The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg (6 page)

Read The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #General Fiction

BOOK: The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg
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Scarlet Hyacinth

Shiloh just stared. Some part of him was not surprised at the words. He’d felt something special between them, something he couldn’t really explain. Was this what other swans experienced with their partners? If so, how did it work with other shifters? Seeing Brody and Carson together was encouraging, and, supposedly, wolves mated for life. But did Liam want all that with him?

Shiloh bit his lip. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“You just have to say ‘yes,’” Liam answered, his voice like honey. “I’ll take care of it from there.”

Shiloh would have very much liked to do that, but he felt afraid.

This wasn’t like any of the times he’d gone home with a man, knowing the next morning he’d be shown the door and never called back. This meant so much more, and Shiloh didn’t think he could recover if Liam turned out to be a jerk like all the other men he’d known. “I need to think about this for a bit.”

Liam seemed disappointed, but nodded, caressing Shiloh’s cheek gently. “I don’t want to rush you into anything. Take your time. I’ll be waiting.”

In spite of Liam’s words, Shiloh could sense the other man’s hurt, and felt awful about it. Still, the lingering doubt inside him didn’t allow him to reach out like he’d have wanted to. They stayed in the area for a few more minutes, but the silence was strained and uncomfortable now, heavy with the knowledge of Shiloh’s refusal.

When they at last reached the house, Liam pecked Shiloh’s cheek then went inside without a word. Even that slight touch enflamed Shiloh’s senses, and he cursed himself for causing the rift between them.

Frustrated, he sat on the deck, just like he’d done the day before when Liam had come to see him. A few moments later, Carson came and sat next to him. “Hey, what’s up? Everything okay?”

Shiloh leaned against his friend’s shoulder. Whether he liked it or not, Carson would worry about him. Hell, Carson and his mate were already matchmaking. It was quite possible that Liam had mentioned
The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


the bond between him and Shiloh to Brody. Hiding it from Carson would be rude and pointless.

“He said he’s my mate,” he answered to Carson’s query.

“Congratulations,” Carson said. “So what’s the problem then?”

“I didn’t accept it,” Shiloh replied morosely.

Carson gripped his shoulders and forced their eyes to meet.

“What? Why?”

“I just don’t know if this is going to work out, Carson. What does he see in me anyway?”

Carson just stared at him as if he’d never seen Shiloh before.

“You’re gorgeous, kind, funny, just to list a couple of qualities. Why wouldn’t he like you?”

Shiloh wiped his sweaty palms against his trousers. “He’s a wolf.”

“So what?” Carson asked. “Brody is one, too. Liam’s been great about Brody and me mating.”

Shiloh broke away from his friend. “It’s not the same. You’re not like me.”

Carson frowned at him. “Where’s all this coming from? We’re not exactly the same, of course, but that doesn’t mean anything for you and Liam.”

Anger rose inside Shiloh. “You don’t get it, do you?” he said.

“I’m a whore, all right? You were a virgin when you mated Brody. Of course he’ll love you. I mean, who wouldn’t? But me? Who would want me? I’m used goods.”

Carson’s eyes widened, and as silence fell between them, Shiloh realized he’d been shouting. His heart fell as he turned and saw Liam and Brody standing in the doorway, their eyes fixed on him. How long had they been there?

As if to make things worse, Angel’s head popped up from the house. “Daddy, what’s used goods?” he asked.

A vein twitched in Brody’s forehead. “Nothing, little man. Go back inside and stay with Clark.”


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Guilt flowed through Shiloh. He opened his mouth to apologize to his friends, but nothing came out. What could he do to explain or make things better? He’d just known that he would bring his drama here, especially with Liam present. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“I’ll go pack,” he finally said, marveling that his voice came out steady.

Alas, to reach his room, he’d have to go through the door currently barred by a wolf wall of muscle. He considered shifting into his swan form and flying to the second floor, but he didn’t get the chance. Liam shot forward, grabbed his hand, and pulled him away from the house.

Shiloh’s mind whirled as Liam forced him through the greenery.

What did the wolf intend? Clearly, Liam was pissed off about what Shiloh had said. Would he point out how much Shiloh disgusted him?

Perhaps Liam hadn’t even known about Shiloh’s past until he’d stupidly shouted it to the four winds. Then again, Shiloh had given Liam a blow job within moments of their first meeting, and then pointed out it was just sex. If that didn’t spell out slut in neon-like letters, Shiloh didn’t know what did.

Much to his surprise, Liam shoved him onto the ground and jumped on him. His breath was hot on Shiloh’s face as he whispered,

“Don’t you ever say shit like that, baby. It hurts you, me, and our friends.”

Shiloh trembled at the other man’s proximity. “Do you have any idea how many men I’ve been with in the past?” Truth be told, Shiloh himself had lost count.

“I don’t care,” Liam answered. “I knew you slept around before I came here, but that doesn’t matter to me.”

For some reason, the comment bothered Shiloh. So the wolf had chosen an open relationship with him. For all his pretty words, he only wanted Shiloh as a fuck toy, and nothing more. “So it doesn’t bother you that I’m such a slut? You’d just happily fuck me even if I slept with others at the same time?”

The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


He struggled to release himself from Liam’s grip, but the wolf was far stronger than him. Liam growled at him. “Make no mistake, baby, starting now, no one else touches you. Just me.” He held Shiloh’s arms captive with one powerful hand, the other traveling under his shirt to caress his skin. “The past is the past. It’s a part of you, sure, but it’s your future I want.”

Shiloh could feel the honesty shining from the other man like the rays of the sun. He closed his eyes, fighting against the tears that threatened to fall. He couldn’t bring himself to resist any longer. In one single day, Liam was tearing apart all the walls Shiloh had erected, all the certainties and the doubts.

“I know you can’t make any promises now,” Liam continued, “but if we just try, if we get to know each other a little better, I’m sure things will work out.”

“Okay,” Shiloh murmured.

“Please don’t say no,” Liam continued, completely missing Shiloh’s reply. “We’re perfect for each other, I just—”

“I said okay,” Shiloh said a bit louder, smiling now. Liam’s rant was actually quite encouraging.

Liam stopped and gave him a wide-eyed look. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” Shiloh smirked. “What? Did you want to hear another reply?”

Liam didn’t say anything. Instead, he just crushed his lips to Shiloh’s, stealing the very breath out of his lungs. Shiloh wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling him closer. God, why had he resisted this again? He couldn’t remember.

Liam’s tongue delved deep into his mouth, exploring, claiming.

Shiloh surrendered to the passion, letting it flow over him like a wave.

His mate’s hands began to tear at his clothing, and he allowed it, greedily following Liam’s example. There were no more words, just the amazing lip-lock, the friction and the lust that knew no bounds.

Shiloh was drunk on it all, drunk on Liam. He felt like he was dreaming and he never wanted to wake up.


Scarlet Hyacinth

The first to go was Shiloh’s shirt, then his shoes and pants. After that, Liam’s clothing followed, until, at last, the wolf was magnificently and mouthwateringly naked. Shiloh would have loved to take some time to just admire his lover, but Liam seemed intent on distracting him. Liam’s mouth traveled over Shiloh’s skin, nibbling on his neck, licking his Adam’s apple. Shiloh arched against Liam, moaning, “Oh, God. Please.”

He knew what Liam wanted. He could feel the other man’s urge to clamp his fangs down on Shiloh’s throat, to claim him. And right then and there, Shiloh couldn’t think of anything better than

His mind seemed to be invaded by emotions half his own and half foreign, mingling through a veil, and Shiloh yearned for that barrier to be down. He ached to have Liam inside him, body and soul.

He spread his legs and wrapped them around Liam’s waist, grinding against his lover. The wolf was still keeping him trapped, and Shiloh let out a sound of protest. “Liam…Come on. I want to suck you.”

He’d never had a man deny him such an offer, and yet, Liam shook his head. “No, baby. This is for you, all for you. Let me love you. Let me do this my way. “

Swallowing around the sudden knot in his throat, Shiloh nodded.

Liam squeezed his wrists one last time and said, “Keep your arms there. Don’t you move.”

“I won’t,” Shiloh replied breathlessly. “Just…touch me. Please.”

And Liam did. He released his hold on Shiloh’s hands and continued his journey down Shiloh’s chest and abs. His tongue left trails of fire on Shiloh’s skin, burning him, making him want to reach out and demand to be fucked. But he didn’t. He just waited, holding as still as possible in the circumstances.

Finally, he had Liam’s mouth where he wanted it most. Moist heat engulfed his cock, and shocks of energy shot through his spine, arousing his every nerve, some he hadn’t even known existed. It took an inhuman effort on Shiloh’s part to remain motionless underneath
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the assault, but nevertheless, he did so. He wanted, no, he needed to obey Liam.

Liam spread Shiloh’s legs wider, his tongue continuing its naughty journey. Liam took Shiloh’s balls in his mouth, sucking them deep inside, laving them for an obscene amount of time. Lower down he went, brushing over Shiloh’s taint with his mind-numbing sensual torture. When Liam moved away, Shiloh half-expected the man to fuck him, but instead, Liam did something entirely unanticipated. He stole another peck from Shiloh’s lips, and then proceeded to worship every inch of his body, kissing, caressing, loving him exactly like he’d said. If Shiloh had ever doubted the genuine feelings Liam had for him, he could safely say that was a thing of the past—if he’d been able to speak, of course. As it was, he lay there, at Liam’s mercy, almost insane with the pleasure Liam gave him, his climax so close, but not close enough.

Just when Shiloh thought the man would keep him on the brink forever, Liam returned to Shiloh’s prick and really went to town, taking Shiloh deep. His gaze held Shiloh’s, so hot and intense that Shiloh couldn’t have moved if he tried. He was hypnotized, the carnal pleasure registering through a filter of an emotion he couldn’t quite grasp.

And then, a dry finger rubbed at his hole and pushed inside just a bit. Liam did something with his mouth, a sort of corkscrew-whirlwind motion, and Shiloh distantly thought he could take lessons from Liam at giving BJs, just before coming harder than he had in his entire life.

Some miracle saved him from blacking out, and through the haze of his orgasm, he watched Liam gather up all of Shiloh’s cum on his fingers. “Still with me, baby?” Liam asked in husky tone.

Shiloh nodded, unable to make his vocal chords work. His entire body trembled with need and his anus clenched in anticipation of what was to follow. He couldn’t help but feel anxious, his earlier

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doubts returning with a vengeance. What if Liam realized he was just a piece of trash after this? What would Shiloh do then?

Liam must have felt his hesitation, because he pulled back slightly. “We don’t have to,” he offered, even if the idea obviously didn’t please him very much. “We can wait.”

His eyes held that very same heat, more intense than an actual volcano, and Shiloh’s every thought melted into one single realization. “No,” he gasped out. “No more waiting. Been there, done that.”

All his life he’d waited for this moment, for this man. Now, it didn’t matter that they were so very different. It didn’t matter that their positions on the food chain should have marked them as sworn enemies. The only thing Shiloh cared about was this amazing person, who touched him like no other and made him feel things he hadn’t thought possible. “Make love to me.”

He couldn’t remember ever saying that to any man. Even with all the guys who’d fucked him, no one had made love to him. Liam seemed to understand, and he simply smiled back.

Leaning even closer to Shiloh, he pushed a finger inside Shiloh’s anus. The digit slid into Shiloh’s ass easily, and Shiloh moaned, begging for more. All of a sudden, his body seemed to burn with a flame only Liam’s touch could quench.

Liam added another finger, scissoring them gently, with exquisite care. Shiloh didn’t manage to suppress the urge to thrust back onto them, needing a stronger, deeper invasion. But whatever Shiloh did, Liam still took it slow. He rubbed Shiloh’s prostate with merciless insistence, and at one point, Shiloh lost control of himself, thrashing against Liam.

And then, Liam pulled his fingers out of Shiloh’s ass and hugged him tight. He lifted Shiloh’s legs, and he positioned his prick at Shiloh’s opening. “Shh,” he murmured. “It’s okay. I’m here.”

With that, he pushed inside. His cock stretched Shiloh’s anus so perfectly that Shiloh thought he must have fallen into a dream. Shiloh
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was no virgin—he couldn’t be farther from it—but he still felt like one when Liam touched him. The penetration hurt, but it was also better than anything Shiloh had ever felt. Shiloh bit his lip in a futile attempt not to cry out. He clung to Liam’s shoulders, choking, needing an anchor in a world that no longer made sense. How could this be? How had he never known this type of pleasure? Why was it that only Liam reached a place no one had ever before?

“Just let go, baby,” Liam whispered against his lips. “Don’t be afraid.”

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