The Geary Series Boxed Set (4 page)

BOOK: The Geary Series Boxed Set
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Chapter Nine


“Are you ok there Olivia” He asked me as he sauntered over to me having picked up the whip. He dragged a path down through my breasts and to my waist. He raised an eyebrow, and I nodded. He flicked the implement at my bare thighs. It only stung for a few seconds then the heat flooded through to my groin and belly. I wanted more, but I wasn’t about to reveal that I liked it.

“Y-Yes, I’m doing fine, what are you going to do to her next?”

“What would you like me to do next?”

“Oh hell, I don’t know, the list has gone straight out of my head.”

“Fuck the list, what is the passionate side saying in your head? What do you want me to do to her next Olivia?”

“I don’t know, but I do know that I want to hear her scream your name in ecstasy.”

“Ok, that’s a start, you’re thinking along the right lines, I want to taste her and give her an orgasm. She has been a good girl kneeling, waiting for me. I want to reward her good behaviour. It’s all about her pleasure.”

“Oh, ok.”

I felt foolish that I hadn’t thought of something erotic. I hadn’t considered Laine or any discomfort she may have been experiencing. I should have considered her.

Jack moved to the other side of the bed so that he was standing in line at her bottom and was facing me. He smoothed his hand over her back and down over her backside and to her waiting pussy. He pushed two fingers inside her, and I heard Laine whimper in response. Slowly, he pulled his fingers out of her and then slid them back into her, agonisingly slowly. Jack repeated this action until Laine moaned more vocally. Jack pulled his hand away and tapped her hip and Laine moved around and lay on her back with her legs spread wide.

Her face tilted up towards Jack pleading him with her eyes to fuck her. Jack knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed and grabbed both of her ankles. He pulled her so that her pussy was at the edge of the bed and his nose nudged her clit. I couldn’t see very well at this angle because of the bed post so I tilted my head to the side to get a better look.

Jack caught my action and placed Laine’s ankles on the floor and stood up. He came towards me, his erection bobbing as he came nearer. He knelt a little and lifted the chair with me in it with ease and placed it in a better viewing position. Jack sat gently on my knees briefly to check to see if I had a better view, his single grunt indicated his happiness and he walked back to Laine.

Kneeling once again, Jack took both of Laine’s ankles and placed them over his shoulders and put his hands on either side of her thighs on the bed. He started to kiss her thighs, left and then right, slow open mouthed kisses up and down each thigh. I could see that Laine was beginning to swivel her hips slowly and seductively. My eyes dropped to Jack’s erection, still firm and bobbing as he moved to kiss Laine. Whilst I was busy watching his cock I heard Laine moan loudly, Jack’s tongue was licking her slit from bottom to top. Her hands were grabbing the sheets beneath her, and her head thrown back. Her hips were bucking so wildly off the bed, Jack had to use one of his hands to hold her down by placing his arm on her chest, circling his hand around her neck. One more sweep of her pussy and clit with his tongue and her back arched off the bed, she looked like she’d been electrocuted. I could see that he was using the tip of his tongue to circle her clit whilst two of his fingers pushed into her.

He kept up the pace of his fingers and used his thumb to stimulate her clit whilst he released her throat and grabbed and pinched her nipple on her breast. Laine then screamed his name loudly once and then slumped back onto the bed, limp and boneless. Jack looked at me and grinned.

Pulling his fingers out of her and stepping away, Jack reached into the Ottoman again and pulled out a box of condoms and ripped one open and rolled it on his cock. Laine moved back up the bed so that her whole body was on the sheets and she parted her legs and crooked her finger at Jack.

A chuckle left his lips as he crawled onto the bed kissing his way up her body stopping to worship her breasts and nipples. He circled her nipple, laved and then sucked hard, releasing the nipple with a pop. Repeating this action on her other nipple Laine stroked through Jack’s hair with her fingers, and he licked his way up to her throat.

When he reached her face, he settled himself on her hips, her legs slightly bent so that the flats of her feet were flush with the bed. Jack rested his elbows on the mattress and stared down at Laine. Swooping down he kissed her, I could see their tongues duelling for supremacy and no one was winning the battle just yet.

The sound of their kissing and moaning was intoxicating, so much passion was being shared as their lips met and parted. I knew the exact moment he penetrated her because Laine threw her head back and she shouted out a cry of undiluted pleasure. Jack grunted quietly, and my eyes were drawn to his gorgeous arse flexing as he pumped into her.

He started slowly first, long slow strokes into her body, they were hard but agonisingly slow. I wanted him to speed up and get her to climax again, but he was taking his time. He knew her body well because not before too long I heard the, moans of Laine. She was nearing her orgasm again and then a loud yell as I watched her thighs go rigid and her arse lift off the bed.

Jack was an expert, I could see he was still yet to come, his erection had been solid for an hour and with no sight of softening. He grabbed both of Laine’s wrists and pulled her up into a sitting position on top of his kneeling legs. He switched her legs so that they wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck.

He was still inside her as he rested his arse on his heels and took hold of her waist. His large hands circled her tiny waist as he lifted her up and down onto his cock. The movement made her breasts bounce, the more he moved her, the more they bounced. He captured one of them with his mouth and sucked hard on her nipple, Laine cried out as he lightly bit her nipple.

Jack picked up the speed of moving her, and he was now thrusting up into her at an intense pace. He was relentless in his thrusting, and the muscles of his neck started to pulse out at his efforts. The sweat was running down the pair of them as they thrust together. Laine falling heavily onto his cock as Jack bucked hard up into her.

The heat covering my body at this point was like having a warm duvet wrapped around me. Aroused to the point of pain, and I desperately wanted to slip my hand into my pussy mouth and plunge in two fingers. Desperate to see Jack come I willed him to finish. Laine was getting more vocal with her
Oh fucking hell and fuck me harder
comments. It was exciting to see two people so in tune during sex, I’d never experienced that with my husband.

“I’m coming, hurry up Jack.” Laine called out.

“Now, come now, Laine.” He shouted.

She did, they came together. They dropped their heads back at the same time. I could see Laine’s eyes roll to the back of her head. Jack dropped his head forward so that his forehead was resting between Laine's breasts, and he hugged her to him. Laine, in turn, tightened the embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their chests were heaving in time with each other.

It was beautiful to watch, I thought they looked like a loving couple. As they calmed down and began breathing evenly, Jack lifted Laine up and off him and gently placed her on the sheets. He grabbed a blanket from the floor and pulled it over her and kissed her forehead. Laine had already fallen asleep by the time Jack walked over to me.

Chapter Ten


I tugged the rope in my hand and watched the length of the ties fall away from my limbs and stood up. Stretching like a cat, I smirked at Jack as he removed the condom and pulled his jeans on.

“That was incredible Jack, you fuck like an Olympian.” I told him.

“Are you in a little discomfort Olivia? You must be teetering on the edge after watching me give her three orgasms.”

He strode towards me and ushered me out of the room placing his hand on the small of my back. The heat from his hand reminded me that I was just standing in my underwear and heels. I felt sexy and desirable.

“I need to get my clothes from the room.” I said as I started to turn back to the room we came from.

“We’ll get them later, come with me.” Jack steered me into his bedroom and asked me to sit on the bed. It was a wonderfully clean, fresh smelling room. Fresh blue sheets and duvet on the bed, all the furniture in the room was dark brown leather with bare floorboards. I sat at the end of the bed with my hands in my lap waiting to see what he was going to do.

He lifted out two blue t-shirts from the chest of drawers in the corner. He pulled one over his head and stuffed his arms through the holes and then picked up the other and came over to me.

“Lift your arms.” He murmured to me.

I complied and lifted my arms, he dressed me in his clean, fresh laundry smelling t-shirt. It dropped over my body and reached my thighs.

“Come and lie on the bed with me, nothing saucy, I just want to talk to you about what you participated in tonight.”


I pulled myself up the bed by my arms and kicked my shoes off before placing my feet on the bed to shove myself up the final part. I curled up on my side with my hands in prayer under my cheek my knees bent facing Jack, who was mirroring my shape.

“What did you think of tonight?”

“My head is saying that it was wrong to watch two people engaged in an intimate act. My heart is soaring at what I saw not to mention the throbbing that is still going on in between my legs.”

“I can sort that out for you if you wanted me to.” He said grinning, his eyes sparkling with mischievousness. I watched as he trailed his fingers up my thigh and to my hip, taking the hem of my t-shirt with it. I slapped away his hand and propped my head on my hand.

“No, but thanks for the offer, I’ll take care of things when I get back to the hotel.” I replied playfully shoving his shoulder with my other hand.

His face turned serious, and he inched nearer to me, lips a few inches away from mine. He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand and traced my neck with his fingers tucking them into the top of my t-shirt.

“I really wish you would let me kiss you, I want to, so badly.” He whispered pleading me with his tone.

“It wouldn’t be right.” I whispered.

“It is such a shame, you’re a beautiful woman Olivia, and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored telling you that. Will you watch me again or did I put you off?”

“I’ll watch you again. I think I’m a closet voyeur. I’m feeling all kinds of different emotions right now, I’m assimilating the fact I just watched real life sex. I was incredibly aroused and I wanted to touch myself while I watched you. I can tell you that I feel shameful of that fact. Did you like me watching you?”

“Don’t be ashamed, you’re an adult and can make your own decisions. No-one needs to know you watched tonight that can be our secret. I loved that you watched me and I can’t wait for tomorrow night. What I would love more is to push you onto you back and thrust into you, in one stroke. Achingly slowly, pull out and then push back in. I want to maintain that pace until you beg me to fuck you hard.”

Whilst he was uttering those words he had managed to push me onto my back and had covered my body with his, resting his hips on the bed below the juncture of my thighs. His arms were wrapped around my lower back which made my chest arch up to his chest. He dropped his head to the crook of my neck and I felt cocooned in his embrace. I felt so at home in his hold I wrapped my arms and legs around him. We lay there for a long time, breathing heavily at first until I calmed down as we clung to each other. I felt connected to Jack and I didn’t ever want to let go. As I closed my eyes feeling his lips press against the skin of my neck, a flash of my husband’s face came into view.

I placed my hands on either side of his face and lifted his head away from me and kissed his cheek. I sat up and with a big sigh, I pushed him off me and scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up.

“If circumstances were different Jack, I would like nothing more to get naked with you right now.” I said to him turning my upper body to look at him with sad eyes.

“What is stopping you?” Jack asked me.

“My morals.”

“You and your bloody morals. Let’s just get naked and have sex and get it over with.”

I let out a long exhale, turning to him entirely, grazing his entire body with my eyes.

“You have morals too Jack. You know that if you pushed me enough I would give in and get naked, but you don’t push too far. So don’t try and tell me that you don’t have any morals. You really are a beautiful man, but I’m saying no.” I uttered.

The corners of his lips turned into a shy smile, and he lifted himself from the bed. At the same time, Laine appeared at the door of the bedroom, and she was fully dressed, looking fresh as a daisy. Nowhere near the sleepy thoroughly fucked woman she’d been when we left her.

She walked over to me and kissed my lips once.

“Thank you for watching tonight, it made it even better to have someone so clearly turned on by the whole scene. I hope to see you again this week, even for coffee, here is my number.”

Laine handed me a business card with her details on and walked over to Jack and kissed him deeply and slowly. It heightened my already erotic state, I was mesmerised. She pulled away from him and walked out waving her fingers at me as she passed and I heard the front door shut a minute later.

“Why is she allowed to kiss you and I’m not?” He said pouting his lower lip out like an adorable child.

“She didn’t ask, it took me by surprise, plus it was just a peck.” I retorted with a one shoulder shrug.

“So if I pecked your lips without asking that would be ok?”

“You’re so cheeky Jack, no, it wouldn’t because you know that my lips are off limits to you. Additionally I’m reasonably sure that I would not be able to stop at just a peck.” I confessed. It felt so good to say that out loud but I felt immediately guilty for telling him that I wanted him to kiss me.

“Good to know.” He said with a serious tone, no playful smirk.

“I’m going to take a very quick shower while you get dressed and then I’ll walk you to your hotel. It’s not far, and I could do with the fresh air.”

Frowning slightly he left the room, and I stood there a little confused about what we hadn’t just said. I walked down the corridor to the playroom I was tied up in and dressed, keeping his t-shirt. It was a silly school girl thing to do, but somehow I felt I needed a souvenir of the night.

True to his word ten minutes later he had showered, dressed and then he escorted me out of his flat. We walked silently to my hotel, the only conversation we had was the rubbing of his thumb over mine as he held my hand.

When we reached my hotel ten minutes later, he kissed my cheek and walked away, calling over his shoulder that he would call me in the morning. His shift in mood was impressive. It was a reflective change. He hadn’t uttered a word to me since we left his flat and it made me wish I’d said yes to his kiss. My husband in all reality wouldn’t care less who I kissed.

Why was I resisting Jack’s advances?

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