The Pearls (27 page)

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Authors: Michelle Farrell

BOOK: The Pearls
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“Mary that is Kaiden its ok, plus his eyes are normal. All the half-bloods have been called home remember?”

“Never too sure Schatzi
.” Mary lowered the shotgun and walked back inside.

Gabe walked to the van and signed for the packages.
The van quickly turned around and left. Gabe walked inside and handed the packages over to Kaiden. Kaiden looked at the packages and handed the one from Florida to Tia and the one from Canada to John. They ripped them open and started reading away.

Tia’s face lit up and she started to giggle. John had a very stern look on his face. Tia looked to him and stopped laughing

“What’s wrong baby?”

“Well I am rich but there is no birth certificate or anything. You have one they have one I don’t. So how and I supposed to claim all this money?”

“We will get you one John. Charles will be here soon and he knows what to do in that situation.” Kaiden reassured him

“Well that is good news
, thought I was going to have to mooch off baby girl here.” He laughed and nudged her.

Mary started lunch and left the kids
do their thing. Soon Justine and Zoe both slid in the kitchen to help. They made another huge feast and were now all seated at the table. Gabe had taken a plate to Blake before they all sat down. Before they could even make their plates they heard another car coming up the drive. Gabe went to the door and Mary was right behind him grabbing the gun. Gabe did not recognize this vehicle but as soon as the glare cleared the windshield he could see Mateo clearly.

Mateo rented a large van to carry all the weapons.
When the storm hit he knew that Gabe would not be coming. He did not want to make his new boss distrust him, so he came on his own. This was also a big step for Mateo as these weapons have been in his family for generations. He is the last of his family and they are very special to him.

“Just in time for lunch man.” Gabe called out

“I could use food after that drive.” Mateo replied. Relief flooded him as soon as his eyes landed on Gabe.

They all went in and had a nice relaxing lunch. Mateo could tell right away that something was different about all of them.

“What happened?” Mateo asked

“Got a phone call
, some semi good news about our situation, some friends are on their way and we turned. Could you pass the corn?” Gabe asked

choked a little and coughed his food into his plate. When he recovered he stared at them in shock. The four of them just shrugged their shoulders and kept eating. Slight smiles lit the boy’s faces.

After lunch they unloaded all the weapons into the workshop which was also Gabe’s training area.
Once they were unloaded John and Gabe sparred for a while and the others stood around and watched. John and Gabe were quite a good match to watch. John was quick and aggressive where Gabe was patient and graceful. John was starting to get a little frustrated that he could not pin Gabe and his moves were getting sloppy. Gabe took advantage of that and had John pinned to the ground pretty quickly.

John called a rematch
, but they both needed some water, and a small break. Justine and Zoe had left a little while before to watch a movie. Tia swooped into John’s arms and she told him she wanted to watch the movie too. Soon everyone was in the living room watching a movie.

As the movie ended Zoe got up and put another in. She loved being curled up in Kaiden’s arms. Zoe looked around the room and into all the peaceful faces. Tia and Justine were both curled up into the arms of their soul mates. Happiness filled the air and she knew then that she was among family.

John asked to use a car to go to town, he wanted to tell his father he was not coming with them, and to grab his and Tia’s things. Mary let them take her car and they were out the door. Justine had fallen asleep in Gabe’s arms and he was slowly falling asleep too.

Kaiden and Zoe decided to walk to the pond and talk.

“Thank you for being gentle with me”

“My Angel I will always be gentle with you.”

“Flying was amazing wasn’t it?” she asked

“Yes it was. You know it is so much different than being on my parent
s’ backs. It was a freedom I have never felt.”

“I can’t wait to do it all the time and whenever I want.”

Kaiden paused and looked behind him. “Do you feel that?”

stiffened at his words and threw her senses out. “Dragons” she whispered.

“Yes Dragons
, I know one is Charles, there are at least six others with him, and a full-blood. Let’s go.” And he stood and pulled Zoe up with him. They were not close but they could still feel them. And they started running in the direction of them. Over hills and through the tall grass they ran. The others were also on foot and walking towards them as the pull was getting stronger. They ran a little faster and they had gotten about ten miles when they stopped.

In the distance Kaiden saw Charles and Six others with him. Charles also had about
five half-bloods with him. As soon as Charles spotted Kaiden he started to run to him.

“Kaiden good to see you boy!” Charles boomed

“Charles good to see you too and you definitely brought friends. This is Zoe my Queen.”

Charles and the others all bowed to Kaiden and Zoe. Zoe’s cheeks flared red.

“Please do not bow. We are family I would not have my family bow to me.” She stammered

“Spoken like a true queen.” Charles said “We must do something before I introduce you and please Zoe, do not stop this.”

As Kaiden and Zoe stood there everyone else got down on a knee and vowed their lives to Kaiden and Zoe the last King and Queen of the Dragon race.

Zoe was in shock and awe she felt the power ripple through the air and her Dragon responded and claimed them as her Dragons. This bunch was now hers and Kaiden’s Sect.

“Now my Queen may I make introductions?”

Kaiden laughed and gestured him to go on.
He recognized two of the couples right away.

is Bradley and Monica Sherwood, and this little guy is Ben. I believe if you study them closely you will know who they belong too.”

Zoe looked at them and then back and forth between them and burst into tears. She grabbed them in a hug and wept. They both held her and let her get it all out. They were saving their tears.
Ben just looked between them a little lost.

“This is Michael and Rosa Stein. Once again look hard.” She didn’t have to look hard she knew who these two belonged too. Her tears had not left her and she was in their arms too. They were also saving their tears.

“This is Sebastian and Camilla Perez.”

Zoe and Kaiden’s eyes both went wide and they looked at each other and then to the couple before them. Camilla noticed and her eyes went wide with hope.

“What is it?”

“I haven’t been able to tell Charles yet
, he told me to save my news. Right now I am going to save my news.” Kaiden replied, he wanted to surprise her just as much as these parents were about to surprise their children.

“Well can we go to the house? I know some of us are eager to see some people
.” Charles said

Zoe was bouncing in place and grinned wide “Can we run? I can’t wait to see her face
.” She was beaming with happiness and was having a hard time containing it.

Zoe ran as fast as she could Kaiden was catching up to her but also hanging back with the others. When they neared the house she slowed down and bounced in place
again. Her excitement was overflowing. Gabe came out the back door as Zoe was bouncing there. He walked down to her and stood there staring at the people coming closer. He had felt a familiar, but stronger pull and it woke him from his nap. He did not wake Justine though, he left her sleeping peacefully on the couch.

“Mama? Papa?” Gabe whispered he would know their faces anywhere and he ran to them. The five year old little boy came out and he was in their arms. They all fell to the ground in sobs of relief
and joy.

Justine came flying out of the house as soon as she felt
Gabe’s overwhelming emotions woke her. As she got to the bottom of the deck she stopped in her tracks when she saw him in his parent’s arms. She then heard the whispered words. “Justine my baby?” Justine looked to the voice then to the man next to her. She then looked down and saw a little boy that could be her twin.

“You lived?” You’re alive?” and she crumpled to the ground
sobbing, all her hopes and dreams have just come true. That little slice she was holding onto was now standing before her. Monica swooped in and caught her before she fell. “Oh baby I am so sorry. I am so sorry. We looked and looked and the family that got you gave you up. We couldn’t find you. We had to stay hidden we knew you were alive still and so we stayed hidden. I am so sorry baby. I never wanted to leave you. As soon as the half-blood we were watching left we went straight to Ireland. When Charles told us you were here we came right away. I love you Justine.” And they wept and wept, Bradley and Ben had joined the hugging and crying as soon as Monica caught her.

Camilla looked around and her dismay was written all over her face. Mary came out of the house to see what the commotion was about. As soon as she saw Gabe and Michael she ran to them. Rosa looked up at Mary and grabbed her tight.

“You kept him safe and alive I don’t know how I can ever thank you. Mary you are a godsend, Thank you” Mary cried her relief that her friends was alive and fear that she was going to lose the boy she raised.

“He is a good boy, he can eat a cow, but he is a good boy. And he is happy now he found his Justine. I just got him back.” Mary wept.


Chapter 30

They all stood there until the tears could no longer fall. They stood there until the smiles appeared on faces and all the “I’m
Sorries” and “I love you’s” were said. Zoe was still bouncing on her feet with a huge grin and red rimmed eyes. Mary ushered them all inside and was fussing around all of them getting drinks and tissues.

“Now while they get their hellos and get to know you in order, Kaiden would you be so kind as to bring this
half-blood up here so I can talk to him?”

“I can do that. Charles thank you.”

“For what my boy?”

“For making my family happy and complete. Those two are special to us and right now you just completed their lives.”

“Glad I could do it. With all the death that has been happening over the last twenty four years this felt good.” Charles smiled and waved Kaiden off

Kaiden went to the safe room and found Blake staring at the door.

“Lots of company huh?” Blake asked

“Is this what you were going to tell us earlier?”

“Yep, a lot of us didn’t hunt them down like we were supposed to. We let them go and just tried to scare them into hiding. If they weren’t seen they weren’t alive. But there are more bad ones than good ones when it comes to my family.”

Kaiden leads Blake out to the dining room and Blake is shocked at what he sees. He sits
at the table and stares out to the room full of people.

“What is your name?” Charles demands


“And what was your mission should you fail to kidnap Zoe?”

“To infiltrate their trust, find my sister, and the hideout in Ireland or at least a location.”

“And have you admitted this to them?”


“And what are your intentions now?

“I would like to take you to the secondary location and have you rescue Marcus and the children.”

“Who is Marcus?”

“My Father.” Zoe says

Gasps fill the room. “There is another King alive?” Bradley asks

“He was caught a few days before she was born and he is being held there. He refuses to bite us and refuses to shift. His Dragon is slowly killing him.” Blake felt the need to explain.

“Kaiden as soon as it is dark I need you to shift and bite these men. They are all ready and willing and have passed the tests that I give. They are a mix of all the races and we will need them. We are going to go save Marcus. We are going to need to take him Immediately to Ireland and you all too. We were going to go kill the Blood Dragon but
now a rescue mission is in order. We will need Marcus.”

“I am sorry sir. After a couple of day
s thinking about it and being with them I told them. I no longer want their deaths. I would like to live and go with you to Ireland.” Blake stammers

.” Gabe says as he gets up to go check it out. Mary grabs the shotgun and follows him out. Michael is curios at this and follows them out. The car comes over the hill and it is John and seems he has two new passengers. Kaiden senses something off and goes outside too.

John and Tia park the car and two more people get out. Kaiden immediatel
y sees her eyes and rushed over to the new girl.

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