Read The Final Temptation Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Erotic, #Erotica, #Romance

The Final Temptation (15 page)

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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“Yes, forever.”

Damn fucking straight. I will never tire of her—not her smile, her body or her sassy mouth. Not even a lifetime with her will be enough.

Bringing my hand up, I cup the heavy weight of one of her firm, round tits and brush my thumb over the hard tip. Her head falls back in pleasure and she arches into my touch, giving me the perfect opportunity to lean in and take her other nipple into my mouth.

“Oh god, yes.” Her fingers wind in my hair with a painful grip that shoots straight to my cock and her hips pick up rhythm.

“That’s right, baby, fuck me.” I lean back on my arms to bring her deeper, then slam up inside of her. All the breath leaves her lungs and she falls forward, bracing her hands on my stomach.

“Yes, again!”

I groan. “You want it hard and fast, Kayla?”

“Yes! I want it all!”

With a growl I grip her hips and start fucking her with an urgency that makes me feel like an animal, pounding up into her relentlessly. Pleasured cries spill past her lips as she claws at my chest to hang on, her nails marking me while her tits bounce enticingly in my face. Feeling close to exploding already, I change the angle of my thrusts and hit her sweet spot. Her pussy starts to flutter around me, warning me of her impending orgasm. “That’s it, give me another one, baby. Let me feel this pussy milk my cock.”

I reach up and deliver a light slap to her tit, right over her beaded nipple, and it was all she needed. Her inner walls clamp down on me and send me over the edge with her. Ecstasy rushes through my veins as I continue my pace, fucking her hard and fast through our orgasms.

When we’re both spent she drops down on top of me, our sweat-slicked bodies molding together. I wrap my arms tight around her and hold her close as we catch our breaths, our hearts pounding against one another. I drag my fingers along her back as we lay in comfortable silence—no words needed.

A few minutes later I kiss the top of her head. “Come on, baby, let’s shower before we fall asleep.” Just as I sit us up, a big bang has me struggling to maintain balance to stop us from rolling off the bed.

Kayla gasps. “Oh shit! Did we break the bed?” She jumps off and looks underneath it then glances back up at me in horror. “Oh my god, we did! We broke the bed!”

“What? What kind of bed can’t withstand a good fuck?”

A long bout of silence stretches between us before we both burst out laughing. “Damn it! They are going to charge us a fortune for this, I know it.” Her voice has an edge of worry to it as she rips her veil off her head.

“At least it was money well spent.” She laughs again like I hoped for her to. Bending down, I scoop her up in my arms then walk to the bathroom. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll figure it out.”

“Speak for yourself, buddy. I’m bailing early in the morning and totally blaming the whole thing on you.” I grunt, not putting it past her.

We shower and dry off quickly, both of us exhausted from the day’s events. When we walk back out to the room, I use a phone book to prop up the broken side of the bed, making it close to level. Then I crawl in next to Kayla and pull her warm, naked body against mine. She looks up at me, her expression unreadable. “We’re married,” she whispers, her tone serious.

“Yeah…” I reply slowly and stare down at her, unsure of where she’s going with this.

“That means I’m your wife. Forever. Until you die.” Her head tilts and her eyes turn crazy. “You are mine and there is no escape for you, Cooper. Do you understand? If you ever try to leave me, I will find you and I will kill you!”

I roll my eyes at her dramatics and lay a hand over her face, covering up her crazy-ass expression. “Thanks for the warning, Black Widow, but I don’t plan on going anywhere. I like my new truck too much,” I add with a smirk.

She laughs and slaps my hand away from her face. I keep hold of her hand and twine our fingers together to see how our rings look next to each other. “Do you feel different?” she asks quietly.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. We’re married now and just found out we’re having a baby; shouldn’t we feel different?”

I shrug. “I don’t see why. We always knew our lives were headed in this direction, and I love you the same as I did yesterday.”

“Shouldn’t you love me more every day?” she teases, quirking a brow at me.

“That’s impossible, because I’ve loved you with everything I have from the day I made you mine, and I will for the rest of my life. Nothing—or no one—will ever change that, Kayla,” I tell her truthfully.

She smiles softly; it’s one of those smiles that constricts my chest and makes it difficult to breathe. “You always know the right thing to say to me.” She leans in and places a kiss over my heart. “I’ll never stop loving you either.”

“Damn straight, or I will find you and I will kill you.” I mock back the teasing threat to her. She giggles and we fall back into a comfortable silence again.

A few minutes later my eyes begin to feel heavy but I force them to stay open, wanting to say one last thing to her. “Kayla?” I whisper, not wanting to wake her if she’s already fallen asleep.

“Yeah?” she replies just as quietly.

I reach down and place my hand flat against her stomach. “What I said earlier about the baby… I lied.” She stiffens, but before she can say anything I continue: “I hope all of our kids turn out just like you—kind, brave, generous and a pain in the ass.”

I feel her smile against my chest before she reaches down and places her hand over mine. “We’re going to have a good life, Coop.”

“Yeah, we are.” Leaning down, I kiss the top of her head. “Sleep, baby,” are the last words I speak before I fall into a deep slumber.



I hear Cooper’s breathing even out and his hand gets heavier on my tummy. Looking up, I see his handsome face soft with sleep and I watch him for a moment, taking in his unguarded expression like I do on so many nights. This is also one of my favorite moments in life that I cherish—to watch him when the world isn’t weighing so heavily on him, as he shoulders so much responsibility. What he doesn’t know, is that while he’s watching over everyone and taking care of everything, is that I’m watching out for him and I always will. I know there will be times throughout our life that won’t always be easy, but I will never give up on us—never give up on him. He was the first man I ever loved and he will be my last. I will make sure that we share as many unforgettable moments as possible, ones that will stay with us in to eternity.

The end


I always have so many people to thank who help me through this amazing journey I am on. Let’s hope I don’t miss anyone.

Always first on my list is my amazing and incredibly supportive husband~ I feel like a broken record because it’s always the same, but thank you. Thank you for loving me, for supporting me, and most of all, for making my dreams come true. You’re the best husband in the world and an even better father to our beautiful children. It’s clear I am a romantic at heart, and although I love all the love stories I write, ours is my favorite.

To My Editor, Megan~ I have two words for you, BOOK FIVE! Okay, I’m lying, I have a few more for you. I don’t think I will ever be able to say thank you enough. Not only for being an amazing friend but also editor. I know we don’t always see eye to eye and you probably want to slap me sometimes, lol, but I want to say thank you for always bearing with me. When we are close to the end and I’m stressed or second-guessing myself you are patient and always build me back up. That means more to me than you will ever know. So, again, thank you for continuing this amazing journey with me.

My parents~ Dad, I know you will never read any of my books and that is more than okay with me, because in the end I know you’re proud of me. And we both know I’m your favorite child, sooo… ;) Mom, where do I start with you? I am pretty sure you have more friends in this Indie world than I do, but what they don’t have is you as their mom. I am not sure if they are lucky or not. Lol! I’m kidding, Karebear, I love you. Thank you for always being there for me and being my number one fan. Your love and support means everything to me.

My mother in-law, Gis~ I’ve said it before but I can never say it enough. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone by reading my books, and for still loving me afterward. Lol! Thank you for always being the first person to offer a helping hand with my beautiful children so I can be successful in this journey I’m on. You will never know how much it means to me to know my kids are in good hands when I’m gone and needed elsewhere. I also want to say thank you for raising such an amazing son. I have both you and Les to thank for me having my HEA (Happily Ever After).

Shelley~ Thank you for always being an extra set of sharp eyes and for always having my back. Love you.

My Betas – Kim, Sian and Natasha~ Thank you ladies for never steering me wrong, and for listening to me vent when I need to. I always appreciate you ladies being there for me and lifting me up.

Steph~ My sister from another mister, I love you so much. Thanks for always being there for me in this crazy Indie world. I can’t wait for

Keisha, aka K. Langston, aka one of my favorite authors, aka my new author bestie~I am so happy that not only do I now read your books, but that I also know you as a person. You always inspired me to be a better writer, but since knowing you, you also inspire me to be a better person. I love you, Hooker, thanks for showing me what it’s all about.

My Cupcakes~ You all mean more to me than you will ever know. I say it all the time and I will say it again—you girls are one of the best things that ever happened to me in this Indie world. Thank you for your unwavering support. I couldn’t do this without any of you.

Sian~ Girl, you are a pimping queen. Thank you so much for always taking time out of your day to share my books. Your love and support completely overwhelm me in the best way. I can’t wait to give you a squeeze in Ireland next year.

Sierra and Kim~ Thank you, ladies, for always being there for me when I need to vent, for coming to any of my signings when you can to support me and for always having my back. Both of you started as readers and have become my besties. Love you to pieces.

To all my author buddies~ I am scared to name any of you and forget someone, but you know who you are. Lol! Thank you for always supportive and encouraging me. This Indie world can get cray cray at times and it’s nice to know you aren’t alone and we have each other’s back.

Bloggers, this is for you~

B~   Believe in us

L~   Lift us

O~   Open their hearts to us

G~   Go above and beyond

G~   Give us strength

E~   Encourage us

R~   Review and Recommend us

S~   Spread the love

To all the bloggers who love and support~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kari Ayasha~ Thank you for a beautiful cover, as always. I can always count on you to deliver exceptional work.

And last, but certainly not least, my Ladies Of Honor~ Your continued support is amazing and it’s the love that you all constantly show me that keeps my head high and my fingers typing. Thank you and I love you all.

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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