The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance (11 page)

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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“He is,” Phoebe murmured, the memories of the last three months flooding back. Hunky. Dependable. Gruff and growly. An amazing lover.

Take my advice, Phoebe.” Mrs. Miller’s serious tone commanded her attention. “Life’s short. If you can patch things up with him, then do so.” She nodded her head emphatically. “Don’t waste a moment of happiness. I’m just glad I had as much time as I did with my Charlie.”

How long were you married?” Phoebe asked gently.

Nearly forty years. And then his heart went. He was a little older than me, you see,” Mrs. Miller confided. “But I never regretted a moment of our time together. Never.”

Phoebe wondered what she and Cole would look like in forty years’ time. Would they still live in his cabin outside Cheyenne? Would they have grandchildren? Grown-up kids?

She couldn’t imagine anything better than spending the next forty plus years of her life with Cole. Loving. Laughing. Hearing his sexy growl.

Could she trust his words of love?

He wasn’t Scott.
He’d proven that to her in a myriad of ways. She’d just been too gun-shy to see it.

I love him.
She’d been wavering already, wondering if her reaction that night had been a little too hasty. Mrs. Miller’s words made her realize just what she would give up if she remained determined to let her ex-boyfriend’s betrayal rule her whole life.

You’re right.” She smiled, already feeling lighter. “In fact, Cole’s asked me to dinner tonight.” He hadn’t even given her a chance to refuse, just called her that morning, informing her he’d pick her up at seven for dinner and ending the conversation before she could even try to utter an excuse.

That’s the spirit, dear.” The older woman beamed at her. “You say hello to him for me.”

I will,” Phoebe promised. She could hardly wait for the workday to finish.

After Mrs. Miller left the store, she tidied the shelves, trying to keep her mind off tonight.
What would she say to Cole? Would he forgive her for not believing in his love? Today, he’d sent her orchids for the first time, so hopefully he would.

As soon as the store closed, she hurried home. She wanted to look good for Cole. Ninety minutes later, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her little black dress - maybe not so little because she did have a fuller figure - hugged her curves. The matching black heels meant for once she would come up to Cole’s shoulder, instead of his chest, and her hair looked like it had been styled by someone who actually knew what she was doing with a curling iron.

Butterflies somersaulted in her stomach when the doorbell rang. Her hand trembling, she opened the door.

Hi.” She gazed at Cole, looking handsome and sexy in an expensive looking charcoal suit.

He didn’t say anything, just looked at her as if he were trying to memorize her face.

“You’re hurt!” Her eyes widened as she noticed the angry bruise peppering his jaw line. She reached out to touch his face, then pulled back, not wanting to hurt him further. “What happened?”

I’m fine,” he reassured her. “Blackwood took me by surprise, that’s all.”

Victor did this?” Her eyes widened.

He got lucky,” Cole said dismissively. “My friends on the force were closing in on him and Kurt and he must have been feeling the pressure. So he came to visit me. Mrs. Miller’s not the first person he’s tried to swindle, but hopefully she’ll be the last. He was arrested after he left my office with a shiner. Kurt’s in custody as well.” His white teeth flashed in a grin.

Good.” She was glad her ex-boss and his crony were being held to account for their actions, although she wished Cole hadn’t been caught in the crossfire.

Ready to go?” He held out his hand.

She nodded, tentatively placing her hand in his. This was the first time they’d touched in weeks. An electric current raced up her arm, and she closed her eyes, telling herself what a fool she’d been to dismiss his words of love so readily. She only hoped he could forgive her.

Cole made small talk on the way to the restaurant, asking her how her day had been. She’d just finished telling him about Mrs. Miller’s new car when they pulled up outside an upscale restaurant. The elderly lady’s words echoed in her mind as Cole escorted her inside.

The portly maitre d’ led them to a cozy corner table, partially secluded from the rest of the room.

Although she’d lived in Cheyenne for years, she’d never visited this restaurant before. Muted lighting, soft classical music and the swanky furnishings reinforced the fact that this was a very classy place. And her menu didn’t have prices on it.

She took a sip of fancy champagne Cole had ordered, peeking at him from underneath her lashes. When should she tell him she was in love with him?

“Phoebe, I was going to wait until after dinner but I can’t.”

She’d been so pre-occupied with her own thoughts, that she hadn’t noticed Cole looked nervous.

“What is it?” she whispered, her pulse thrumming in her throat. He sounded so serious.

He took her hand, his clasp sure and strong. “I love you with all my heart, Phoebe Lancaster. I’ve never desired a woman the way I desire you. But I also love you for your mind, your spirit, your courage--”

She opened her mouth to protest.

Yes, courage. How many other people would run the risk of being arrested for theft because they didn’t want someone to be cheated?”

She’d never thought herself courageous, especially six weeks ago, when Cole had confessed his feelings to her. But now ...

“Oh, Cole … I think I’ve been an idiot.”

Only think?” he said teasingly, squeezing her hand.

I’m sorry. I know you’re nothing like Scott.” Tears pricked the corners of her eyes.

That guy didn’t deserve you.” He came around to her side of the table. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he soothed.

But he made me question your love for me.” She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest, never wanting to let him go. Finally, she drew back and gave him a watery smile. “I’m in love with you too, Cole.”

Sweetheart.”  He crushed her against him. Dropping down on one knee, he took her hand in his. “Phoebe Lancaster, will you marry me? I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be my wife.”

She flung her arms around him.

When they drew apart, Cole ginned crookedly. “I haven’t even shown you the ring.”

“The ring doesn’t matter.” She cupped his face. “All I care about is you.”



Three years later


Phoebe smiled as she rang up a three hundred dollar transaction.

Thank you, Mrs. Green.” She handed the stylish woman the carefully wrapped antique hand mirror she’d just purchased.

No, thank you, Phoebe,” the customer replied. “I’ll be sure to tell all my friends about your darling little store. See you soon.”

Phoebe patted her small bump as Mrs. Green left the shop. “Another satisfied customer, baby,” she whispered, looking around her cute store with satisfaction. She’d finally opened her own shop just over a year ago, and business had been great. Cole had been supportive and encouraging when she’d told him she was ready to branch out on her own, and now she was the proud owner of her own antiques business.

“Hey, sweetheart.” The doorbell jingled softly as her husband entered the shop.

Hi,” was all she managed before he pulled her into his arms for a long kiss. When he finally dragged his mouth from hers, she felt herself blushing. “What if a customer walked in?”

Then they’d know how much I love my wife,” he replied with a grin. He gently touched her belly. “And our baby.” His voice became serious

Love flooded through her. “Come here, Mr. Trask.” She curled her arms around his neck and tugged his head down, her lips seeking his.

“If the baby’s a girl,” Cole eventually spoke, his forehead resting against hers, “I think we should call her after you.”

And if he’s a boy?” she teased. “Should we name him after you?”

I’m sure she’s going to be a girl,” he said confidently, his fingers brushing her belly.

We’ve got another five months to go,” she pointed out. They’d decided to wait until she gave birth to find out the sex. Besides, at four months, having a scan to determine if the baby was a girl or boy was a little premature.

He grinned. “So I’ve still got you to myself for a little while.”

She stroked his cheek. “And I’ve got you to myself. In fact, I thought tonight I could model a new nightgown I bought at lunch. It’s … interesting.” She smiled mischievously.

His eyes darkened with sexual intent and he molded her body to his. “I can hardly wait.”

Cole’s love and desire for her had helped her to become confident with her fuller figure. Although her pregnancy had started to show, she knew her husband still wanted her as much as before. And when she “modeled” a sexy new nightgown for him, it was always a night to remember.

How’s Mrs. Johnson doing?”

Very nicely. She already knows how to work the register and she loves researching each piece.

Mrs. Johnson was a matronly lady who’d always been interested in antiques. When Phoebe found out she was pregnant, she decided she’d need extra help at the store as her pregnancy progressed. And once the baby was born, she planned to stay at home for the first few months, just coming into the store a couple of days per week to check on everything. After that, she thought she’d enjoy working part-time. In fact, Cole seemed perfectly happy to be a stay-at-home dad on the days Phoebe came into the store.

“Good.” His lips claimed hers. “You, me and the baby. What could be more perfect?”

She pretended to think for a second. “Well, there is tonight, when I show you my new night gown. It’s silk and lace--”

He kissed her once more. “Don’t tempt me, sweetheart,” he said in that growly gruff voice that never failed to make her pulse thrum. “Otherwise I might take you here and now.”

Promises, promises,” she teased, squealing
in surprise when he crushed her to him before ravishing her lips. She couldn’t wait for tonight.


The End


To ensure you don't miss the release of the next BBW romance in the Billionaire Brothers series, sign up to my Hot New Release Alerts at
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Thanks to Alysha Ellis, H.Y. Hanna, and Storm Chase for their help and support.


And thank you to my wonderful readers. I hope you enjoyed Cole and Phoebe's story.



Jenn Roseton believes that romance and happy endings go together. When she's not writing, she indulges in delicious gourmet chocolate.


Connect with Jenn Roseton:

Email: [email protected]




Turn the page for a list of my other titles.

Other Titles by Jenn Roseton


The Cowboy's Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1)

#1 Bestseller in Western Romance (March 2014)

The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 2)

Curves and Cowboys: BBW Romance Boxed Set (Coldwater Springs 1-4)

Curves and the Cowboy (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 1)

Curves and the Sheriff (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 2)

Curves and the Rancher (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 3)

Curves and the Rodeo Star (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 4)

A special free
short story featuring Chase and Sarah from Curves and the Cowboy is now available through my website at:

I hope you enjoy it! (Note: it's a little spicier than Curves and the Cowboy, Curves and the Sheriff, Curves and the Rancher and Curves and the Rodeo Star.)

BBW Needs Hot Sex (BBW Erotic Romance - Amy and Nick 1)

Bridegroom Wanted (Amy and Nick 2)

Hot and Sexy 1: Seductive Persuasion
- should be free on Amazon. If it isn't, please visit
to find out where you can download it for free

Hot and Sexy 2: Bridal Jitters

Seduced by the Boss 1: Pent-Up Passion

Seduced by the Boss 2: Spanking Miss Jones

Seduced by the Boss 3: For Her Pleasure

Seduced by the Boss 4: Loving Miss Jones





BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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