Read The Sweetest Game Online

Authors: J. Sterling

The Sweetest Game

BOOK: The Sweetest Game
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The Sweetest Game

Copyright © 2013 by J. Sterling


Editing by: Pam Berehulke at Bulletproof Editing


Cover Design: by Michelle Preast at



Interior Formatting & Design by: Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats


E-Book Edition, License Notes

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The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


ISBN-13: 978-1492940005

ISBN-10: 1492940003


This book is also available in print.

Please visit the author’s website (
to find out where it can be purchased.



The Perfect Game: Book One

The Game Changer: Book Two

The Sweetest Game: Book Three




Chance Encounters

In Dreams


Please join my Mailing List to get updates on New and Upcoming Releases, Deals, Bonus Content, Personal Appearances, and Other Fun News! :)



The Wedding

Married Life

Breaking Bones

I’m a Baseball Player

Being Hurt Doesn’t Work For Us

Welcome to the Big Apple

New York State of Mind

It’s Just Sex

Slow Recovery


Slightly Emotional

Moving Home

Happy Birthday

Hard to Have a Family on the Road

You Miss Out

The End of a Dream

Our New Lives


Thank You’s

About the Author



This book is for everyone who found their dreams in the stars …

And for each person who helped push them by the feet so they could reach.



This book is part of a series. If you haven’t read the previous books, it is highly recommended that you do so.
The Perfect Game
is the first book, followed by
The Game Changer
. Both books are available in paperback from various retailers. They are also available in E-Book format.


The Perfect Game
- Book One

The Game Changer
- Book Two



Hands on my hips, I looked my best friend in the eye and shook my head as she turned to reapply her lipstick in the mirror.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Melissa snapped as she forced back a grin.

“Oh, I’ll look at you like that, all right. I’ll look at you like that all night if I want. Are you trying to kill my future brother-in-law?” I teased, knowing that less than two minutes ago she was locked in Dean’s room doing who-knows-what while I sat in Jack’s room waiting for her.

She narrowed her eyes before turning to face me. “Maybe.”

Frustrated, I rolled my eyes. “Try not to. I’ve grown attached.”

After applying a new coat of lipstick, she smacked her lips together before moving next to me. “You look gorgeous, by the way.” Her hands touched the back of my hair as she rearranged specific strands while I smoothed the nonexistent wrinkles from my knee-length white dress.

“Thanks. So do you.” Despite being annoyed with my pint-sized pal, I couldn’t help but smile.

“So, was your dad pissed about not walking you down the aisle?”

I sucked in a breath. The last thing I wanted on my wedding day was to feel bad about any of my decisions. The choice of walking alone or with my father weighed heavily on me at first. But I eventually decided that having my father walk me toward my life with Jack and then handing me over to him would all be for show. And I knew in that moment that I didn’t want anyone to be responsible for “giving me away,” least of all the one man in my life who had disappointed me more than any other.

It only seemed right that I walk down the aisle on my own and join Jack freely to start our lives together, since it was my choice, my decision, my heart waiting for me at the end of that aisle. After all, no one could give me to the one person I’d already given myself to years ago.

“He was definitely hurt at first. But I don’t think he truly got the message I was trying to convey. I think he just wanted to walk me down the aisle because that’s what a dad is supposed to do.”

“Oh well. Maybe he should have been a better dad,” Melissa said in a sharp tone.

I shrugged. “Hopefully after he sees how untraditional everything is today, he’ll understand and be less disappointed.”

Music filtered through the open windows and into the living room where Melissa and I stood waiting. I took in a deep breath and bit my bottom lip as excitement surged through me.

“Oh my gosh! It’s time!” Melissa moved toward the glass patio door and let out a little gasp as she peeked outside. “Ooh, it’s so pretty, Cass!” She gave me a hug and whispered, “I’ll see you out there,” then stepped out and slowly made her way down the makeshift aisle.

After taking a deep breath, I followed her lead, pausing briefly at the doorway. She was right. Gran and Gramps’ backyard had been transformed into a place of wonder. Candles cast tiny shadows everywhere as the sun began to sink behind the trees. A myriad of tiny lights twinkled in the tree branches.

When I stepped outside, my gaze landed on the mason jars filled with quarters and candles that lined the aisle, and I couldn’t help but smile as my heart filled with the sheer amount of love I felt for Jack. Still smiling, I looked down the aisle and immediately locked on to his chocolate-brown eyes. The air whisked from my lungs for a moment at the sight of him standing there in his charcoal-gray suit, waiting for me with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

BOOK: The Sweetest Game
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