The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3) (6 page)

BOOK: The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3)
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“Killian, take me to the club,” I said, climbing over the console and into the front seat.  I needed to get as far away from Jameson as possible right now.  I was angry at him, angry at myself, and hurt beyond words at the memory of Jesse’s death.

“What?” Jameson asked, shocked. 

“Miss Morrison, I have strict instructions from Mr. Rhys to take you straight home,” Killian said apologetically.

“Drive me to the club or I’ll get out and walk there.  Your call, Killian,” I said heatedly as I grabbed the door handle.

Killian glanced uncertainly at me but didn’t stop the car.

“Do it,” Emrick said from the backseat.

Killian gave in with a sigh and turned the car toward the club.

“This is ridiculous, Skye,” Jameson scoffed from the backseat. 

“No, your treatment of me right now is ridiculous,” I said quietly.  “I’m not talking about this any further.”

Jameson sighed.  “You will once Archer finds out what you’ve done.”

“Lay off me!” I turned around in my seat and faced Jameson, my voice a barely contained yell.  “I fucked up, alright?  I’m human; we make mistakes.  I’ll tell Archer when I get to the club and I will deal with the consequences.  Right now I don’t want to hear another word from you about it.”  My heart constricted with rage and pain.  Fighting with Jameson was unbearable.  I couldn’t stand his disappointment in me and I definitely couldn’t stand how he was talking to me at the moment.  The car ride to The Mausoleum couldn’t end quickly enough.  I desperately needed out of that car.  I wanted to get as far away from Jameson as I could before we both said something we would later regret.

Killian pulled up to the club a minute later and I turned to him.  “If you don’t mind, Killian, will you please do me a favor?  I need you to pick up my dog from my house.  It’s on the way.”  I dug around in my messenger bag and retrieved my house keys.  “Jameson can give you directions and he has access to my home.  I’d like a bag packed for her if you don’t mind.  She’ll need food, toys and treats for her stay with me.  I’m sorry to ask this of you, but I really don’t have another option right now.”

He nodded his head and accepted my proffered keys.  “It’s okay.  I don’t mind.”

I turned and thanked Emrick for dancing with me and exited the vehicle as fast as I could.  I couldn’t bear to look at Jameson.

I ran to the back door and bumped smack into Brian, one of our dancers, as I entered.  He was with a group of fellow dancers who were exiting the club for the night.

“Skye!” Courtney greeted as she hugged me.  “We missed you tonight.”

I made quick small talk and excused myself as gently as I could.  It was closing time and I was headed straight to the first floor bar for a stiff drink.

As I walked onto the main floor, Trey spotted me from his barstool and waved me over.

“What are you doing here?” Trey asked as he patted the seat next to him.  “Have a seat honey.”

“Bad night,” I sighed as I sat down next to him, put my elbows on the bar and my head in my hands.

“Hey, darlin’,” Hunter greeted me in his deep southern accent.  “You look like you could use a drink.  What can I get you?”

“Something strong please, Hunter,” I mumbled.  “Surprise me.”

Trey put his hand on my back and gently rubbed up and down its length.  “Anger, disappointment, sorrow, guilt,” he sighed, reading my emotions.  There was nothing anyone could hide from Trey, emotionally speaking.  If you felt it, so did he.

“Like I said, honey…bad night,” I sighed again as I looked up at him.  “I really fucked up and I really need to talk to Archer.  Is he in his office?”

Trey shook his head, his brow furrowed with sympathy.  “He left earlier with those suits he was meeting with.”

“They weren’t all just suits,” I frowned, speaking barely above the tiniest whisper.  I remembered my phone call to him and the girl giggling in the background.  Feelings of jealousy and anger took flame in me once again and I swallowed hard as I blushed.  Trey was definitely picking up on my emotions, because he sighed and hugged me.

“Oh, honey,” he soothed.  “It’s just business.”

“I can’t talk about this anymore,” I said as Hunter set down a tall glass in front of me with purple liquid inside of it.  I was feeling entirely emotionally drained at the moment and didn’t want to discuss anything too deep.

Aoife, Lochlan, Quinn, and Seamus, Archer’s vampire children, and my co-workers joined us then and sat down at the bar.  Pádraig wasn’t far behind.  I greeted them and asked how their night was.  Hunter politely slid them each a small glass of amber liquid and I quietly sipped my drink as I watched them chit chat and laugh with each other. 

The drink Hunter gave me tasted light and fruity, but obviously packed a serious punch.  Soon, I was joining more in the conversations and even joked around a bit with the guys as my bad mood started to ebb away.  Trey smiled at my change of emotions and ordered us all another round.  About an hour later, the cleaning crew had finished for the night and we all decided to head back to Archer’s house.

I chose to ride home in the Porsche 911 with Pádraig and Trey.  Since it was a two-seater, I sat on Trey’s lap as Pádraig drove us home.  As always, per safety protocol, we drove together as a pack.  Since only one guard was with us, Pádraig, our car brought up the rear.

The drive to the lake went quick.  Trey and I were both feeling pretty inebriated and giddy, so we hooked up his iPod to the stereo and blasted Carly Rae Jepsen’s ‘Call Me Maybe’ on repeat.  We sang at the top of our lungs and developed a whole dance routine with our hands as we crooned along.  Even straight-laced Pádraig let loose and joined in on the chorus a few times.  If it had been any other guardian singing along, I would have been completely flabbergasted, but Pádraig was a little different from everyone else.  He had barely been 18 years old when he was turned and still knew how to have a good time.  Plus, he seemed to let his guard down a little more when he was around Trey. 

We pulled up to the house and Trey and I immediately jumped out of the car, leaving the door open and the music blaring, and began to dance in the driveway. 

“And all the other boooooys try to chaaaaase me.  But here’s my number, so call me maybe!” Trey and I sang along loudly as we skipped about; my hair whipping, our slender shoulders shimmying to the beat.

I heard a few laughs as everyone else exited their cars, and even a clap or two, but I wasn’t paying much attention.  I was drunk and having a blast with one of my best friends.  After the night I had, letting loose with Trey was just what the doctor ordered.

I heard barking coming from the front of the house and stopped dancing as I saw Styvi Nix run down the driveway toward me.

“Oh my gosh! Hi, Styvi baby!” I squealed in delight as I squatted down and allowed her to tackle me to the ground.  She whimpered with excitement as she covered my face and neck with furious licks.  I laughed with joy as I rolled on the ground with her and showed her all the attention she could handle.  I had missed her terribly these last three weeks and was so glad to have her back.

“I’ve missed you so much, super star,” I cooed as I rubbed her head and scratched behind her ears.  “Were you a good girl for your Aunt Nikki?”  She yipped a few times and acknowledged my words to her.  She couldn’t understand all of them, but I knew she got the general idea. 

I heard laughter off to my left and tore my gaze away from Styvi Nix to see Jameson standing at the head of the driveway.  He had his arms crossed over his chest and was chuckling at our display.

“I see someone missed you,” he grinned.

“Of course she missed me,” I replied, the smile sliding from my face.  I was still mad at him.

“I was talking to the dog, love,” he laughed at his own joke.

I pursed my lips at the joke, got up off the concrete, scooped up Styvi in my arms, and headed toward the front door.

As I passed Jameson without so much as a glance in his direction, he spoke up.   “Baby, come on.  You can’t still be mad at me,” he said gently, his voice filled with regret.  “I’m sorry.”

I didn’t say a word as I walked in the door, through the house and into my room.  I shut the door firmly and sat down with my back against it.  I wasn’t ready to make up with Jameson just yet.  His harsh words still rang loud in my ears.  I wasn’t just angry at him; I was angry at myself.  Angry that I had to lie to an obviously grief-stricken Lola and angry that I went against what Archer and An Dílis planned out as Jesse’s excuse for coming up missing. 

I sighed as I looked down at the gorgeous puppy sitting contentedly in my lap.  “I’m glad you’re here, superstar.  I’m going to need your cuddles tonight.”  Sensing my mood, she craned her neck up and licked my chin.  “Thanks, girl.  You always know how to make me feel better.”

With my good mood gone, I decided to take a quick shower and get ready for bed.  After blow-drying my hair and putting on lotion, I crawled into bed and snuggled down in the white silk bed sheets.  They felt cool and silky against my naked skin and I sighed as I relaxed into them.  Styvi Nix promptly jumped up onto the bed, nudged her way under the blanket, and firmly snuggled up against me.  Her warmth soon radiated into me and I quickly fell asleep.



Chapter Five



I was dreaming that I was shopping at the Christian Louboutin boutique in Paris.  The sales lady had just brought me a gorgeous pair of lavender peep-toe pumps and I eagerly sat down to try them on.  As I reached down to grab a shoe out of the box, the box melted away and so did the store.  It was replaced by a stark, dark room.  The only feature in the room was the red door which stood in front of me.

“What the hell?” I asked aloud as I stared at the door.  I slowly walked toward it and grabbed ahold of the cold metal handle.  The phrase
Curiosity killed the cat
briefly came to mind, but I dismissed it and bravely turned the handle.

To my shock, the door opened to my living room in north-central Austin.  I cautiously stepped through and looked around.  Everything was just as I left it.  I smiled at the feeling of being home and promptly walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.  I put the water in the kettle and set it on the stove to heat up.  As I was opening the cabinet to retrieve my favorite mug, I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I whirled around and, to my immense horror, Amun was standing in the doorway watching me.  I screamed out in terror and ran to the back door.  I tried opening it but it was locked.  I fumbled with the deadbolt for a few seconds, but it was no use.  The deadbolt wasn’t what was keeping the door from opening.  I quickly ran to the side door that led to my garage, but was horrified to find that that door wouldn’t open as well.

“Do not be afraid,” Amun said calmly from behind me.

I spun around to find him a mere twelve inches from my body.  I started hyperventilating with the panic I felt and pushed myself as far as I could up against the locked door.  “You’re not real. You’re not real. You’re not real,” I repeated aloud over and over as I tightly squeezed my eyes closed.  I knew that at any moment I would wake up in my bed and be safe and sound.

“I assure you child, I am very real,” he said as I felt him gently grab my hand.  “Come.  Let’s sit and talk.”

I swallowed a scream and tried to think of a way out of this nightmare.  “I have nothing to say to you,” I stumbled and tried to pull my hand out of his, but it was no use.

Amun tsked as he led me over to my couch and sat me down.  He magically produced a steaming cup of Thai milk tea and sat it down on the vintage coffee table in front of me.  “Drink.  You’ll feel better.”

I eyed the mug like it was an alien creature for a few seconds before I turned back to him.  “What do you want from me?” I asked, my chest still heaving with each labored breath.  The panic attack was slowly ebbing away but the intense fear remained.

“Many things,” Amun answered cryptically.  “But today, I just want to talk.”  He sat down next to me on the couch, wisely keeping a few feet between us, and crossed his legs. 

“I-Is this real?” I asked in a whisper as I watched him carefully.  I was prepared to bolt at the first sign of violence. 

Amun glanced around my living room briefly before looking back at me.  “Yes, this is real.  I am real.  I am here in your dreams with you.  I control what you see.”

“Are you going to kidnap me again?” I questioned, my bottom lip trembling.

“No.  There is no need.”

“Are you going to hurt me?”

“No, child.  Hurting you does not serve my purpose,” he said gently.

“W-What is your p-purpose with me?” I stumbled.

“Drink your tea,” he said instead of answering my question. 

I fearfully picked up the mug and brought it to my trembling lips.  I didn’t want to make Amun mad by not honoring his simple request, so I obliged him.  I blew into it a few times and took a tentative sip.  The tea was plain, just how I liked it, and hot.  The liquid felt divine as it slid soothingly down my throat.  I stared down at my cup and realized just how real everything seemed.

“Am I really here…in my house?”

“No,” Amun shook his head, a small smile upon his lips.  “You are asleep in your bed.”

“Are you at my house?” I asked fearfully. 

Amun smirked at me but did not answer the question.  “How was your day?”

I gaped at him a few moments. 
Is he really asking me how my day was?
  This conversation was abnormally normal. 
What the hell is he trying to do?

 “I’m trying to have a conversation with you, my child.  I just want to know how you are.  Are you being well cared for?”

I swallowed thickly and looked down at my mug.  “This isn’t some kind of trick?  You honestly just want to know how I am?”

“Precisely.  No tricks, Skye,” he said gently.  “Are the Day Walkers treating you well?  Are your needs being met?”

“A-Archer treats me very well,” I said quietly before taking another sip of tea.  “They all treat me well.  I’m like a part of their family.”

“Oh that’s wonderful,” Amun said as he clasped his hands together in his lap.  “That pleases me.”

I was so confused.  Now he cared about my wellbeing?  Back in that basement in east Austin, he couldn’t have cared less about me or how I was being treated.  He personally inflicted pain upon me and as of yet made no apologies for it.  I started getting angry just thinking about how horrifically he treated me those few weeks ago. 

“What the hell does it matter to you how I’m being treated?  You sure as hell didn’t care when Martin almost drained me or when you were slapping me around and ripping my hair out.  Why the fuck do you care now?” I asked, getting madder and madder with each word that came out of my mouth.  By the end, I was positively seething with rage; rage in which I have never felt the likes.

“Anger looks delectable on you, my child,” Amun smiled sinisterly.  “You are going to be absolutely beautiful when I am done with you.”

  “What do you mean ‘when you are done’ with me?” I yelled, my hands shaking with the anger I felt.  “You said you weren’t going to kidnap me again!  Were you just lying to me?  Is this all just some kind of game for you?”

“I speak the truth,” Amun answered calmly.  “I will not take you against your will again.  You are not a game to me, child.  There is much you do not understand but, with time, I will explain them to you.  Right now, I’d like you to tell me how you feel.”

“How I feel?!” I growled, my eyes narrowed and my nostrils flaring with intense rage.  “How I feel?!  Right now, I feel like I want to launch myself across this couch and rip your head from your shoulders.”

“Good,” Amun grinned.  “Very good.  What else?”

A silver dagger suddenly appeared in my left hand and I looked down at it excitedly.  I threw my tea filled mug haphazardly to the side and launched myself at him.  He instantly evaporated from the couch and I heard his laugh coming from a few feet away.  He was now sitting in my Pedro Friedeberg hand chair; his legs crossed casually and a delighted smile on his face.

I growled savagely as I scrambled up from the couch and flung myself in his direction.  He stood up just as I reached him and I plunged the dagger over and over again into his torso.  We toppled to the ground, me on top of him, as I continued my assault.  I was going to kill him and the thought made me insanely happy.  I wanted to see his thick red blood coat my milky white alabaster skin; I wanted to bathe myself in the sticky sweet blood of my kill.

I plunged the knife into him again and again, my mind filled with the deepest sense of rage and happiness that I’d ever felt, and I began to smile.  I became vaguely aware of laughter and it broke me out of my murderous haze.  Amun was on his back, laughing; a delighted smile upon his face.

“You are so beautiful,” he laughed happily.  “You are perfect.”

I quickly looked at the dagger in my hand and then back at his torso.  There was no blood; no marks of any kind on him.  I crawled off of him and dropped the knife as I sat back on my heels. 
What the hell just happened? 
I felt the drag on the knife as it entered his flesh.
I felt it! 
I looked back over at him as he sat up and adjusted his black evening jacket.  He was perfectly fine; completely uninjured and still laughing.

“You did very well, child,” Amun grinned.  “You have pleased me this night.”

He stepped over to me and I gazed up at him.  I was still in absolute shock.  I had never felt anything like the emotions I had just experienced; never in my life had I been so thrilled to murder someone. 
I wanted his blood.  I actually wanted to bathe myself in his blood.  What the hell is happening to me?!

“You are evolving, my sweet,” Amun whispered as he reached down to stroke my cheek.  Panic swelled as I got ready to run from him.  “Hush, my child,” he whispered soothingly.  He began talking to me in a language I had never heard before.  His words quickly soaked into me and caressed my soul.  They touched some deep part of me and I instantly became calm.

,” I whispered as I looked up at him adoringly.  I spoke in another language, but the fact didn’t seem to register with me.

,” he smiled as he stroked my hair.  “
.  I will be with you again soon.”

My house started to fade away, taking Amun with it.  “
,” I cried out as I lifted my hand to try and hold on to him.




I awoke with a start and frantically glanced around my room.  The clock on the iPod dock read 4:45am.  I was drenched in sweat and my heart was racing.  My dream suddenly came flooding back to me as a sob tore itself from my chest.  I was so confused and terrified.  Part of me despised Amun and was glad to be out of that nightmare, but the other part of me was missing him terribly. 

I began crying harder as my inner emotions warred. 
Is he going to come back and kidnap me?
Yes, please.  Come to me.
  I was terrified of these feelings and threw the covers back, bolted out of bed, and left my room.  I had only one thing on my mind and that was feeling safe; I needed to be with someone right now.

As I looked desperately up and down the dark, quiet hallway, I spotted my salvation.  I opened the door without thought and ran at the end of his bed.

“Archer?” I needfully called out to the dark form in his bed.

Archer stirred and sat up.  “Skye?  What’s wrong?”

A sob ripped itself from my chest and suddenly the light was on and Archer was standing right in front of me.  

“What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly as he searched my face.  “
, what is it?”

I flung myself to his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.  I held on to him for all I was worth as I cried.

Archer enveloped me in his arms and held me tightly to his chest as he stroked my hair.  He whispered soothing words to me as he kissed the top of my head.

It felt so good to be in his arms; I truly felt safe there. 
I don’t know what the hell is going on but Amun will never be able to get to me here
, I thought as I cried.

A few minutes later, my tears had slowed down to the point where I could speak and I lifted my head up to look at Archer.

He worriedly gazed back and forth between my eyes.  “What’s wrong, Skye?  Tell me, please.”

“I-I had a bad dream,” I sniffed as he gently wiped the tears from my cheeks.  “It was bad…very, very bad.”

“Oh, love,” he sighed as he pulled me to his chest again.  “You’re safe now.  Nothing can happen to you here.  I made sure of that.”

I sighed, trying to calm myself, as I held on to him. 
I’m safe
, I repeated silently. 
Nothing can happen to me here.

Archer squeezed me tighter.  “That’s right, baby.  You’re safe,” he repeated, reading my mind.

I nodded my head and leaned back from him.  “Thank you,” I whispered timidly.  “I’m sorry.”

“No,” Archer said sternly.  “Don’t ever be sorry for coming to me, Skye; I’m glad you did.  I’m here for you, day or night, always.”

I nodded my head, feeling silly for disturbing him, as I stepped back from him and looked down at my hands.  I suddenly realized that I was stark naked.  My eyes flashed to Archer and he was only wearing a pair of black silk boxers.

“Shit!” I cried out as I tried covering myself quickly with my arms.  “I-I-I…,” I stumbled, but words completely failed me.  I was standing butt assed naked in my boss/crush’s bedroom.

Archer quickly turned and retrieved his shirt from the chair by his bed.  He politely averted his eyes as he draped the long sleeved button down around my shoulders and pulled it closed.  I slid my arms into the sleeves as Archer politely fastened it for me.  Using his vampire speed, he made quick work of the buttons and soon he was helping me roll up the too-long shirt sleeves.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered as my cheeks flushed red hot with embarrassment.

“Stop apologizing, love,” Archer smiled fondly down at me.  “It’s okay, really.  You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

I glanced over my shoulder at his bedroom door and dreaded leaving.  I didn’t want to sleep alone for fear of the nightmares returning; I was terrified of seeing Amun again. 

BOOK: The Original Sin (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #3)
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