Read The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch Online

Authors: Dakota Trace

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch (7 page)

BOOK: The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch
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* * * *


The next morning, Gracie went in search of her mother.
Surely Mom can give me
some advice on how to deal with dominating wizards.
Before she could find her mother, she found Queen Aria.

"Good morning, Queen Aria." She curtsied to the queen.

"Good morning, Lady Grace. How many times have I told you, it’s not required of you to bow to me, dear? You’re going to be my daughter. I couldn’t have picked a better woman for my son. Rand has chosen well." Motioning for her to sit, the queen sat down across from her.

“I suppose he has.” Gracie tried to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

“Do I detect a note of bitterness in your voice, my dear?”


"I wish I could be as happy as everyone else is, and perhaps if I’d had a say in it, my reaction might be different. I’m not comfortable with the social obligations I know are required of Rand’s wife, which only adds to my reaction."

"I can understand your concerns but I can assure you as time goes on you’ll become comfortable in your role as his wife. It’s why traditionally the next queen and king are chosen so early. They train under the current monarch for a year or more to prepare them. I wish you wouldn’t fret about it. Neither Mica nor I have any doubt in your ability to be a great queen."

Gracie nodded her understanding. “I know our tradition, Queen Aria, but I’m afraid unless Rand and I can resolve this control issue between us, I find myself with no other option than to use the loophole to get out of this betrothal.”

Alarm showed on Aria’s face. Setting her cup down, she focused on Gracie.


“Yes, there’s a loophole in the Royal Law of Marriage. If Rand wants to ascend to the throne, both he and his bride have to be virgins. If I’m no longer a virgin, Rand can’t marry me and still keep his throne.”

“This is a dangerous game you’re playing. Do you realize what you’ll be doing?”

“It’s simple. He’ll let me go.”

“And what if he doesn’t? What if even after you do this, he still refuses? You’re his chosen, Gracie and that isn’t going to change no matter how much you want it to. You’ll still be his chosen but he then must make a choice. Does he give up the throne or remain alone without you – his mate?”

* * * *



"What's going on, my love?" Mica asked as he pulled his wife into his arms. Aria had excused herself and went in search of her husband right after Gracie had dropped her little bombshell.

"Our future daughter is threatening to use the loophole to escape Rand if he doesn’t let her go or come to some compromise.”

“What? That loophole has never been used since its inception, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Grace O’Connor be the first.”

She grabbed his arm when he started to storm out of the study.

“Quit being a hot head. You and Colin locate our son and I’ll find Gracie’s mother and we’ll figure out how to stop this from happening..”

When Aria returned to her sitting room with Gracie’s mother, Olivia, she found Gracie curled up sound asleep, with her head pillowed on her son’s chest.

"Good morning, Son." Even in light of Gracie’s threat, it warmed her heart to see Gracie in such an embrace with her son.

"Morning, Mom." Gently he caressed Gracie's hair.

"Did you work things out with her? Will there be no more talk of her using the loophole?" Keeping her voice low, she waited for his response. When his nose flared, she realized nothing had been worked out as of yet.

“Unless she wants her ass paddled again, she’ll be wise not to speak of it in front of me.”


“Aria, this is between our son and his chosen. The Law states we can’t interfere between chosens. They’re going to have to work this out themselves.” Mica placed his 66

hands on his wife’s shoulders. “Let’s leave them be for now. If you need to talk later, son, I’ll be in my office.”

"Of course.”

* * * *


Gracie awoke in degrees. She’d been waiting for the Queen to return. Yawning she couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep. How embarrassing! Sitting up, she groaned when she felt the familiar weight of her chosen’s arms. Opening her eyes, she focused on Rand. He was sleeping soundly with her wrapped in his arms.
Damn, I wonder what the chances of getting free without waking him are?

She jumped when a moan rumbled out of him.
I wonder what he’s dreaming about.

“Why not turn the tables on him? He’s no qualms about entering your


She couldn't resist. Taking a deep breath she initiated the dream merge. At first she was surprised when she succeeded.

Looking around she found herself in his bedroom. Nearing his bed she could hear
the unmistakable sounds of pleasure. Curiosity ran through her but she was unprepared
for what she saw. She was the woman on the bed. The moment she locked into her
own dazed eyes, she replaced the woman writhing under her best friend.

* * * *

Even in his sleep, Rand knew the moment the real Gracie replaced the one of his
dream. It was no longer just a solitary dream. Somehow his feisty little chosen had
slipped into his dream - never realizing how her actions would thrust him into untold

frustration and stress the shaky hold he had over his need to possess. Poised on the
edge of claiming his lover, he fought the violent need to possess her.


“Yes, we need…”

“I can’t, Ruzac. Tradition demands no consummation until after the vows.”

“You and your damn traditions.” Gracie’s voice washed over him.

"I’m sorry, Wildcat. I can pet and hold you, but I can’t consummate our union in a
dream. Physical consummation has to come first.”

Arching under him, Rand’s control nearly snapped. Grasping her hips in his hands,
he fought to control her frantic movements. "No, Gracie, not like this. Let me explain.”

"Please." Her plea and the act of her wrapping herself around him tighter had him
groaning while he rolled them over so she was straddling him. Reaching up, he ran his
hands through her hair and pulled her down to lock their mouths together. After several
moments of intense kissing, he broke their kiss to drag in a deep breath of air. When
she pulled his hands down her body to cup her breasts, she ground her ass against his
cock and nearly shattered his control.

“We’ve got to stop.” Pushing her off him, he sat up and ran his hands through his
hair. Drawing a few deep breaths to calm himself, he finally turned back to face her. The
desire to give in almost brought him low when he took in the sight of her rubbing against
one of his pillows. She was obviously trying to find her own release.

“Damn it, Wildcat, we can’t do this right now. Stop, Gracie.” Grabbing her by the
waist, he lifted her off the pillow she’d been trying to ride.

Her eyes glazed with passion when she looked up at him.



“Rand please…” He dodged her mouth as she tried to fit it over his.

“Ruzac, help me out here, can you talk to Zara? Perhaps she can get through to

“I hear you, Prince Rand. Even as tempted as I am to let my charge rape you,

nothing but harm can come from this.”

He was taken back when Zara answered him but was thankful she was protecting
Gracie. “Thank you, Zara.”

“Grace Ann, it’s not time for this. If you succeed in this, you’ll be sentencing

yourself to never ending need. You’ve got to wait until I come into heat and start

the mezclar.”

Rand took hope in the fact Gracie’s eyes cleared and she seemed to be processing
what her sentient power was trying to explain.

“Never ending need?”

“Wildcat, if I sate the need you obviously have here on the dream plane before we’re
bonded physically, it can possibly triple the intensity of your desire.”

“Fuck!” Jerking away from him, she started to pace his room, oblivious to her
nakedness. Stopping abruptly, she focused on him. “What the hell exactly is the mezclar

“From what I understand, once your sentient power goes into heat and keeps you in
a ready state of desire, Ruzac will react to Zara’s heat and the mezclar is triggered.”

"You've gotta be kidding!" With a flip of her wrist she conjured her clothes out of the
air. "And if I choose not to participate in this ‘mezclar’?"


"You won't have a choice, sweetheart. What you felt just now is not even a

tenth of what you'll feel when the full moon rises and I go into heat. Neither one of

you will be able to resist once it starts. Your chemistry with Rand is strong and

once the mezclar starts there’s no way to stop it."

"Great, another decision taken out of my hands!

* * * *


Standing in the doorway of Gracie's bathroom, Rand watched while she soaked in a tub full of bubbles. He envied how close the bubbles clung to her skin. If he were a little less honorable, he would walk over, drag her out of the tub and have his way with her. It’d only been two days since she’d slipped into his dreams and she’d been running scared ever since. She’d been using every excuse she could think of to put distance between them.

I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her continue to avoid me.
Walking across the short distance to the tub, he knelt down. Even though her eyes were closed, he knew the moment she became aware of his presence. Opening her eyes, she blinked sleepily.

Before she could protest his actions, he leaned in and captured her soft lips under his.

Without any protest, she let herself be swept into his kiss. Somewhere midway through it, she raised her arms to clasp them around his neck. A soft groan escaped his throat, he knew he was tempting fate but couldn’t resist the temptation of her mouth. Struggling for control of his own body, he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.

"You’ve been avoiding me, Wildcat, and that’s not acceptable.”

“Your mother has kept me busy.”

“Finish your bath, I’ve plans for the evening which include you, so don’t run off.”


* * * *

The man hurried to the edge of the gardens where he’d promised to meet his boss.

He knew his boss would be angry about the delay but he’d a devil of time ditching Jonathan. Since Jonathan had taken over as head of security, he’d been working under the arrogant bastard.
I can’t wait to see the look on his face when the coup
d'états takes
place. Then we’ll see how well he handles failure.
Having a ready apology on his lips when he entered the gazebo, he was silenced before the other man stepped out of the shadows. Trying not to struggle against the power which had paralyzed his vocal cords, he waited.

"You're late.” The threat in the other man’s voice was apparent.

He felt like a bug under a microscope. A sigh of relief escaped him when the magic strangling him finally released him. His boss continued as if nothing had happened.

"How’s the progress going on finding her lover?"

"Slow. I'm checking her school records right now. But it's has to be done discretely or it'll raise too many red flags. I started at her high school, but it also could have been in college - don't worry, I'll find him."

"Let's hope you do. Failure is not something I’ll tolerate."

* * * *


Jonathan lifted Pati off the supple leather of his hover car. They’d had a wonderful evening together, dinner out followed by a musical. She’d fallen asleep during the forty-minute drive back to her house. When she snuggled closer to him, he stifled his groan. He’d resisted temptation again and again since he had decided to pursue her. Waiting 71

for a clear signal she was ready to take their friendship to the next level was taxing his own patience.

Carrying her up the path to her home, he soothed her as she mumbled in her sleep.

Shock followed by hot desire filled him when he heard his name and felt her press her lips against his pulse before she seemed to drop into a deeper sleep. Pausing at her door, he whispered the spell to unlock the door.

Pushing it open with a sigh, he carried her back to her bedroom. Muttering another spell, the blankets slid down to the foot; he placed her gently on the pristine sheets. She made a sight he knew would surely haunt him the rest of the night. Reluctantly covering her up, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Soon, Pati, we'll be together." Turning, he left.

Opening her eyes, Patience smiled sleepily.

"Promises, promises.” Turning over, she snuggled into the bed.

Standing in the open doorway, Jonathan had barely caught her response but it’d stopped him in his tracks. A slow smile crossed his face while he waited for her to fall into a deeper slumber. He’d no qualms about initiating the dream merge.
She’d said she
wanted to try it anyway.

* * * *

Pati was unaware she’d a visitor in her dream until she felt a warm body behind
her. Rolling over, she gazed into Jonathan's warm hazel eyes.

"How?" She wasn’t sure if he was really there or she was just dreaming it.

"Shhh." Leaning over her, he captured her lips with his. When their kiss deepened,
she couldn’t help but moan and wrap her arms around him. He pulled her even closer.


She never noticed when their clothing disappeared or if they’d even been wearing
any. Her back arched when his mouth left hers to worship her aching breasts. A loud
gasp was jerked from her when he tugged at her nipples with his teeth before tugging
them inside to be soothed by his tongue.

“Please!” Running her fingers through his silky hair, she was surprised when a low
growl of pleasure escaped him. Obviously he loved having his hair toyed with. Briefly
she wondered if she timed it right, she could make him lose control by just burying her
hands in it.

Letting her nipple slip from his mouth, he nipped at the swell of her breast.

“Temptress, you’re going to drive me insane.”

“But what a way to go.” Wrapping her legs around his waist, she rubbed shamelessly
against him. The desire he always invoked so easily in her was burning hot and wild.

Anchoring her hips with his, he tried to draw out their pleasure.

"Not so fast, Temptress. We'll get there. No rush."

When he caught the lobe of her ear with his teeth, her world nearly exploded around

“More! I need more!” When he chuckled at her plea, she shifted just enough under
him to get into the position she needed. If her desire hadn’t been riding her so hard, she
would’ve laughed when he grumbled and tried to pull her back under him.

With a quick move of her legs, she managed to flip him onto his back.

“You want to play, do you?” Grasping her waist, he rolled her back under him.

“Do you honestly think that’s going to hold me?”



He shrugged his shoulders. Narrowing her eyes, she took a move her
Master had taught her and flipped him over once more. Before she could gloat, he
flipped her over, this time onto her stomach.

“Very good, Pati. I can see your training with Master Rision is going well. Too bad
he’s not as good as Master Iason.”

Scrambling to her hands and knees, she tried to escape him. How their lovemaking
had turned from a furious need to mate to a heated wrestling match she wasn’t sure but
she was enjoying it very much.

Leaning over her, he pinned her down. "My favorite position. How'd you
know?" Moaning loudly when he nipped her shoulder, all need to physically best him

“Please, Jonathan!”

“Well since you asked so nicely…” Before she could protest at his high-handedness, he positioned himself and buried his cock to the hilt inside her. Crying out
as the pain of losing her virginity warred with her desire, she pressed her hips against
his, begging him to move.

“Patience?” The question in his voice was evident.

“It’s nothing. Fuck me!”

“But you were a virgin. Damn it Pati why didn’t you tell me?” He moved to withdraw

"Oh God." The pressure which had been building in her pussy snapped at his
movement and her climax rushed over her. She could barely hear his muttered curse as
he gripped her hips. Pushing himself upright, he attempted to still her but she knew he

wasn’t prepared for her to mimic his movements. Arching her back, she lifted her arms
up and behind her to wrap them around his neck.

“Pati, please! I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then fuck me!” When she thought he was going to resist her plea, she remembered
his earlier reaction and slid her fingers into his hair and tugged on it. She wasn’t
prepared for the results. His control snapped and she found herself pressed face first
against the bedding and an out-of-control lover pounding himself into her.

“You had to push! Had to see if you could ride the fire!” His words fueled her desire
as nothing else could. She’d heard many girls talk about trying to ride the fire of the
Triad of Fire. Their sexual prowess - both male and female - was truly legendary but
she’d never imagined it would be this intense.

“Yes!” Another orgasm slammed into her and sent her spinning out of control. If not
for his pinioning hold on her, she would’ve bucked him off. Vaguely she heard the roar
signaling his loss of control; more heat bathed her womb before he magically vanished.

Collapsing to the bed, she mourned his too abrupt disappearance.

* * * *

Standing in the doorway, Jonathan gripped its edge and tried to catch his breath.

It’d been more satisfying and intense than any other sexual experience he’d ever had.

And she’d been a fucking virgin. This changes everything.
He could already feel the bonds between them strengthening. Despite the fact his little temptress had no magical power of her own, his own sentient power had claimed her. Frowning, he tried to reason it out but was unsure how or why it had.
Damn, I wish I could talk to Master Iason.

Perhaps it has something to do with the Vindexicis Code?



"Was I that disappointing?”

Jonathan’s gaze landed on the bed, where Pati was sitting up amongst the rumpled blankets.

“Never!” Walking swiftly to her side, he leaned down and kissed her before caging her between the pillows and his arms. “Do you want to tell me why you were a virgin?”

She stiffened under him. “No.”

“You realize this changes everything now, right?”

“Changes? I don’t see how. It was nothing more than a dream, Jonathan. I thank you for the experience but I don’t expect anything from you.”

Anger heated his blood. “So this was nothing more than an experiment on your part?”

“I guess you could call it that. Perhaps the next wizard will…”

His barely leashed anger snapped. “There won’t be any next wizard for you! I’ve claimed you, Patience O’Connor, and there’ll be no more experimenting for you unless it’s with me!”

Her chin lifted stubbornly. “You don’t have any say…”

“Really? I claim the right!”

Anger showed in her eyes as she pushed against his chest. “And I refuse your claim!”

“We’ll see about that!” Pushing off the bed, he stormed out of the room.


BOOK: The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch
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