The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg (5 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #General Fiction

BOOK: The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg
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Scarlet Hyacinth

heart. He had his work cut out for him if he was going to get his mate to forgive him.

A few minutes later, they all sat down at the dinner table. Carson and Brody had cooked a delicious meal, adding great desserts to the main course. Liam noticed absently that Brody nibbled on some veggies and Carson added a bit of meat to his plate. He hid a smile when he realized the effort his friends were making to make their children feel right at home. The children seemed to know it as well, because at one point, Clark snatched the piece of meat off of Carson’s plate and gulped it down, grinning.

“The steak’s delicious, Papa. Thanks.”

Carson snickered at his precocious child. “I can’t win with you, can I?”

Observing the happy family made confused emotions swirl through Liam. By accident or by design, Shiloh was seated right across from him, and Liam couldn’t help but steal the occasional glance at his mate. Sometimes, he thought Shiloh was doing the same thing. Liam wondered what Shiloh saw when he looked at Brody and Carson with their kids. Did he imagine himself with a family like Liam did?

The warm atmosphere kept the strange situation between Liam and Shiloh from manifesting, and the dinner passed without incident.

After clearing the table, all of them went outside and changed into animal form. They did it step-by-step, so as not to take the kids by surprise, and Liam understood his friends were getting their kids used to other shifters.

Despite being the only bird, Shiloh didn’t look uncomfortable at all. He allowed the small lion cub and the antelope to sniff him, flapping his huge wings around from time to time, much to the children’s delight.

Liam just watched them, his beast yearning for Shiloh. He wanted to claim his mate, to bring their bodies together, to fuck him until neither of them could walk. But at the same time, he wanted a future
The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


with his mate, the white picket fence thing, a house, two kids—

without a dog, though, since domestic canines didn’t like wolves much.

Brody padded to his side and gave him a penetrating look. Even in this form, Liam could tell what his friend was thinking. He was busted. Brody gestured toward the forest with his snout and yipped, telling him in the way of the wolves to follow him for a run. Liam was reluctant to leave his newfound mate, but perhaps talking to Brody would do him some good.

As such, he followed his friend into the woods. For a few minutes, they ran together in silence, shoulder to shoulder, and it felt like nothing had changed, like they were back in Soren’s pack, years ago, before Brody met Carson.

At last, Brody stopped and shifted into his human form. As Liam did the same, he realized things had indeed changed. Brody had a family, and Liam himself just found his mate. But even though their lives might have taken unexpected turns, Brody and Liam were still the best of friends. If someone could help Liam get out of this mess, it was Brody.

“So want to tell me what all that was about, at the house?” Brody asked. “Any problems with Shiloh?”

“Actually, yes,” Liam answered. “He’s my mate, and I fucked up when we first met.”

Brody blinked, took a few seconds as he seemingly processed Liam’s words, then grinned. “I knew it.” He pumped his fist in the air.

“I’m gonna have fun tonight.”

Liam gave him a gobsmacked look. “Carson and I made a bet,”

his friend explained. “Whoever won got a BJ from the loser.”

Liam shook his head, uncertain when the conversation had derailed so much. “Jesus, Brody. I can’t believe you put out a bet on my love life. And besides, you’d have gotten a BJ either way.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

“That’s beside the point. It’s the principle that counts.” Brody shrugged, and then his expression turned serious. “Now tell me, how bad is it? Maybe I can help.”

“It’s bad. Worse than bad.” Liam sighed. “I can’t even tell you everything because he forbade me from doing so, but suffice to say, he’s angry at me, and with good reason.”

Brody arched a brow. “Hmm…Well, have you apologized?”

Liam nodded miserably. “He doesn’t want to hear it. What do you do when Carson gets pissed at you?” Surely, the two men fought, too.

Every couple fought.

“I get him roses,” Brody replied.

“Roses?” Liam repeated. Somehow, he couldn’t imagine his friend in a Romeo position offering his mate a bouquet of roses.

“Yup.” Brody nodded. “He eats them up. Literally. Who knew roses were aphrodisiacs for lambs?”

“Okay, TMI.” Liam was beginning to doubt Brody could help after all. “I very much doubt that’s going to work with Shiloh.”

Brody seemed thoughtful. “It’s a different situation. You need to woo him, get him to accept you as his mate. What are a swan’s mating habits?”

Liam drew a blank at that. He didn’t have a clue. He didn’t know all that much about his mate in the first place. The detective reports hadn’t provided any information about the real Shiloh, the one behind the mask, and Shiloh didn’t seem forthcoming with information. “Oh, God, I don’t know. What am I going to do?”

“Calm down. Breathe. Carson is Shiloh’s best friend. He’s bound to know something to help you.”

“But do you think he’ll tell us?” Liam asked.

“Not if it’s anything secret, no, and I wouldn’t ask him that,”

Brody replied. “But I don’t think it will be necessary. Come on. Let’s go back home. It will be fine. You’ll see.”

The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


They shifted back into their wolf form and started toward the house. Night had already fallen by the time they reached it. Shiloh was waiting on the deck, alone, deep in thought.

“Carson’s putting the kids to bed,” he said as he saw them. “Go on inside, Brody. They’re probably waiting for you.”

Brody padded inside the house, but Liam stayed behind. He jumped onto the deck and made his way to his mate. He put his head in Shiloh’s lap and looked up at Shiloh’s gorgeous profile, trying to wordlessly convey his regret.

“Don’t look at me with those eyes.” Shiloh scowled down at him.

“I can’t be angry with you when you look at me like that.”

And how is that a bad thing?
Liam wanted to ask, but since he’d stayed in form, he didn’t. Instead, he took advantage of the fact that Shiloh didn’t pull away. He climbed on Shiloh, licking his face enthusiastically.

Shiloh attempted to push him away, but the effort was halfhearted at best. Finally, Shiloh lay down on his back on the deck, with Liam next to him. Night had fallen, and the crickets had started their sweet concerto. Beyond the deck and the trees, Liam could see the stars twinkling, as if saying hi.

“What do you want with me?” Shiloh said softly. “Seriously, Liam, I told you that there’s no need to apologize or court me or whatever it is that you think you’re doing. It was just no-strings sex, and nothing more.”

It was the first time Shiloh had called his name. Liam found that he liked the way it sounded on his mate’s lips. Still, he didn’t much appreciate or agree with Shiloh’s words. In wolf form, he couldn’t do much about them, however, so he changed back to his human shape.

“Shiloh, baby, that’s not true. I know I fucked up. Let’s just start over.


Shiloh sighed, but he seemed closer to giving in. “I suppose I might be judging you too harshly. Fine. There’s no reason why we can’t be friends.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Friends” wasn’t exactly what Liam had in mind, but it was a step in the right direction. “I’m sorry I inadvertently insulted you. I shouldn’t have spied or said that. I just blurt out stupid things when I’m nervous.”

Shiloh laughed self-deprecatingly. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I know I have a horrible voice. I mean, all the singing teachers in LA never tire of saying so.”

“You want to learn how to sing?” Liam asked. That was a little piece of information he could work with.

“Do you have to sound so surprised?” Shiloh shot back, and now sounded irritated again. “I know I’m a swan, and swans are tone-deaf, but nothing is impossible if you just try.”

Liam didn’t let his mate’s bravado sway him. He could see the fear and the hurt hiding behind it all. “I agree,” he answered. “And I’m pleasantly surprised. I love music, too. In fact, when I was younger, I used to sing.”

Shiloh gave him an incredulous look. “You can’t be serious. A wolf who can sing?”

“Don’t look so shocked.” This time, Liam allowed himself a laugh. “Wolves actually have good singing voices. Mind you, I’m no Andrea Bocelli, but it was nice to just enjoy the music, you know?

Sometimes, I’d go out on pack land, grab my guitar, and just let go. It was the closest thing to hunting I’ve ever experienced in human form.”

It seemed so strange that the confession seeped out of him. Only Brody knew about his former hobby, and how much it had meant to him. Somehow, with Shiloh, speaking about it came so naturally.

Shiloh looked at him, his eyes scrutinizing Liam in the darkness, as if trying to see into his very soul. “But if you liked music, why did you stop singing?”

Liam shrugged. “Life. At a certain age, I no longer had the time to be carefree. I needed to hunt, to protect the pack, to go scouting for
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my Alpha. Things stopped being easy. But I do still sing from time to time, in my own way.” All wolves did, whether they knew it or not.

Shiloh smiled. “I’m glad. A gift like that should never be abandoned.”

Silence fell again, and Liam struggled to come up with something to keep this camaraderie, to prevent his mate from leaving. What had Brody said? To find out what he likes. Well, he knew that now, but how could he use it?

An idea finally occurred to him, and before he could change his mind, he blurted out, “I could teach you, if you want.”

For a few moments, he thought he’d fucked up even more, but then, Shiloh spoke, “You’d do that?”

Liam nodded. “Mind you, I’ve never tried it before, but if you’re willing, we could make the attempt.”

Shiloh’s face lit up in a smile that could have sent the entire night away. “I’d like that.”

* * * *

Hidden away in the shadows, a man watched the two shape-shifters together. He’d taken care of finding a good hiding spot, where he couldn’t be sensed, but he couldn’t exactly burst in and separate them.

Biting on his fingernail, he considered his options. In the end, as he analyzed the two men once more, he decided it couldn’t last anyway. A wolf and a swan were no good together. Eventually, they would go their separate ways, and then he would be ready to make his move.


Scarlet Hyacinth

Chapter Four

The next day, the preparations for Shiloh’s singing lessons started.

To help out with this new plan, Carson and Brody made them a delicious lunch and sent them off into the forest. Judging by the smiles on the two men’s faces, Shiloh suspected they thought more than singing lessons would take place. It was entirely possible, since the attraction between Shiloh and Liam remained as strong as ever.

Liam led him through the forest, claiming he knew a place that would be ideal for the purpose of the lessons. Apparently, Liam had been here more often than Shiloh and had explored the area a lot.

They finally stopped on a high spot on the mountain. The day was clear, and from this height, one could see all the way below. Shiloh felt awed at the magnificence of nature, and knew he needed to thank Liam for sharing this with him.

“It’s really great here,” he told Liam. “I’m glad you brought me.


“Don’t mention it.” Liam grinned and patted a place next to him on the grass. “Now come here, my dear student. We have a lesson due.”

Shiloh dutifully obeyed. At Liam’s bid, he sat down and began to sing. When he finished the melody, he waited for Liam’s verdict.

“You’re forcing your voice,” Liam said at last. “Music—like most of the arts—is all about creativity. You’re pushing yourself to sound like other birds.”

Shiloh blinked. Was he truly doing that by his stubbornness to learn how to sing? “So it’s hopeless, then?” he asked, his heart falling.

The Wolf Who Hatched an Egg


“I didn’t say that,” Liam answered. “You just need to find your own individuality, your own style. Don’t think about how someone else sang that song. Think about what it evokes in you. Do it your way.”

Shiloh liked the sound of that, if only because it gave him a freedom he’d never experienced before. He didn’t know how much progress he made throughout the day, but he certainly had fun, more fun than he’d had in ages. He sang until he couldn’t anymore, and then they talked, laughed, and ran together. They shifted into their second forms, and Shiloh allowed himself to feel the silk of Liam’s fur again. In turn, Liam touched his feathers, both as a wolf and as a man, always wearing a smile that made Shiloh’s insides do a funny dance. They ate under the shadow of the trees and just sat side by side, staring at the fluffy clouds.

It was such a simple joy that Shiloh couldn’t help but relax. He closed his eyes and cuddled into Liam’s warmth. He’d almost fallen asleep when Liam suddenly started to speak.

“I have a confession to make, about yesterday.”

Instantly, all desire to sleep fled. Fuck. He’d known it was too good to be true. In the end, Liam truly wanted just a fun romp and had been playing him all along.

Not trusting his voice not to tremble, he simply said, “Oh?”

As if encouraged, Liam continued, “We’ve already established that I acted like a complete tool. But remember when I told you I had a reason for it?”

Yes, Shiloh remembered. It had been an odd comment, Liam claiming he said stupid things when he was nervous. Shiloh didn’t understand why Liam would be nervous. Perhaps the man would explain now.

Liam pulled him close, turned him around, and forced their eyes to meet. “You might not be ready to hear this, but I have to say it, or else I’m going to burst. You’re my mate, Shiloh.”

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