The Geary Series Boxed Set (3 page)

BOOK: The Geary Series Boxed Set
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Chapter Six


I listened to Jack and Laine chat about their week and I kept quiet sandwiched between the pair of them. They both had one of my hands in theirs and were gently swinging my arms as we walked. The further we were away from the bar and the nearer we got to our destination, my heart raced faster. I was having serious second thoughts, I was in the middle of thinking of an excuse to leave when we reached a gravel path leading up to a white front door. Too late to back out now, we had arrived. My shoes crunched as I walked over the stones in the driveway and it made my efforts of being totally in control redundant as my heels were too high to walk on the gravel. Laine snaked her arm around my waist, and I glanced at her sideways, and she grinned back. She, of course, glided over the gravel pathway taking me along with her as Jack walked ahead to open the door.

“Let me help you along the path, I promise to keep my hands above the waistline. I’ll try my best not touch your breasts, even though they look magnificent.” Laine whispered to me.

I couldn’t contain the bubbling nervousness and laughed at her forwardness. It had been a long time since anyone had referred to my breasts as anything let alone magnificent. Even though I embarrassment flushed over my face at her openness I was delighted that she liked them. I loved my breasts. They were large, round and gave me a fabulous cleavage.

“Here we are, home sweet home.” Jack declared as he opened the front door. “I have the top floor flat.”

I groaned at this news, as this house was a three story building. I looked up through the banisters to the top and I gave up my sexy appearance and wanted to take off my shoes off before I started to climb. I slipped off my shoes and grabbed them by the heels. I attempted to take the first step on the stairs, but Jack had turned towards me on the second stair. He towered over me with lust in his eyes. I jumped when I heard Laine slam the door shut behind me. I looked up into Jack’s face wondering why he was staring at me.

“Just so you know, when we get into my flat those sexy looking shoes are going back on your feet. I want to be able to look at you in them when I’m fucking Laine.” He said, his lips were not smiling as he spoke to me. His lustful eyes had turned predatory. I swallowed nervously at his statement and nodded my head at his demand.

“Good girl.”

He leaned down and kissed my cheek and turned to run up the rest of the stairs. Laine grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her as she trotted up after him. She had no issue with skyscraper heels and three flights of stairs. Even flat footed I had trouble keeping up with her. I relished the carpeted stairs as they were soothing to my sore feet but by the time I reached the top I was out of breath and my sore feet were long forgotten.

Unlocking the door Jack entered his flat, Laine and I followed. The hallway was painted white with a few black and white framed pictures hung on the walls either side of the doors that lined the long narrow hallway. It was clear that Laine had been here before because she led me into the living room at the end of the corridor while Jack ventured off into another room halfway down on the right side.

I stood in the middle of Jack’s lounge gazing around the room, it wasn’t particularly large, but the high ceilings made the room appear massive. His living room, decorated in pale green and dark brown, looked comfortable. There was a distinctive smell about the room like stubbed out beeswax candles, it was homely and welcoming. Laine helped herself to a small measure of dark liquid from a decanter on the sideboard and then sashayed out of the room. Left alone in the room, I felt abandoned and out of place. My thoughts drifted to leaving and they could get on with whatever they do on a play date. This wasn’t my lifestyle and I didn’t feel particularly brave to discover if it would be in the future.

I turned in a small circle and took in my surroundings trying not to concentrate on what was going to happen next. I was going to watch two attractive people have sex, and they both wanted me to see them in action. I squirmed on the spot and squeezed my thighs together at the thought of it. Seeing Jack in action had been a fantasy for me for some time and often the woman I imagined him fucking was me. My level of excitement lurched to a place I never knew possible. I smiled inwardly at the realisation that I was about to see Jack naked. It was at that very moment that Jack came into the room stripped of most of his clothing, he still wore a pair of belted dark blue jeans. His chest, lean and toned was pristine. He didn’t have any scars or tattoos. I wanted to smooth my hands over his whole chest, run my fingers through the light smattering of hair that coated his pectoral muscles. My fingers itched to touch him.

Dropping my eyes to his waistband I noticed the thin smattering of hair disappear into his jeans. My eyes lowered towards his cock, which was straining against the rest of the buttons on his jeans. Lowering my gaze further to his tanned bare feet, I then zipped my eyes back up to his face. He raised his eyebrow at me in question.

“Don’t get too cocky, you know you look divine, you don’t need me to tell you that.” I told him.

“Maybe, but it’s always nice to be appreciated so openly. Your husband is a lucky man and obviously trusts you very much if he is letting you come here.” Jack said.

I didn’t answer him and looked towards the living room door as I heard the clicking of heels coming down the hallway. In walked Laine, she looked even more stunning in her peep toe black stilettos, black lace knickers and matching lace bra. The black underwear against her pale skin highlighted her exquisiteness. I was standing in my jeans and t-shirt, and I felt inadequate in comparison. Her eyes smouldered as she looked Jack up and down slowly, she practically ate him alive with one look.

“Laine, you need to get Olivia ready while I get the room ready.” Jack said while looking at me.

“Get me ready for what?” I asked keeping my eyes on him and not the beauty devouring him from the doorway.

“Laine will get you ready in the bedroom, I know you said that you wouldn’t get naked, but I want you in fewer clothes than you’re already wearing. You will not be wearing anything less than you would wear on the beach I promise, and it will make you feel more comfortable. I would prefer you gloriously naked, legs spread so I can see your pussy glisten. I’m hoping that you’re hairless so that I can see when I make you weep with desire. I want to see when you become hot and needy while you watch me fuck Laine.”

He walked towards me and grasped my chin with his strong fingers a little roughly. I paid immediate attention looking him straight in the eye. He made me feel nervous and excited at the same time. His few words already made me feel more alive than I’ve felt in years. He was completely in control of my arousal and I liked it.

“I need you to trust me Olivia, nothing will happen unless you want it to happen. You can say no to any of this at any time. This is the last time I’ll remind you of this. Do you understand?”

I nodded, too transfixed by his no-nonsense tone to say anything out loud.

“Say it aloud so that I know for sure you understand and are consenting to what will happen this week.”

“I understand that I can walk away at any time.” I said, my tone was firm but inside I was a quivering wreck.

I thought that Jack may have felt this because he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me to him for a minute.

“Now go with Laine, she will get you ready for our little show and help you relax.”

Chapter Seven


I dutifully took Laine’s outstretched hand and walked down the hallway to the bedroom. Again my eyes were drawn to her slender waist and shapely derrière. The room had very little furniture in apart from a four poster bed with no canopy. I admired the ornate Ottoman chest at mattress height at the foot of the bed and also a high-backed, flat armed, wide seated chair facing the side of the bed.

The room had a dark and decadent ambience, deep purple coloured walls that had matching purple curtains. The bed had a white sheet on it, neatly folded into the corners of the mattress. Hospital corners sprang to mind, my mother’s mantra when she used to show me how to make a bed properly. I shook my head to get the image out of my head of her tut-tutting her disapproval of me being here. The room was clean and uncluttered but at the same time had an air of comfort and warmth.

“I need to get you undressed to your underwear and then back into your shoes. Can you do that yourself or would you like me to undress you?” Laine asked me bringing me out of my home furnishing appreciation.

Laine purred the words into my ear and then she circled around me, trailing her fingers over my collarbone and down my right arm. That simple action triggered off my hairs standing on end and goose pimples rise on my arms. My nipples stood to attention and I visibly swallowed. I wanted to know what it would feel like to be undressed by a woman but chickened out.

“I can do it. I don’t think I’m ready for a woman to undress me.” I said.

I chose my t-shirt as the first item and dragged it over my head. Until I saw Laine’s figure I’d never been self-conscious of my shape before, but I felt decidedly fat in comparison. I told myself that I was not here for their perusal, so I brushed off any insecurity. I’d worn my fitted black lace teddy under my jeans and t-shirt. I loved sexy underwear and wore it every chance I got. Right now, I was happy about my obsession. I hadn’t considered that anyone would see me in it tonight. Laine left the room briefly and came back with my shoes.

Laine eyed my breasts and licked her lips, and her hand came towards me cupping one breast. She felt the weight of it and dropped her hand. I was startled but didn’t move, unsure of what she would do next. I wanted her to keep going, take me to a place I hadn’t been before. Laine had a way of seducing me that I didn’t think possible.

“They really are magnificent breasts. I would kill to have breasts like that. Mine are tiny.” She said.

“Yours suit you perfectly, firm and pert.” I replied back, hesitantly reaching up and cupping her breast. I sucked in a breath through my nose as I felt the lace and then the warmth of her skin. Her breast was firm but malleable. I instinctively squeezed and watched as Laine’s eyes fluttered closed. I stretched out my thumb and grazed her nipple and it sprang to attention on the second brush of my thumb. Bringing my other hand up, I repeated this action on her other breast.

“Keep doing that, slowly brush your thumbs back and forth.” Laine murmured to me.

I kept going for a few more sweeps and then dropped my hands and started to undo my belt. I let out a huff of air from my lungs and fiddled with my belt. She looked down at her breasts and grinned back up at me in satisfaction.

“Thanks for the warm up babe, you’re very gentle” she said.

Reaching in to kiss my cheek Laine took my t-shirt from me. She folded it and placed it on a small table next to the chair while I stripped off my jeans. I folded my jeans following Laine’s lead while she knelt in front of me and put my shoes back on my feet. Taking my jeans from me and placing them on top of the t-shirt she led me to a chair and asked me to sit.

“Part your knees so that they touch the edges of the chair legs and place your hands flat on top of the arms.” She instructed me. When I did this, my legs were wide and my pussy was completely exposed. There was a thick strip of lace covering my modesty. Laine’s eyes darted to my thighs and she reached for me again but quickly pulled her hand back to her side.

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

“Me? Nothing, but Jack is. I’ll go and let him know that you’re ready.” She said.

I was decidedly not ready.

Laine sashayed out of the room, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her bottom as it swayed out of the room. She was flawless, smooth pale skin, long, lean legs and a tiny waist. Her breasts were in proportion to her small frame and bounced slightly as she walked. Laine had her long dark hair up in a messy bun on top of her head, showing off her long delicate neck.

Silence followed after Laine left the room, not even a ticking clock or passing car. I couldn’t hear anything that was happening. My breathing became steadily faster the longer they left me alone. There wasn’t a clock in the room, and I didn’t wear a watch, I’d left my handbag in the lounge. I’d no idea how long they had left me alone, and I was becoming agitated. Where were the two of them?

Chapter Eight


I was just about to get up from the seat when Jack walked Laine into the room by a leash tied to a leather collar around her neck. Jack had a look of concentration while Laine had a serene smile gracing her face. He led her over to the bed and Laine climbed onto the mattress and knelt on her hands and knees. She stayed still waiting on all fours in the middle of the bed, her head dropped in submission. I studied her posture, her back was perfectly level, with her knees in line with her shoulders with her hands flat on the bed.

Jack padded over to the Ottoman at the foot of the bed and opened the lid. His unsmiling face was full of determination. I watched the muscles in his forearms and stomach flex as he took out a crop and a length of rope. My mouth watered in anticipation. Was going to tie Laine up and whip her? That was two of the things that were on my list. Now that it was actually going to happen I grew nervous at the pain Laine would feel at Jack’s hand.

The lid slamming shut made me jump and I focused on Jack’s body as he stepped to the side of the bed. He rested the whip on Laine’s back, slightly moving it so it was perfectly in line with her spine. Picking up the rope, Jack brought it over to me. I swallowed hard at the prospect of being tied up. I’d no plans of taking part in his play dates and being tied up was something I hadn’t participated in before.

“I want to tie you to the chair so that all your concentration is on Laine and me. I want you to see and hear everything that we do. If you’re feeling brave enough later in the week, then we can move on to smell, taste and hopefully touch.”

Jack moved in front of me with the end of the rope and dropped to his knees. He eyes level with my breasts, he licked his lips in a similar way to Laine, lustfully.

“Olivia you have fabulous tits.” He said.

“Don’t call them that Jack, tits are for fucking, my breasts are for loving.” I told him.

“I see, I stand corrected, your breasts are fucking amazing and I would love to slide my cock in between them. Your cleavage looks warm and inviting.” He said as he dropped his gaze once again and then back up to my face. “Is that better Mrs Gage?”

“Yes much, thank you.” I declared, raising my chin in superiority and then burst into giggles.

“Oh, fuck Olivia, don’t start giggling, it makes your breasts jiggle and I want to squeeze them.”

I stopped instantly and kept a straight face.

“I’m going to tie your ankles, knees and wrists to this chair.” He stared into my eyes with seriousness that I hadn’t seen yet. His switch from playful to serious was swift.

“OK”, I replied.

He carefully tied the rope around each ankle and tied it to the chair leg. He weaved and threaded the rope up to my knees, right and then left. Jack’s eyes dropped to my crotch, I wanted to rub my thighs together for friction. His stare made me wet with desire. The slow tying of the rope was hypnotic, and I was mesmerised as he expertly tied me up.

Jack tied my wrists to the arms of the chair so that my palms were facing down on the flat surface. Once I was secured he tucked the end of the rope into one of my hands. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but I soon found out. He gently pushed his fingers into my wrists, knees, calves and ankles, feeling around.

“What I really want to do next is cut off that bra and free those glorious globes and attach nipple clamps so that the chain connecting the two drapes over your pussy. I would also like to gag you.”

I blanched at his suggestion, my reaction made Jack chuckle.

“I thought as much, so I won’t. I’ve checked the circulation in your ankles, knees and wrists. If you feel any numbness, you need to tell me straight away, do not delay no matter what I’m doing. Do you understand?” He asked me.


“The end of the rope that I’ve put in your hand,” he pointed to it “if you tug on it, the rope will unravel, and you will be free of it.” Jack stood up and rested his hands on his hips. “Please try and stay where you are and drink in everything you see and hear. I promise it will help with your writing. You will be better equipped to describe what is happening in the room for your readers.”

He didn’t wait for an answer and turned from me and in three strides he was at the bed. In the twenty minutes or so that he had spent with me, Laine hadn’t moved. Jack was standing on the other side of the bed, and I was looking at Laine from a diagonal position.

Jack stroked the flat of his palm from her neck to the base of her spine taking the crop with him in his hand. He dropped the wood handled whip to the bed and continued to stroke her back. On the fourth sweep down, he flicked the clasp of her bra and it sprang open. His wrist action was impressive. With her position, her bra fell to the bed and her breasts swayed slightly from the force of them being released. Jack picked up the crop and tapped Laine’s shoulder with a soft leather strap.

Laine obediently moved each hand quickly and disposed of the bra on the floor. He rewarded her by massaging her arse cheeks followed by a swift slap with Jack’s bare hand. The shock of the slap made me jump, and my heart started to pump faster. He repeated this action with three more slaps and massages to each cheek. There was a pink hue forming on both cheeks and I heard a small groan coming from the back of Laine’s throat.

Jack pulled the Ottoman away from the bed by a foot and sat down on top of it. His head was level with her pussy. He placed a kiss on both of her arse cheeks and stood back up again, walking to my side of the bed. Picking up the crop, he swatted her left cheek and then her right and then between her legs, flush against her pussy lips. She was still wearing her knickers, but she still groaned at the contact. Again he repeated the action three times to each area and then smoothed and massaged her cheeks.

Jack moved back to the foot of the bed and discarded the whip to the floor and hooked both of his thumbs into her knickers and slowly pulled them down to her knees. He tapped her right thigh, and she lifted herself up by her hands. Jack continued to pull her knickers down her calves and over her bare feet.

As he dropped them to the floor, Jack looked over at me and smiled devilishly and winked. Unbuttoning his jeans Jack pushed them to the floor and stepped out of them, folding them and placing them on the ottoman.

His erection was solid, he took himself in hand and gently stroked whilst looking at Laine’s bare pussy. I could see that she was wet with want and so could Jack, he licked his lips in anticipation.

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