The Rancher's Twin Troubles (18 page)

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Authors: Laura Marie Altom

BOOK: The Rancher's Twin Troubles
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Swallowing back his own tears, he nodded. “Henry ran this place for days while I searched every flea market and antiques store between here and Oklahoma City.”

Nestled on a bed of pale pink satin was Emma's silver tea set. Lifting the delicately filigreed pot, she read the inscription,
For our precious Emma on her third
birthday. We'll love you forever and always, Mommy and Daddy.

“Even though your daughter will always be in your heart,” Dallas said, “I thought it important that a part of her also shares a prominent place in our home.”

There were no words to describe the love swelling Josie's heart. In Dallas, she'd found a friend, confidant, champion and love. A gentleman cowboy through and through. Together, she now knew they'd weather any storm. Emerging from the darkest clouds to walk in endless sun.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8513-6


Copyright © 2011 by Laura Marie Altom

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