The Handoff (Big Play #3) (21 page)

BOOK: The Handoff (Big Play #3)
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Real Friends




A soft knock on the door startles Layla. I tighten my grip, not willing to let her go, and look up as Mack slips into the room.

“Hey, man.” He tips his chin at me. “I’ve got some clothes here for Lay-lay.”

She turns in my arms, resting her head on my shoulder as she stares at her brother. “Thanks.”

I know I’m supposed to let her go now so she can get changed, but I really don’t want to. She doesn’t seem that keen, either. Her fingers are still locked behind my back.

Mack crosses his arms, giving us both a teasing look of reprimand. “You know you’re going to have to let each other go at some point, right?”

Layla shakes her head and Mack starts laughing. “And I thought Kaija and I were bad.”

He tries again, tipping his head towards the door while shaking Layla’s clothes in the air. The big hoodie I loaned Layla flaps around at the bottom of the pile and I share a grateful look with Mack.

With a soft sigh, I ease away from her, brushing my lips across her forehead and giving her a little wink. She smiles at me then reluctantly shifts out of my space. Shuffling across to Mack, she gathers her clothes to her chest and turns to give me one more smile before slipping out the door.

As soon as she’s gone, I squeeze my eyes shut and let it all show. The dark bruise on her cheek, her slightly puffy eye, the split on her lip—it kills me. I grip the edge of the bed, squeezing until my fingers ache.

“It hurts, doesn’t it?” Mack’s question makes me open my eyes.

I gaze across at him then press the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. “When he was hitting her…and then hearing her scream. I swear, man, I just…” I shake my head, my throat swelling so much I can’t even finish my sentence.

“She’s safe now, and that’s partly thanks to you.” Mack steps over, slapping his hand on my shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze. “If you hadn’t been around to look after her and convince her to come clean on this, who knows what damage Derek would have done?”

“But he still might do more,” I growl through my clenched jaw.

“What you guys did today put a major pause on that, and he is not coming near her again. I don’t know how it’s all going to go down with the police and his dad, but I’ve told Mom that he’s not welcome back in Nelson. If he comes back to the house, I’m taking Layla out of there.”

I glance up with a grateful smile. “It’s good to have you back, man. I know you’re not sticking around forever, but it’s nice having you here while we wade through this shit.”

Mack dips his head, squeezing the back of his neck and grimacing. “I’m really sorry for my reaction yesterday…about you and Layla. I guess it was just unexpected. I was feeling low after leaving Kaija and then to find out my sister had gotten together with one of my best friends… I dunno, it just kind of threw me.”

I shrug. “Yeah, well, we probably should have given you a heads-up.”

“It happened kind of fast. I didn’t even think you liked her that much.”

“I didn’t.” I shake my head and smile. “No one is more surprised than I am. Believe me. I guess Layla just showed me a piece of her heart over the break and I saw how beautiful it was.”

Mack’s eyes glow warm as he nods. “She’s pretty good at hiding it. I think it’s just a defense mechanism.”

“Yeah, well, she doesn’t have to use it around me anymore. Hopefully I can convince her not to use it around anyone.”

“Think you already have, man.” A slow smile grows on Mack’s face. “I never thought I’d say this, because I never thought any of you guys would be stupid enough to fall for my sister and actually do something about it, but…” He licks his bottom lip. “If she’s gonna be with anyone, I’m glad it’s you. I mean that.”

I grin. “Even if you didn’t, I’d still be with her. No disrespect or anything, but I’m not letting anyone get in the way of us…even her dumb-ass brother.”

With a gruff chuckle, Mack holds out his hand. I wrap my fingers around his and pull him against my chest. We slap each other on the back a couple of times and give each other a nod.

Nothing more needs to be said.

The door swings wide and my mother bustles in.

“Right, time to get you dressed and out of here. Dad’s paying the bill.” She looks at Mack and gives him a short nod. “Mr. Mahoney.”

He smiles. “Hey, Mrs. J.”

“Suppose I’ve got to thank you for showing up and protecting my Finn. Hope you managed to land a few punches before the police showed up.” Her eyes are dark and stormy. Mom’s pretty good at keeping her anger in check. She speaks her mind and puts on a gruff show, but I’ve never seen her lose it before. I can’t help but wonder how she’d react if Derek walked in right now.

I’m guessing she’d go ape-shit. You don’t poke mama bear when her cub’s been hurt.

Mack grins at my mom. “I got in as many punches as I could. I’d bleed for this guy.” He nods at me.

“And that’s why I love you.” She pats his arm and points to the door. “Now, get your butt out of here so he can get changed.”

With a soft snicker, Mack heads out. Glancing over his shoulder, he gives me one more chin tip, raising his eyebrows and telling me he’ll be waiting outside.

I nod and let out a relieved sigh. The thing I like best about Mack is that he gets over stuff quickly. I learned early on in our friendship that there was no use telling him what he wanted to hear…and lying to him while he was in New Zealand was just another reminder of that. I’m glad I was honest about Layla. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t let him come between us, and I’m pretty damn relieved that he’s cool with that. One less obstacle to overcome. If the start of my relationship with that beautiful girl is anything to go by, it’s not going to be an easy ride.

But, oh man, it’s going to be worth it.




The waiting room is overflowing by the time I shuffle out. I don’t know who called everyone, probably Tyler, but half the football team is there to check on me when I finally appear. I smile and pound fists, repeating “I’m fine” to everyone who asks, looking for Layla the whole time.

I finally spot her on the outskirts, trapped in a bear hug from Pixie Girl. She doesn’t look too worried about it. Her eyes are closed and she’s kind of smiling as Tori digs her little fingers into Layla’s back as if she can’t quite hug her tight enough.

A half smile tips my lips when Tori pulls back and holds Layla’s shoulders. Her lips are moving in fast forward, her expressive face racing through a bunch of emotions as she tells Layla how worried she was. That’s what I’m figuring. I can’t really hear her, but I can see it all. I guess I wasn’t the only person to get a real glimpse of Layla Mahoney. I couldn’t be happier that Colt’s girl saw her too.

The hospital doors slide open and two girls rush in. Roxy’s face is pale, her blue eyes large as she clips across to Layla. Michelle is bouncing along just behind her and they both stop short when they see Tori and Layla deep in conversation. Well, Layla’s only listening with this cute little smile on her face, but still, they’re engrossed.

Roxy’s face flashes with a sharp frown before she flicks her hair over her shoulder and puts on a bright smile. Her straight white teeth are on full display by the time she reaches Tori. With a subtle hip bump, she moves Pix out of the way and wraps her arms around Layla.

Tori fidgets with her bracelets as she takes a step back, but then her lips rise with a smile. I glance at Layla, who is mouthing “Sorry” and making a face over Roxy’s shoulder. Tori shakes her head, her cheeks practically glowing as she brushes her hand through the air.

I can’t think of anything cooler than those two becoming friends. Colt and I have always been closer than any of the guys, and to have our girls hit it off would be awesome. I find him in the crowd and we share a hopeful smile; he must have been watching the exchange, as well. He shuffles through the bodies and arrives at Tori’s side. Running his hand down her back, he whispers something in her ear that makes her laugh and turn towards him. Cupping her cheek, he rubs his nose against hers and gives her the kind of kiss that lets the world know how precious she is to him.

It makes me want to kiss Layla, so I start edging through the crowd. Conversations are flying all around me: speculation, exaggerated stories about how Layla and I were jumped by a bunch of angry Brownridge Bears. I listen for mention of the photos, but nothing really pops and all I can hope is that they’ll never surface. It’s probably a pipe dream, but I try not to dwell on that thought as I close the space between me and Layla.

“I can’t believe it,” Roxy is saying. She’s wincing at Layla’s face, gently gliding her finger over the nasty bruise below her left eye. “What an asshole.” Her voice shakes, and the venomous look in her blue eyes is vibrant and a little scary.

“I got him back, Rox. Don’t worry.” The side of Layla’s mouth tips up in a grin.

“What’d you do?” Michelle’s eyes round.

“I sunk my teeth through his bottom lip.” Layla makes a face, her nose scrunching as she sticks her tongue out like she’s about to gag.

“Wow!” Michelle’s eyebrows rise. “So, don’t mess with you then.”

Layla giggles while Roxy tips her head back with a laugh. “Who knew you had it in you, you feisty little bitch. We’re going to have to start calling you Vampire Girl or something.”

“Please don’t.” Layla’s expression crinkles.

Michelle giggles, wrapping her arm around her friend. I stand back and let them have their moment, but I don’t miss the way Roxy’s lips dip as she pulls back. Her blue eyes narrow on something behind us and I look over my shoulder in time to see Derek being escorted out of the room. There’s a policeman on either side of him, no doubt for his own protection. Jeers and catcalls thunder around the room as the Raiders spot the guy. His dad shuffles behind them, looking red-faced with shame. He keeps his eyes down and doesn’t even look at Layla when they pass.

Roxy glares at Derek as he walks to the exit. He looks up once when he reaches the door and I swear, if looks could kill, Derek would be flat on his ass. His eyes narrow and he licks the corner of his lips. Roxy shakes her head and turns away, her cheeks spiking with color. She is seriously pissed. It’s a good thing she and Derek don’t really know each other, because anyone in their right mind knows that you don’t piss off Roxanne Carmichael. I actually find the steam coming out of Roxy’s ears comforting. I always picked her for a self-absorbed princess, but she obviously cares about Layla more than I thought. The fact that she’s so pissed about her friend getting hurt is a credit to her.

Maybe these girls aren’t as shallow as I once thought. If Layla’s anything to go by, these cheerleaders are all hiding behind thick layers of cool. I sure hope they can learn to shed ‘em, because having spent time with girls like Tori and the real Layla Mahoney, the world’s far better-looking when they show their true selves.







It takes a while for the crowd to disperse. By the time I detangle myself from Roxy and Michelle and make it to Mom’s car, I’m completely exhausted. Mack follows us home, and because half the team lives on our side of town, we end up looking like a funeral procession as everyone makes their way home past our house. It’s like Mack’s friends are under instructions to make sure I get through my front door unscathed. Mack pulls up behind Mom’s car and I step out in time to see the trail of vehicles disappear down the end of our street. I look out for Mr. Jones’s truck, but my boyfriend is probably already home and being fussed over by his mama.

I can’t help a small grin. He’ll probably find it painful, but he has no idea how lucky he is.

Mack steps up behind me, gently laying his hand on my lower back as we walk toward the front door. I glance up and give him a closed-mouth grin, which he mirrors. I guess we still have some more talking to do, but I’m too drained and tired.

Mom’s skin is still that pale creamy color, her eyes out of focus and glassy. She didn’t talk at all as we drove home, too busy sniffing and biting her lips together. She’s probably thinking about Martin. Her husband didn’t even look at her as he followed Derek and the police out of the hospital. I shiver, glad I kept my eyes closed when the guy walked past me. The insults flung at him by Mack’s friends made it feel like a convicted criminal was being walked to his jail cell in handcuffs.

Derek’s eighteen now and won’t be considered a minor if he gets charged with assault and battery. But he’s Martin’s kid, and although he’s a complete asshole and psycho freak, I don’t know if I have it in me to actually press charges. I just want this to be over. I want to forget it all happened and just get on with my life. Finn may feel differently. I guess that’s something we’ll have to face together.

I step into the house, exhaustion tugging at me. I can’t believe it’s not even six o’clock yet. I feel like I haven’t slept in a week. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I resist the urge to shudder then head for the stairs. All I want to do is lie down. I wish Finn were here. We could lie on the bed together. I could rest my head on his shoulder. His arm around my back would keep me safe and help me sleep.

“Layla.” Mom stops me with a whisper.

I rest my hand on the bannister and look over my shoulder. Her pale face is blotchy from crying, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy. As she steps towards me, her lips form a wonky line. She’s fighting a fresh wave of tears. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she slowly spins me around to face her.

I don’t know what to say as she skims her finger over my bruised cheek.

“My baby girl,” she murmurs. “I’m sorry you felt invisible. I’m here now, okay? And I’m seeing you.” Leaning back, she bends a little to look me in the eye. “I’m hearing you, and I’ll believe anything you tell me, alright?”

My chest constricts, making the air in my lungs seem thin and unbreathable. My heart starts pounding so hard I can feel my pulse throbbing through my veins.

Finally, I offer a slow nod and mouth, “Okay.”

“I love you.” Mom pulls me into a hug, pressing her cheek against mine and holding me like I’ve just come home from a war. It takes me a second to move, but slowly my arms wrap around her, allowing a fresh wave of tears to flood my eyes.

Mack’s Vans squeak on the floor as he walks over to us, and soon his solid arms encase us both. I close my eyes and remember Dad. He used to insist on family hugs before bed. He’d wrap his arms around us all, making Mom laugh and Mack and I writhe and squeal. How could I have ever complained? Mack rests his cheek on the top of my head. He has no intention of stepping out of this any time soon, and I really don’t mind. Mom and I take turns sniffing and letting out blubbering little whimpers.

I have no idea how much time passes but we eventually pull apart, gaze between one another, and give looks that offer a range of emotions which can’t be verbalized. There are resounding ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I’m sorry’s.’ It’s enough.

I swipe the tears off my face and look between Mack and Mom. “So, what happens now?”

Mom purses her lips, her forehead wrinkling. With a heavy sigh, she rubs my arm and says, “Well, I’ve told Martin that Derek can’t be around you. He can visit him in Brownridge…if he chooses to stay with me.” Her voice quakes, her face bunching in agony. “It’s quite awkward, you know? It feels like I’m asking him to choose between me and his son. But…you kids came first in my life, and um, I think I forgot that for a while.”

A smile stretches across my lips, so unexpected it surprises us all. “Mom…” I tip my head. “You’re in love. It’s kind of all-consuming. I get that now. You just so desperately wanted this blended family thing to work…and I didn’t exactly make it easy on you. I was just missing Dad.”

“I miss him too,” she whispers. “Just because I love Martin doesn’t mean I’ve stopped loving your father. He’ll always be a part of me. And no matter where you kids end up, you’ll always be a part of me too.”

She takes our hands and we stand in a connected circle. Looking up at Mack, she gives him a tender, accepting smile. I can’t believe I’m going to have to say goodbye to him in a few short months. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes right back.

“We’re family, no matter what.” His voice is thick and husky.

“Always.” Mom’s smile falters for a moment, her expression wavering as fresh tears build in her eyes. She’s probably thinking about Mack leaving and then lamenting the fact that only one year later I’ll be gone too. If she and Martin don’t survive this, she’ll be all alone.

The thought is heartbreaking and I lurch back into her arms, squeezing tight as she cries against my shoulder.

It takes a while for us to pull out of that one. We’ve kind of got some catching up to do, I guess. But we eventually separate and I hobble up to my room to lie down. Mom’s insisting I have an early night. She’s right, but I can’t get comfortable. After half an hour of restless twitching, I reach for my phone to text Finn. But the sound of the front door opening stops me.

Sitting up, I gaze at my bedroom door, air puffing out of my chest.

“Celia?” Martin calls, his voice low and broken.

I gasp and hustle off my bed, creeping out my door and finding a perch on the top step. I can see down to the front entrance where Martin is standing with his hands in his pockets. His face is kind of pasty, his wide lips dipping into a miserable frown. Running a hand through his tousled hair, he lets out a sigh. That’s when I notice Mom hovering in the archway that leads to the kitchen. Her fingers grip the frame like she’s using the wood to keep herself upright.

They’re just standing there, staring at each other as if this is their first date and they’re not sure what to say.

“Hi,” Mom eventually squeaks.

The edge of Martin’s lip twitches with a short smile, then disappears. “I’m sorry I took so long,” he croaks, then clears his throat. “I wanted to stay and chat with Derek’s mom. Tell her the full story.”

“How’d she take it?”

Martin gives her a rueful half smile. “Let’s just say that Derek’s going to be having some tough weeks ahead of him. Police are talking about putting all four boys on probation, but in the meantime, he’s lost his phone, his computer, his car keys. Basically all privileges. The people in Brownridge will barely see him, let alone Nelson residents. I’ve told him he’s not welcome back here until he can start acting like a decent human being.”

His forehead crinkles as an agonized look crests over his face. “Celia, I am so sorry this happened. I’m so ashamed of his behavior. I don’t understand how… He’s obviously been very good at hiding what he’s been up to.” He runs a hand through his speckled hair again. “Layla tried to tell us. I should have listened to her.” He sniffs. “I should have listened.”

Blinking hard, he looks to the ceiling and lets out a quivering breath. “I’ll understand if you don’t want me to stick around. But before you make your decision, I just need you to know that you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m so grateful for you, Celia, and I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.”

Mom’s fighting tears. “We can’t keep going like this.”

My heart dips and I grip the bannister, pressing my forehead between the bars to try and get a better look at my mother. What’s she doing?

Her hand flutters over her chest for a second before picking up the M and L pendants around her neck and racing them up and down the thin, gold chain. “I’ve been so busy being in love with you and trying to make this perfect that I kind of forgot how to be a mother for a while. I need to be there for my kids again.”

“Me too.” He nods. “It’s time we stop acting like this blended family thing is working. It breaks my heart, but I guess we can’t force our kids to like each other.”

“No, we can’t.” She swallows. “But we also can’t let that stop us from being together.”

I hold my breath and grip the bars a little tighter.

A slow smile forms on Martin’s face and he opens his arms wide. Mom rushes into them, fisting the back of his jacket as she rests her chin on his shoulder. Her face is beautiful with relief, and something inside me unravels. Bowing his head, Martin presses his lips against her shoulder and murmurs something I can’t hear.

I’m guessing it’s
I love you

I can’t fight the smile stretching over my face and just go with it, letting it bloom even though it hurts the cut on my lower lip.

After a breathtaking minute, Martin leans back and gives Mom a dry smile. “Some birthday, huh?”

Mom snickers. “I guess it’ll always be memorable.”

“I guess I’ll just have to spend the rest of my life trying to give you better ones.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Mom grins.

Running the back of his finger down her cheek, he leans forward and kisses her, and for the first time since Martin entered my world, I can actually watch.

BOOK: The Handoff (Big Play #3)
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