The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance (9 page)

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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Understanding lit his passion-filled eyes. “In my jeans.” He dug out his wallet and ripped it open, taking out a small foil wrapped package and placing it on the nightstand.

He tilted her chin up and kissed her once more. Her hands fluttered against his bare shoulders, his flesh
warm to her touch. Cole eased her back on the bed until she lay down against the cool cotton sheet, her head resting on a soft pillow, the bed surprisingly comfortable.

Let me see you,” he rasped, unsnapping her bra and pulling the straps down until her generous breasts were bared to his hungry gaze.

She gasped as he brushed his thumb over each stiff peak in turn. Never had her breasts felt so sensitive before. The pad of his thumb against her aching nipple made her shiver with longing … for him.

Tossing her bra onto the empty side of the bed, Cole continued his exploration, his warm lips trailing a path of fire toward her belly, taking special care with her ribcage. She held her breath when his nimble fingers unfastened her skirt. Parting the zipper, he peeled down the dark fabric, until her whole body was exposed to him, only her lacy panties shielding her from his passionate gaze.

What was he thinking now he could see her naked body? Was her belly too fat? And her thighs? They were so plump and soft. She shifted restlessly beneath him. Her body wanted so much more, something she knew instinctively only he could give her, but did he still desire her now that he saw what she really looked like?

“Let me love you.” He caressed her thigh, his finger brushing the leg of her panties, before trailing up her stomach.

Yes,” she breathed, clutching his back, his powerful muscles shifting and flexing beneath her fingertips.

His mouth covered hers hungrily while at the same time he tugged down her panties, the silky fabric whispering against her skin. Phoebe’s hands moved lower, until they grazed the waistband of his briefs.

“Phoebe,” he groaned, his lips descending along her body, until they explored her hot, wet folds.

She arched beneath him, excitement swirling through her. His tongue and lips on her secret nub felt so delicious. Finally exploding underneath him, her body writhed and shuddered before she coasted back to earth.

For a second she couldn’t move. She’d never experienced
so intense before. Suddenly aware of his body poised over hers, she smiled tremulously at him. That was--”

Just the beginning,” he finished hoarsely. He fused his mouth to hers, his body lowering over her bare flesh until she could almost feel his weight on top of her. He grazed her ribcage with his fingers. “I’ll be careful,” he promised, kissing her neck before his lips closed over her hard, sensitive nipple.

Warmth engulfed her at his thoughtfulness. She’d been right to take a chance on this man, this moment. She gloried in the evidence against her hip that he was still attracted to her, even now, when she was totally
nude and lying underneath him.

He yanked off his briefs, reaching for the foil wrapped package. A rip sounded in the air.

“Are you ready for me, sweetheart?” He expertly rolled the rubber sheath on his large, hard shaft.

His finger teased her inner lips and she squirmed, wanting more of his touch, but also wanting him. Inside her. Now.

“Yes,” she gasped. “

Cole gently parted her thighs a little wider, easing himself into her snug channel. Her breathing shredded, her fingertips digging into the small of his back as they became one.

“So good,” he muttered, withdrawing slightly and then thrusting back into her. Cole surged into her again and again, gently at first, then harder and faster. Phoebe wrapped her legs around his waist, gasping at the extra friction. Never had she felt so cherished, yet so desired. She moaned against his lips, unable to believe that she was going to climax once more.

Cole!”  Her whole body quaked
with ecstasy at the same time Cole increased his thrusts, finding his own release in her honeyed depths.

Her arms wrapped tightly around him, Phoebe’s thoughts drifted, an occasional aftershock spasming through her. Sex had never been so wonderful. Until Cole. Until now. She’d never felt so complete and fulfilled as she did right at this very moment.



A loud buzzing sounded close by. Phoebe stirred, realizing her arms were trapped. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself nestled in Cole’s embrace. A glow swept through her as she remembered the incredible lovemaking they’d just shared.

Cole muttered something, his arm groping for his clothes on the floor. A moment later, he was out of bed, reaching for his jeans.

“Cole Trask.”

Her eyes feasted on him as he answered his cell. He had his back to her, and the firm planes of his muscled torso and tight butt made her stomach flutter.

“Okay, thanks.” He snapped the phone shut and turned to her, seemingly oblivious to his nudity. “That was the mechanic. The SUV’s ready.”

So soon?” Her eyes flickered to the digital alarm clock next to the bed. “Oh!” They’d been in the motel room nearly three hours.

Cole grinned, planting a tender kiss on her bare shoulder. “Want to use the bathroom first?”

She stared up at him, heat rising in her cheeks as images of them entwined in the bed flashed through her mind. “No, you have it first.” They might have just made love, but was she ready for him to see her nude after the heat of passion left his eyes?

I’ll only be a few minutes,” he promised, picking up his clothes and striding toward the bathroom.

Phoebe flopped back against the pillows, admiring his nude form once more. Then, realizing this was her chance to dress in privacy, she jumped out of bed and yanked on her clothes. She’d just finished tucking in her blouse when Cole opened the bathroom door.

“All yours.” He gestured to the tiny room.

She glanced shyly at him. Her hair must look a mess. As she passed, he pulled her to him, claiming her lips. Melting into the kiss, she wound her arms around his neck.

Cole eventually ended the kiss. “We’ll get going as soon as you’re ready.”

Okay.” She smiled up at him, wondering if the love she felt for him shone in her eyes, and half hoping it wasn’t. What if this was just a casual fling because of their proximity and attraction to each other? She’d been attracted to this man ever since she’d jumped into his car, but had it been the same for him? Or had his offer to help her been purely altruistic?

And now? What were his feelings towards her? She wanted to blurt out she loved him, but something made her hold back. She didn’t know if she could bear for her heart to be crushed if he didn’t feel the same way towards her.

Phoebe closed the bathroom door and then realized she’d left her purse in the other room. Her hair didn’t look too bad though, and after finger-combing her locks a few times, she didn’t look as if she’d just spent a passionate afternoon in bed - except for her slightly swollen and reddened lips.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. She could do this. She was twenty-seven years old. It had been her choice to have sex with Cole - beautiful, amazing sex. And she knew she’d never regret it.

“Ready?” He reached out his hand. Her
pulse pounded.

Ready,” she murmured, placing her small hand in his large, capable one.

They walked to the repair shop hand-in-hand, her arm tingling at the contact, wondering if they were actually a couple now. Resolving to just enjoy the moment and not continue to wonder what Cole was thinking, Phoebe wished the garage was a little further away.

After listening to the mechanic’s explanation of what he’d fixed, Cole thanked the man and paid him from his roll of cash. Not an expert on cars, half the conversation was lost to Phoebe. Cole ushered her into the SUV and in a couple of minutes they were on their way.

They drove through Nebraska on the way back to Cheyenne. She couldn’t help continually glancing at Cole. Nothing had been mentioned about their intimacy
and she didn’t want to be the first one to bring it up. Although he’d said she was beautiful, it could have been the passion of that moment. Did he still think she was beautiful right now? Could he see himself dating a curvy girl with plump thighs, ample breasts and a rounded stomach that she couldn’t suck in, no matter how long she held her breath?

Not long now.” Cole finally spoke, his eyes on the road.

No,” she agreed, a hint of sadness in her voice. Once she returned Mrs. Miller’s coin, it would all be over - apart from discovering if she was going to be arrested for theft. And she knew Victor would fire her - he probably already had. Although she wasn’t sorry about no longer working for him, she hoped he wouldn’t get away with what he had tried to do to Mrs. Miller.

They stopped for a quick break at yet another fast food place, Phoebe savoring the chocolate shake as its creamy coolness slipped down her throat. She must have put on some extra pounds over the last few days, but right now she couldn’t be sorry about it if it meant that she spent time with Cole.

She watched him gulp down his soda, his throat muscles working against the tanned column of his neck. Awareness rushed through her. Whatever happened, she was glad she’d met Cole Trask.

Just before they left the parking lot, Cole’s phone buzzed. He spoke briefly, then ended the call. “That was my friend who’s still on the force,” he told her. “There have been several people in the past who’ve complained about Blackwood cheating them, but when it came down to it, none of them pressed charges.” He shook his head. “My friend handled one case, and he said the elderly man came in one day looking scared and withdrew his complaint.”

Phoebe looked thoughtful. “Maybe he prefers to try and defraud senior citizens because he thinks it’s easier.”

You could be right,” he muttered. “The sooner he’s behind bars, the better.”

Soon, they reached the outskirts of Cheyenne. Cole punched in Mrs. Miller’s address into the GPS and they proceeded to her house in an older residential section of the city.

Phoebe wiped her hands on her capris. Excited she - no, they - had finally reached their destination, she couldn’t help feeling apprehensive.

Cole parked in front of a modest brick ranch-style house. He turned off the ignition, then captured her hand. Pulse skittering, she turned to look at him.

“You’ll be fine,” he informed her, his mouth crooking into a reassuring smile. “And I’ll be right by your side.”

She returned his smile, instantly feeling more at ease. She was so glad she’d met him. Even if they went their separate ways after this, she’d always cherish their brief time together.

But I want more,
a treacherous voice inside her protested.

They walked along the path together in the late evening darkness, Phoebe grasping her purse. Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell. A melodious chime sounded inside the house, and then slow footsteps approached the other side of the door.

“Who is it?” Mrs. Miller called out.

Phoebe Lancaster.” She glanced at Cole. “And Cole Trask. We spoke on the phone earlier today. You came into Victor Blackwood’s antique store a few days ago to ask about your coin.”

Just a minute.”

Phoebe heard the sound of a bolt and then the wooden door creaked open. Mrs. Miller peered at her, then her face broke into a smile.

“Yes, you’re the young lady who helped me.”

That’s right, ma’am.” Her heart thudded in her chest. “I’ve come to return your coin and to explain why I took it in the first place. You see, I--”

And who’s this?” The elderly lady looked directly at Cole.

Cole Trask.” He held out his hand. “I’ve been helping Phoebe. I’m a private investigator, licensed with the city of Cheyenne.” He took out his wallet and held up his I.D.

Mrs. Miller stared at him for a moment longer, then opened the screen door to shake his hand. “You’re a good looking private eye, that’s for sure.”

A flush of crimson stained his cheekbones, and for a moment Cole looked as if he didn’t know what to say.

Come in.” Mrs. Miller opened the door wider. “We might as well be comfortable while you tell me what’s going on.”

They followed her into a small living room with neat but slightly shabby furniture.

“Sit down.” The elderly lady gestured to a floral two-seater sofa, while she sat in a comfortable looking armchair. “Now, Miss Lancaster, do you have my coin?”

Cole and Phoebe sat side by side on the cozy couch, their thighs touching. A burst of heat flashed through her at the contact.

“Please call me Phoebe, Mrs. Miller.” She
smiled shyly, unzipping her purse and pulling out the tissue-wrapped coin. “Here it is. I’ve been very careful with it.” She rose, handing it to the older woman. “And here’s a written valuation from a coin expert in Pierre, South Dakota.”

Mrs. Miller unwrapped the coin and peered at it. “Yes, that’s my Charlie's coin.” She picked up a pair of reading glasses and unfolded the valuation. “Oh, my.” She looked over at Phoebe. “Is this little coin really worth that much? Fifty thousand dollars?”

“That’s what Mr. Newton thinks,” Phoebe replied. “The coin is dated 280AD, during the short rein of Emperor Proculus. That’s why it’s so valuable, because there haven’t been many coins discovered that were made during his time in power.”

A smile blossomed over Mrs. Miller’s face. “I always knew you weren’t a thief like that Mr. Blackwood said. He tried to get me to press charges against you but I said to him, let’s just wait and see. I’m sure that young lady had a very good reason to take my coin. And, my dear, I’m very glad I followed my instincts.”

Phoebe smiled in relief. So she wasn‘t going to be arrested? “Thank you. The reason I took it in the first place was I overheard Victor--”

Phoebe did what she thought was best in that situation.” Cole cut her off with a warning glance. She frowned at him. Why had he interrupted her?

I’m afraid I never did warm to Mr. Blackwood,” Mrs. Miller admitted.

Me neither.” Phoebe’s mouth tightened as she thought how different her workday had been at the store since Mr. Dawson had retired. Well, she wouldn’t have to worry about working for a crook anymore.

Would you like some coffee?” Mrs. Miller’s eyes twinkled. “Now I know how much my coin is worth, I’m going to have so much fun writing down all the things that need replacing, starting with a new car.”

No, thank you.” Cole spoke for both of them. “It’s getting late and we need to take care of another matter.”

Phoebe turned to him, startled. What other matter? Or was that just a euphemism for Cole taking her home, thanking her for her company and putting her out of his mind - and his heart?

Cole wasn’t like that.

The thought startled her in its intensity. She knew, if whatever they had was going to end tonight, then he would be a gentleman about it and try to let her down easy. Blinking back sudden moisture in the corner of her eyes, she tried to focus on the conversation.

“Now that’s what I call a car.” Mrs. Miller looked out the window at the SUV. “Maybe I should get something like that.”

Cole smiled at the short woman. “It’s a bit of a climb into the driver’s seat.”

Mrs. Miller pointed to her sneaker-clad feet. “Not if I wear these.”

He chuckled. “You’ve got a point.”

After saying their goodbyes, Cole and Phoebe got into the SUV. “Why did you interrupt me when I was about to tell her the truth about Victor?” Puzzlement furrowed her brow.

Because I didn’t want her marching down there accusing him of fraud without any proof,” he returned, starting the engine. “Blackwood sounds like a nasty piece of work. The last thing you need is him suing you for slander.”

She nodded thoughtfully, watching Mrs. Miller’s house recede in the distance. It was comforting to know he was looking out for her. But for how long would he continue to do so?

“Where are we going?” They approached the downtown area.

Blackwood’s store.” His knuckles tightened on the wheel
“I’ve got some unfinished business with the jerk.”


Phoebe’s heart thudded as they pulled up outside the store. The lights were on, although it was way past closing time.

Her finger traced the brown faux leather of her purse. “I need to confront him.” She raised her eyes to Cole. “I need to tell him I know who he really is.”

“I’ll be with you.”

Touched at the caring tone of his voice, she nodded. “Thanks.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He tilted her chin up, looking into her eyes. “I can take care of him.”

She stared at him, torn for a split-second. It would be a lot easier if she just left this to Cole. But she needed to do this - for herself. Her spine stiffened. “I’ve got this.”

He exhaled. “Okay. But I’ll be right by your side. If he tries anything, let me handle him.”

Okay.” Suddenly wishing she’d learned self-defense, Phoebe acquiesced to his demand.

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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