The Handoff (Big Play #3) (22 page)

BOOK: The Handoff (Big Play #3)
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Eyes Wide Open




“Mine!” I jump forward and dig the volleyball. It pops up and Colt sets it close to the net. Jumping high, Tyler spikes the ball down and we score a quick point.

“Yes!” I pump my arm and high-five Mack, still feeling a slight twinge in my torso. It’s been three weeks since my beating, but I’m healing fast. All that’s left of my injuries are patches of pale yellow bruising and a few scabs that will turn into faint scars. Mom’s been making me take it easy, acting like the
get well
police, but she finally let me off the hook today.

Thank God!

It’s gorgeous out, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and a row of beauties is lined up on the grass watching us play volleyball. You can’t top that.

Roxy and Michelle are chatting on one side of Layla while Tori and Amy hang out on the other. Sammy’s on the path behind them, practicing tricks on her skateboard; the last thing she’d want to do is lie there sunbathing. The disgruntled frown on her face as she waits for Ty and Darius to finish the game is almost comical. She usually doesn’t wait around for that kind of thing, happy to skate on her own, but she obviously feels like she wants the company today.

I turn back for the next play, but not before casting my eyes over the girls again.

Their bare legs are stretched out on the blankets while they try to catch a few rays on their pale winter skin. The weather’s only just getting warm enough to bring out the shorts and T-shirts, but those girls saw the sun and went for it. They’re all so beautiful, and all of them except Tori and Amy seem to know it. Roxy likes to flaunt that shit; makes her feel superior, I’m guessing. Michelle just seems to follow along…or maybe she’s competing with the sexy brunette. Whatever her reasons, it makes for good entertainment when you watch them sticking out their chests and trying to draw our attention.

I glance at Layla in her cut-off shorts and white crop top. It’s one of those baggy ones that keeps slipping off her shoulder. It’s freaking hot, especially with her long hair loose and free. The ends tickle her exposed skin and she brushes it back, showing off her toned stomach every time she lifts her arm.

She’s wearing big aviator shades so I can’t see her eyes, but I can tell by the curve of her lips that she’s watching me…and kind of enjoying the view.

I grin and move back to my spot. I swear, if I had white skin, I’d be glowing like a red traffic light. I force my gaze back to the game and shift in preparation as the ball comes flying back over the net. Tyler dives for it, knocking it up so I can bump it high for Mack to spike. It comes off, but Darius is quick on his feet and is there to block the ball. It sails straight back over the net…and out of court.

Tyler whoops, then starts laughing at Darius who shakes his head and moves back to chat with Will and the other guys on his four-man team. I slap Colt’s hand and grin when he tips his chin at the girls.

“You’ve got to love the view today.” His eyes land on Tori, who has her head tipped up to the sky. Her wild curls hang back as she basks in the sun, a sweet smile on her cute little face. Her skinny arms prop her up and her short little legs are crossed at the ankles.

For once, she’s not talking.

“I’m kissing that neck later,” Colt murmurs before slapping me on the shoulder and heading back to position.

I rub my hand across my bare chest, wiping the sweat away. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Layla bite the edge of her lip. I glance at her and wink when her eyebrows pop up above her shades and she starts wiggling them at me.

Yeah, I’m going to need to quit this game soon.

Bending low, I set for the serve, but it’s kind of hard to focus on the play while my mind’s on Layla and her sweet kisses.

I step forward too late and miss the ball. It hits the grass. Tyler lets out a loud moan while Mack shakes his head, but I just give them both a dopey smile as I grab the ball. Holding it against my hip, I look around the crew. “Gotta split, guys.”

“What?” Tyler glances at his watch. “It’s not even four.”

“Gotta take my girl out.”

“You’re pathetic.” Tyler rolls his eyes at me, but I know it’s just jealousy talking. His eyes dart to Roxy, who’s wiping a finger under her lip as she listens to Michelle. I have no idea what the girl is saying, but Roxy looks kind of disinterested. Her lips rise into a little smirk as she looks our way. I don’t know which one of us she’s smiling at. Probably Mack. In spite of the fact he’s taken, that fool girl still thinks she can convince him to take her to prom.

She’s dreaming.

Thanks to one of the best ideas Layla’s ever had—and a generous donation from Martin—Mack
have a date for prom—he just won’t know it until she shows up three days beforehand. Oh man, I can’t wait to see his face.

I think it’s Layla’s way of making up for what she blurted out at the New Year’s Eve party, and Martin’s way of making up for everything that went down. I’m pretty sure Layla will be able to ask him for anything and he’ll say yes.

When my girlfriend called to propose the idea to Kaija, I was sitting on the other side of the room and I could hear her ecstatic scream through the phone line. Kiwi Girl can be loud when she’s excited.

By the end of the call, Layla was laughing and crying, wiping at her tears as she promised to call Kaija with more details. She couldn’t tell Kaija what she’d started with her drunken mouth, and we still had no idea who drew that ugly comic strip, but if Kiwi Girl was ready to come back to Nelson High to take Mack to prom, then maybe it didn’t even matter anymore.

Mack must have told Kaija what happened with Layla, and I think it’s given her the courage to accept Layla’s invitation…or maybe she’s just missing Mack real bad and can’t pass up the opportunity to see him again.

I glance at the quarterback as he chats with Will. He doesn’t smile as readily as he used to, and he’s definitely lost that playboy charm. Now that he’s got Kaija, he doesn’t need to use it anymore. He barely checks out other girls when they pass him by, much to Roxy’s annoyance.

I snicker and throw the ball to Tyler so my hands are free to pick my girl off the ground when she stands to greet me. She’s pretty light, and swinging her off her feet always makes her giggle, so I pick her up and give her a quick twirl.

Her smile is sweet as she kisses my lips.

“Should we get out of here?”

“Yeah.” She rubs her nose against mine before I set her back down. “Where are we going?”

“I brought a picnic blanket and thought we could hang out at the lake for a while.”

Layla makes a face. “The lake? Are you sure you want to go back there?”

I brush my thumb across her bottom lip. “I’m not letting those guys taint one of my favorite places. We’re going back there to make some new, sweet memories.”

Her lips rise into a stunning smile. “I’m sure I can help you create a few of those.”

you can.” I chuckle, leaning down to kiss her.

She glides her hand around my bare shoulders and I lift her off her feet again, carrying her against my side with one arm securely locked around her waist. Her giggle in my ear is nothing but perfect, and I’m once again swamped by an overwhelming gratitude that Mack asked me to watch out for his little sister, and that I happened to spot her that day outside the gym, and that she threw up at my feet. It’s funny how sometimes the thing you resist the most can be the one that makes you open your eyes and see the world the way you were meant to.




A Lovely Truth




I nestle my head on Finn’s chest, running my hand over his T-shirt before resting it against his stomach. My lips curl as I lightly press the hard muscles beneath the fabric. I’m stolen, once again, by the thought that this boy is mine.

It’s hard to wrap my head around it sometimes. I know we’ve only been together for about five weeks, but I’m gone. I’ve never felt this way before, and from the look in his eyes every time Finn gazes at me, I know I’m not alone. He doesn’t just want me for my body—he’s seen my soul, and he likes it. That’s a guy worth keeping.

Looking up at the trees above us, I breathe in the fresh forest scent, focusing on the vibrant color of the blue sky between the branches. The sunlight is painting pretty pictures around us, transporting me to a place of fairytales. It’s easy to imagine a prince and princess riding past on beautiful white horses. If I listen hard enough, I’m sure I can hear the sound of hoof beats.

I keep the fanciful thoughts to myself, snuggling a little closer to Finn as my daydream is stolen by an old nightmare. It’s hard to escape the horror of three weeks ago. About a mile east is the spot where Derek carried me off… I don’t know what he planned to do with me, but it wouldn’t have been pretty.

I shudder and Finn tightens his grip.

“You okay?” he murmurs. “Do you want to go?”

“No,” I whisper, not wanting to be the weak one. Finn’s right; we need to make new memories in this place.

“I love how quiet it is here.” His husky voice makes tendrils of pleasure twirl in my stomach. “It’s like we’re the only two people on Earth.”

I grin. “Our little haven.” Shifting up, I lay my hand on his chest and rest my chin on top of it.

He’s so gorgeous. I love the strong lines of his face and soon can’t resist perching up even higher so I can run my finger along his jawline.

His eyes tell me I’m beautiful while his hand lightly runs up and down my spine.

I tip my head with a sad smile. “I don’t deserve you.”

“We’re not doing this again.” His voice is soft but firm.

I lick my bottom lip then bite the corner, looking away from him. “But the look in your eyes right now… How can it be there?”

“Because it’s the truth.”

“What if those photos come back to haunt me? I don’t want people thinking less of you for dating a girl like me.”

Finn tightens his grip around me so I’m suctioned to his side. “Derek’s on probation. He’s doesn’t have access to any of that stuff anymore. You’re in the clear.”

“Those photos are still out there somewhere.” I can’t look him in the eye as I trace the line of his collarbone. “Whoever the party paparazzo is, he has them…and unless we find him, we’ll have no chance of wiping my shame off this Earth.”

“You know what?” Finn captures my wrist and pushes me onto my back. I raise my knee so he can tuck his leg between mine. He’s half lying on me now, supporting his weight on his arm while he hovers over me and runs his finger down the edge of my hairline. “No matter what happens, you need to hold your head high. So you made a drunken mistake. That’s not who you are. You’re beautiful.” He kisses my right cheek. “You’re lovely.” He kisses my left cheek. “You just keep being my
and it won’t matter what shit surfaces about you, because all they’ll see is my lovely Layla.”

I’m sure my eyes are glowing as I smile up at him.

Cupping his cheek, I brush my thumb down the edge of his nose and mouth. “I love you.”

His smile is electrifying, lighting up the forest with a warm radiance. He doesn’t even need to say those three little words back to me; I can see it all over his face. With a soft giggle, I crane my neck to reach his lips. He meets me halfway then presses me back down to the blanket, cupping the back of my head with his large hand and making me forget about the world.

I run my fingers over his short, fuzzy curls, twirling my tongue around his and creating a perfect memory to bless our woods with. So much has happened in this place, but only one lovely truth can stand out among it all.

I fell in love with Finn Jones here…and he fell in love with me.




Thank you so much for reading The Handoff. I hope you enjoyed it. It was an absolute pleasure to write. If you’d like to show me some support, I’d love for you to leave a review. This is a great way to validate the book and to let other people know what you thought of Finn and Layla.


Incriminating photos are still lurking in cyber space and the party paparazzo has yet to be found.

Who is Derek’s connection at Nelson High?

Find out in the action-packed conclusion to the Big Play Novels series.

Keep reading to find out a little more about Shoot The Gap!




Shoot The Gap


Tyler Schumann has always been known as Nelson High’s goofy clown, the guy with the big mouth. But there’s something people don’t know: he’s tired of being in the shadows of his Raiders’ buddies, and he’s ready to do whatever it takes to get the one girl in school he wants to finally notice him: Roxanne Carmichael.


Sammy Carmichael is just one of the guys, known for her mad boarding skills and her razor-sharp wit. But she has a secret, too—a crush on her best friend. It’s a relationship she’s not willing to risk damaging by getting all romantic about it.


When Tyler asks for Sammy’s help, she’s stoked to be able to spend a little one-on-one time with him. Their secret mission will bring them closer together…until she realizes what he’s really after—her sister. Tired of being in the shadows herself, Sammy sets out on a mission of her own to prove that
the Carmichael girl he really wants.


But the secrets and lies she discovers as she embarks on her quest could tear her relationship with Tyler to shreds, and Sammy must decide which lies are worth exposing and how much damage the truth will cause.


Releasing in July 2016

If you’d like to be the first to find out about this release, please feel free to sign up today. You’ll also be gifted an exclusive copy of the Nelson High Playbook—an inside guide to the characters in this series.


BOOK: The Handoff (Big Play #3)
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