The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3) (9 page)

BOOK: The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3)
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“What?  You saw my whole life?  What the hell, Hunter?  That is a gross invasion of my privacy!” I fumed, cutting him off.  “My mem…”

“I’m sorry,” he said firmly, cutting me off in return.  “I can’t control how much information gets transferred or what I see.  It just happens, Skye.”

Styvi Nix jumped down, interrupting our argument, and padded over to Jameson.  I watched as he leaned over in his seat and gently picked her up, placing her on his lap.  She snuggled down into his arms, sighed once, and closed her eyes.  Jameson glanced over to me and shrugged his shoulders.

I looked over at Styvi with pursed lips. 
, I thought unhappily.  I was furious with my vampire ‘friends’ at the moment and she, the canine love of my life, was snuggling up with them.

“As I was saying,” Hunter continued, “When I saw your life, I saw your dreams too.  I was able to see every dream you had after your captivity and your dreams featuring Amun.”

“Did he do something to me?” I asked, terrified of the answer.  “Is he controlling my dreams?”

“Yes,” Hunter said sympathetically, “he is controlling some of your dreams.  For reasons unknown, he is able to dreamwalk with you.  That shouldn’t be possible given that he doesn’t have divine powers.”

“What about drinking the blood of someone who does have the divine power to dreamwalk?” I asked suddenly.  “Do you think he drained another Day Walker?”

“No,” Archer spoke up.  “The only dream walker known to our race died centuries ago.  Amun was in captivity at that time and there is no way that he could have absorbed his power.  Even if he had, you told us that he said the powers given to him through blood don’t last very long.”

“Well, if he didn’t drain someone, how does he have the power to come to me then?” I asked, frustrated.

“I don’t know,” Hunter answered.  “What I was able to read from you, before you had the heart attack, didn’t show me.  I got halfway through your last dream of him when I could go no further because of the distress your body was in.  I saw you stabbing him and I saw him laughing, but that was it.”

“I-I had a heart attack?” I asked incredulously, furiously, as I slowly stood up from my chair.  “You gave me a heart attack?!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I became aware of Seamus and Lochlan.  They had flashed to stand a few feet away from me; ready to intercept me if I attacked someone again.

“Sit down, Morrison,” Hagan growled authoritatively from the couch.  I eyed him with a furrowed brow, but ultimately obeyed.  Hagan could kick my ass six ways from Sunday; I knew that firsthand.  I definitely did not want to tango with him if I didn’t have to.

“Fine,” I growled back, crossing my legs, “but someone needs to explain to me how I had a frickin’ heart attack.”

“Your body couldn’t handle the stress that it was put under,” Archer answered carefully.  “Your heartbeat became too fast and erratic, and you had a mild heart attack.”

“Am I okay now?” I asked fearfully.

“Yes.  Jameson completely healed you.  You are as you were,” Archer explained and I sighed in relief.

“I’m sorry,” Hunter said quietly.

“Stuff your sorrys, mister,” I growled savagely.  “Do you have any idea what you did to me?  Do you know what that felt like?  That was the worst pain I’ve EVER been through!  It burned…like you were setting my blood on fire.  And my mind…it felt like you were ripping my brain in two!  Do you have any idea what that feels like?!”

“That wasn’t supposed to happen!” Hunter yelled, flashing to his feet.  I had never seen Hunter angry before and it shocked me.  He was always the most laidback of everyone in the group.  “Blood sight is a painless process.  I get that it wasn’t in your case, and I’m so sorry for that, but I don’t know what the hell went wrong!  It wasn’t something I did!  It wasn’t my fault, dammit!”

Tóg go bog é, dheartháir
,” Archer said soothingly.  “
Tóg go bog é
.”  He spoke to him briefly in Irish-Gaelic and motioned with his hand for Hunter to take a seat.  Hunter complied and leaned over to rest his head in his hands.  He rubbed his face a few times, sighed and then sat back up.  He was calmer than he was a moment ago, but he was still upset.  Guilt, sorrow, confusion and anger played across his brow.

“I can’t explain what happened to you, Skye,” Archer sighed.  “No one can.  My only guess is that it has something to do with you; your mind.  It seems to be a little different from other human’s minds.  You are able to shield your thoughts from me occasionally and this shouldn’t be possible.”

“But, I don’t always try to keep you out,” I explained, shaking my head.  “And I’m not conscious of the times when I’m actually able to.”

“I know.  Sometimes I hear your thoughts as if you had spoken them aloud.  Sometimes, it’s silence.  I don’t fully understand it myself, but that’s why I say that I believe the issues with Hunter’s blood sight originate with you.”

I was quiet for a few moments as I let all the information I had just been given sink in.  When I looked back up at Archer, I wasn’t livid anymore; I was deeply, deeply hurt.  “Why didn’t you just tell me?” I asked softly, my face crinkled with the pain I felt.  “Why not explain what you thought was happening and let me agree to you reading me?  I would have consented to it if I had known all the facts.  What you did to me…it’s unforgiveable.  You held me down against my will and mind-raped me.  I was absolutely terrified.  I thought Hunter was trying to kill me.”

I sighed as I stood up and fought the sting of tears.  “What you, Trey, and Hunter did to me…y’all are no better than Amun.  He tortured me to get what he wanted and so did you.” 

I turned to gaze out the window and suddenly, desperately, wanted to get out of the house.  I knew I couldn’t go anywhere on my own because of Amun’s ever-present threat, so poolside would have to suffice.  Without another word, I hobbled on one shoe out the back door.



Chapter Eight



After stripping down to my white bra and boy shorts, I dove into the cool waters of Archer’s pool and began doing laps free-style.  I had to do something physical to take my mind off the inner pain that I was experiencing.  I focused on each stroke, each kick, and each turn.  I threw myself into the workout and didn’t stop until my body forced me to.

I climbed out of the pool and noticed Killian standing on the far edge of the backyard.  He had his back to me and he was actively scanning our surroundings for danger.  I walked over to the patio table and found a bottle of water and a towel next to my clothes.  I was glad someone brought them out to me, but I was also glad they didn’t try to stop and talk to me.  I wasn’t ready to see anyone just yet; my emotions were still too raw.  I wrapped up in the fluffy white towel, chugged the bottle of water and made myself comfortable on one of the loungers.  The warm rays of the sun felt heavenly against my cool, dewy skin. 

I was almost asleep when a shadow suddenly crossed my face, blocking the light and heat.  I opened my eyes, shielding them with my hand, and saw Pádraig standing beside me.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but Trey wanted me to tell you that everyone leaves for work in an hour,” he said carefully.  “If you were planning on going tonight, you might want to get ready.”

“Uh, thank you Pádraig,” I said a bit uneasily.  To say I was a little gun-shy around vampires right now was a huge understatement; they made me positively panicky.  “I’ll go get ready.”

I sat up and grabbed my bundle of clothes and my one black, Converse Chuck Taylor sneaker and started walking back to the house.

“You know,” Pádraig said behind me and I stopped to glance back at him.  “Trey is a good person, Miss Morrison.  He would have never done anything to intentionally hurt you.  He wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone.  He’s very upset with himself right now and I don’t like seeing him that way.”

I fully turned around, cocked my head to the side in deep thought and stared at him. 

Pádraig rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and sighed.  “He loves you, you know.  You’re the closest thing to a real sister he’s ever had.  Knowing that he hurt you and knowing that you’ll never forgive him for it…well, it’s tearing him up inside.”

“How do you know all this?” I questioned.

“I can read minds like Archer…and Trey told me some.  We…talk.  A lot,” he answered nervously and a bit cautiously.

My eyes got wide as he finished his sentence.  I don’t know why I had never seen it before now, but it all suddenly made sense.  The late night talks by the pool, Trey keeping Pádraig company on his watch shifts, them always riding home together from The Mausoleum, and how Pádraig was more relaxed and open around Trey than with anyone else.  I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. 

“You and Trey make a good couple, Pádraig,” I said honestly.  “I’m glad he has you.” 

With that I turned back around and made my way through the back door and straight to my room.  Thankfully, everyone was in their own rooms getting ready for the night, so I didn’t have to face anybody.  I dreaded going to work this evening but I knew I was going to need the money if I was quitting. 
Maybe Dan will take me back at Drop Kick’s
, I thought hopefully.

I hopped in the shower, rinsing off all the chlorine, then toweled off and quickly blew my long hair dry.   I carefully did my makeup next, wearing it extra dark to match my mood, and I put on a mixture of blood red and black lipstick, giving me the darkest red lips possible.  I chose a black vinyl tank mini dress, fishnets, and black thigh-high stiletto boots to complete the look.  After throwing on some perfume and a few gothic jewelry items, I grabbed my messenger bag and prepared to walk out of my room. 
Remain calm, get to the club, do your job, and remember to breathe
, I thought silently. 
You’ll be out of here and away from these monsters before you know it.

I opened the door and froze; fear suddenly coursing through me at the thought of being around vampires all night long.  I was terrified of being hurt and I definitely didn’t trust them right now.  I popped my head out into the hallway and looked both ways.  No one was around, so I tiptoed down to Archer’s office and quietly opened the door.  He wasn’t in there, thank God, so I went over to the weapons case on the wall, pulled out a drawer, and selected a silver dagger.  I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt me again and would go down fighting if I had to.  I quickly slipped the eight-inch dagger into the inside of my thigh-high boots and shut the drawer.  I turned around just in time to see Archer walk in.

He stopped in his tracks and eyed me cautiously.  “Were you looking for me?”

“Uh..yes,” I stumbled then took a deep breath to calm my sudden racing heart.  “I, uh…was wondering if everyone was ready to go.”

Archer stepped into the room and I unconsciously took a step backward.  He slowly set a stack of papers down on his desk, eyeing me as if I was a wild animal about to bolt, and went back to the door.  “You don’t have to be afraid of me.  I’m not going to hurt you.  I’m sorry I had to do that to you, but I couldn’t take a chance of not knowing if my suspicions were true or not.  Amun is a dangerous creature and we do not yet know the extent of his power or abilities.”

“I-I can’t talk about this right now,” I said, clutching my bag to me.  “Can we please just go?”

Archer sighed, frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair, and opened the door wider.  “After you,” he said and motioned with his hand.

“No, that’s okay,” I said hurriedly.  “I’ll just follow you out.”

He gazed at me sadly before turning and leaving the office.  I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and took another deep one in. 
Get ahold of yourself!
  “Two weeks,” I reminded myself aloud and swallowed hard, stuffed my sudden terror deep down, squared my shoulders and made myself leave the room. 

As I walked into the foyer, everyone was walking out the front door.  As I was the last to leave, Archer held the door open for me again and I bravely made myself walk past him.  I stepped down the drive and was met with another challenge. 
Who the hell do I ride with?
  Trey and Pádraig had the Audi R8, Jameson was sitting in the 911, Hunter and Quinn were in Quinn’s truck, Seamus, Lochlan and Emrick were in the DeVille, Aoife was in the passenger seat of the Lambo so I knew Archer was going to drive, and Killian and Hagan were in the front seat of the Escalade.  I didn’t like my options, but found that the person I feared the least out of the group was Jameson.  I sighed unhappily as I slowly made my way up to the black Porsche. 

I have got to buy a new car
, I thought miserably as I opened the door and slid in.

“Hey,” Jameson said, surprised, wearing a careful smile.  “I’m glad you decided to ride with me.”

“Lesser of two evils,” I mumbled as I buckled my seatbelt, hugged my messenger bag to me, and stared out the passenger door window.

Jameson took the hint and put the car into gear.  We were second to leave and followed Trey and Pádraig down the drive.  As we got onto the highway, Jameson sighed and looked over at me.

“I didn’t know what they were planning to do, Skye; I swear,” he said carefully.  “All I know is that I was asleep in my bed and Emrick came around to everyone’s door and told us that Archer wanted everyone to wait outside the house and to be quick about it.  Pádraig could mentally read the thoughts of you guys inside and started telling us a bit about what was happening.  He conveyed your fear…  I wanted to come to you so bad, but Killian and Pádraig held me back.  You have to believe me, Skye.  I had no idea they were planning to do that to you.”

“Excuses are like assholes, Jameson,” I sighed, still staring out the window. “Everyone’s got one and I couldn’t care less what yours is.”

“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked suddenly, worry etched in his voice.

I sighed as I remembered the horrible events of the day.  “I was just violated beyond all words.  I don’t trust any vampire right now,” I whispered in deep thought.  “How can I be with you if I can’t trust you?  I think it’s better for both of us if we just go our separate ways.  I don’t know if I can ever get past what’s been done to me, Jameson.”

Jameson sighed and started to say something, but decided against it.  Mercifully, he was quiet the rest of the drive downtown; I didn’t have it in me to argue with him about our relationship at the moment. 

When we finally pulled into the employee lot and parked, I got out of the Porsche as quickly as I could and went inside.  As I opened the door to the employee lounge, I noticed a group of five or so dancers huddled around someone on the couch.

“What’s going on, guys?” I called out.

Faces turned to look over at me and I got my first glimpse of a tearful Rachel.  She was sitting on the sofa, balling her eyes out, as she repeatedly dabbed at her cheeks with an overly used, shredded tissue.

“What happened?” I asked, hurrying over to her, my brow furrowed with worry.  A few of the dancers stepped back so I could kneel down in front of her.  “Honey, what is it?  Are you hurt?”  I glanced down at her jean shorts and Titty Bingo t-shirt looking for injuries.

“I caught my boyfriend in bed with my best friend,” she wailed, burying her face in her hands.

“Oh dear,” I tsked sympathetically as I patted her knee and looked up at the group that was huddled around her.  “How long has she been crying like this?”

“She was here thirty minutes ago when I got here and she has been crying the whole time,” Peyton offered sympathetically.

“Honey, why don’t you go home and take it easy.  You don’t have to be here.  I’ll cover for you, sweetie,” I offered gently, but that only made her cry harder.

“What did I say wrong?” I asked Peyton, horrified that I seemed to have said something I shouldn’t have.

“She caught them in her apartment…in her bed.  Her best friend shares the two bedroom apartment with her,” Eden whispered in my ear.

“Oh hell,” I sighed.  “What a cold-hearted bitch.”  I stood up and quickly stowed my messenger bag in my locker and went back over to Rachel.  “Honey, come with me,” I said, extending my hand to her.  Rachel gazed up at me, confused, but took my hand and allowed me to help her up off the couch.

“If I’m not back by the time the club opens, make sure everyone is dressed and where they need to be, okay Eden?  I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Piece of cake, boss lady,” she smiled sadly as she reached over to tuck Rachel’s hair behind her ear and addressed her.  “Feel better soon, babe.”

I put my hand on Rachel’s back and steered her toward the door and out into the hall.  I led her into the stockroom and had her sit down on one of the many boxes.  After making sure she was comfortable, I went over to the massive wall of liquor and spirits and mulled over the selection.

“Jose, Jack, or Johnnie?” I questioned over my shoulder.

“Jack,” she sniffled.

I took a bottle of Jack Daniels from the shelf, cracked the top, took in a huge mouthful, and passed it to her as I sat down on a box beside her.  “Some men can be right selfish pigs, Rachel,” I sighed.  “I loathe cheaters.”

“Me too,” she said before tilting the bottle up.  She swallowed a mouthful and coughed, obviously not used to the bite and burn of hard liquor.  “I can’t believe they did this to me.”

“How long were y’all together?” I asked carefully.

“8 months,” she answered as she dabbed her eyes.  “We were going to move in together.”

I tsked.  “Well honey, I hate to risk sounding insensitive here, but you really dodged a bullet,” she nodded her head, listening, as I continued.  “I know it really sucks what he did to you, but isn’t it worth finding out now what a pig he is instead of coming home a year from now, to the house you share, and finding him in bed with someone else then?    At least now you know that he’s an unfaithful bastard.   You’re free to move on to bigger and better, baby.  You’re a knockout, honey, and a catch at that; any guy will be damn lucky to land you.”

“You think?” she sniffed up at me.

“I know,” I answered, patting her knee.  “And, I know you’re heartbroken now, but just give it a few months.  Soon, that asshole will be a distant memory.”

She nodded and looked down at her hands.  “I know I shouldn’t have come into work today; I’m a mess, but I couldn’t bear to be in the same house with that traitorous bitch.”

“I know what you mean,” I sighed, thinking of my own traitorous roommates.  “But, I’m glad you came in.  The club is always open to you, Rach, and me and the dancers are here for you as well,” I said, passing her back the bottle of Jack.  “I was…having a bad day myself,” I admitted quietly.  “I’m glad I have a drinking buddy.”

“What happened to you?” she asked.

I sighed and pursed my lips. “Let’s just say we’re in a similar boat.”

“Did Jameson cheat on you?” she gasped.

“No, no, no,” I replied hurriedly, “nothing like that.  I was talking about not being able to trust men.”  She looked confused and I shook my head.  “You know what?  Let’s not talk about my problems right now; we’ll be here all day if we do.  Let’s just get drunk.”

“What about work?  Shouldn’t I go get ready to dance?”

BOOK: The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3)
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