The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) (27 page)

BOOK: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)
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She scatters out of the room leaving me with a man who looks overly concerned. “What just happened?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the gestational hypertension but I’ve been pretty stable since October.” I shrug, not sure. I know when Dr. Gale gets here we will have more info.

Less than fifteen minutes after I’m admitted, Noelle and my mother can be heard down the hall. I shake my head at Walker, who is resting in a chair directly beside me holding my hand.

“Erin!” My mother and Noelle gush at the same time.

“How are you feeling? Any pain? Isn’t thirty seven weeks too early? How did it break?” My mom puts out questions at rapid fire speed but the last one has Noelle in a full blown giggle fit. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing!” Walker and I both yell and my mom jumps back, her hand going to her chest.

Ivy walks back in and I notice Noelle giving her the stare down. Noe looks my way giving me the “who does this chick think she is” and I answer in best friend code that she is trouble. It’s great to have a best friend who you don’t even need words to communicate.

“I just spoke to Dr. Gale. He should be here soon but he wanted me to get a urine sample and check for protein. I saw in your chart you have gestational hypertension and that can lead to preeclampsia. With the swollen hands and feet, we just want to be sure everything is okay. After we do that we can set you up on an IV and go from there. Any questions?” She smiles and flashes perfect white teeth but doesn’t look Walker’s way again.

I raise my hand to stop whatever was about to come out of Noelle’s mouth and tell her no.

Minutes later I come out of the bathroom, urine in hand, when a contraction hits me so hard that I stumble. It’s like slow motion...the cup goes flying right at Ivy, who is patiently waiting for me. Thankfully the cup is sealed and she catches it but a little part of me would have been okay with it opening and spilling...just a little.

Okay, that was mean.

Dr. Gale arrives when I’m dressed in the standard puke green hospital gown after being poked three times for an IV by a different nurse. I told them to just put it in my hand seeing as I have no good veins in my arms, but like all the rest they try it first and end up putting it where I told them.

“Erin. Walker.” Dr. Gale shakes Walker’s hand and then turns to my mom. “Eden.”

She smiles and him and introduces Noelle.

“Well. I have bad news and good news.” He sits on the edge of my bed squeezing my ankle. “The bad news is that your blood pressure is high and your urine has protein in it so that baby needs to come out sooner rather than later. The good news is that you are going to have the baby today...we’re just going to give her a little push.”

Noelle and my mom clear out of the room so Dr. Gale can check how dilated I am. I was 4 cm.

Washing his hands he turns to me smiling. “So, I’m going to order some Pitocin and get your little one out as soon as possible.”

Thankfully, they hook it up through my IV. Four hours and an epidural later, I am nine centimeters dilated and listening to Walker and Noelle bicker.

“He said only two people. We’ve known her longer.” Noelle motions between my mom, who stays quiet, and herself, trying to argue her point.

“I put that baby in there! I’m going to watch her come out. So, YOU’RE leaving,” Walker argues back.

“The hell I...”

“Noelle, let’s just leave them.” My mom’s calm voice breaks through. “Let them experience this by themselves. We can come in after she arrives.”

“But I...”

“Noelle. Let’s go.” My mom stands essentially ending the conversation.

They both kiss me on the head and leave to go to the waiting room. Walker makes his way over to me sitting beside my hip.

“Erin, baby? If you want them in here...” He takes a deep breath. “I can go. I don’t want to but I can if that’s what you want.”

I lift my free hand to his neck pulling him close to me. “I want you in here. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I draw him down to my lips kissing him feeling Savannah kick between us.

“Alright, Ms. Decker let’s see if you are ready to go, shall we?” Dr. Gale interrupts our family moment but I know we will have plenty more in the very near future.

Walker’s deep green eyes look into mine. “That name WILL change by the end of the summer,” he states kissing my forehead lovingly.

Dr. Gale, with Ivy standing next to him, lifts up my sheet and checks me. An epidural is a wonderful thing. I can’t feel anything, just a bit of pressure.

“Ten centimeters. Looks like you’re ready to push.” He looks up from the blanket. “Are you two ready?”

y life is complete. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could love someone so much. Especially someone that came into my life less than an hour ago and yet there she lies swaddled up in the love of my life’s arms, across the room. Savannah Grace Prescott. My head is spinning from my heart growing twice its size.

She blazed into this world after an hour and a half of pushing. Walker was a trooper, staying at my side through it all and giving words of encouragement when I begged the doctor to just cut her out of me. I had been too tired to push anymore. A bit later my promises to God that I would never drink wine again if he just got her out of me were answered. I hope he understands that what women say during child birth cannot be held against them.

At 2:22 a.m. on February 18
, weighing in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 19 inches long, Savannah was born. My body relaxed and Walker’s tensed up. After cutting the cord and diligently following her around while she got checked out he snapped a picture from every angle.

Dr. Gale handed her to me first. Her soft dark blue eyes looked into mine and I was instantly under her spell. From the looks Walker was giving her I knew she had him wrapped around her very tiny and precious fingers. Her facial features matched mine but when she cried I could see Walker’s intense look all over her.

Singing a song I can’t hear from the bed in my new room, Walker rubs the top of her dark brown hair, kissing her every so often. His green eyes meet mine and the smile is one I know well. Happiness and excitement. The look he gets when nothing else in the world could compare to that moment...and it never will.

“I love you, Savannah,” he says, kissing her again. “And I love your mama too. You are such a lucky little lady to have the most beautiful, strong and smart woman to be your role model.”

“Awe, Walker,” Noelle’s voice filters through the room. “I appreciate the compliments but you’re going to make Erin jealous.”

“Noelle, if I wasn’t holding one of the most precious girls on the planet I would tell you to go...”

“Walker!” I hiss. “Language.”

My mom laughs from next to me, coming in just after Noelle entered. She just stares at the little bundle but doesn’t approach.

“You can hold her, Mom.” I tap her hip pushing her along.

“I know, baby.” She lovingly flattens my hair down. “I just want to take this in. Your dad would be so proud of you and he would love Walker.”

Tears fall down her face and mine shortly follow. I miss my dad everyday but I know he is looking down on us and I hope he truly is proud of where I’m at.

My mom walks over, reaching out, asking permission to take Savannah into her arms. Walker obliges, giving her his seat, before placing her in my mother’s care. Not moving, he stares down towards them and leans in, kissing my mom on the cheek.

“I’m so thankful for you,” he says placing a second kiss on her cheek. She grins from ear to ear. Reluctantly, he walks away from Savannah and over to me.

I know not having his mom here is hurting him but I am glad mine seems to be helping him heal.

“Hi, Daddy.” I smile at him.

“Hi, Mama.” He smiles back.

“I call next,” Noelle tells my mother.


’m exhausted mentally and physically. So much so that I don’t remember falling asleep but the conversation I wake up to needs to be halted.

“So, she shit on the table didn’t she?” A hushed question from Noelle to who I assume is Walker.

“Noelle!” The quiet reprimand of my mother makes her laugh.

“I’m just curious, Ma!” She tries to defend herself. “So did she?”

“She definitely did.” Walker states and gives me a deer caught in headlights look when he notices my eyes are open. “NOT I mean. Did NOT.”

“I’m never having kids. Not only will I shit but they will shit and it will just be a shitty mess.” Noelle waves her hands around like she couldn’t be bothered.

“I bet you’re next, Noe. I told you some guy is going to come in and tame that crazy ass of yours and then knock you up.” Walker affectionately pats her on the head.

“Watch your mouth around the baby!” My mom shushes them.

I ask to hold her and my mom doesn’t hesitate. Bringing her to me and placing her in my arms I feel whole, complete. I look into her eyes and I feel strong like I can take on the world. I love her so much.

A soft knock at the door drags my attention from Savannah. Jack is standing at the door. A few warm hugs from everyone else and he is now trying to take her from me. I just got her back for the first time in a few hours but I don’t even waver. He came all this way to surprise us and he deserves a smile after losing his wife a few months ago. Not to mention Savannah is her namesake.

“She is beautiful. Stunning. The best of both of you. Hi, Savannah Grace.” He cries, urging the flood gates of my tear ducts to open along with everyone else’s.

This is a joyous but bittersweet moment. I wish Walker’s mom could be here but know she lives on through our daughter.

Visitors come in and out including my sister who left her kids with my soon to be ex brother in law. The divorce proceedings have started but she seems to be in high spirits.

After work, Trent joins us, bringing dinner after Noelle left to go home and shower. A full day of hospital food and I welcome the sight of a greasy cheeseburger. I’ve noticed he is taking a different approach with Noelle and is laying low. I don’t think that can go on for too much longer.

When visiting hours are over and everyone is cleared out just Walker, Savannah and I are left. The whole maternity floor is quiet. The nurse came to take her to the nursery but Walker refused, not wanting her to leave his sight. Seeing how much he loves and cares for her makes me want to marry him tomorrow and make our family whole.

“Walker. Will you marry me?” I ask breaking him out of his daughter’s spell.

He doesn’t look up but I can see the one sided dimple pop in. “I already asked you, baby.”

“I mean when we get discharged. Go to the courthouse and just do it. I mean we live together and have a baby now. We might as well make it official.” I shrug but he can’t see. His eyes still trained on Savannah.


“No?” I ask confused.

“No.” He finally looks up giving me a serious look. “I want you to have your dream wedding. I want to take the time to give you what you want. For you to pick out the dress you always dreamed of and to have everyone there that you want. I want to see you walk down the aisle and I want our friends and family to witness how much we love each other. I want to give you the world, Erin, since you have given me mine.”

He glances back down at our daughter, tapping her nose, and starts to sing, putting us both into a peaceful slumber.


soft cry wakes me up, and I find that Walker has set Savannah down into the portable crib. Picking her up, I pull my shirt up allowing her to get the nourishment she needs. Walker is fast asleep on the guest couch in the corner with one of the blankets he bought for her nestled under his head. When I look down I’m reminded how different my life is compared to last year.

I was planning a future with a man who was, unbeknownst to me, betraying me.

I never would have imagined I would be where I am today. I thought Robert was it for me. I went day in and day out accepting a man who just thought of me as mediocre. He may never have said so but knowing how Walker treats me shows how blind I was to what was really going on.

Savannah falls asleep still attached to me so I pry her off and place her back into her crib. Walker stirs a bit, moaning, and I can’t help but walk over to him and place a quick kiss on his lips. His eyes flash open and all I see is lust.

“Do I really have to wait six weeks to get back into this smoking hot body? You should hear about the dream I was just having.” His hands find my hips and try to pull me down onto his lap.

“Are you serious, Walker? I just had a baby who, I might add, is right over there.” I motion towards her quiet snores.

“I can’t help it if my fiancé is hot...even after giving birth.” He tugs a bit harder and I relent, sitting down on him.

“Six weeks. You have to wait six weeks.” I kiss him on the nose and wiggle a bit in his lap.

“Then we can try for more babies?” One of his eyebrows quirks up.

“Let’s worry about the one we have right now and talk about more after the wedding.” This time I give him a slow sensual kiss.

“Get off me, woman. You’re teasing me.” He lifts me up, turning me around to give me a swat on my ass.

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