Read The Final Temptation Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Erotic, #Erotica, #Romance

The Final Temptation (12 page)

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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Suddenly, Ruthie crawls over onto Katelyn’s lap and slings an arm around her neck. “Don’t worwy, Auntie Katewyn, you always have me and I woship you.” All of us look at each other with a smile. Ruthie has the most beautiful heart I have ever seen anyone have.

Katelyn’s expression turns soft as she hugs her. “Thanks, sweetheart. I worship you, too.”

Julia’s phone dings with a text, interrupting the moment. She looks at it and gets the biggest smile. “Oh my god, you guys, look at Anna in her prom dress.”

We all lean over to look at the picture of her and Logan. “They both look stunning,” I say quietly.

“I sent her a picture of you already, and told her I would send more as the night went on. She says you look beautiful.”

I nod, hating that her prom fell on the same day as my wedding. She is a big part of our group and is important to us all, especially Julia and Jaxson. I wish she could have been here to celebrate with us but I’m glad to see she’s having a great time, if the smile on her face is anything to go by.

I glance back down at the pregnancy test and feel butterflies swirling around in my tummy again. “Did you want to talk to Cooper before the wedding?” Julia asks. “I can go get him, or text Jaxson to tell him to meet you somewhere.”

I seriously consider it but quickly decide against it. There isn’t much time before the ceremony and I don’t want him to see me before the wedding. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be happy about the baby, like me, but I want to tell him when we have time to enjoy the news together. Not, “
Hey, babe, I just wanted to let you know that I’m pregnant. See ya down the aisle in a few minutes.”

I shake my head at Julia. “Nah. I’ll tell him tonight after the ceremony. But can you pass me that empty gift bag there?” I ask, pointing to the bag that my garter came in. She passes it to me and I put the test in then close it up. “Would someone mind taking this to our room for me?”

“I will,” Katelyn says, standing. I give her my room key, once again thankful that we decided to have the entire wedding at the plantation for the sheer convenience of having it in one place.

Faith and Ruthie decide to go with her, and as soon as they open the door to leave I hear my mom’s voice. “Oh my gosh. Look at how stunning you girls are,” she gushes. “Is my girl ready in there? Is everyone decent?”

I speak up before Katelyn can answer. “Yes, Mom, we’re decent, you can come in.”

She plows into the room and gasps when she sees me. “Oh my god, you look so beautiful,” she blubbers and pulls me against her in a gripping hug.

I roll my eyes but can’t deny the thickness I feel in my throat as I pat her back. “Thanks, Mom. You look beautiful, too.” Both her and Cooper’s mom are wearing pink dresses too, but where my bridesmaid’s dresses are silk, theirs are chiffon and a lighter tone of pink.

Suddenly, I catch sight of my dad as he walks in. “Whoa.” He comes to an abrupt halt and puts a hand to his chest.

“Hey, Dad,” I whisper, feeling my cheeks heat at his heart-stopping reaction.

After a long moment of staring at me he walks over and pulls me into his arms. I breathe in deeply, taking in the safety and familiarity of his embrace. No matter how old I get, there is nothing more heartwarming than feeling my dad’s arms around me. He was the first man I ever loved and I’m so glad I found someone as amazing and honorable as him. “You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen, next to your mother of course.”

“Thank you.” I feel him reach over and bring my mom into our hug then I hear a picture being snapped. Probably Julia.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” my mom says, her voice laced with emotion. “Cooper isn’t going to know what hit him.”

I smile. Well if my dress doesn’t make his jaw drop, the baby news definitely will.



still can’t believe she talked you into making us wear pink fucking ties. I swear my balls are shrinking by the second.” Sawyer complains as he adjusts his tie in the mirror.

Yeah, well I don’t like it either, but Kayla really wanted it and anything my girl wants I give her. Hell, I probably would have worn a pink fucking suit if it made her happy.

“Good,” Jaxson says, clapping him on the back. “Now they will match your small dick.”

All of us chuckle but Sawyer. “My dick is far from small, asshole. Just ask—

A knock on the side door interrupts whatever arrogant remark was about to be made and opens to reveal Christopher. “Hey, some lady named Gladys out here is confused on what side she should sit on. I told her if she’s friends with both of you she can pick anywhere, but she’s insisting I ask you where you want her seated. She said she doesn’t want to make Kayla jealous.”

I groan and shake my head but everyone else seems to find it fucking hilarious. “Seat her on Kayla’s side, next to Grams.”

“Okay, I will, but I’ll let Alissa deal with her. That old lady is grabby.”

Don’t I know it
. “Thanks, Christopher.”

He nods then backs away, but before the door can close my mom comes barging in. “Oh my, look at how handsome all of you boys are.” Strolling over, she grabs the lapels of my jacket then pulls me down and kisses my cheek. “I can’t believe my baby boy is getting married today,” she says with a quivering lip.

Oh jesus

I’m just about to ask why she isn’t with the girls but Evans walks over and grabs my face. “I know. I can’t believe our baby is all grown up, pink ties and all.”

I slap his hand away and shove him. “Get the fuck off of me.”

“Cooper!” my mom gasps. “Don’t talk to your friends like that, or you won’t have any at all.”

I roll my eyes but before I can respond Evans does. “Yeah, that really hurt my feelings, I might just up and leave you one man down.”

I grunt. “You do that and I’ll make sure to find the perfect guy to walk your Cupcake down the aisle.”

His amusement vanishes in an instant and he points his finger at me. “That shit’s not funny.”

The rest of us chuckle, thinking it is. “Okay, that’s enough boys, be nice to each other,” my mom says as she starts adjusting my tie, her expression becoming somber. “I still can’t believe your sister is missing your wedding.”

“Mom, we’ve talked about this. She has a year left on her teaching contract then she will move here and we will see her all the time. I spoke with her this morning. It’s all good, I promise.”

She shakes her head, still not liking it, but I am fine with it. I’ve never been that close with my sister. I mean, she’s awesome and all, but she’s five years older than me and was in college when we moved to Sunset Bay. After getting her degree she travelled the world, teaching English abroad. She couldn’t leave Korea to come today or else it would have been a breach in her contract. Kayla and I thought about waiting but I didn’t want to, I’ve waited long enough. My sister and I are fine with it; my mom, however, is not.

“Aren’t you supposed to be with the girls?” I ask, trying to bring her out of her thoughts.

“Yes, I’m on my way, but I wanted to quickly stop in and see my boys.” She walks up to Jaxson and pulls him down for a hug. “You look as handsome as always. Julia and Annabelle are so lucky to have you.”

Jaxson hugs her back easily, used to her affection. After his useless dad split on him, my parents insisted he live with us and they made him a part of the family. He’s not only my best friend but also the closest person I have to a brother. “Thanks, but I’m the lucky one.”

My mom smiles at his response then walks over to my cousin Shawn next. “My favorite nephew. I’m so glad you could come and stand with Cooper on his special day.”

I roll my eyes again.
Jesus, does she have to talk like we’re fucking ten?

“I’m your only nephew,” he replies with a smirk.

“True, but you’re still my favorite.” She chuckles then moves on to Cade for a hug, which makes him uncomfortable but he’s polite about it. The guy has gotten better, but if it isn’t Faith or Ruthie he’s still not all that comfortable with affection. Sawyer, of course, eats that shit up.

“All right, and one more for my boy before I go.” She walks back over to me and wraps her arms around my waist. “I love you and I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I mumble uncomfortably and want to punch Evans in the face at his smirk. Thankfully, my dad walks in and breaks up the awkward moment.

“Hey, Coach.” Everyone greets him.

“How goes it, boys?” He shakes their hands and gives them a clap on the back. “All right, Arlene, let the boy go and head on over to the girls’ suite. I just spoke with Pastor Williams and we’re ready in five minutes.”

“Okay, okay.” She squeezes me one more time then looks up at me with a smile. “I’m excited to see Kayla, I know she’s going to be beautiful today.”

“She’s beautiful every day.” I answer honestly because it’s the damn truth. No one, and I mean
no one
, holds a candle to her. She’s the most beautiful girl in the world, inside and out. Even when she’s a pain in the ass she’s still sexy as hell, and fuck did I miss her sassy ass last night. I didn’t sleep worth a shit without her and I never want to do that again. Not under any circumstance. I can’t wait until the wedding is over so I can haul her ass upstairs to our room and show her how much I missed her.

“That certainly is true,” my mother replies, snapping me from my thoughts. “Okay, I’m going now. Want me to give Kayla a message from you?” I shake my head. The message I have for her is completely inappropriate for my mom to know. “All right.” She gives my father a kiss then waves one last time before walking out of the room.

My dad walks up to me now and claps me firmly on the back, like he did the others. “How are you doing? You nervous?”

I shake my head. “Nah, I’m ready.” That is a major understatement. I swear I was born ready for this moment.

My father nods. “Good. I promise not to get all mushy like your mom. Just know I’m proud of you too, kid.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He pulls me in for a quick hug. “All right, let’s go. Pastor Williams is waiting.”

All of us head to the side door that leads to the outdoor garden where the ceremony is being held. Just as everyone walks out Jaxson holds me back. “Wait up a sec.”

I turn to him. He shifts nervously and I quickly realize shit’s about to get uncomfortable again. “Listen, I just want to say…uh…” He rubs the back of his neck. “Fuck, I suck at this shit!”

“You’re not going to kiss me, are you?” I joke with a smirk, trying to lift the awkwardness of the moment.

He grunts then takes a moment as he finds his words. “I just want to say thanks…for everything. I owe a lot to you and your parents. If it hadn’t been for you I probably wouldn’t have finished high school. You took care of Julia for me when I left, you beat the shit out of me when I needed it and you’ve stuck with me through some of the worst moments of my life. You’re the brother I never had, and, I guess, I just…I wanted to say thank you. For all of it and I’m glad I’m standing beside you today like you did me.”

I clap him on the shoulder. “You don’t need to thank me, you’ve done the same for me over the years. Although, you could have tried a little harder when my woman beat the fuck out of my truck that night, but hey…” I trail off with a shrug.

He grunts. “She threatened to bash my head in with that bat, and we both know she would have.”

I chuckle. Yeah, I have no doubt she would have; she was pissed. It’s something I can joke about now but at the time it wasn’t funny. Not the damage about my truck, I didn’t care about that, but the fact that she thought I would cheat on her… I shake myself from the memory—the thought still bothers me.

Jaxson gives me a punch on the arm. “Come on, let’s get out there before you’re late for your own wedding.”

We head outside to see over two hundred friends and family seated on white, fancy chairs that have big fucking pink bows tied to them. I smile and nod at a few people as we walk down the aisle informally and take our spots next to Pastor Williams and the groomsmen. I turn to Faith’s father and clasp his hand. “Pastor, thank you again for being here with Kayla and me. We really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. I’m honored you guys asked me to be a part of it.”

“Oh, Sheriff!” The old lady voice interrupts our greeting and I look over nervously to where Gladys is sitting with Grams, waving at me with a coy smile. I clear my throat awkwardly and give her a brief flick of my hand, which clearly is a mistake since she takes that as a sign to blow me a kiss.

“Damn, that lady is relentless,” I mumble.

Jaxson slings an arm around my shoulders. “I told you, man, you need to stop going over there every time she tells you her panties have been stolen. You’re leading the poor lady on.” He chuckles.

I’m just about to tell him I do no such thing but the music begins playing, signaling it’s time to start. I stand up straighter and watch both Kayla’s and my mom take their seats up front. Kayla’s mom waves and blows me a kiss then pulls some tissue out of her purse, taking one for herself then handing one to my mom.

Oh jesus, they are both going to be a blubbering mess the entire wedding. I know it.

Katelyn makes her way down the aisle first. I catch her make eye contact with my cousin who she will be walking back down with and I look over to see him wink at her. When he looks at me I give a subtle shake of my head, letting him know to back off. I warned him earlier to stay away from her. He’s the biggest whore I know, and that girl has gone through enough shit, she doesn’t need to deal with his, too.

Faith walks down next and blows a subtle kiss to Cade before taking her place beside Katelyn. Then it’s Grace. She smiles shyly at Sawyer. I don’t look over at his response, but whatever it is has her blushing furiously.
Go figure.

Julia follows in next and I hear Jaxson exhale a breath. “I swear I’m the luckiest motherfucker alive.”

“Yeah, you are,” Sawyer adds, slightly above a whisper. “I still have no idea what she sees in you.”

All of us chuckle under our breath, including Jaxson. Before Julia walks past me she stops and kisses my cheek. “I can’t wait for you to see her. She’s perfect.”

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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