Read The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch Online

Authors: Dakota Trace

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch (2 page)

BOOK: The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch
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As they dimmed the lights and the final dance for Rand, the Transitional, started, Gracie didn’t even give a thought to her aunt’s prophesy. She assumed she was safe since she’d planned to dance again with Jonathan afterward. When Rand collected Gracie from Jonathan and pulled her back out onto the nearly deserted dance floor, she was simply enjoying herself. 12

The look of hatred Princess Deanna shot her way was lost on her but if she’d seen it, it wouldn’t have been a shock. Earlier in the evening she’d ran into the arrogant Princess. Deanna had made some comment about Rand taking her out of pity. When Gracie simply had smiled and gone back out to dance with Rand, it more than likely irritated her.

The music swelled and Rand gave her a soft smile while they began to move with the beat. Looking up at him, Gracie noticed he seemed to be lost in thought.

* * * *


Savoring the feel of Gracie in his arms, Rand tried to pinpoint the origin of his discomfort. The same disturbing feeling had swept through him each time he’d been with her tonight. As the end of the song drew nearer, it hit him with a force he’d never felt before.

The appearance of his sentient power speaking to him for the first time caused him to stumble. After he nearly stepped on her toe, he knew he’d better get a grip on himself.
Dad warned me about chosens.

“…Son, when it happens there will be no denying your power and its demand for its
perfect mate. Once it’s chosen, you can do nothing but give in, for it won’t rest until the
bond is completed…”

I never expected my chosen to be Gracie, but it makes sense. I know I joked about it
earlier, but the reality of this is different.
His mind whirled as he tried to take in all the complications this was going to cause.
She’s so young and is going to need time to

accept this. I need time to get this under control. Perhaps after we’ve both completed
our advanced training, we’ll be ready.

“No, she’s mine! Now!”

His eyes widened at the vehement response from his sentient power.

If we take her now, it will do nothing more than hurt her. She’s not

“You will protect her and keep her for us until it’s the right time! She belongs

to us. No other.”

“Of course.
I can’t believe I’m doing this. Carrying on a conversation like it’s a

“I once was. When each Venusian dies, their spirit is reunited with a fetus’s

body even as their body is returned to Venus’s care.
We’re paired for all eternity

and your little friend has my mate.”

As he was trying to comprehend this new development, Gracie chose to look up at him with love in her eyes and his power reacted before he could stop it. His head lowered and he was a hair’s breath away from claiming her lips when a spotlight illuminated them. It immobilized his power for a moment and his head shot up with surprise.

Staring up at him in shock, Gracie took a step back.


“No.” She threw her hand up, immediately shielding. Spinning he saw the bolt of power coming across the dance floor. Without a thought, he joined his power with hers.

The power was absorbed by the shield.



Rand’s eyes narrowed when Deanna smirked before she disappeared into the crowd, her goal accomplished.
It’s obvious she did that to stop me from kissing Gracie.

“Are you all right?” Gracie laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, but I do believe it’s time for us to leave. Suddenly I’ve had enough of this Gathering.”

"I’m sorry her jealousy has put such a damper on your celebration, Rand.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want her, Gracie. I only want you.” He was vaguely aware of the shocked silence that met his response.
Something happened when I shielded
with her. For some reason I can feel her. It feels almost if they were…

We are one, once again.”

He nearly sank to his knees as the enormity of what had happened hit him. “
What is
this going to do to my plans for waiting?”

“Nothing as long as you keep her near.”

“Then near she’ll be.”


* * * *


“Are you okay?'' Fear wrapped around her when Rand nearly fell. Her need to make sure her chosen was unharmed was a revelation she wasn’t ready for.
Damn it, I don’t
want to be like every other woman who throws herself at him. He can’t be my chosen!
Besides he only said this because of what happened. I can’t take any claims he makes
seriously even if I want to.

“I don’t think you have a choice, Sweetheart.”

“Yeah, lets go.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and she guided him off the dance floor.



* * * *

Rand and Jonathan pulled away from Gracie’s house after dropping her off. Sitting beside his other best friend, Rand stared rather moodily at the ceiling of the hovercraft.

“You want to talk about it?” Jonathan loosened his tie.

“She’s the one. My sentient power spoke to me for the first time and told me our best friend is my chosen.”

“I suspected as much.” Jonathan placed a comforting hand on Rand's shoulder. “After your sentient powers intertwined on the dance floor, it was a dead giveaway.”

?” Shock rolled over him. He hadn’t expected it to be so obvious.

“Yes. Between the glow coming off both of you to the shield surrounding you, it was obvious you’re chosens, even though you’re not bonded.”

“So what do I do now? She needs time.”

“The question you should be asking is – how long are you going to be able to resist completing your bond?”



Chapter One

High Wizard's Palace, 2113

"I won't do it!" Walking over to the window, Gracie turned her back on her father.

"Gracie, your name was placed on the list years ago as a suitable match for Prince Randall."

"I won't marry him!"

"Be reasonable. It’s an honor to have him select you." Colin joined her at the window.

There was a knock on his office door. Grace watched as Rand and his father entered the room. Even as angry as she was with him, she couldn’t deny he’d matured and grown into the promise of manhood she’d seen at his Gathering. His dark hair was longer but his frame had filled out. He was the spitting image of his father and side by side it was more than obvious.

When he smiled at her she glared at him.

"You look wonderful this morning, Gracie." Rand joined her when she returned to the loveseat. "And very pissed off," he added for her ears alone.

"I think I have every reason to be." She made no effort to keep her voice down.

"Colin, you have the scrolls ready?" King Mica sat down in the large chair across from Colin's desk.

"Yes, I do. They’re just waiting for your blessing and your signatures.” Picking up the fragile scrolls, Colin handed them to his king.



"May I say something?" As the closeness of her chosen began to wear on her nerves, Gracie stood up and approached Mica. His look of surprise didn’t faze her.
probably assumed I would fall at their feet with gratitude.

"What is it, Gracie?" His affection showed clearly in his eyes.

"I don't think I’m the best person to rule at your son's side. I fear my mixed blood will be hard for the people of Venus to accept." Behind her, she heard Rand’s curse. She chose to ignore it as she continued. "My Earthling blood has to be taken into consideration. I can't change the fact my mother is from Earth, nor would I want to. I just don't think the majority of Venusians are ready to accept me on the throne."

"Colin and I have discussed this issue already, Gracie. We wouldn’t approve of your match if we hadn’t looked at every aspect and angle of your joining. In the end the most important truth is
are the perfect match for my son."

"And who decided that? You? My dad? Did you even think to include your son or I in this decision?" She began to pace as her temper frayed even further.

"In essence, it was your father and I who made the decision. Then we both informed Rand."

"Were there other candidates as 'qualified' as I am?"

Mica seemed to hesitate before answering. "Yes."

"Did you tell Rand about them also?"

* * * *


"Enough Gracie.” Rand surged to his feet. “I knew my choices and
chose you. Don’t take your anger out on your dad or mine. Place the blame where it belongs, on me."


"Is there any chance you’re going to change your mind?" While her voice was deceptively calm, Rand knew he was treading on dangerous ground but no longer cared.
She’s mine and I’m tired of waiting.

"No. You’re my chosen!"

“We’ll see about that.” Pushing past him, she bolted out of the room.

Rand turned his attention back to his father as the door slammed shut behind her.

"She's the one you want?" Mica opened the scrolls and waited for his son’s answer.

"The only one. She's my chosen."

King Mica nodded his understanding and there was a brief flaring of magic which filled the room with light. The betrothal was complete. Rolling the scrolls up, he handed them back to Colin.

"It is done. Will make sure they are returned to the holy vault, Colin?"

"Of course, Mica.” When the two royals turned to leave, Colin spoke again. “Rand, a moment of your time please?"

“Is there some other paperwork we need to complete?” Rand stopped and returned to face Colin.

"My daughter may be your chosen and there is no doubt she’s the best match for you.”


“Never forget she’s wasn’t asked or even consulted about this. It has roused her Irish temper. Give her time to accept it.”


“I understand your concern, Colin, but time is all I’ve ever given her. I’ve waited over ten years and I’ll wait no longer. In less than six weeks, she’ll be my wife, temper or not.” He left the study and vowed to find his wayward bride and set a few things straight.

Mica and Colin watched him leave.

“Would you like to lay odds on them actually making it to the altar?" Colin joked.

“They’ll make it. They’re chosens."

"If they don’t kill each other first. My oldest daughter is merely a younger version of her mother and your boy has enough of you in him that I don’t doubt they’ll have a wild ride to the altar.

* * * *


Rand found Gracie beside the fountain in the royal gardens. She was sitting on the ledge, gazing down at the gold coins scattered across the bottom of the fountain.
anything she’s only become more willful since my Gathering. Despite her temper, it
does nothing to distract from how she affects me. If I had a durlac for every time I’ve
had to stop myself from claiming her, I would have enough to bring our country out of
His loins tightened at the picture she made, her generous curves covered in a light purple poet’s shirt with dark leggings. She’d twisted her long red hair up into a twist but as usual tendrils had escaped to caress her neck.
And she’s mine.

He nearly grinned at Ruzac’s reminder. Sometime during the first year after his sentient power awoke, he’d broken down and gave his power a name, tired of talking to nameless being.



When Gracie heard him approach, she glanced up but remained sitting, looking down into the swirling water.

“You know, I used to come here with my father and toss coins in and make the craziest wishes. Some of them would come true and some wouldn’t. But at eight, I was still innocent enough to expect that they would.” Her voice was wistful.

"I did the same thing. My favorite thing to wish for was us being together for the rest of our lives. You’re my best friend, and even while I was studying for my placement test, you were never far away. As close as we are why don’t you want to marry me?" He sat down next to her on the ledge.

“The only reason I was close at hand is because I was interning under my dad. The only thing I’ve ever wanted is to one day be an Advisor. When this farce gets out, the board of Elders will never take my application seriously.”

"So your objection to marrying me is because you’re afraid it will affect your wizardry exam?”

She nodded.

“I don’t believe it. There’s more than just a thwarted career goal here. Try again.”

“We’ve been friends for years, it just won’t work.”

“That in itself will do nothing more than make our marriage stronger.” He tried to keep his patience. “How can we make this work if you won’t tell me the truth, Gracie?

You’ve never lied to me in the past.”

“I’m not lying!” Her eyes narrowed in anger.

“Then explain it to me.”



“I don't know if I
explain it. It just doesn’t feel right. We’ve been friends for so long, making the jump to a full partnership and marriage seems nearly impossible.”

“More excuses, Rand? Just claim her and be done with it!”

“Shut up, Ruzac.”

He strived for patience. “You wanted a partnership with me as my Advisor. Think of this as another kind of partnership. I've had enough excuses; what are you hiding from me, Gracie?

“I resent I’ve no say in this marriage. Your father and mine, in their infinite wisdom, decided this was the best thing for both of us. While we’re socially and magically compatible, there are two living, breathing people in this. We both have needs, wants and desires.”

“So you’re concerned about what our relationship will be once we take off our crowns. There’s no need for it. I’ll be more than happy to take care of any of your needs.

I want you to be happy with me.” Reaching out, he took her hand and edged her closer until there was no marble separating them. In a move which didn’t surprise him, she pulled her hand free and stood up.

“This is a serious issue, Rand. The primary duty of a royal couple is to produce an heir and I won’t throw myself at a man who doesn’t want me.” She started to pace back in forth in front of him. A gasp escaped her when she bumped into him.

When he put his arms out to steady her, she looked up at him. Rand nearly groaned.

I can’t remember the last time she’s been this close to me. After our near kiss at the
Gathering she’s kept her distance.
I’d be a fool to pass up this up.

“Yes, take it.”



“Shut up, Ruzac.”

Lowering his head towards hers, his mouth was within inches of hers when she began to struggle.

“Stop it, Gracie. We both know I won’t hurt you.” Burying one hand in her hair, he tipped her face up to his.

“Don’t do this. I don’t know what are you’re trying to prove but...”

“What are you afraid of? Finding out how hot the fire between us will burn or not being able to control it?” He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “Because the way I feel right now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control it. I’ve waited too long.”

“This isn’t funny, Rand.” Real anger showed in her eyes.

"I know you’re angry with me. In the end it won’t matter because we’re chosens and the prophesy has been fulfilled. I wish you’d recognize it as easily as I do.”

“And who says I haven’t, Your Highness?” Wrenching free of his hold, she backed away from him. “I don’t know what you did at your damn Gathering to fulfill that damn prophesy but you can undo it. I won’t be forced into this. Not by my father or yours; and certainly not by you or some damn prophesy!”


“What did you just say?” Her eyes narrowed as she approached him.

“You heard me.” Grabbing her around the waist, he jerked her against him. “You’re mine and have been for the past ten years.”

“You won’t want to claim me once I’m done.” Pushing hard against his chest, she broke his hold. Rand cursed while he fought for balance. It turned into a full-fledged shout when she used her power to tumble him into the fountain.



Coming up, he sputtered and pulled himself out of the fountain.
Vicious little wildcat!

She’s going to be so much fun to tame.


BOOK: The Wizards of Venus Book One: Magic Touch
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