The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) (25 page)

BOOK: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)
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My chest is swelling with love and adoration. My heart about to explode. This beautiful, loving caring man wants me to be his wife and I want nothing more than to make that possible. Tears fill my eyes and I can barely see anymore. I grab a tissue from the table and wipe my eyes wanting to be able to look into his with my answer.

“Walker Henry Prescott, the last time I was here I left scared to death, not knowing what my future held or how I was going to get through it but this time...this time I’m leaving one hundred percent sure that my future is safe and secure. There isn’t a minute that goes by that you aren’t on my mind. I feel loved and cherished. So, yes! I would love to marry you and make us both some of the luckiest people on this earth.” My sobs fill the room as I watch him take out a blue box from beside him.

He opens the case and I find the most stunning Tiffany Soleste engagement ring. The round diamond is surrounded by double rows of bead set diamonds. More diamonds run along the sides of the ring and it sparkles underneath the brilliant moonlight filtering into our room.

He pulls it out of the box and grabs my left hand, placing it gently onto my ring finger. “Thank you. A year ago I wouldn’t have thought this is where I would be but I’ve learned to embrace the unexpected because it can bring some of the greatest things into your life. I love you, Erin.”

His words are sweet but I can’t stop staring at the rock he has placed on my swollen finger. “Walker, this is too much. Are you on a thirty year payment plan for this? It’s gorgeous. My God.”

He lifts my chin up so that my attention is on him. “Erin. I want you to know that you never have to worry. Not about me hurting you and not about us financially. I can provide for us if you don’t want to go back to work. I can give everything you and our family need as long as we aren’t foolish.”

“I love my job, Walker, and I like to earn my own way. Plus, on your salary alone we can’t afford to keep me from working.” I shake my head side to side.

He grabs my hand and pulls me to the bed. As he sits, he sets me down on his lap sideways so I can wrap my right arm around his shoulder and admire my ring at the same time.

“I understand you love it, but that might change after Savannah arrives and I’m okay with that. But I do understand. I can afford not to work but I love the feeling of accomplishment and helping kids.” He pushes my hair off my neck and kisses his favorite spot just below my ear.

“Did you win the lottery?” I joke but his hands sliding between my legs show me his is serious.

“I did but only with you.” He caresses my thighs and my legs involuntarily open.

After that touch, the conversation was over for the next two hours. When we were satisfied and exhausted, we lay naked on the bed caressing each other’s bodies.

As soon as I could form a coherent sentence I asked him about the money situation. Not that I would want to stay home but if I was going to marry him I would need to know where the extra money was coming from.

“My paternal grandmother left Deliah and me her inheritance. We were the only grandchildren on that side so we got it all minus what she gave to my mother and father. Everything was sold and we both get a large sum of money each month for the rest of our lives. She didn’t want young kids acquiring such a huge payday so she stipulated that we receive a portion of it every month.”

I told him I was happy he wanted to share that with me but I hoped to continue working. Having the option though made me feel better. When she gets here I might not want to work right away. He said to think about taking the rest of the school year off and maybe start up again next year.

“So, Noelle brought something up the other day.” I want to have this conversation but my eyes are slowly starting to close.

“Mmm hmm,” he softly says most likely falling asleep as well.

“Moving in together. Where are we going to live?” I question and fall asleep just after I hear him mumble “I’ve got it taken care of.”


didn’t want to take my ring off. I was getting used to the weight of it and the glare it creates when met with the sun. But I had to lock it in the safe when we ventured out, clad in our swimming attire, for some snorkeling and relaxing on the beach.

After a light lunch, Walker coaxes me into the water promising that if he sees a jelly fish he will jump in front of me taking the sting. Laughing, I promise to pee on him if he does.

The cool water feels marvelous after being in the sun for the past hour and Walker starts to get frisky.

“Knock it off. Anyone looking can tell you are trying to molest me.” I laugh trying to stop his advances but he is too strong and I am definitely weak when it comes to him.

He looks around and whispers, “No one is paying attention to us, baby. Let me just get a quick feel and I’ll stop.”

“You promise?” I ask wrapping my arms around his neck while simultaneously bringing my legs around his waist.

He reaches under my thighs pushing my bathing suit bottoms to the side and shoves one finger inside of me. A quiet cry leaves my body.

“I’m not making you a promise I can’t keep.” And with that he pushes a second finger deep into me. “Put your head on my shoulder, baby. I don’t want anyone else to watch you come. That’s for my eyes only.”

I can’t do anything else but submit to him. Everything he does to me is magic and with just a few thrusts of his fingers inside me I forget where I am and who is around. The waves of the ocean roll over my body as I ride his fingers shamelessly.

“Feels good doesn’t it, baby?” Walker shifts just a little and suddenly his tip is at my entrance before slamming into me. “But that feels better.”

“Oh God, yes.” His thrusts are slow and torturous, but I know it’s only because he doesn’t want others to know what we’re doing.

I try to move faster but his grip on my thighs control the pace. “You want to come, Erin?” His other hand reaches up pushing down on my clit and I immediately explode. A few more pushes and he is groaning in my ear.

“My life would be void without you, Erin. You are everything to me. I can’t wait until you’re my wife,” he whispers just as he is pulling out of me.

“I can’t wait either.”

“So, let’s not wait. We can get married right now.” His serious tenor pulls me out of my Gulf of Mexico bliss.

“Are you serious?”

ulling into the driveway after the most amazing and romantic trip I have ever been on, I notice my car is gone.

“Where’s my car?” I ask jumping out of Walker’s truck looking around the driveway like it might just appear out of nowhere.

“No clue, baby. Maybe Noelle took it out. Call her.” He shrugs and I climb back into the truck to retrieve my phone.

I’m going to give her an earful. My touch screen suffers the wrath as I pull up her number but disappears when I see she is now calling me.

“Noelle! Where the hell is my car?” I yell into the phone.

“Calm down, Erin. I took it to get know a little last minute Christmas gift. Your car needed it. You’re welcome.” I can feel her smirk over the phone.

She does this on occasion. My car isn’t that dirty but in her eyes it could always use a cleaning.

“I do have a problem though. I drove over to Chase’s house and when I went to leave it wouldn’t start. Do you think Walker can come take a look at it? Chase hasn’t a freaking clue when it comes to cars.” She sighs into the phone.

I haven’t heard Chase’s name since Thanksgiving. She must be making her rounds again.

I confirm with Walker he has nowhere to be and tell her to text me the address. I type it into the GPS and it shows we are fifteen minutes away.


don’t know what Chase does but this house is stunning. It’s white with light blue shutters and is two stories with a wraparound porch. A two car garage is attached.

My car sits in the driveway and we both get out, walking up the few steps to the door and ringing the bell. Noelle answers looking amazing in a long sleeve white sweater dress, brown tights and cowboy boots.

“Hey! Come on in. I just need to grab my coat and then Walker can take a look,” she says turning so fast I get whiplash.

Walker’s hand presses me forward by the small of my back and into the large foyer. We stand for a minute waiting for her to return but she beckons us from down the hallway.

“Come on, Noe. I’m exhausted,” I complain, but remember some big news I have to share and follow her. “And I have something to share with you! You’ll know before my own mother!”

I find her in the living room staring at me. When I get closer to her I notice pink is everywhere and I’m startled by dozens of people yelling “SURPRISE!”

I step back and Walker’s hands circle my belly. “Surprise, baby.” He kisses the back of my head and urges me forward again. I’m in complete shock. I had no idea.

My mother is one of the first people I notice. She embraces me and pulls my left hand up to look at my ring. “It’s beautiful. Congratulations.” She drops my hand and takes Walker into a big hug.

I spend ten minutes greeting everyone who is there and having my new ring pawed at. Rosie tears up when she sees me.

“I’m so happy for you, Erin. Looks like everything is working out the way it should be.” She says wiping a tear from her face.

The entire house is full of my female friends and family...and Walker. He wanted to stay. The massive kitchen, with dark cabinets and beautiful marble countertops are jam-packed with all kinds of food. Over the next few hours Savannah is spoiled with a tremendous amount of gifts and we won’t have to buy diapers for the first year of her life. Noelle, Nicole, Deliah and my mom planned a bunch of crazy games including one where we sniff a diaper filled with melted chocolate and try to guess which candy bar it is. I lost.

As soon as our bellies are full, everyone starts to leave. My mom and Noelle clean everything up and I notice all the gifts are gone. I grab Walker’s hips and place a kiss on his chin. “Thanks for taking the presents to the car, hun.”

He pulls back looking down at me and his lips meet mine. Gently at first, and after I grant his tongue permission to enter it becomes more aggressive. I pull back not wanting an audience.

“They aren’t in the car.” He pushes my hair back behind my ears.

“Where are they?” I furrow my brows at his one sided dimple smirk.

“In her room,” he answers and I hear Noelle and my mom laugh. “I have one more present for you, Erin.”

“Walker, seriously. No more presents. I’m not accepting it. I won’t even look at it. You spoil me way too much.” I reach up giving him another quick kiss and turn away.

“You’ve already seen it,” I hear him say from behind me. “As a matter of fact you’re standing in it.”

I stop looking around. My mom catches my eyes and she is grinning from ear to ear. I whip around stalking back to him. “You bought me a house?”

He grabs my hand, pulling me to the over sized rocking recliner, sitting down and dragging me onto his lap. “No. I built us a house. Actually, I was building it for myself but after we found each other again I decided to make it bigger and add all the things you love. There isn’t a ton of furniture because I wanted you to pick it out with me and we will decorate the walls with pictures of our wedding and all of our children.”

“I already own a house, Walker.” I’m not saying I don’t want this one, I do. It’s stunning. From what I have seen of the downstairs I’m in love. It’s an open floor plan and the living room ceilings are two stories high. The back wall is lined with sliding glass doors and windows leading onto a deck that has a big gas grill on it.

“I can handle the mortgage, Erin,” Noelle interjects. “All you have to do is let me buy your half out.”

Not looking her way I keep my focus on him. “Are you serious?”

He nods and I push him back, straddling him, raining kisses on him all over every inch I can hit from his neck and above.

“Erin Melissa! Get off him right now!” My mother scolds with a hint of humor. “At least wait until I am gone.”

I lean my forehead onto his whispering how much I love him and he whispers back the same.

This man is amazing.

“When can we move my stuff in?” I giddily jump up looking at Noe.

“Already done,” she says pointing upstairs.

“Want me to show you around?” Walker asks and I shake my head yes so fast I get dizzy.

“Let us leave first. I’m not sure if you go upstairs with Double T that you will come back down.” Noelle winks at us.

“Double T?” My mom questions her. I’m sure my face turns an intense shade of red.

“I’ll explain in the car, Mama Eden.” Noelle pats my mom on the shoulder and walks towards the door.

“Don’t you DARE!” I yell marching towards the front door as they get there.

My mom and Noelle place kisses on my cheek and give me hugs as I thank them for everything, giving Noelle and look of warning. She just laughs.

Turning back around I realize that we may not be coming back down tonight. This house is amazing and I’ve only seen half of it. He promised to take care of me, and even though I’ve tried to live an independent life, it’s nice to have someone who wants to do things for me and who I would do the same for.

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