?” Audrey repeated.

Daphne waved her cigarette in the air. “You know. Cade's friend. What's his name. I can't remember. Was too busy puking my guts out. The one who's constantly looking at you. Hot tub Romeo.”

Did Reese look at her all the time? Audrey hadn't realized. “His name's Reese Durham. He's one of Cade's billionaire friends.”

“Yuck. Men with money are nothing but trouble.” For a moment, Daphne looked sad, then shook it off, taking another puff of her cigarette. “So are you having sex with him?”

“Not yet.” Audrey bit her lip. “But I really want to.”

“So have sex with him.”

She shook her head. “Not that simple, Daph. I kind of have a thing for Cade.” Understatement of the year.

“Mmm. Love troubles.” Daphne's eyes sparked with interest, and she looked less tired for the first time in days. “So glad that they're someone else's for a change.”

“Have you had love troubles?” Audrey asked. Daphne never shared any of the details of her relationships, though her songs were always teasing about men and breakups.

Daphne flicked her fingers, as if brushing the comment away. “Bygones. We're talking about you right now, sis. So you want the big hunk but you're afraid that it might interfere with your crush on Cade? Is he aware of how you feel?”

Audrey thought for a moment, wondering what to tell her sister. “He knows I exist, but it's definitely one-sided.”

Daphne grinned. “So here's what you do. Nail the hot tub hottie until you're bored of him, and then go back to moping about Cade.”

Audrey stood up, her shoulders squaring defensively. “Now you're just making fun of me. Not cool, Daph. I thought we were having a real discussion.”

“Wait,” Daphne said, reaching for Audrey's arm. “I was serious. What's wrong with hitting it until you quit it?”

Audrey stared at her twin. “Are you kidding? This is me we're talking about. I'm not the kind to sleep with a man just for sex's sake.”

“You're not in a relationship, Audrey. Like you said, Cade doesn't even know you have feelings for him. Why not have a little fun? Play the field a bit? It's just physical. Have a little fling. Cade can't be mad that you hooked up with someone if you aren't with him.”

Audrey bit her lip, considering. “I don't know.”

“You're not old and married. Act your age. God. You make me feel old just being around you.”

That hurt. “Gee, thanks Daph.”

“I'm serious. Don't you ever have fun? You always look so serious and unhappy, like you're doing your best to be the most vanilla, boring person you can imagine. That's no way to live.” Daphne stubbed her cigarette out in the oatmeal bowl. “I was hoping you were having a turnaround this week. You just seemed so lively. A bit irritated, but still lively. I liked seeing that in you. At least then you had some spark, instead of just gray and bland all the time.”

Knew that underneath all that proper do-gooder Audrey there was the fiery girl. Fucking love bringing her out to play.

Audrey thought for a long moment, staring at her oatmeal bowl. How much should she tell Daphne what was truly going on? Could she count on Daphne to be discreet? She glanced over at her twin, who was pulling a new cigarette out of her pack, her hands trembling slightly. And then Audrey decided to trust Daphne just a little.

“I went skinny-dipping with Reese last night.”

The new cigarette Daphne had just placed between her lips automatically fell out. She snagged it then pulled out her lighter. “Get out. You did? I'm proud of you.”

For some reason, her twin's approval was . . . appealing. Even if it was over something as naughty as skinny-dipping. “Cade caught us, too.”

Daphne grimaced. “You want to talk about someone who's no fun. Cade's picture's next to
in the dictionary. So he caught you, huh? What did you do?”

“Hmm. Scream and ran for the house with a towel around me?”

“How did I sleep through this?” Daphne murmured, grinning. She gave her head a little shake. “So you going to go catch up where you left off tonight?”

“I don't know,” Audrey admitted. The idea was taking root in her mind and it had a strange amount of appeal. Use Reese like he used women? Sleep with him just for sex's sake? Was it such a terrible idea? “I wouldn't know what to tell Cade about what's going on.”

“It's none of Cade's business,” Daphne said in a pert tone. “He has zero claim on you at the moment. The only people it's between are you, that big hunk, and your twin sister who gets to hear all the secrets.” She grinned at Audrey. “You'll have to tell me how it is.”

“You're assuming I'm going to go through with it,” Audrey said in a crisp tone.

“Don't get all proper with me, Aud. I know you. And I encourage this act of liberation. I say go for it.”

“I'm glad I have your approval,” Audrey teased, but the idea was now in her head and it wouldn't go away. What would it be like to sleep with a man, no strings attached? A man as sexy as Reese who drove her as crazy as he did?

She knew anything with him wouldn't be permanent. Not a bit. He used women like Camilla in the hot tub. They were diversions, and she was the current one.

But wouldn't it be fun—just for a little while—to be the diversion?

Chapter Six

With that morning's conversation she'd had with Daphne still going through her mind, Audrey cleaned up the kitchen, straightened the living room, and then went upstairs to check her appearance.

Shirt: plain black and long sleeved. Jeans: serviceable. Hair: tight bun. Skin: fresh scrubbed and freckled. It'd have to do. Audrey smoothed a hand over her bun and then headed outside, looking for Reese.

He wasn't hard to find—the sound of chopping wood rang in her ears even from inside the house. Sure enough, he stood up in a small clearing near a pile of wood, axe in hand. He was wearing a muscle shirt, his corded arms bare and gleaming with sweat. He'd obviously been at things for some time.

“Reese?” She shielded her eyes from the sun and stood a decent distance away. “Can we talk for a moment?”

He turned to her and tossed the axe down to the ground. “Sure, what's up?”

She glanced around. “Where's Cade?”

“Out for a morning walk. He wanted to clear his head. That what you wanted to talk about?” He wiped at his brow, then picked up a water bottle from nearby.

As he straightened, she noticed a series of reddish purple marks on his skin. She leaned in, trying to figure out what they were. Then she gasped as she realized just what it was, her memory flicking back to last night. She recalled her mouth on his skin, biting and sucking at his tight muscles.

Good God, she'd covered him with hickies. “Your shoulder!”

Reese grinned, looking rather pleased with himself. He plucked at his shirt. “Thought I'd show them off.”

Her jaw ground. “Did Cade see those?”

“He did.”

“Annnnd you wore that shirt on purpose.”

“I might have.” He winked at her, then took a swig from his water bottle. “So what's on your mind?”

She stared at the markings on his shoulder, feeling heat creeping through her body at the sight. She'd done that to him? She'd been wild and out of control last night.

She wanted to do it again.

But she'd mess with him a little first. Audrey grabbed a handful of his shirt. “We need to talk.”

“Someone's the voice of authority,” he said, amused. But he followed her lead.

She dragged him through the muddy yard, around to the far side of the lodge, then under the wraparound porch. The cord of wood that the men worked to constantly replenish was stored underneath, next to the cellar doors. Anyone standing underneath the porch was shielded from all eyes, the windows above only giving a view to the trees and lake below. It was perfect for what she wanted to do.

When he followed her under the porch, ducking his head to ensure he didn't crack his skull, he gave her an odd look. “Why are we heading under here?”

Audrey tugged at his shirt, dragging him closer. “Because we didn't finish what we started last night,” she told him in a low voice.

Then her hand went to his cock, and she rubbed.

The breath hissed out of his throat. Reese stared down at her for a moment, incredulous, and then a slow smile spread over his face. “Mercenary little thing, aren't you? I like that.”

“Do you now?” She leaned in and nipped at his chin, feeling the scrape of stubble. Odd how that excited the hell out of her. “Why don't you show me?”

“Exactly what business did we leave unfinished the other night?” Reese murmured, pushing her backward a step until her back was up against the woodpile. Rough bits of wood clung to her clothing and scraped at her flesh through the fabric, but she didn't care.

“I'm sure you can guess.”

“Well, last I recall, I had my hand between your legs and you were riding me.”

Heat pooled between her legs and her breathing sped up. “That sounds about right.”

“You want to fuck right here on the woodpile?”

Her hand rubbed along the hardening length in his pants, enjoying the sensation of him under her fingers . . . and the heady feeling of power she had at manhandling him. “I was thinking more like a bit of heavy petting here in the woodpile,” she said, and let her lips graze against his mouth. “Then maybe a nice, dirty fuck later.”

Reese groaned, thrusting against her hand. His slid to the waistband of her pants. “You want me to make you come?”

“That's what I had in mind, yeah.” She licked her lips and glanced up at him through her lashes. “I was thinking that maybe we could make each other come.”

“Mmm,” he breathed, watching her with intense blue eyes. “I think I can agree to that . . . on one condition.”

She looked up at him, curious. “Condition?”

To her surprise, he reached for the tight knot of her hair and pulled at the hair band. “This needs to come free. I want the wild Audrey, not the uptight one.”

She snorted, half-tempted to punch him in the gut for calling her uptight . . . but there was too much heat pumping through her veins to even think of something like that. She simply stood still while he tugged her hair free and let it fall around her shoulders in a bright red sweep.

“That's better,” he murmured. “Sexy, dirty little Audrey. It's like that wild side of yours is the best kept secret around.”

Her fingers curled around the stiff length of him tenting the front of his pants. “And your wild side is the worst kept secret.”

Reese chuckled low, pulling her against him and letting his hands slide to her ass. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“It wasn't intended to be flattery,” she told him, even as she lightly stroked her hand up and down his length. “You're not my type.”

“Then why are you stroking my cock?” His hand played with the waistband of her panties again, except this time he slid his fingers inside her.

“I told you,” she whispered. “You need to finish what you started.”

And she reached for the laces of his sleep pants, tugging at the string until the knot came loose and the fabric pooled loosely around his waist. He wasn't wearing underwear—again—and she caught a glimpse of the large head of his cock, flushed with his own excitement, a droplet of pre-cum glistening on the head.

The sight of him made a tremor rush through her body, and that tremor intensified when she felt his fingertips sweep over her mound, brushing against the curls there.

He groaned at the feel of her, the sound soft against her messy hair. “Wet already, Audrey? You just that excited or you been thinking about coming out here and grabbing me all morning?”

Her hand moved into his pants, cupping his hot, bare flesh. “Maybe a little bit of both?” She leaned in and licked a drop of sweat from his hickey-flushed shoulder. His cock in her hand was scorching, so hot against her that it was like touching fire.

Reese's fingertips grazed against her clit, seeking it out. At her shuddering response to his touch, he stopped there and rubbed lightly, brushing back and forth against the sensitized bud with the pads of his fingers. “That's the spot.”

Audrey whimpered, her fingers curling around his cock and stroking him with a jerky motion.

“Shhh, shhh,” he told her, murmuring low in her ear, his breath tickling her hair. “Go slow, sugar. I've got control of you now.” His hand brushed against her nape, and then he grabbed a handful of her hair, tilting her head back and exposing her neck. His lips moved against her jawline, teeth scraping at her skin. “Sexy little spitfire. My naughty little firecracker.”

As he murmured the words against her skin, his fingers kept stroking at her wet heat, rubbing through the slick folds as she clung to him. He'd stroke down to the well of her sex, circle her sensitive skin there, and then glide up to her clit, and repeat that maddening circle. His movements were slow and unhurried—deliberately, she assumed, to make her force him to speed up somehow.

He was causing her to get distracted, too, her mouth working silently as every brush of his talented fingers made her body shudder anew. She was having a hard time concentrating on stroking his cock, her fingers lightly dancing along the head and brushing at the pre-cum there. She rolled the wetness along the head, exploring him with her touch. Reese was definitely well formed, the crown large and thick, the length of his shaft smooth and long. She moved down to his sac, and felt him, heavy and hot, in her grip.

Reese groaned and licked at her jaw. “Talented with those hands, aren't you?”

“I could say the same for you,” she told him, and rocked her hips against his fingers when he stroked her clit.

“Ah, that's it, sugar. You going to ride my palm?” He pressed the heel of his palm against her clit, his fingers grazing at her core, and stopped moving.

She whimpered, clutching at the length of him with her one hand, the other fisted into his shirt.

“That's right,” he told her, his mouth sliding over her lips. He brushed against hers in the lightest of kisses, a mere flirtation. “Rock against me again, Audrey. Let me feel you move.”

She followed his lead, moaning when her movements forced the heel of his palm hard against her clit. The sensation was incredible, and she repeated it, her hips jerking against him.

“Do it again,” he commanded in a low voice. “Ride me, Audrey.” He kissed down her neck, his tongue flicking at her skin.

She did, bucking against him. Then, she couldn't seem to stop herself. She rubbed up against him, over and over, like a wanton. Wild with the need he was building in her, Audrey leaned back against the woodpile, her hips moving harder and faster as she forced her sex against his palm. She was so wet that his entire hand was coated with her juices, though from his own soft encouragements, he liked the sight of that.

He continued to murmur at her, encouraging her to ride him, even as his mouth slid a little lower, brushing at the valley between her breasts and licking the skin exposed by her collar. But when he nuzzled at her breast through her clothing and slid his hand to cup one of her breasts, arching it to his mouth? When he bit the hard, aching tip through her clothing?

She shattered. A low, guttural groan erupted from her throat and she clenched her hand around his hard cock, still dripping with pre-cum, as her own orgasm rushed through her.

“Shhh,” he warned, moving up to cover her mouth with his. She heard the low chuckle he swallowed just before his lips covered hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as he ground the heel of his hand against her clit in a circular motion, extending the ripples of her orgasm until she was whimpering against him, her knees weak. “That's my girl,” he told her when they finally parted, Audrey limp from the force of her orgasm.

Dazed, she struggled to re-orient to her surroundings. She was shoved up against the woodpile. His hand was in her now-soaked panties. His other hand still cupped her breast, occasionally grazing his thumb over the nipple he'd bitten.

And she was still clinging to the length of his hard, erect cock as it jutted out from his pants.

Reese leaned in and kissed her again, with a bit more urgency behind it. “You going to do me the honors, firecracker?”

She clenched her hand slightly around his length, enjoying the tremor of response that shot through him. “Actually, I thought I was done here. I'm sure you can handle yourself.”

He laughed, seemingly delighted in her prickliness. “You tease.” He nibbled at her lips. “I can handle it myself, all right. But your hands are far more pleasant than mine. Less callus.”

Her lips curled with amusement. She had to admit, he was rather fun to play with. He wasn't begging for her to give him head. He was letting her know it was okay with him if she wanted to stop, but he wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to continue.

Oh, she definitely wanted to continue. That wicked streak she fought so hard to clamp down was humming like a freight train inside of her. What did it matter if she was a little bad with just one man? Like Daphne had said—she could use him, play with him a bit, and then walk away unscathed. She wasn't in a relationship, after all.

She was just having fun.

And so she gave him a naughty smile and wiggled out of his grip, then dropped to her knees in front of him.

He groaned at the sight. “Fuck, look at you. Gorgeous.”

Audrey grinned up at him, then parted her lips and leaned forward, just a little. She didn't move to take his cock in her mouth. She simply sat there, a few inches away, her lips parted with anticipation.

And she looked up at him, waiting.

“Damn, that's hot.” Reese's hand slid into her hair, stroking through the tangled locks and caressing her scalp. He didn't surge forward like she'd expected. Instead, he stared down at her, considering for a long moment. Then those strong fingers curled at the base of her head and gently forced her forward.

Her lips went around the head of his cock, her hands sliding to his ass to anchor herself. Audrey let the wet head of him graze over her lips, back and forth in a light motion for a moment, before taking him into her mouth and sucking hard enough to form hollows in her cheeks.

Above her, Reese grunted approval, but didn't move, didn't begin to fuck her face. It was as if he were enjoying the sight of her as much as the feel, and wanted to savor it.

She could appreciate that. It made her feel incredibly sexy, knowing that he was enjoying looking at her going down on him. And it made her excited all over again. She dug her fingers into the tight muscles of his ass, appreciating their rock-hard firmness. God, he had a nice ass. She squeezed it and then released the head of his cock with an audible pop, then rubbed her mouth along the head again. Pre-cum slicked her lips and she licked them clean with her tongue, then let it flick out and swipe over the crown of his cock.

“Just like that,” he told her in a husky voice, his fingers tightening on the base of her head. “That's beautiful, Audrey. Take me in your mouth again.”

She leaned in, but instead of sinking down on him, she formed her tongue into a hard point and trailed it along his cock, exploring him. She circled the head with the tip of her tongue, licking at his glans, then the ridge of the crown. There was a thick vein along the underside, and she ran her tongue along it, too, then lightly tongued the base of him before moving back to the crown again.

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