The Sweetest Game (2 page)

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Authors: J. Sterling

BOOK: The Sweetest Game
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I had to stop myself from running to him and leaping into his arms. Although I don’t think he would have minded.

Once at the altar, Jack reached out and took my hand in his, caressing it with his thumb in a sensual gesture that sent tingles throughout my body. “You look beautiful,” he whispered as he leaned toward me.

“And you look hot,” I whispered back, then gave him a wink.

Gramps cleared his throat and both Jack and I stifled a laugh. Jack’s grandfather looked serious as he welcomed our friends and family to this “special day,” before diving right into the ceremony.

Looking into Jack’s eyes, I swear I only heard a few things that Gramps said. My mind spun as I thought back to the journey Jack and I had traveled, from the pits of hell we’d been through to where we were now. We had come so far together.

I glanced briefly at Jack’s brother, Dean, who stood next to him, but his eyes were fixed on the petite brunette standing next to me. Shaking my head softly, I smiled before returning my gaze to the man who held my heart.

When it came time to exchange vows, mine a little more tearful than Jack’s. My heart melted at the sight of him getting choked up, and when he cleared his throat to regain his composure, I lost all of mine.

“I love you,” I confessed through my joyful tears.

Jack reached for my face, wiping away my tears with his thumbs as he tilted his head and leaned his face toward me for a kiss.

“Uh-uh! Wait!” Gramps called out, interrupting the moment as Jack froze, my cheeks still held between his hands. Gramps paused a beat, then his face split into a wide grin as he announced proudly, “I now pronounce you man and wife. Jack?”

“Yes, Gramps?” Jack’s voice rose in pitch as he remained frozen in place, and the crowd laughed.

“You may kiss your beautiful bride,” Gramps pronounced before slamming his bible shut.

“It’s about time,” Jack said before crushing his lips against mine. Cheers and enthusiastic shouts filled my ears at first, but they quickly faded away in that moment. Soon, all I heard was the sound of my heart rapidly beating in my ears. And all I could feel was Jack’s hands on my skin, and his tongue gently tasting mine.

Already on shaky legs, I grabbed Jack’s shoulders for balance as he slowly pulled away, breaking our first kiss as husband and wife.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to present for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Carter.” Gramps smiled wide.

“Baby-making time,” Jack whispered in my ear before grabbing my hand and pulling us from the altar.

Heat spread across my cheeks as I choked back a response, but followed him anyway. I’d follow that man anywhere.



Bright morning light filtered in through the curtains as I opened my eyes to the sound of Gran and Gramps placing dishes and silverware on the kitchen table. My room was closest to the kitchen, so whenever they banged around in there, it always woke me up. For a second, I was reminded of my high school days, when the smell of Gran’s fresh-cooked waffles would waft down the hallway before school. With a smile, I remembered what day it was and focused my attention on the blonde hair splayed across my arm.

My wife, Cassie, lay curled up next to me, her ass pressed tightly up against my groin.

My wife.

Someone actually loved me enough to not only put up with my shit, but to agree to put up with it for the rest of her life. She was probably insane on some level, but I’d take it. Whatever kept this woman by my side was fine by me. I wasn’t sure what it was about being married, but the pieces that used to spin out of control inside me actually felt settled now. Knowing that Cassie had vowed to be mine forever filled me with a sense of comfort I’d never known I was missing.

In that moment, I felt like I could do anything. I could put on a cape, sprout some wings, and save the whole fucking world if I wanted to. And the best part was, the girl by my side wasn’t going anywhere. She’d sew a
on that cape and watch me fly if I asked her to.

How did I just revert to a twelve-year-old with superhero fantasies? Fucking loser.

I reached my arm around Cassie’s bare waist, my fingers exploring the side of her body I couldn’t see. She moaned and my dick throbbed to life.

“Good morning, wife,” I whispered against her face, before kissing the lobe of her ear and sucking it into my mouth.

Cassie moaned again before turning to face me, her gorgeous green eyes beaming. “Good morning, husband.”


Fuck yeah, I’m your husband. I think that means I’m legally allowed to kill anyone who fucks with her, right? Right.

Leaning down, I pulled her lower lip between my teeth and nibbled playfully. Without warning, I pushed my tongue into her open mouth, moving it in sync with hers. I fucking ached to be inside her. Literally. Fucking. Ached.

“I need you,” I breathed out between kisses.

Her hands reached for my lower back, her fingers pulling at my skin to move me into position on top of her. I did as she silently asked, and she pushed her knees apart in welcome. “I guess that’s a yes?” I joked, sliding inside her before she changed her mind.

“Oh God, Jack,” she moaned, then bit her lip. “Go slow.”

“Jesus, Cassie. Do you know how hard it is to go slow when you feel this fucking good?” I attempted to manage my thrusts, but my dick was uncooperative. Like it had a mind of its own, it betrayed the commands from my brain. “I’m sorry, babe, but it won’t listen.”

She giggled underneath me as a line formed between her eyebrows. “What won’t listen?”

“My dick,” I breathed out.

Her hips moved beneath me, rising and falling in perfect time against me, with me, whatever. “I’m not going to last,” I warned, trying my best to slow the inevitable.

Those beautiful green eyes met mine before she gripped the back of my neck and pulled my mouth to hers. Our tongues explored each other with increasingly frantic desperation. I moved in and out of her perfection, my hard-on growing with each thrust.

“I feel you getting bigger inside me.” Her breath was hot against my mouth. “It’s such a turn-on, Jack.”

“You really shouldn’t have said that.” Those words were all it took to send me over the edge. With one last thrust, I lost myself inside of her. Cassie’s mouth fell open as pleasure coursed through her body. I watched as she found her own release and shuddered when it was done.

“God, you’re beautiful. I love you so much,” I said as I ran my fingers through her hair.

She smiled and said, “I love you too. Always,” and I was instantly reminded of how lucky I was to have her.

“Always,” I agreed. “We should get up. I smell Gran’s cooking and they’re already in the kitchen.”

Face flushed, she buried her head into my pillow. “Do you think they heard us?”

I laughed. “They didn’t hear us. But we’re married now, so we can do this stuff.”

“Jack! Don’t be disrespectful.”

“Me? You’re the disrespectful one,” I teased before planting a kiss on her forehead. “Now get up. Unless you plan on eating breakfast naked. Honestly, I don’t think Gramps would mind. Or Dean.”

Her face twisted in mock horror and she smacked me playfully. “You’re disgusting.”



A little while later, we settled into our seats at the table and I noticed Dean heading our way. I palmed a blueberry muffin and waited. He walked through the entryway and I hurled the muffin.

“Seriously?” He looked down to see the crumbled pastry at his feet.

“Jack! Don’t throw food!” Gran scolded and I shrugged.

“Nothing says good morning like a muffin to your gut,” I teased and Cassie swatted me in the arm.

Dean’s eyes narrowed. “Hit him harder next time, Sis. Like this.” He walked over to me and socked me square in the right shoulder.

The chair screeched as I scooted out of it and chased after my little brother. He ducked and weaved throughout the kitchen, Gran yelling in the background and Gramps laughing at our antics, before I finally caught him and started whaling on his shoulders.

“Stop hitting me, you dick!” Dean yelled as he attempted to pull his shirt from my grasp.

“Don’t hit me in front of my wife.” I released the death grip I had on his clothes and watched as he stood up straight, brushing off his bicep where I’d just hit him.

“You just wanted an excuse to say that.”

“Say what?” I mocked with fake confusion.

“Wife.” Dean looked over at Cassie for support, who watched us with a grin on her face and shook her head, refusing to get involved.

“Stop acting like you’re twelve again and eat some breakfast,” Gran insisted.

“Yeah, Jack. Stop acting like you’re twelve.” Dean shoved me before running to his seat and slamming his ass down.

“You two are ridiculous,” Cassie remarked. “This smells amazing, Gran. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. I’m just so happy to have you all here,” Gran said with a smile before placing full plates of food at the center of the table.

Dean lifted a waffle with his fork and I swatted at it with mine, causing it to fall on the table. “You’re such a jackass,” my brother whined.

“Dean! Language.” The scolding from Gran had become all too familiar whenever we were together.

“He was being a jackass, hon,” Gramps noted and I stifled a laugh.

A voice called out from the front door, and I noticed Dean stop midbite when he realized it was Melissa. “Knock-knock! Anyone home?”

“Yay! Melis!” Cassie jumped up from her seat and ran out of the kitchen as Dean glared across the table at me.

“You could have warned me she was coming over.”

I shrugged and shoved a bite of waffle in my mouth, mumbling around it, “Didn’t know.”


“It’s not my fault you two can’t get your shit together, so don’t get all PMS’y on me like a little bitch.”

“Jack!” Gran said sharply. “Apologize to your brother right now.”

Gramps pinned me with a disapproving look over his glasses. “That
uncalled for.”

I chewed my food extra slowly, my gaze never leaving Dean’s. “Sorry,” I mumbled before narrowing my eyes and adding, “that you can’t make the girl fall in love with you.”

Dean shook his head and looked away as he finished the bite in his mouth with a scowl.

My beautiful wife walked back into the kitchen with her fun-sized best friend, Melissa, following close behind.

“Hi, everyone,” Melissa said cheerfully.

Gran gave her a big smile. “Good morning, dear. Are you hungry? Let me grab you a plate.” She started to stand but Cassie stopped her.

“I’ll do that. You eat.”

Melissa pushed Cassie toward her chair and shook her head. “I already ate, but thank you.”

“So, Fun-Size, did you have a good time yesterday?” I asked suggestively, trying to get her to admit she actually liked my brother as more than a friend. Dean froze and tipped his head to the side, obviously waiting to hear her answer.

She stared straight at him as she spoke without blinking, “It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. How about you?”

I laughed. “Considering I married the girl of my dreams, I’ll say I had more than just fun yesterday.”

Melissa slid into an open chair at the table and asked, “So, when are you guys leaving?”

“Our flight leaves tonight at nine,” Cassie answered, her voice deflated.

“Why can’t y’all just stay forever? Screw New York!” Melissa shouted in an overly animated voice, and I noticed Dean rubbing his temples.

“What’s the matter, Dean?” she asked with a laugh. “Head hurt?” She tilted her head as she goaded him playfully.

He glared at her and gave her a sharp nod before turning to me. “You can’t stay any longer, can you?”

I swallowed the food in my mouth, half-wishing my answer could be yes. “We have to get back so I can get ready for the pre-season. I feel like I haven’t thrown in forever, and I need to work out. You know how I get in January.”

Being a major league baseball player probably didn’t appear like it would be that difficult from the outside. But I worked my ass off for the majority of the year. During the off-season, I still had to work out, stay in shape, and keep myself healthy. Not to mention the fact that I had to start mentally preparing myself for the season months before it actually started, which basically meant I sort of checked out from everything else. Cassie has had to learn to deal with an absentee boyfriend, whether mentally or physically, most of the time. And now I’ll be an absentee husband.

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